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I once waited 6 years for an audiobook and hated every moment listening to it.


Lol this happened to me once too! Not the 6 years but it was a long wait. A canon event, I fear. šŸ˜ž


Oooh do you remember what it was? I hated a Kate Hope Day book I waited two years for after loving her other offerings


Man in the High Castle. I couldnā€™t follow the show, so I tried giving the book a shot. Wasnā€™t super important to me so I didnā€™t mind waiting. I forced myself to finish that book even though I hated it so much purely because I waited so long.


I couldnā€™t stand that book. I had several friends tell me, ā€œoh, since you love history and reading, youā€™ll love this book!ā€ No. No I did not. The entire book consisted of ā€œif I read one more chapter, maybe it will start to make sense.ā€


Yes! I kept hoping for that too.


You have no idea how much relief I feel.


Originally, the publisher sold this audiobook to libraries but then decided to make it an Audible exclusive and stopped selling it to libraries. When the show was released, libraries couldnā€™t buy more copies and were left with only the ones that were initially purchased. Sometimes thatā€™s why hold lists are so long.


Another reason to say Fuck Amazon


I had no idea! That makes so much since. I often wondered why they didnā€™t buy more copies if so many people were waiting


Very similar thing happened to me but not so extreme! I waited over a year for it and was so disappointed. I wanted to DNF but I couldnā€™t bring myself to do it after the long wait šŸ„² after that I decided that if the wait is going to be longer than ā€œa few monthsā€ Iā€™ll just buy the book elsewhere.


I felt the same way. Unfortunately I've noticed that some of the scifi written around this time has this rambling incoherent style that I don't appreciate. It's also unfortunate because many consider it to be the "golden age" of scifi but I can't seem to get into a lot of it.


At "Sunk Cost Fallacy" in the dictionnary, there is this delightful anecdote ;P)


Nooo lol I love that book. You have to like philip k dick's writing style tho




They have that included in the Audible Plus catalog (US) along with maybe 500 more Great Courses titles. You might as well sign up for 1 month. Plus, they are currently having a cash sale. I bought like 20 audiobooks for $1.46 each. They have a lot of good audiobooks within the 2 to 3 dollar range.


Thanks for the advice! I should probably have just checked that option out sooner!


Hoopla has a lot of Great Courses and bingo passes for them!


Binge passes are great!


Bingo! Binge!


You could probably sign up for the trial period for the great courses online and watch it before the trial expires.


Yeah, that's probably the smart thing to do. Actually... okay, I just checked Kanopy, and the course is free on there under a slightly different name. Huh... maybe I should have thought of that sooner. Whoops!


Wait, how did you only move up one spot? I thought each rental had a maximum 21 days.


My understanding is that the book belongs to a different library, and their patrons get priority over me.


Their patrons get priority over **all 40 of you**. I would be rofl if I werenā€™t so intimidated right now by the sheer concentration of grit implied. In all seriousness, I really think you can make a solid case to your library to invest in a few copies. If they do, youā€™ll probably jump straight to the front of the line.


How do you know it belongs to a different library? Iā€™d like to be able to know this on mine.


It says two lanes


Are you able to tell if youā€™re in the fast/main lane or the slower one?


Im not sure! Iā€™ve only ever seen it in posts here. My library doesnt have this!


Often times library systems have reciprocal agreements with neighboring library systems in the broader region, which means patrons of one Library system are eligible to get a card in another system, even if they live outside of the second system's service area. I'm a patron of the Seattle Library, which through reciprocal agreements qualifies me for a card for both the Pierce County Library System to the South and Sno-Isle Libraries to the north. I signed up for cards with both systems and I've found that putting a hold on a Libby book in the smaller systems usually results in shorter waits. Might be worth looking into!


Definitely, thanks for the advice! I'll have to check out what's available to me!


Sounds like you need to get a card with that library then.


at least on my libby, it doesnā€™t tell me what library iā€™m splitting lanes with. just that thereā€™s two lanes


I'm not sure, but I think you can check through your library's website. I remember years ago doing a search for a book that came up as electronic resource, or some similar title and I was not happy at the time because I wanted a physical copy. The electronic was the only copy.


