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Nameless Puppet is probably the closest to that description for me.


As soon as I switched from the dragon katana to the trident of the covenant the fight became stupid easy,


I First got him by sticking the electric coil head on the acidic spear handle and just poked him to death šŸ˜†


That handle is sooooooo good if you want to focus on Advance fighting. I have that handle on the Circular Electric Chainsaw and it just eats up puppets like it's nothing.


I first tried him with the trident. As soon as I tried that weapon it was all I used the rest of the game


If you run NG, try the Murder Tyrant Blade on the City Longspear. Same moveset but the Fable Arts delete the coding for some of the bosses.


Thanks for the tip for ng+


Same here. The perfect guard grindstone came in clutch second phase. But it also demanded I get better at perfect guard for the first phaseā€¦took a hot minute but after a week break from the game I finally got him.


Walker of Illusions took me a while until I realized that just dodging to her right makes the fight 10000x easier lolq


Fuck that bitch I had no interest in conquering that fight fair and square lol I went up the ladder fired off 5 throwables went down the ladder let her aggro reset went back up threw 5 more and repeated until she was dead.


If it works, it works!


Yep. Some fights in soulslikes can take me dozens of tries and Iā€™ll be having fun even while struggling, but i could tell quickly that this one was one I just wanted to get through and move on


Bro I thought I was slickered and Owl s*** I just posted the same comment and then I started to scroll down and saw what you wrote. Great minds think alike cheers!


Hell yeah man lol. After a few times getting fucked up I decided to see if I could go down the ladder without resetting her health and it worked.


Same, full kitchen sink on her ass


Does that strat break her duplication? Cause if so that's hilarious.


It does, at some point for me she broke and completely stopped aggroing, even when I went back up the ladder and threw things. Then I respawned and beat her for real lol. I like cheese, but I also like tough fights


Yeah but one time the clone got glitched against the wall by the ladder so I had to go up there and run out towards the middle then went back down and the clone disappeared.




I gotta try this! Even on ng+ I just hate that fight


Dodging in general is so essential to make that fight tolerable.


Not at all! My first playthrough I barely touched the dodge button the whole game, because pulling off perfect guards is just so damn satisfying.


Man, I could probably count the number of perfect guards Iā€™ve done on one hand.


Whoops. It only took me 5 tries but I had to learn to Perfect Guard everything. :(


I ainā€™t hating. Whatever works for you is what works! One of my favorite things about this game is that it enables A LOT of different play styles and strategies. If perfect guard works for you, then straight up itā€™s an excellent choice. I prefer a combo of dodging and guard/parrying myself, but sometimes I have to adapt and challenge myself with a completely different approach. Itā€™s surprisingly effective and turns the worst ā€œI canā€™t beat this game!ā€ moments into demolishing the enemy as if it was easy mode.


She's top tier satisfying to perfect guard though. Felt like a badass


This definitely took way more than it should have. The first time she split into two, I let out an audible groan. OH GOOD ANOTHER ONE


Thank god it's super weak or I think I would've tapped out šŸ’€


The way my brain reacted by saying "kill it immediately" made me happy. Usually, my instincts are not the best, but nailed that one


So I was stuck here for ages. After watching my hundredth video for help, I felt confident so I went for it. She cloned herself TWICE. Two clones. I just stood up, turned off my Xbox and tried again the next day because I think that was my sign to give upšŸ’€


Took me 2 days (about 4-5) hours. Glaive handle with tyrants dagger finally did it for me


When you use the glaive handle do you keep the R2 rush attack?


Absolutely. You need it vs her when she starts glowing white for the fatal attack and she screams and pushes you back


I love that move! It has made the game a lot easier for me.


Did you try it with the dagger?


I havenā€™t. Should I and which dagger?


Try it with the TYRANT MURDERER'S DAGGER. Level the dagger to +9 and put it on the glaive handle. The dagger has 30% crit damage as well


Done!! Thanks!! Love this game!


