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Watch them get a shittier coach lol. The federation is capable of doing that


We will get a brand new bootlicker


Brand new bootlicker scapegoat who will receive all the blame while the Femexfut continues to do a shit job and continue to run the NT like a business instead of an actual football team.


This a million times. The thing with potentially losing Jimmy is that he was FMF's 'out of the box' answer. They will see Jimmy's failure as the green light to go back to what we were doing 2-4 years ago.


Ahora Televisa va a empezar una campaña de odio contra Jimmy Lozano. Él es un simple peón de este cáncer llamado FMF, verán que ahora va a ser el blanco de todos los “periodistas” y van a empezar con otros nombres sonando para ser DT.


Basado,el cambio de técnico es solo un espejismo pero no es un cambio real.


Normalmente es un espejismo, pero en este caso está justificado. El Jimmy no tiene capacidad, trae como 6 auxiliares y esos tampoco sirven de nada. No tiene idea de cómo plasmar una identidad de juego, tampoco sabe moverle al cuadro en los partidos. Y está casado con jugadores malísimos como Antuna o Jorge Sánchez. Si Bielsa estuviera en lugar del Jimmy, aún con el talento limitado, la cosa sería muy diferente.


cuando la FMF te dice lleva a ohoa, antuna, jorge sanchez, quiñones y demas jugadores que no estan en nivel, dificilmente ni tu como director tecnico ni tus auxiliares podran hacer nada para tener un estilo de juego. No es la primera vez ni sera la ultima, como bien dijo el tuca ferreti cuando lo llamaron, su unica condicion fue que no le impusieran jugadores ni estar pendierdo el tiempo en campañas de comerciales. pero a los dueños del futbol mexicano es lo unico que les interesa, que la gente estupida siga pagando un chingo de lana por ver a los mediocres jugadores mexicanos.


Yeah because jimmy has been doing such a good job right? He deserves all the criticism coming his way, televisa hate campaign is not necessary.


la fmf https://preview.redd.it/ze7xnjbvjt9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4e5c40001c376a3cc6e8a993e10e128c5ef0b5




This is what I’ve been saying this whole damn time since the World Cup… we originally thought Jimmy might’ve been the best option because he is Mexican, played for the national team, and was a solid player… but that don’t mean SHIT. Bielsa was available but I’m sure because he put his conditions, la federación was like “Nah, we need someone we can controI”… lol look at Uruguay now… they can potentially win this tournament. I already told my brother, FUCK all these games in the US. That Mexico Uruguay game that was played here in Denver is the last one I’ll watch in person. I had never seen Mexico lose in Colorado, but funny enough I told my brother this would most likely be the first. Bring back el pinche ascenso/descenso and compete in la libertadores because we suck ASS.


Tienes razón en algo, buscaron una marioneta, no vi casi los partidos hasta los últimos dos, pero dios el nivel de intromisión en el vestidor y en la persona del Jaime Lozano durante los partidos era bestial. Parecía más un reallity de cómo hacer las cosas a lo pendejo.


Watch them bring back Piojo jajajajaja


Let that cockroach die lol


Some random ass Argentinian or a washed out south American


Mexico's issues go far far beyond the coach.


Our pool of players is weak, but Jimmy is part of the problem. He lets players like Charly play who have offered nothing to the team and takes way too long to make changes in game. He isn’t to blame for everything but he should rightfully take some of it.


Our pool of players is shit which is mostly the federation's fault. But he never tried anything different man, just used the same shit players.


Most* of it.




It won’t matter….our players are terrible.


And the federation could care less


Couldn’t care less*






Can you call them players


I agree, this is like 90% players fault


There are good players who got 0 minutes like Alvarado, Marcelo Flores. Even Alexis Vega deserved more minutes than Quiñones, who didn't offer anything. Was useless all tournament.


not alexis vega imo


You cannot tell me Orbelin, Antuna, and Charly deserved minutes more than Piojo. That's the thing people don't see, like yeah, we don't have amazing players, but atleast stop using the players that you know aren't contributing. Throughtout 2 games, your 4-3-3 wasn't working and your striker is STRUGGLING. Obviously your wingers aren't doing shit so get rid of the wingers and bring on players like Vega or Piojo to play behind and feed your striker. Give Santi a second striker since he's struggling by himself. How the fuck do you stand there and watch the game and not see simple shit like this ESPECIALLY AS A FORMER PLAYER


You have a great point. I remember this last liguilla everyone saying el piojo was the best Mexican player of the tournament. And my man jimmy only gave him about 6 min in la copa America!! Come on I’m not saying el piojo would make them score goals automatically but man he would create more chances than antuna. Especially as a lefty playing on the right .