I don't understand why this comment is getting downvoted. I have three library cards (used to have four, but my fourth expired within a year of me moving away after school and I never tried to fraudulently renew it). My third is inactive right now because I have to verify eligibility in person and I haven't been able to do that around three small children and a full-time job in almost a year. You can belong to as many libraries as you're eligible for. Some have residency requirements and some don't. I haven't had a NYPL card in a few years, but their collection is fantastic and you can apply for their ebook membership for nonresidents too next time you're in NYC.


This sounds like a good suggestion to me. Since that library is probably near where OP lives, and because cards are issued according to the libraryā€™s policy, thereā€™s a good chance they are qualified to make use of the shared public asset. fwiw, definitely the type of advice I wouldā€™ve chimed in with if u/commanderquill hadnā€™t beat me to it.


I'm getting downvoted and tbh I don't know why. I have cards with multiple libraries so I can walk in and check things out when I'm in the area. Weird.


I think it's because people are against this practice because- edit: fraud or due to the cost of e-books for libraries. And the whole you should off set borrowing your digital loans with some hard copy loans. Or be part of the community that spends the money for that library area. --which I say is more complicated than all that. Some communities don't have excellent libraries and should have access to other libraries 'electronic materials. And that's why it depends on the library rules for getting a card. Some are lenient on not being a resident of the area.


21?! mine are all 14, wtf šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s not a rental, itā€™s a loan. Rental implies that youā€™re paying to borrow it.




Iā€™m genuinely confused why people are upset about specificity of language. Maybe Iā€™m too autistic for Reddit, but dang. I would want to be corrected if I was using the wrong word


I'm not offended by your correction and appreciate the knowledge.


Thank you! I really appreciate that!


Libraries are partially funded by tax payer money so you're incorrect anyway. See how annoying that is?


Not annoying. I think your conclusionā€™s a stretch, but Iā€™m always open to debate


Does your library have Kanopy? Might be on there


Yeah, I just checked and it does! To my credit, I didn't spot it earlier because they titled it something else, but it appears to be the same exact content. I wish I'd figured that out sooner. Hopefully nothing important has happened in Russian history during the last two years that may have made this course outdated...




I think You're good. I've heard Russias been pretty quiet recently /s


Too funny; yes, it's time to admit defeat!


In that case you should get the free month of Audible and listen.


Can you get hoopla at your library? Mine has a one week binge pack on all the Great courses ( renewable) and no waiting


Yeah, I just discovered it on Kanopy. I probably would have found it sooner, but the course has a different title. Hopefully it's worth the wait!


What is Kanopy?


Streaming platform specifically for libraries.


Do yourself a favor and get the great courses for 3 months a year. Seriously. It's absolutely worth every penny. I can't commit to a whole year, so I do a few months at a time and then cancel, when I'm ready for another course or I have something going that makes me want a history binge, I resubscribe. The app is great to, you can pop between the video and the audio with little issue.


I've definitely got to check that out. I love listening to the Great Courses on Libby, but since my library's started using two lanes, they've been way more difficult to get ahold of. This isn't the only course I've tried to borrow where I've spent months making no progress in the line.


I've done this one you posted specifically and it was fantastic btw, also the one about the eastern European block is good too. I did both in a month while doing a large sewing project and they played off each other really nicely- if you're looking for a rec after this one!


Ooh, thanks for the recommendation! I just used my newly freed hold slot to place a hold for it. They've got three copies of that one, so hopefully my progress should be faster!


You can also just buy it used for $6 at Abebooks.




Do you have hoopla? My hoopla has it where you can get a binge pass for great courses plus that last about a week at a time. Also if you have xfinity cable, you typically get temporary free access to great courses for two weeks to a month in the summer. I donā€™t know if they still do this since I dropped the cable part two years ago.


I have it on hoopla as well. I just donā€™t know if the bingepasses are a hoopla feature that every library gets access to or if itā€™s a library specific feature


I don't have Hoopla, but I did finally find it under Kanopy, where it was hiding under a different title. I'm two lectures in and I'm really enjoying it.


Sounds like my experience. Glad/not glad that I'm not the only one.


Is it a great courses book? You should see if you have access to Kanopy through your library, I believe those are on there!


Thanks! Yeah, it's on Kanopy. Though for some reason it has a different title, which accounts for me not finding it sooner. I'm just glad I can abandon this hold without the guilt of giving up!


Try getting a card at another library. Some counties give cards for anyone in their state, and others give cards to non-residents for a small fee.