When you do new game plus. Try the electronic coil head on mjolnirs handle. Go advance and motivity. The damage output it crazy and almost every hit staggers them


If you really wanna make it easy..put the electric coil head on mjonirs handle and smash em


Literally same and at the end i hit her with a hella combo of a charged r2 stagger attack and puppet string attack link


This for fight for me but I realized I could play just a tad more aggressive and it became a cake walk for me


All right so you guys can joke the hell out of me but Walker of Illusion pissed me off so much I crawled up that ladder with shot put, through everything I got, instead of going back down the ladder I just jumped off before I could get attacked. Then I would climb back up the ladder throw more s*** out her and keep doing the same thing till I ran out of throwables. Once I finally grew up there I came up there with the bone cutting saw with the elongated handle and finished her off quite easy after cheesing her health away


Black rabbit bros overwhelmed me for a bit until I recognized their aggro patterns and now find them pretty straightforward and fun


What helped you?


If you put some distance between you and them. Only one of them will really be ā€œaggroā€ to you at a time.


In the second fight, the one that's talking will aggro you. The rest just stand there unless you're close to them then they'll attack you.


Use the scenery, always have the casket or the pillar between you and the two you aren't fighting so they can't throw shit at you while you're fighting the third. ALWAYS run away when they start crowding you. Just do a lap around the area til they start breaking apart. Once you do well to keep it limited to 1 on 1 fights it's basically just a matter of patience.


Fuck those guys lmaoo


For me it was Nameless Puppet. Took me a total of 20 hours to beat him. I tried different weapons, dif builds and diff strategies. Even tried perfect guard grinder etc. Nothing worked so I ended up going back to basics so to speak. Just blocking and regaining for the first form and then aegis til it was gone and more blocking and regaining for the second part. All the other strats online weren't working for me but that did. It was a ton easier and less stressful than trying to do all kinds of different stuff. I was really able to just focus on block, regain and stamina use. Next time imma gonna squash him. On ng + now Edited for clarity.


Yea this was my experience when I got stuck on Sekiro bosses and was soooo mad that I would devour tutorial after tutorial. And then I realized I was trying to mimic play styles that didnā€™t work for me. Like you said, go back to the basics and build your own unique dynamic. If it works, then you win! No need to play EXACTLY any one way or another.


Now Sekiro? That one IS kicking my ass. I had to give it a rest to not ruin my sanity lol.


I used circular saw blade on booster glaive handlešŸ„¹ it worked wonders honestly


I may have to try that on this ng+ playthrough!


Ahh man this fight was so fustrating but fun at the same time. I ended up using the Two Dragons Sword & parrying all of his attacks. Felt like I was in a anime style swordsman fight!


That was my second weapon. I used Etiquette the umbrella as the other. I'm just not quick enuf to fix my weapon with him coming at me all the time. Just a great weapon!!


The punchy fuckboy right before the garden. He fucked me up.


Lmao, sounds like you got ptsd when exploring the grand exhibition


The fat clown? If so I almost ripped my dick off in frustration trying to beat him


His fucking obnoxious hoppy punch attack makes me so fucking mad. It's not even hard to dodge; it just oozes arrogance and makes me so mad.


Exactly his smugness and the fact that sometimes i would dodge the punch on the way out and when he would pull it back in he would catch me or it would glitch and look like he was punching the ground but somehow i would take damage anyway šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Parade master


100%. I remember having a hard time with him in the demo and then coming back to play the game and I passed right through it, I think I died just once. I did hear there's been nerfs between the demo and now so that makes sense but initially I was like "is that it?"


Never played the demo but from videos I've seen, it seems the dodging was changed and made easier. I don't think the boss nerfs from a couple months ago affected Parade Master but could be wrong.


Yeah, that was it for me. Thought the game was going to be a lot harder than it was. Took a week or so off from playing the game and then went back to him, except this time I used some cells and the imbued the Saber with electricity and beat him ridiculously fast.


Laxasia. took me a couple hours to beat on NG, but now I can clap her first try with very little effort.


Same for me. I hate relying on shields, but itā€™s like she was designed to be fought with the Aegis. So NG+ I decided to just use it and beat her so easily the first try.


I haven't touched any other weapon since I first used TDS on NG+3. when mastered you can destroy pretty much any boss.


I just use the default starter weapon for motivity


First phase is a piece of cake but I still canā€™t get past her second, even with aegis and the perfect block grinder. I think I just need to not heal, since she usually punishes it and makes it not worth the time.


