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People freaked out over Metroid too and here it is readily available today.  Don't panic, the game will be available to anybody who wants it.


Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but I recall Nintendo being pretty open about Super Mario 3D Collection being a shorter production run than their normal so I don't see why PM:TTYD would secretly be limited.


They were open about that release. But for almost 2 months now retailers such as Amazon and Walmart have cancelled online preorders of the game.


They’re cancelling preorders because Amazon lacks stock to fulfill the initial orders. This implies a lack of production, not a limited release. If it was a limited release, Nintendo would have announced it as such. They’ve also never done so, with the exception of games released for Mario’s anniversary. There’s no reason to think this is anything but a supply-demand problem.


It's still available for preorder on amazon.ca


Thanks! I'll try preordering there


I'm late here, but also, physical copies 3D All Stars was available for months after its production end date. It would be weird for a base edition of a 1st party nintendo game to sell out faster than an announced limited print game


Standard fear mongering from YouTubers looking for clicks. TTYD is a basically the only tentpole release Nintendo has for the next several months. They’re not going to limit supply, just like how they didn’t for Metroid Prime Remastered and just how they didn’t for Super Mario 3D all stars (for that first year, at least. The game was readily available until COVID). There’s probably some business decision behind this, but limited supply is not it. If they only wanted to sell a limited number they could’ve done it through their store.


You can still preorder it online at GameStop as far as I’m aware.


And Best Buy


You will never see a mario or zelda game not mass produced by Nintendo. Unfollow these fomo youtubers and enjoy your weekend.


Wait, what’s going on?


Major retailers have been canceling people’s preorders of the game. Spawnwave’s video today revealed that Nintendo has sent notice to major retailers to cancel online preorders and only sell the game in store. Some have also suggested that Nintendo have cut back supply of the game as well. Leaving many to panic and try to find a physical version somewhere to buy.


Ok so clown shit. Lovely.


Seemingly no issue for my preorder through Amazon Canada. Still says the package is arriving this Thursday.


Online orders are being canceled, Nintendo issued some statement about only buying it in-store


Yeah I just stopped in gamestop to unload dragons dogma and dropped it on paper Mario. I thought I had it pre-ordered but I guess not... I had no issue putting one in this morning.


This a US thing or what? Preordered mine on Amazon UK and it’s still an open order?


Apparently a U.S. Thing.


Ah that sucks, as far as I know it’s not limited like the collection was. Just might have to hangfire on this one if you want it online


It's also only £37 on Amazon in the UK when it's £49.99 directly from Nintendo for whatever reason.


I saw Spawnwave's video this morning. Honestly, I'm going to try to preorder at Gamestop, but they canceled my Resident Evil 4 collector's edition when I ordered it back then. I don't have THAT MUCH faith in Gamestop keeping preorders. I do have a Walmart nearby. I'm going or sending my boyfriend in that day to see if they have copies if Gamestop fails me.


Same I don't Trust Gamestop. Too many times it has happened to me pre-ordering and it getting canceled or worse.... I receive one of there "Opened games" that they say are new...


I ordered the Nintendo World Champs bundle from GS online, so im crossing my fingers either they or Nintendo dont cancel it.


no idea who spawnwave is or why they would know. tweet from today saying that its available a lot places: https://nitter.poast.org/Wario64/status/1791531767121514913#m


Which retailers besides Walmart has cancelled?




Target is shipping them out


I should preorder there. Thanks for the info!


Good looking out bro. Red Card Go!


Could be Nintendo's response to so many retailers announcing they weren't going to sell physical media in their brick and mortar stores any more.  Just speculating but that is the only reason I can think as to why retailers would be canceling online orders.


That was only for dvds, bluray and music cds. The only mention of lack of interest in stocking physical games was for Xbox systems. Playstation and especially Nintendo stuff still sells fine.


My target preorder has shipped


My Target copy just shipped, so...


My target order shipped today actually


Wait, people think the TYD remake will be limited? Lol.


Just ordered from GameStop for delivery to my address. Let’s see how this goes…


I have two preorders (one with a diorama and one with a tshirt from a regular gamestore). But Pegi Area (Switzerland). No problem here. Im fcking glad 🫣 But hope you all get your copies…


I don't understand why everyone thinks this is a FOMO move. I think Nintendo saw there were going to manufacturing shortages and decided to make it in person only so actual playing customers could get it, instead of resellers looking to scalp it.


Meh, you’ll be able to get it easily for a while


I pre ordered 2 .. just cuz my animals get a hold of shii and GameStop didn’t fail me this time


I got my copy today, on my birthday. I ordered it after it came out, and my aunt picked me up my copy at Walmart. She had to wait 3 hours in line to get it that way. But I have it now. I don't know if that has anything to do with it being a limited release. Infact, I don't know how you would have to wait 3 hours at customer service to get it. But something was going on for sure.


Nintendo kneecapping TTYD so they can justify the continued separation from the format the first two games established.