For those who think jimmy isn’t the problem, he has not sense of tactical awareness for this level. He’s too fixated on his 433 with very little room for any alternatives. He also doesn’t have control of the group and we desperately need a respectable figure as a coach and with adequate assistant coaches.


Yup I agree with that 100%. We can't have a coach with no experience and say that's not a problem. Would he make Argentina play well under his strategy? Or it wouldn't matter cause AFA is top notch?


Argentina before Scaloni was a train wreck even with one of the best teams in the world.


Scaloni is a tactical master and has much more talent available. Also has Lio Messi, which is very important inside and off the pitch. Messi respects him, and means that Messi and his heavy gang control the entire group for him. Jimmy is a shit tactician, has no true respect from anyone and there is not a hierarchical figure than can control the players, like for example, Rafa Marquez did for years.


yeah for sure


AFA is far from being top notch lol, its almost as bad as FMF. This coach could probably be bailed out by our very talented players, but yeah he wouldn't be better than Samp**li.


Only one that could set down the law in the locker room right now is Vasco Aguirre.


I like the way you think


The players are helplessly mediocre. You cant have a decent side without some players who play at the top level in Europe. The problem of Mexican football is that the players prefer to be big fish in a small pond instead of going to Europe and fight to make it big there.


I can get behind arguments like this. I don’t hate Jimmy, I just hope we can get another Mexican coach. Even though they had many bad games occasionally we saw the NT play well which was not the case under Tata Martino which we have years of our lives


Revisionist history. Up until the 2021 NL Finals, the team's play was by most accounts solid. Had like a 10 or 9 game unbeaten run there, too. Obviously he flamed out - really bad - but that's not to say his team was always that way. I'd even say Martino's peak (2019 GC and 2020 friendlies) far outpeak Lozano's (2023 GC and Germany friendly)


Martino definitely had better players but did less with them than what Jimmy is doing. Martino had 4 years with that team and year after year the team got worse. There was no play style and every game there was a different formation. I don’t know if you guys are so deluded by your hate for Jimmy that you are trying to make a case that Tata was not bad or if you genuinely believe tata was good.


lol you’re stupid if you think Jimmy is doing the most from what he has.


Im not stupid enough to believe we could go further with another coach. The main problem is the players only simple minded people like you think the coach will have a bigger impact.


Jimmy is forcing a system that doesn’t work with the players we have. Quinones isn’t not a pure winger, antuna isn’t either. Jorge hasn’t played in two months with Porto but is the starter. The list goes on.


Jimmy es el Gareth Southgate Mexicano, solo que ese wey por lo menos gana los partidos


Pero los gana porque el tiene a Jude Bellingham y nosotros tenemos a Charly


Southgate hoy estaría buscando chamba nueva si Bellingham no metiera ese gol para empatar


Ese wey si tiene suerte. Todavía tiene chamba y ha llegado lejos en los torneos aunque juega un futbol asqueroso


it’s the same players over and over. w are just shit no matter who the coach is


El pedo no es Jimmy, son los cabrones que lo elevaron a esa posicion. Los que ya estan contando todo el dinero que la fifa les Dara por el Mundial, y el billete de los patrocinadores.


Romo balled out for this I can’t with this idiot, Jimmy 😭😭🙏😭


I owe him an apology


Last year y’all were licking his ass for that wack Ass Copa Oro!! I said it from the get go that it wasn’t going to work and that Copa Oro was so weak! Hence why USA and Canada took their C squads but yall were celebrating like if yall had won the WC!!! Mame y mame que la lamborjimy




Que se vayan a la verga, el Jimmy, la seleccion , la liga MX y todos los pochos tambien, porque a pesar de que la seleccion obtuvo este resultado vana seguir viendo como idiotas la liga mx diciendo que es buena y de que esta a la par de la liguilla Europea...... Por lo menos voy a disfrutar la mierda que se viene por parte de sudamerica, y no se atrevan a responder de regreso, no lo merecen y no merecen hablar en nombre de Mexico.