Iā€™m stuck on her too. Her second phase messes me up! Havenā€™t touched the game in 3 days now cause of her lol


Me too, but it didnā€™t click until NG++. He killed me more than all the other bosses combined.


swamp monster. i actually look forward to bullying him the most especially with the dragon sword


VĆ­ctor the champion lol


That's why I hate gimmick fights - boss seems impossible but then you hit is bad ankle and stab him in the face for 90% health


1st playthrough Bishop


Honestly, Nameless Puppet. He beat my ass so bad, I had to take a 2 month break from the game, but when I came back something just clicked. Now I thoroughly enjoy every encounter on NG+


Eldest of the black rabbit bros first fight bro was hard but once i learnt his parry timing it was cake


Green Monster and Door Guardian. Both are pretty manageable, but I just couldn't do it. Door Guardian almost made me quit the game, though. Everything about him, including how actually easy he is, is just what I hate about soulslike games.


My patience feels very exploited after finally defeating bosses like that. I didnā€™t enjoy the process. I was just glad it was over. F that guy


I think I beat the door guardian on my first attempt on NG and in NG+ I just couldn't get through him, first there was the shock meter which for a while I thought was related to electricity so I picked items to have good elec. def, lol. Then I read he's a gimmick boss, took salamander blade with city pole handle and obliterated him in a gimmicky way.


My issue is that, like many bad bosses, his difficulty is arbitrary. Knock him down, but he's immune to damage. He's huge but has a tiny vulnerable spot. He hits when he "shouldn't." I finally just equipped the Winter Blade and tap-tap-tapped him and it was stupid. Lol


Yeah, people say he's a gimmick boss and it's true, I wonder how I got through him the first time around


Green Monster of the swap . Learning the wonky timing of his attacks


The second fight with the black rabbit mfs made me hate the game for a while, then I noticed that i was just being dumb by not noticing the strat of defeating 2 of them in paralel


Puppet king for sure. I put the game down for a couple months because I'd get off work and only have 30 minutes to an hour available to play and I'd just get my ass beat over and over and over. So it was really discouraging even thinking about booting the game up. The archbishop had taken me dozens of tries to beat so at that point I was just exhausted. Picked the game back up last week and nearly "breezed"(relatively) through the rest of the game. Of course swamp monster, laxasia, and nameless puppet gave me a hard time but nothing like the brick wall the puppet king was.


Fucking Door Guardian


All of them, tbh.


Literally every boss I fought before realizing the game isn't Sekiro and parrying isn't the move most the time


Door Guardian until I understood the gimmick, on my last two play throughs I beat him without getting hit.


Le Guardian de door


Spent 5 whole hours on Nameless first run. NG+ Nameless was a no hit run šŸ™„


Romeo. I fought that second phase nearly 30 times, then I figured out that you can easily sidestep 95% of his move set and the fight was over in two tries.


Laxasia. Dozens of wasted attempts before someone told me you could parry her bolts back at her. Trivialized the second half of the fight.


Laxasia oddly enough, she practically destroyed me and not in a fun way during NG, but once I understood most of her moves, I can usually beat her on my first tryā€¦


I made my username in honor of that easy bastard. This was my first soul's game in my defense.


Corrupted Parade Master, I had zero consumables and his fuckin decay kept getting me in a jam, plus his little crawling move he does, fuck that guy


Green Monster felt 10x more difficult in ng+ than first playthrough. Felt like every attack I failed to block was damaging me irl


VĆ­ctor the champion. Kill me more than 50 time. The only boss that I have at hard time.


The door guardian was frustrating. I finally had to look up his weaknesses. He has none lol..after that I beat him next try. Oh I just remembered, walker of illusions took me 4 hours


Pretty much all of them my first playthrough, lmao. Never really parried in a game before. The whole game took me a full month to complete.


Nameless puppet phase 1 for me. Took like 100 deaths, then I finally beat the phase and immediately died to phase 2. Since then, it has been 100+ deaths to phase 2 with phase 1 on average being hitless. Still haven't beaten phase 2... also fun fact NP is where I learned to parry


King of Puppets. Took me over 20 tries and it was mostly because I got too greedy in the first phase and didn't have enough pulse cells by the second phase


Same with me OP. The shock damage always built up so quick for me and then after I realized that patience is key; I was able to defeat him. Plus I dumped a ton of Ergo into resistance.


