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Friendly reminder, [he rejected](https://x.com/Jovenesfutmx/status/1807092798065127676) offers from America Cruz Azul Chivas Rayados and Tigres that offered him 3 times more than what he already makes in Serie A


Mentalidad Chad


Mexican media has zero shame. Copa already started and Erick barely plays, Oviedo misses promotion and they immediately announce he’s sold to America. Mexican Clubs put out shit like these offers without even waiting for the tournament to end or at least their participation to end


And that is why many other players don't leave to Europe. Johan is a fucking Chad, but LigaMX teams are the reason many others decide to stay and get pay almost triple to do the bare minimum.


Betting on himself.. I think he deserves a transfer to a bigger club - one that will compete in a euro competition


we only conceded one goal and that was a pen that wasn’t caused by anyone in defense, you can shit on our midfield and attack but that CB pairing was locked in this tournament.


Agreed. Cesar Montes and John Vasquez are the players that should be excused from the fans' anger, although I think the backlash is more towards our attackers and midfielders.


My hatred is more towards the mid and right wing, we desperately need an attacking, creative mid, and need to get rid of antuna. No way in hell a player of that quality can play for a national team


Id say slap julian in the defence and it could’ve been good, we have a somewhat good defence Everything else, midfield and attack is fucked, why? Cause we don’t have good players Im just now thinking besides chucky we dont have any wingers in europe, or i jst dont remember


Montes - Vazquez always deliver. 🤞🏽


Extremely solid players


Con dos laterales Que no defienden ni a su madre


Agree. Arteaga and Sanchez are horrible at defending


3-5-2. It’s easier to find another CB than to find an RB and LB.


I would like to see them try out that formation. Idk if Jimmy has ever ran that


Johan was fantastic this copa. Even when paired with Reyes, he was the clear leader


Exactly. Crazy how you even got downvoted


You're wasting your energy kid. We have 0 methodology.


I agree with you; both Montes and Johan are very good players. I do not mind arteaga, but we need to find Sanchez replacement real quick… wish Bryan Gonzalez woulda gotten a shot. Also helps that Araujo may get more exposure in Barcelona.


This team is set up to not concede goals starting from the forwards. Quinones and Antuna both come back to defend constantly and Romo and Chavez barely push up to the point where Chavez was behind Arteaga a lot of the time. Charly also. Orbelin plays over better players specifically because he can run and press all game. We have to do this specifically because our defense is so weak. It reminds me of Arteta's early Arsenal teams where Mustafi and David Luiz were his starting centerbacks. There's a reason Johan and Montes have 4 relegations combined in their first 2 years in Europe...


Wait.. from these 3 games your conclusion is that our defense is the main problem???


There is no room for creativity the team pushes back to make up for our weak fullbacks defensively they are ass. The CBs are fine but fullbacks are not which forces romo/edson to push back and chavez to not advance. This all forces us to be weak in the midfield. It starts with our defence. A 4-3-3 is meant to have 3 players in that center but we normally have one because Orbelin, Charlie, or whoever are going to be pushing up and often getting wide while Chavez, Romo, or Edson stay back while the other one pushes up and tries to hold the center. When all 3 push up or 2 because again one will always push up and get wide it makes the team vulnerable to counter attacks.


I agree. No room at all for creativity since our fullbacks, midfielders, wingers, and forwards have been useless.


Sure but the point is it starts in the defense. Bad fullbacks result in the rest of the team having to drop back or play more defensively to make up for this weak point, which also means we have nobody in the midfield when we recover the ball to start a counter with possession.


And I forgot to mention Pineda, Chavez, and Charly. Those 3 guys didn't offer much when it comes to creating clear chances of scoring. We're soooooo limited on talent it sucks. The results speak for themselves


No no no. I personally can't blame our fullbacks for Quiñones, Gimenez, Chino, Pineda, Chavez, Cortizo, Antuna, and Vega for failing to make a difference in the attacking 3rd


Yes definitely. Johan looked good in this last game because he can compete physically and he’s a pretty good 1v1 defender but him, Montes, and most of the midfielders are all not secure with the ball and it leaves us vulnerable at the back. We all know Jorge Sanchez is terrible at literally everything and Arteaga is nothing special so all 4 of them combined is a huge problem. I think Jimmy bet on Quinones and Antuna so hard specifically because their speed and how much they come back to defend when we lose the ball, which is constantly. It seems dumb but I guess it did kinda work considering we only conceded off a penalty. At the same time it was a reckless tackle from Quinones that caused it…


Say what you want about this garbage team, the defense actually showed up. 0 goals conceded in open play.