Veo una peleita en el sub muy pendeja de gente que dice que jimmy no es el problema vs gente que dice que jimmy es el único problema. Jimmy es parte del problema , no sabe poner jugadores en su posición y el equipo no juega a nada. Si pero es mucho mucho más profundo que eso , cambiar de técnico y pensar que ya está todo hecho es darle atole con el dedo a la gente. Mexico es basura por todo el desmadre que se a hecho en la liga mx y el control de Televisa sobre la selección. No hay jugadores de calidad , cobran por debutar, no ascenso y descenso, imponen jugadores a técnicos , los moleros en Estados Unidos , una afición en USA que no castiga a la selección porque siempre llenan los estadios. Como es posible que no salga otro jugador como Carlos Vela en un país de 130 millones de habitantes? Como es que Uruguay un país con 3 millones de habitantes tiene jugadores de élite en el Madrid , Barca, etc? Esas son las preguntas de verdad. Pensar que correr al Jimmy (Que si deben hacer porque es incompetente) es todo lo que se tiene que hacer para arreglar esto es pensar que con tomar una aspirina ya curaste un tumor cerebral.


correr al Jimmy no va a aliviar todos los males pero tener en su lugar a alguien con capacidad sería un impulso grande para al menos estar donde se había estado por 30 años. Con alguien como Bielsa este equipo al menos sí tendría identidad de juego.


Para traer a Bielsa primero hay que hacer todo lo que dije, no tiene caso traer a Bielsa cuando la piscina de talento es muy limitada


Yeah but you have the fix the leak first before you can do a more serious overhaul of the engine. And Jimmy was a big ass fucking leak. Not responsible for everything, but he failed miserably and deserves his fair share of the blame .


Si wey vamos a correrlo al jimmy y ya está todo hecho , que mas sigue? Ahh traer a Henry Martin por que el es la solución, el Ronaldo Nazario mexicano y luego nos vamos a bailar kumbaya agarrados de la mano de Emilio Azcarraga. Si hombre como no , todo maravilloso.


More like fix the root of problem on why the engine EVEN had the probabiliy of leaking in the first place. Overhaul how you DESIGN engines from the ground up. FIX THE FOUNDATION FIRST.


It’s not even the players bro, teams like Georgia showed that if you have an identity and good tactics, you can actually play well. After that, it’s on the players to make a difference. We don’t have the players, but this fucker has no tactics. He benched Alvarado the whole tournament when he was playing well. He kept playing Charly who did Jack shit. I’m a Romo hater, but he played well. That being said, Sanchez is better, orbelin is better, like we have options, but the coach sticks to the same DUMB bullshit every time. And if it’s not working, sub some shit around. Tampoco, se espera hasta el final, cuando se le chinga un jugador para hacer cambio. HUH? You need to win, shit ain’t working, sub everything in on the 70th. Instead waits til the end. Insane bro…


Bruh Georgia has atleast one world class player in kharastvelia . We have Charly Rodriguez, we are not the same not even by a long mile


Exactly that’s what our problem is. We get a decoy player and think we got the next Messi or R7. Plus we don’t let them develop and keep him in MX.


And what will firing Jimmy accomplish? It does NOT matter who coaches this team, the results will be the same. We can’t compete at the international level. Our players aren’t good enough. We’re not athletic enough, big enough, quick enough, or fast enough. The international game has changed over the last 15-20 years and Mexico has not adapted. They keep trying to impose the LigaMX style at the international level and it just doesn’t work. Burn it down.


Exactly put players get out classed by everyone.


Y puedes poner a tu puta Madre y todo seguirá igual. Pendejos piensan como tú que es la culpa del DT, cuando también falta la mala calidad de los jugadores y todo lo malo con la liga mx


The coach does not matter. No one can help this team, it’s a deeper problem


2 torneos al hilo quedándose en primera ronda.  Mundial y copa America.  Que humillante. Pero la gente va a seguir yendo a ver los juegos de la selección en Estados Unidos.  A emocionarse con los juegos de la liga mx (america, chivas, pumas etc)  Y si, técnicos y jugadores en Mexico son nefastos hoy en día. 


Doesn’t matter if he stays or goes. Our players have no talent, no discipline, no identity.


https://preview.redd.it/uzuf6qqcgt9d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009925fd32476e80792dd6aa091b38480176feda Les traigo fútbol






Seen it on TikTok, looks like there is a heavy social media movement to stop going to the games. This could be game changing.


Last time, it only happened for like 2 games and pochos were filling the stadiums again after the Copa Oro.


Lol! When are you gonna realize it's the effing system. No coach in the world is gonna help Mexico win. Change the rotten system.


No qué el Tata era el problema? no qué no tener un DT "no mexicano" era el problema? no qué "las vacas sagradas" eran el problema? toda la vida dando excusas.