The spinning clown boss lol itā€™s a mini boss but still, took me awhile to learn longer than a bunch of the actual bosses but when it clicked it felt so so good. Wish I could fight that thing over and over I really hope the DLC adds a rebattle option for bosses and mini bosses


Agreed! Didnā€™t enjoy being stuck on him at all. And like you said, when it clicks itā€™s so satisfying! I was shocked (no joke) when I beat his twin first try. All those hours spent dying to him obviously taught me something lol


Thatā€™s funny it was exactly the same for me, I saw his twin and was mentally prepared to suffer again but the muscle memory kicked in and I whooped him! Not first try but within the first couple


I'm not sure if ever went back and beat him actually. He's skippable so I gave up.


KingĀ“s Flame Fuoco. I was under-leveled. Until then the game had been kind of easy for me, but this boss killed me like 20 times. After this boss most bosses died after 3-4 tries tops... In new game plus it died first try... idk why the first time it took so long.


I finished this game for the first time recently and I didn't have a problem with any of the bosses. I mean, some of the fights were tough don't get me wrong, but I really did not find the game to be as difficult as some people were making out to be. I actually had a blast the whole way through the game, and I was able to complete it without raging on any of the bosses. Some of these fights were extremely cinematic and I loved them, like the King of Puppets, Nameless Puppet, Laxasia and the Scrapped Watchman. I can't wait to do another run on this game, but now without the HUD.


Namless puppet for when you realize you can just perfect block the first attack and just hold for the follow up


Nameless puppet.


I didn't fight any boss more that a few times maybe 5 or so for the last couple hard ones. But after my first run in with the Brotherhood I was scratching my head. Second time through I killed all the side bros and then died to the eldest. 3rd time tried to duck dodge dip dive and dodge around all of them which led to me getting pummeled to death. Finally I just focused on the eldest and when he died the others ran off. Which was a realization that I didn't need to fight them at all.


The first few tries at the door guardian I was like ā€œwhat the fuckā€


Corrupted Parade Master Once I slowed down and took my time, he was beaten first attempt after a break.


Laxasia for me. Once I understood her timings, she is extremely polished and not that hard. But oh boy, it took me 2 days to learn you can parry her lightnings from the sky!


Black Rabbit. When I got to the rematch I beat them in 2/3 tries.


Nameless Puppet seemed impossible the first time I fought him, but on subsequent runs Iā€™ve finally caught onto the patterns for phase 2


Thing is, this mostly happened for me when I switched weapons or something. For instance, nameless puppet with trident is laughable and with the brotherhood, it's just about breaking the big guy sword, which I didn't know you could do and I was literally fighting them numerous times for hours, these are pretty long encounters coming close to winning a number of times, changing up my weapons and tactics and then it turned out I can just nerf him right there at the start and laugh in his face. Overall though, I feel like I didn't learn a lot of things in the game, didn't use the block mechanic and I just kinda tried to power through everything, get lucky here and there, have good lvl and build. I finished the game one time and then on NG+ the game was pretty easy but some of the bosses proved kinda difficult like Romeo, Brotherhood pt2 and Simon was probably the worst. After LoP I decided to play Sekiro and it was differen, I actually learned how to "dance" with many of the bosses and on NG+ I killed a number of them on first attempt and I actually had that feeling of realizing the boss wasn't that difficult after trying to beat them for a few days, lol


> it's just about breaking the big guy sword Wait, what?


By doing perfect parries, you can destroy some enemies weapons, in this fight, if you just block him instead of attacking, it takes probably less than 10 swings for his sword to break and this results in him having reduced range and damage. I'm not entirely sure which other enemies can have their weapons damaged, but Laxasia is one, I think you break her shield by attacking as well or something and if you break her weapons then she goes into phase 2 without you having to deplete her HP bar.


Fuocco, his attacks r so telegraphed and easy to perfect block


I could not figure out Walker of Illusions. I just eventually got lucky and won.


I think corrupted parade master meets the criteria for that. Took me like 7-8 tries until I figured him out


Door Guardian. No question. Annoyed the hell out of me! Stupid gimmick fight...


Laxasia, after my second run, she was easy


It took me forever to never beat the green monster of the swamp! I had to use the damned specter lol. Im coming back to fight him when the DLC is released. Maybe there I will find it easier šŸ« 


Door Guardian 100% There was a couple bosses in my first playthrough that took me 3-5 attempts, but nothing compares to door Guardian. He took me 3 attempts and on the 3rd attempt, after about 15mins, he crumpled from me accidentally hitting his leg, and then it all started to set in. Heā€™s just the Tower Knight, and Iā€™m really stupid


Swamp Monster


The corrupted version of the parade master. This guy made so angry!