This is why I don’t blame Jimmy. Our defense is solid, keeper integrated well into the team, midfield even has their one touch passes, attack is just garbagex


Exactly. We lack creativity


You realize the coach sets up our attacking identity which we have none. Other than send in a mediocre cross and hope our forwards. Defense was alright but because we played teams who arent scary offensively. Now ask us how it went v uruguay. Nah jimmy is not the answer, bc he has none


our best player in the tournament


Johan be looking a mix of Marco Antonio Solis and Trevor from GTAV with his beard.




Was one of the overhated players during the friendlies prior to the tournament


Like Edson, an example to follow of how a Mexican player should leave to Europe. A good amount of 1st division minutes played. Don’t understand this subs obsession to send inexperienced young players to Europe. 


he didnt have many minutes in primera tho? he was discarded by rayados and left for europe after only a full year at pumas. he probably has more serie a games than ligamx games under his belt. seems more like a case for making it easy for players to leave abroad and see if they are up to the challenge. and for sure it hasnt been easy for him.


He does lol. He has 90 Serie A games vs 56 Liga Mx games as per Transfermarket


i figured. really he was not an experienced player at all and came to pumas as a project from expansion. shows you how important it is for players to leave as soon as possible before they get caught in the ligamx vortex. he's been part of two relegation squads in serie a but is now trending upwards. i'm sure those first two seasons did more for his growth over whatever he might gotten from staying in mexico.


The Liga mx vortex is so true, just look at Chino Huerta dropping form when he should have already left


It’s the stupid belief that just by setting foot in Europe they’ll turn good.


Our Billy Bob Thornton 💪🏽🫡🤾‍♂️


Omg I see it now


Great post. He definitely deserves more respect along with Montes. They were our best players in this tournament


Are there any rumors of him going to a bigger team in Europe? Haven't really followed him closely.


A while back I saw he was linked to Lazio, but not sure how much truth there was to that…


se aventó 3 excelentes partidos, no cabe duda que fue el mejor jugador del equipo en este torneo. Ojalá le haya llenado el ojo a algún equipo europeo importante.


The sad thing is the effort overall was some of the best we've seen from Mexico in a while. Everyone was running their guts out. One goal in three games, the talent just isn't there.


Stooges fed the young Mexicans stan account that 6 Mexican clubs want to poach him from Europe


It’s believable


He’s the only one who knows wtf he’s doing


Remember Pumas let him go for a bag of marbles so he could go to Europe. When this guy defends he reminds me of Rafa Márquez


He’s become such a fantastic defender thanks to learning the Italian way of defending, gotta stay on that path and we’ll have a CB for the next decade.


Canada fan coming in peace (and to see the memes). For me he was mexicos best player.


Rooting for y'all 


I like him


the only player that has ganas and showed up to the games


Great player.


Honestly I wasn’t convinced of this guy but he did a great job, actually the defensive line did good, we need to improve the attack and 100000%


Dude was a fortress. If there is any takeaways it’s that he showed he can can be a leader out there.


Alguien tiene link a un video de como esta jugando en Europa. En pumas jugaba muy bien y se ve que tenia potencial pero no era el cabron que vi en estos juegos.


Hope he can go the lazio or inter


Appreciate the guy. I did not see much potential in him when playing for Rayados, but once he got playing time at Pumas he showed his true capabilities. Kudos to him. Probably our best guy at Copa America.


Liked him since the Japan Olympics, started falling off the boat in his Cremonese era. But I had fallen off all of the Mexican squad. After this Copa America he’s def my favorite Mexican player again. Leaving Liga Mx and staying with in Serie A after two regeletations give Andres Guardado energy.


Worst goatee of All Time


Al que "le piden todo" y termina por no entregar nada (ojo, no es por cagarle el palo al wey, solo digo Jimmy la selección no es un solo wey)


No sabes nada de fútbol si piensas que la defensa en general estuvo mal en este torneo


No sabes leer, si piensas que eso fue lo que postee..


Estás implicando que jugó mal. Y yo estoy señalando lo erróneo que estás con esa idea y extendiendo la opinión al resto de la defensa. Y si no quisiste decir eso, entonces no sabes escribir.


Ah órale va 👍


Y luego te tardaste 16 días en leer y entender Me alegra que estés de acuerdo.