Como todo buen Mexicano.


Espero que con este tremendo fracaso ahora si se haga un cambio generacional de verdad. Antuna, Quinonez, Charly y otros mas ya no deberian ser llamados. Y pues lo del Jimmy, este definitivamente fue su ultimo partido con la seleccion.


Antuna y Quiñones fueron un gran problema en este torneo. Ninguno generó nada. Quiñones no es malo pero no me gustó que lo mantuvieran tantos minutos en esa posición, el hubiera sido ideal acompañando a Santi arriba y un verdadero extremo por izquierda. Antuna pues todos sabemos que es malísimo.


Sabes de fútbol? Por qué Quiñones jugó fuera de posición y aún así fue de lo mejor en frente. Por favor estudia.


Síguele mamando al Quiñones 🤣


Get all of these fucking players out. They all have no reason being on this team. Fuck the FMF and fuck Televisa.


#now fire ANTUNA


Los jugadores son mediocres a malos. Ni con un director técnico top van a mejorar. Es la verdad.


Con Bielsa este equipo aún con estos jugadores de mierda, sería diferente. Aunque no creo que Bielsa hubiera usado los mismos, el sí vería que Antuna es una cagada y seguro le hubiera dado minutos a Marcelo Flores o el Piojo en su lugar


Jimmy is not the problem.


A right back scored our only goal, is it tactics or, are we just trash?


Mexico played really good today. Ecuador defended really well, stats show it. We just didn’t have that finishing touch like previous generations have had. I don’t necessarily blame Jimmy, I just think we have a lack of skill. Previous generations had great chemistry and would add a finishing touch by putting the ball into the back of the net.


Mexico played like garbage, end of the story.


have you seen the lineups? he's definitely the problem 💀


Quiñones hasn't done anything on the LW why keep insisting on playing him out of position?


He locked in tonite and was throwing some good passes ; but this formation doesn’t work without a world class striker and that is something we do not have


he's the scape goat for the FMF


Yea and no, I think the mentality is the problem somehow we did the same shit that we did in the World Cup. Jimmy needed to do what he did in this game in the Venezuela one. You had 180 minutes to score a goal and you can’t do it it’s pathetic


He is a problem, not the main one but one of them


Pero seguiremos con los mismos jugadores jajaja


Should’ve just watched the super copa and called it a night


Honestly I kinda feel bad about him, he is like this sort of scapegoat for the femexfut.


el pobre jimmy solo es un lacayo dirigiendo una seleccion que lleva años hundida en la decadencia.


Get a European this time for the love of God. Fans gonna hate him, but he’ll know his shit.


Jimmy was part of the problem, but we also don't have the quality of players we used to. There's A LOT to be done if they want to make it out of the group stages in 2026


Reminder that the players hand picked him because he’s a doormat.


Convirtió a Mechico en Mecroscopico


El jimmy no es el problema son los de arriba


No creo que otro técnico nos tendría mucho mejor con los jugadores disponibles... Dicho esto, Jimmy es un pendejazo, otro exjugador que siente que puede ser técnico solo por haber medio destacado en su carrera en una liga mediocre


Not even Guardiola could make this horrid generation of players play quality ball


No importa quien venga. No sé puede competir con troncos de la la liga mexicana. Hace falta exportar a Europa. Urge


What puppet will the televisa gods bring us now ?


It’s not just Televisa dog, it’s all the higher ups.


Dude…it’s not the coaches fault. Our players just suck….no coach in the world can change it.


It’s not even Jimmy. It’s just the whole Mexican federation.


Totalmente...y claro ganó una medalla de oro, pero eso no le quita que parezca un entrenador del FIFA ( no mms hijo de tu reputa madre, si hasta en el juego te dice que posición juega cada wey, no mms) Ánimo saludos, ahí le pides al estupido del Antuna que "si te recomienda en algún jale" 😉👍


https://preview.redd.it/mes5oecm4u9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd9513384a0fb4667655357fa6b0e5da53c56719 If you base the game on stats. Jimmys tactical decisions were pretty good. Mexico dominated the game. Lo que falto es más elite world class players that play in the top 3 leagues in the world. That falls on the system.


but were better than both ecuador and venezuela, plus we only dominated most of the game because venezuela already made a goal and just parked the bus and Ecuador parked the bus after second half, when you start charly and antuina for two straight games and make late pointless subs, you don't know what you're doing


How many times have we seen the same thing? It's already proven the coach is not the problem. We're just not good.