Laxasia 2nd phase. She moves so fast I literally couldn't hit her. And then I learned I could just parry all her lightning bolts back at her and kill her with her own attacks.


Same, once i switched to dodging instead I beat him first try


idk if i was over levelled for most bosses or not but i dont think any boss took more than 10 attempts. mostly done under 3/4. especially the last 30/40% of the game. i did have have a hard time at king of puppets and green monster but not after.


Specter or no?


nah never used those. im fairly certain i may have been over levelled because i never got amazing at parry. not bad but not good enough to not struggle. I was heavy on Vitality, Vigor and Technique. (35- 24.-29) by the final boss.


Romeo for me, once you get the hang of his attacks he is not nearly as annoying as he seems to be


I remember struggling with the Survivor in Venigni's work and When I finally looked up how to defeat him, I managed to kill him in less than 2 minutes.


Door Guardian as well, I kept trying to parry or Dodge, when all I had to do, was stay close to him and jump left and smack. Bonus: Corrupted Parade Masterā€¦. Good Lord that piece of gunk, made me struggle for a week, with around 30+ attempts, but I finally Got gud and what a rush it was!


Door Guardian is a really appropriate name since he really is a skill check for the rest of the game. No summons and he has a heavy emphasis on parrying or dodging completely since otherwise you get shocked. Even when you DO get shocked it forces you to emphasize stamina and since you can't attack you're forced the study the boss patterns. It may not be my favorite boss but I like it a lot from a design perspective as a skill check.


Swamp monster the parrying is so satisfying


Also Door Guardian for me! I struggled with so many different strategies and then it justā€¦ clicked. And NG+ went super easy for door guardian.


Door Guardian was an unfun gimmick that made me respec and swap out weapons a dozen times last night before I found something I could swoop in and spam attacks on then run like hell.


I stopped trying to only perfect once i reached I hit the one winged angel and suddenly the game felt much easier


laxasia she was so easy to beat with the acid damage


I tried Nameless Puppet for (no joke) 3 hours Super sleep deprived and nearly crying because of how useless I was Gave up and went to sleep cuz if I had kept going I was going to jump out the window Woke up, had breakfast, turned in the game Killed him first try šŸ¤”


Idk how people had trouble with door guardian. You can just run up and spam attacks not even worrying about blocking or parrying. You should have so many pulse cells by that point and 2 fatal attacks take his whole health bar


Door Guardian pissed me off, but once i realized all i had to do was spam etiquette and fatal attack twice, it went really smoothly.




heā€™s not anyway that girl two bosses before him is harder


Door Guardian as well. It was just that I didn't realize the gimmick at first and felt like I was suddenly hitting this massive difficulty spike, but you know, you learn. Like that Great Dickhead Tree in DS3.


Fallen Archbishop


Feuoco comes to everyoneā€™s mind


Door Guardian really annoyed me


Scrapped watchman took me a while, Iā€™m new to souls like games sooo ye,


nameless. as soon as i stopped trying to dodge or parry everything, and just said "fuck it" and blocked, it was easy as hell. went from over 20 tries the previous night, to 3 attempts in the morning when i went "fuck it".


Mad donkeyā€¦ Yea not proud of that one


Door guardian. Never got more than like 10% through the fight until like my 8th try and defeated his ass easily lol Also the second brotherhood battle. Swapped to a heavier weapon and merked them


Laxasia for me. Wait. No, she was actually difficult.


Clown mini boss.


Romeo is low key overrated once you actually breathe and pay attention


Manus and Archbishop for sure


Green monster of the swamp


It was Nameless Puppet. I just beat him a couple hours ago. Tried about 60x times before I got phase one move set down and could parry everything. Phase 2 I used perfect grindstone and puppet string arm. Threw a couple throwables at him and before I knew it he was down to a few hits left. I went nuts screaming when I beat him until I realized that he wasn't that bad once I figured out the moves and got better with the parry system.


archbishop. i donā€™t know if id say it took me forever (embarrassingly it still took me like a hour or less to beat him) but on my victorious run i actually ended up perfecting him both phases without getting hit. felt very satisfying


Laxasia sheā€™s kinda difficult donā€™t get me wrong but I took 6 hours to beat her the first time, on my second play through I beat her first try.