I would just buy it at that point


It's not about the destination it's about the journey


Okay would it work to delete the hold and then place a new hold? If itā€™s been two years maybe thereā€™s some issue or glitch?


I think it's because the book belongs to a specific library in our system, and their patrons get priority over everyone else. Luckily I found the course on Kanopy, so I can finally cancel this hold.




How does this happen? Donā€™t people get them for two weeks at a time?


There are 2 lanes. The book is shared between libraries, but one library has priority. Anyone from that library who wants the book gets it before anyone who isnā€™t from that library no matter when they request it. Iā€™ve been on both ends of that one.


Ah gotcha. Thats rough


Never give in. Never surrender.


Ha! Not gonna lie, part of me wants to see how long I can keep this going for. Like, having a ten-year wait would be kind of funny.




NO! Don't give up! They can break your spirit but they will NOT defeat you! DO NOT let them win. It's a matter of principle now! šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Ha! There's a part of me that does think it would be hilarous to let it sit on my holds shelf for ten years, just for the laugh.


If you have Spotify premium, they now have (some) audioboks for free!


Oh, I didn't know that! Thanks!


Youā€™re probably using a network libraryā€™s resources. By design, their own patrons (that pay them taxes) get priority.


You must be in the non-resident line.


Oh wow, and on a Great Courses book too? Usually those barely have a waitlist!


what is a Great Course? I feel like iā€™m missing something cool!


Theyā€™re university level lecture series, mostly by professors. Theyā€™re great, Iā€™ve listened to and enjoyed many of the history series.


oh wow that sounds awesome. i love this. thank you


Why not try Hoopla? It is better in most ways than Libby. You can also request books through your local library?


How does this even happen? Are there unlimited renewals in your system??


I guess there are two lines for this book, and the other one gets priority over mine. I wish I knew more about how the system works, because it seems like as long as there's a single person in the first line, no one in the second line will ever move up.


Usually theres a line for the county then a line for the whole consortium. If you live in some states, you can get great courses thru other means


Check out physical media at a library near you, too. The library I work at gets these things donated to us - one of our professors has a friend who apparently subscribes, then passes them to his friend, who passes them on to us. Sure, it's DVD (or CD, occasionally), but it includes the physical guidebook(s) as well. Obviously not every library is going to find these important enough to their patron population to stock them, but it's probably worth taking a peek.


That's a good tip. Unfortuantely, my library's a bit of a long distance from me, but I may need to schedule a trip down there to take adventage of the physical media.


Maybe the library accepted their defeat too and got another copy


Contact your library, this doesn't seem right. Books usually have certain period they can be borrowed for and if that expires or the person doesn't borrow the book the line moves. It must be a bug.


You're right. And unlike physical books, you can't just hold onto it. It gets returned automatically once your borrowing period is up


I'm sure the long wait has to do with the "two lane" system my library has for some books. Though I am curious what the response would be if I sent them this screenshot.


wtf? Does a digital license even last that long?


Iā€™ll bet some academic checked it out for graduate work and they got to keep the book over a longer term. At this point I would try interlibrary loan for the actual book.


Thereā€™s no need to cancel unless you canā€™t put a hold on something else you want more due to hold limits. Just let it ride.


Don't give up. I doesn't cost anything. I waited 3 years and I finally got it. Unfortunately, this was part of a series and I couldn't remember what I read previously so I had to reread parts of the previous books.


I just received an audiobook 2 weeks ago that I had placed a hold on in December... of 2021. Lol. Unfortunately, it wasn't as good as I was hoping, but that giddy feeling I got from finally receiving it, was completely, 100 percent worth it. Lol


Ha! Congratulations! Well, now I feel silly for complaining!


Are you kidding? I almost gave up a hundred times! Lol.


Worth the wait .


Lol I had no idea people are lining up for a history of Russia. Who are these people? Including you!


Honestly? I've always liked history, but my high school only covered US history and Western civ, so I was hoping to fill in a big knowledge gap. Also, a large chunk of great literature comes from Russia, and I figure some background in the country might help if I ever try to tackle "Anna Karenina" or "Crime and Punishment."


I was just joking in my previous comments lol. It is very commendable of you to further your history knowledge through self learning. Iā€™m just surprised there was such a line and long wait for such a niche book/text.


Ha! That makes sense. Though now that you mention it though, I'm also starting to wonder why this particular course has so many people waiting for it.