Solo con la decisión de llevar al piojo Alvarado y no ponerlo es una falta de visión absoluta, no tiene capacidad


I stop supporting the National Team since 2015. Like bruh it’s obvious who ruined the National Team and league but eh no one seems to care 🤷‍♂️


Pobres los que creen que el problema es el entrenador - son los mismos que siguen comprando los jerseys y los boletos a $150usd :,(


Espera, ¿Tú de verdad crees que es la culpa del Jimmy Lozano? JAJAJAJA


No es su culpa. Pero tampoco ayuda lol.


Que se vaya y luego traemos otro que NO va solucionar una problema que carga AÑOS. Pero eso si que se vaya el no fue el indicado pal puesto que le vaya bien y ojalá si lo corren


https://preview.redd.it/6vqr858ugt9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b102e5a5f59bf173bdafa27403589e8121b4eb Les propongo un sueño NESTOR RAÚL "PIPO" GOROSITO señores, pura calidad


Pinche técnico sin huevos!!


Our players are not world class but they are better than they showed and that's on this fool and his shit staff.


Fracaso total




Que se vayan a la verga todos. Todos jugaron mal Vázquez el único jugador con la mentalidad correcta.


Televisa gonna somehow convince the fans Piojo is the best option 😭


It's Jimmy fault that we have shitty players lol, OP don't know papas.


We will keep blaming the players and the coach instead of the FMF


que ya no juega la selección mejor vamos a dedicarnos al béisbol


En realidad la FMF citó a varios periodistas para decirles que no empiezen a hacer que suenen distintos dts para la selección, que el Jimmy se va a quedar, según algunos medios


Nope, hace unos días Gibran Araige dijo en un Podcast que si no ganaba el Jimmy que el y otros ejecutivos se pueden ir despidiendo de la selección. Si sacaron a del Atlas por un partido malo no veo porque no saquen al Jimmy por uno de los peores torneos que hemos visto


Es graciosa la gente que cree que Jimmy es el culpable. Morros, aunque pongan a Guardiola, Mourinho, Zidane o al que sea, la selección seguirá siendo igual de mediocre. Porque el problema es tanto los jugadores como toda la FMF.


A quien impondrán ahora? We are cooked for the next WC


He’s ready https://preview.redd.it/90gx7o3eqt9d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8838d88b5e3744b3467922ba2a1bccf4fee0c480


Este wey es un pendejo de proporciones gigantes


No mames, wey. Es "vaya", no "valla".


Lo puse en los comentarios. No quería que me ganaran el post. Lo subí lo más rápido que pude sin revisar. 🤦🏾


It’s not Jimmy it’s the damn Mexican federation


https://i.redd.it/kiirb5e3au9d1.gif No mas Papi!


Pero ya renunció o se está haciendo pendejo todavía?


Yall creamed yourselves over that copa oro win last year 😭😭 his best game was that friendly vs Germany ffs. At least he’s getting sacked in the morning


FMF made a deal with the devil (US) and is paying handsomely. They ain’t going for a serious project they just want cash flow. The media is doing a fantastic job keeping peoples interest and making them participate. This is a business for them and that’s it cash flow is generating and people keep coming back to this garbage why change something that isn’t broken?


Él sólo es la punta del iceberg, se tiene que hacer una limpia completa en la FMF y para el próximo DT que sea alguien que haya dado resultados e imponer las condiciones de Bielsa si es que se quiere llegar a ganarle a las potencias. De lo contrario será más de lo mismo.


Con que se sigan vendiendo las chelas y todos los miles de productos que tienen como patrocinador a la FMF, no va cambiar nada. Ustedes creen que Georgia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, etc tienen ni el 1% de la lana que genera la FMF con esas chingaderas + los partidos sin razon en los Estados Unidos contra equipos “chicos”? Esos países juegan porque no tienen de otra y se ganan la afición. Juegan con corazón por su gente.


No es culpa de Jimmy.


Have they already announced his departure?


ESPN had an article stating he keeps his job until 2026


Donde estas Rafa Marquez 😔


Honestly I think it might be a matter of the liga mx teams, the league is not as competitive as they make it out to be. And then add to that-that teams don’t like selling their players to Europe because euro teams don’t offer enough money. Over valued players are killing the national team. Edit: typo


If you go by game statistics Mexico were ahead in the most important ones such as shots on goal, possession and corners. Mexico needs more elite world class players. Ecuador defended(parked bus) very well. You need special players to capitalize when chances at goal are created especially with a parked bus defense.How many players are playing in the top 3 leagues in the world at the moment? If I am correct it's uno Lol and we still sit here blaming managers. Until FMF changes how elite world class players are developed no pasa nada.


