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yeah not even social media but tv shows alone take up way more market share than movies. Everyone points to social media and attention spans but my idea is simply there isn't a monoculture anymore. It used to be when a song or tv show or movie was hot the entire country knew about it all at once since there weren't as many options (limited tv channels, radio, etc.) now there's so much content and hived off social media that someone/thing can be famous to millions but no one else knows about them.


That's another huge one as well. Everything's *WAY* too saturated with content now


most people mainly watch tv shows and go to the cinema like 6 times per year and watch a few things off Netflix its really not a lot but i wouldnt be confident to say that "it is definitely less than before", i dont know if we ever watched many movies on average


Yeah you're probably right, I feel there was a golden era just at the beginning of streaming sites before it all got too saturated


Obviously I can't claim anything without data to support it, but I'd say people watch as much movie/show content as ever, that's why streaming and so many theatrical releases are so big these days. But the question *how much can you watch* deepends on individual. This sub is the absolute extreme when it comes to watching movies, it's literally community of most passionate movie-watchers in the world. I personally can't watch more than two, or sometimes three movies a day, even though I have the time to watch all day. It's just too exhausting. Series I can binge for longer, because I'm not spending so much energy getting to know new characters/plot all over. I also regularly take muliple-day breaks from watching to prevent burnout.


For sure, this sub definitely isn't a reliable reflection of most people's habits! I could never watch 3 movies a day. Not got the attention span.


I’ve kind of given up on TV because we’re in the age of IP (which I’ll admit I love sometimes) and reality. Movies are more fulfilling for me because they tend to be more self contained and able to be more focused on what they have to say. Plus, rewatching a movie is less of a headache than rewatching a TV show.


I prefer movies too for that reason, shows can seem like too much of a commitment sometimes


If anything, it seems like people are seeking out the classics more and more.


Another factor is just that there's fewer movie theaters. I'm sure there's things your family would watch if every movie that came out had a cheap showing nearby, instead of having to search things out themselves at home


Yep, combined with the fact that they have all gotten super expensive too