"It is wise to study the ways of one's adversary." ... Jack Ryan


Yes any day now you will be over powered by the Russians. They are coming to take your favorite shirt




Enjoy? [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuZ-NE\_Kas3\_nb5ctYb0fcwg9RUhoLu4a](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuZ-NE_Kas3_nb5ctYb0fcwg9RUhoLu4a) (The lecture playlist) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWKUsg5zzAI&ab\_channel=TheSecularApe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWKUsg5zzAI&ab_channel=TheSecularApe) (Part 1) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n\_9yhdeKvSs&ab\_channel=TheSecularApe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_9yhdeKvSs&ab_channel=TheSecularApe) (Part 2) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4IIGEYDgK0&ab\_channel=TheSecularApe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4IIGEYDgK0&ab_channel=TheSecularApe) (Part 3) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7QlyfLINRo&ab\_channel=TheSecularApe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7QlyfLINRo&ab_channel=TheSecularApe) (Part 4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W\_bBCrhK4U4&ab\_channel=TheSecularApe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_bBCrhK4U4&ab_channel=TheSecularApe) (Part 5) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkXFvrcF\_6Y&ab\_channel=TheSecularApe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkXFvrcF_6Y&ab_channel=TheSecularApe) (Part 6)


Ooh, that's definitely intersting. It looks like the older edition of the course! After I've finished with the current one on Kanopy, it might be fun to check this one out. Thanks!


I just gave this away in cd form this weekend! Iā€™m laughing a little because you waited patiently for it whilst Iā€™m over here with a huge box of Great Courses that I couldnā€™t give away for free for months.


Ha! Well, the good news is that I eventually found it on Kanopy, so I'm finally enjoying it. And I didn't have to betray my cheapskate principles and spend money!


Can you do an Audible trial? They have a lot of Great Courses available. That library queue is wild. Iā€™m never going to complain about the occasional 16 week wait again.


I was eventually able to find the video version of this course on Kanopy, so I'm finally getting to check it out. (It's pretty good. Not worth a two year wait... but still pretty good!) And yeah, this hold has deinitely made all my other holds seem tame in comparision!


Audible has some great courses. You can get them for 1 credit.


Yeah, youre right. Luckly, I found the course on Kanopy, so I can remain a cheapskate.


Oh no. At this point I wouldn't even care if I listened to the whole thing, but it would definitely staying in my Holds. I'd need to see how long it would take. It would be more entertaining for me than the actual book. Or maybe just additional entertainment, in addition to the book.


Part of me definitely thinks that it would be fun to check back in ten years and see that no progress has been made. I suppose it depends on if the spot on my holds shelf is more valuable than the laugh I'd get from looking at it!




Audio format [https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/history-of-russia-from-peter-the-great-to-gorbachev\_mark-d-steinberg/1857414/?resultid=694affee-af8f-4e39-812f-f6529f43c456#edition=8559795&idiq=46922097](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/history-of-russia-from-peter-the-great-to-gorbachev_mark-d-steinberg/1857414/?resultid=694affee-af8f-4e39-812f-f6529f43c456#edition=8559795&idiq=46922097)


Thanks for that! There's definitely a point where time is more valuable than money, you're absolutely right.


sometimes I decide my time is more valuable and just go find whatever it is secondhand


I've been waiting for The Prince Of Tides audiobook since September 2022. There is one copy and hundreds of people in line...


Oh no... well now I feel silly for complaining! Good luck with your wait!


At any given time I have a dozen holds! Something is always popping up! šŸ˜†


Try other libraries if you havenā€™t already. Nowadays a lot more libraries offer free digital cards even to people who arenā€™t local. Iā€™ve got cards for libraries Iā€™ve never had the chance to visit in person.


This book seems to be available with an Audible subscription (part of their "free" collection, not for a credit). I know they have a $0.99/month for 3 months deal going on, maybe you should try that.


Never give up!


Idk if this is an option for you, but in my state you can get a library card at any library as long as you have a state ID, or piece of mail with an in-state address. My GF and I run an elaborate library card racket, in which we get a library card at every town we stop in when we are on the road. This allows us to check out books on Libby from lots of different libraries. I find that if a hold is obscenely long at one library, it is often shorter elsewhere. Might be worth looking into for you.


2 years! šŸ˜Æ. That is absolutely wild!