Claro que el Jimmy es parte del problema, así como los directivos que lo pusieron ahí, como van a poner a un técnico que con Querétaro no hizo nada, con necaxa menos, ósea que no la vieron venir alguien con tan poca experiencia, quisieron replicar lo de argentina pero ese caso se da 1 en un millón, ahora no es posible que se n tres partidos metas un gol, un miserable gol! Que tengas que ir a penales contra honduras para calificar a la copa América, que Uruguay te haga mierda y Brasil también, si esto va más atrás del Jimmy pero la falta de experiencia, el no tener variantes de juego, el llevar a jugadores y no meterlos, la verdad es que los directivos son un asco, y el pobre Jimmy es el chivo, pero esta vez yo creo que si está bien que lo cambien, porque no aporta nada, ni él, ni sus 200 mil auxiliares que tiene no hacen nada, no hay variantes, no hay nada, ojalá que si lo corran, y al menos venga alguien que con lo poco que hay saque al menos un poco de mejor resultados


y el president y la directiva


qué onda los pochos cómo andan?? ahí cambian más de técnico que yo de calzón, en la semana..... aguante la lamborjimmy !!




que ese wey se vaya no va a resolver nada


Fake, no lo han corrido


*Vaya I got to excited


I can't believe people are still blaming Jimmy for this. We don't have players that are good enough. It's so obvious!


Jimmy tactics are dog shit, his ability on when to sub in players are dog shit, his line ups are also dog shit.


I didn't like that Pineda was taken out. Let's be real. These dog shit results are based of the lack of talent we have.


I also agree that we got shit players but Jimmy is something else, it’s his first time leading a Senior National team. He’s just inexperienced.


I agree that he's heavily inexperienced. I don't think there's any manager right now that can get us results.


Its not his fault. There are no good players


So I guess coaches don't matter. 1-1 you think Venezuela is better that our team? They aren't. Their strategy was better.


Name one player that would start on the 2014 squad… coaching can only do so much . Yup venezuela is better at the moment


Vaya es con Y Y los que deben irse a la verga son TODOS los dueños, directivos, televisoras e hijos de puta que tienen secuestrado al fútbol en México. Y también los pochos por siempre pagan boleto en los moleros. Y de paso también el América.


Ni Guardiola los salva muchachos... tienen que re hacer su semillero de talentos. Fantasmi Giménez es el delantero mas vende humo que les conozco en 30 años de mi vida, un muerto pero de proporciones, toda las pelotas le quedan largas. Aplausos a la nada... un muerto de todo nivel! Lo peor es que en los 90s todo veían a MX como doña selección cabrona y respetable... hoy son un MEME por ud sabrán los miles de motivos internos. PD: jimmy en esto 3 partidos solo planteó correr a lo idiota, pelotazo al area y a rezar... Pésimo técnico. Tambien deben enviarlo a la mierda. Pero tienen un lio más feo. Ojalá algo se pueda mejorar para el mundial... suerte!


No diría que es un petardo, si lo fuera no estaría entre los mejores goleadores de Europa. Parece que más bien no puede acoplarse bien a la selección, ya sea por parado táctico, calidad de los compañeros o yo que sé. No es tan raro que jugadores que juegan bien en sus clubes no la armen con el Tri, a Hugo Sánchez le pasaba igual. Lo de que la selección es un meme es totalmente cierto jajaja


The Lamborjimmy shit was so cringe 


ehhhh fuck soccer I don't wanna watch liga shit mx or other leagues anymore 🤷‍♂️


What in the actual fuck are you guys talking about?! Even tho Mexico got eliminated the dominated all 3 games. We just cant finish, even pk’s 😒 Since Jimmy came in La seleccion looks like they have a game plan, 1000% better in the air from corners or set plays, well organized, and controlling tempo. That line up against Uruguay has never started before, it was just a friendly. Probably just trying new things like the colombian coach back in the day. Jimmy has excelled at creating a group of players that play and support each orher. We lost Alvarez a key player. I honestly dont understand how he is being blamed for this. Trust the process. He is our best chance to getting passed the 5th game in the world cup, if they switch coach there will be 0 hope in the near future to make a dent in history. Also did yall miss all 3 handballs from Ecuador last night. Fuck this VAR bs if the referee has the final say. We should have won last night. We got robbed. But rest assure that we can come back from this, in JIMMY I TRUST!