King of Puppets for sure


Guardian and king of puppets.


gotta go with swamp monster, once I realized how much damage fire does, I took the live puppets weapon and used a booster glaive with a technique build, I almost chipped half of his health away with 5-6 swings


Fuoco and the green beast for me




Nameless puppet and green swamp monster, but NP still beats my ass it's just GM feels easy now


Laxasia lol, once I stopped trying to parry all of her moves and just used the dodge button


Black Rabbit Brotherhood Round 2. Lock onto the one that's talking. The others will just stand while the talking one aggros, then they alternate. Kill the last two around the same time, like 30 seconds apart. Doing so will let you fight the older brother 1v1. Use the sack and pillar to your advantage because he can't slice through them. Didn't know this during NG and struggled. Won during NG+ on the first try after knowing this info.


Nameless puppet


Simon. mind you this was prepatch on release when he was way more cracked. It took me around 10 tries but after beating it itā€™s kind of impossible to unlearn.


Same for me. He killed me many more times than Lax 2x or NP 3x, he killed me at least 40x.


Pretty much all of the second phase bosses, but the one that really got me was the Weasel. I dunno why, but she beat me a dozen times before I finally got to beat her.


Same with me. Took awhile to figure out the fight style, and itā€™s a tad more fast-paced than I was ready for.


Simon Manus


Fuoco (spelling?) made me set the game down for a few days. I could always half health him, but then when his attacks changed and he started creating more distance, he became such a problem for me. Like most people figured out though, stay tight and rotate to the right worked extremely well.


Laxasia šŸ¤ šŸ¤ šŸ¤ 


Dude Simon manus. I beat laxasia in 3 tries and this mofo took me 3 days. Now after beating him I get through that boss fight so quick it doesn't feel like a boss fight šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it made me frustrated seeing everyone say how easy he was until I beat him lol.


King of flames itā€™s because I only had like 2 or 3 pulse cells and Simon manus


It took me forever to beat the last 3 bosses bc I switched to the two dragons sword and didnā€™t realize the skill floor for it was so high. In NG+ I switched to the trident and beat each of them first try


The door guardian got me mad I thought I was underleveled but turns out I he had a shit stagger mechanic that did all the dmg after that it was easy


I can relate with door guardian. But for me it was the nameless puppet. It took me several days and lots of frustration, especially the 2nd phase. I think I handled the parrying on the first phase pretty well from the beginning. Anyway once I beat him I was eagerly looking forward to rematch on NG+ and was actually disappointed on NG+2 when I went for real boy ending and had to miss this pretty spectacular finale of this game. Gotta add this surely was goty for me.


That damn clown šŸ¤”


Puppet king


Nameless Puppet. Respected to hit very hard every once in a while.


King of Puppets for me. The stupid size coupled with the high speed but long delay attacks threw my timings off.


Green monster


The only boss which was difficult for me was Laxasia, and we can all agree she's actually hard, took me 2 hours, anything else i took down between first to 10th try


For me it was king of puppets, I almost beat it first try but that one fire attack combo romeo does screwed me, and at that point I was basically full perfect guard mode so I was trying to block it every time instead of just dodge out the way, did that 41 times before looking it up and seeing to dodge that fire attack and yeah it was over instantly


Most if not all of them were alot easier the second go around.


the white lady realized after my 2nd try that she was a spamming dex user and just let my reflexes from sekiro take over


That was the same my first run. The only thing he has going for him is he's huge. Another boss that did that, but to a slightly lesser degree was Fallen Archbishop Andreus. He worried the hell out of me, then after probably my second run, he became one of the easiest bosses for me. I just started my 8th or 9th run a few days ago. I love this game.


At the moment I am fighting Nameless puppet in NG+ which has a very challenging phase 2. The most swore on Boss for me was Monster of the swamp 2nd fase. I hated it.


The watchman boss definitely taught me that guarding in this game couldnā€™t be spammed like in Sekiro. As soon as I learned to hold block just a little while longer, rather than quickly tapping and releasing, guards and perfect guards became much easier. After so many tries, that boss suddenly became fun and do-able.