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Do other bug bites count?


I don't think they're capable of learning numbers, so no




* chef's kiss *


I put a dab of polysporn triple action. It has a numbing agent in it.


Maybe, try it out


A few years ago I got a lot of bites and did an experiment. I bought calamine lotion, Benadryl cream, hydrocortisone cream, and alcohol swabs and tried each one. The only one of those 4 that worked for me was calamine lotion, which did help a little.


Calamine lotion was standard in the nurses office in elementary school down in FL


Alcohol works the best (by far) but only if applied to the bite fairly soon after it occurs (like within 30 minutes). The sooner the better, it becomes useless after the bite has settled in.


Used to put calamine lotion on my poison ivy back in the day


The hot spoon method works best for me. The sanitizer is a good option, though. Less dangerous.


There are these devices on Amazon and where ever that simulate the spoon method. It’s a pen sized thing that heats up a small metal head for a few seconds which you place on the bite. It is an absolute game changer and stops the itches almost immediately. The trick is to get it early.


Hard agree. Those pens are a game changer.


Seconded. That thing changed my life.


Yes, I have one, just used it this morning. Agree, it's a game changer! But even if I don't treat it immediately, it still works. I just keep treating the bites when they start itching. It may take a few treatments.


Even found one the other day that had the size of an usb dongle/stick. You just plug it your phone and it starts heating via an app. Looked pretty neat for when you are outside.


what’s it actually called?


The one I use is called BiteAway. It truly works. I’ve tried everything under the sun and this thing is the answer.


Yep, this is the one we use.


I use one of these ones now too. Used to use the hot spoon. Heat is the way!


You’re just supposed to run the spoon under hot tap water.


Hair dryer here.


I switched from a spoon to a hair dryer a few years ago. It works great. I use it mostly on fire ant bites and poison ivy.


Even better than a hot spoon is this device I got off Amazon that heats the spot up for about 3-5 seconds and then it’s done. 


I have a 1000w microwave, how long do I cook the spoon?




Have you tried the hot spoon with poison ivy rashes? Seems like it would work for that too.




It does work. It denatures the histamines around the bug bite that cause the itchy feeling. It's just not really recommended because it's easy to burn yourself from too hot of a spoon.


You can also use methylated spirits/denatured alcohol if you don’t happen to have hand sanitizer.


90% isopropyl alcohol . . .or if you want to spend the money, grain alcohol from the liquor store. (It lasts a while) Buy a small spray bottle from a drug store and fill it up, don't dillute. . .relieves mosquito bites. . .and if you mist flies or mosquitoes with it they'll just fall out of the air.


Isn't the whole purpose of 70% so that the extra water helps the alcohol stick around longer to sanitize/disinfect? I thought 90% was for solvent dissolution/removal and electronic cleaning uses.


According to my father, a biologist. . .and this is me paraphrasing something he said several years ago. . . You can make a good argument for using either. . . If you're using it to sanitize your hands regularly, then 70% can be better because it kills most pathogens while not being as harsh on the skin. (nothing to do with how long it sticks around, or absorbing into cells as people argue) However, 91% will kill/dissolve more pathogens and chemicals- and kill bugs quicker -but will be harsher on your skin. During the pandemic, I occasionally used 91%- or occasionally grain alcohol on food -for disinfecting as that is what we had on hand. . .but the skin on my hands would dry out and turn into sandpaper after a couple of days. Something my father also pointed out, the more dangerous pathogens tend to have a protective coating. You can spray them with 70% alcohol, or literally put them in fire, and it would remain perfectly intact and viable. . . but 91%+ alcohol will dissolve that coating and destroy almost all pathogens. Like you mentioned, the 90%+ is also great for electronic devices and screens, because it evaporates quickly. . .but it can destroy some plastic and coating on those devices, so use with caution.


Run medium hot water over the round part of a metal spoon for a minute then press the round of the spoon against the bite.


I enjoy the strong sting this gives. Like scratching super hard but not tearing up my skin. Then it chills out.


My routine is soap and water, rubbing alcohol, then ice if the swelling is bad. I get slaughtered by mosquitoes every summer, I use this routine when I get covered by 10+ bites and it helps a TON.




Ah, that's what has plagued me every summer of my entire fucking life. There's this sweet spot, usually about now, as Spring does it's thing and the mozzies aren't out yet. Then I scratch myself silly till end September.


I had no idea there was a name for this! I just this was one more area in which I'm weird. 🤯


Yeah I do the same and if it’s bad and won’t go I just use aftershave


Just take a Zyrtec problem solved


I learned this after mowing and getting bit by mosquitos so often while mowing. If Zyrtec doesn't work, try benadryl. Costco sells a years worth of generic for like $10-$15 or something. Zyrtec works for 24 hours


My tip is to use a spoon after running it under hot water; works every time for me


Salt and vapor rub. This LPT brought to you by all Latina mothers out there.


Peppermint chapstick works great too.


Toothache medicine (like Orajel) works to stop the itch. Also antihistamines if you've got a lot of bites.


Castor oil works too


Great tip. I'm getting eaten alivee


Ive used rubbing alcohol on mosquito bites for decades; Its an old Greek remedy.


Hand sanitizer works because it denatures the proteins in the mosquito saliva before your immune system can react to them.


I use Vicks VapoRub for mosquito bites and pimples. Works like a charm on both!


If you have access to a hair dryer put it on high and direct it to the bite for15-20 seconds.The bite Wii get itchy fog 5 seconds. The itching will totally be gone 5-8 hours. Repeat ad necessary. It works well with poison ivy and other kinds of bites. You will thank me someday


This also works for fire ant bites!


Weirdly prep h helps with mosquito bites. I have severe reactions to them and this is one of the only things that works


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Just suck on them it goes away much faster.