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I always put it like this: Everyone is working for time off. Most people work 5 days a week to take 2 days off. Some people are content to work 4 days a week and take 3 days off. Some people go work on oil rigs for 9 months and take three months off. You get out what you put in. If you want to take a bunch of time off, put a bunch of hours in in 6 months, be smart with your money and take the other 6 months off. We make very good money, it's up to you how you want to spend it.


I'm also looking to get into the trade. How flexible is the schedule on the day to day, week to week, or month to month? Are these different "jobs" you are accepting, or do you have flexibility with each employer? What does the actual process look like? Can you explain to me how you are "choosing" your time off? Are you on call? Are you accepting jobs? My work life balance is important to me. I'm looking at building out a camper. My wife is a nurse and also wants to travel. I want to be able to travel and have flexibility and get work when I want it and have free time when I want it. I don't mind working hard but I don't mind not getting paid. Flexibility to choose my schedule and travel are what I care about. Thank you for reading.


As an apprentice you work everything, life balance shouldn’t even be a thought for the first 3-4 years. Once you top out you can work as little or as much as you want.


Next to zero flexibility on a day to day basis. You’re part of a crew and expected to be there. Utility guys get 3-4 weeks vacation, and you can usually take it whenever, often you need to give a week or so notice so they can maintain staffing. You can get some flexibility contracting, work a few months on a job, take a couple months off, but when you’re working you need to be there everyday or you’ll get canned.


Thank you for your reply


Year 1: eager to learn, studying all the time, asking questions, eager to climb, ready to prove yourself, optimistic. Year 10: dead inside, alcohol addiction, rich


4-10 hour shifts, OT when u want it storm work to fill the bank account up. Take however much time you want off. Every place is different, this isn’t an industry you’re going to find a defined answer to that question, or any question really.


If you’re a contractor it is what you make it once you have a JL ticket. I know guys who work every minute they can and I know guys that work 3-4 months a year. The utility life means they have far more control over your schedule. It’s stability at a price


It honestly depends on what you want and what your lifestyle is. I'm a utility ape which is cake compared to the contractor apes I went to line school with and still talk to. I applied for both and just took the first offer I got. I definitely make less money than my contractor ape brothers, but I also have more 'free' time, ie I have weeks where it's just your standard 40's, 8 hours a day, and I'm home by 4:00 and have the weekends off. I did the whole six 12's with a contractor as a groundman for many months before I started my apprenticeship and while the money was amazing, it sucked only having Sundays off. But there are plenty of contractors that work four 10's or just five 8's as well. There is alot more flexibility on the contractor side once you top out. As an apprentice, whether it's utility or contractor, you just do what you're told and say yes when asked. The entire trade is give and take, it will absolutely be a major part of your life but the comradery is real regardless which side you are on. The utility I work for owns us so when we get held after our normal hours, for no reason at all sometimes, or for bad weather that is legitimate, it's just one of those things that is part of the job and you have to deal with. Some guys have trouble getting past that but for me it's absolutely no problem because it's something I expected coming into the trade. I'd say in my position, the work life balance is ideal. I can't speak for the contractor side because I haven't done real line work on that side, but the whole point of your apprenticeship is whether you're utility or contractor is that it's going to be tough and humble you, and it's going to require you to make some sacrifices. But they are absolutely worth it. The biggest difference I see between the early vs the later years is basically having to do the grunt shit all the time vs doing the big boy work when it's required. At the utility I'm at most of the senior guys just teach from the ground and run jobs, but when it's something nasty they get up there and handle it.


What’s your situation and what type of life do you need to be happy? If you’re young and no kids, willing to travel you’re generally in a much better position to get into the trade.


There is no work life balance if you want to make.a ton of money. You get paid by the hour not by the job. Down south working 40 hours a week.you won't even sniff a 100k If you want to make 200k you will have to work overtime. There hasn't been shit for storms this year. Alof of people see the I made 200+ as a lineman on social lol only thing that's not mentioned is the amount of ot.to get there. And before I get blah blah you don't know shit , I had over 5000 hours of converted overtime per year before. Did I make good money that year ? Yes. Am.i driving a cullinan? No Did I have a life outside of work? No, not one bit.


The guys I know work a ton of ot but they love the money.


It is very dependent. Even where I work. I can choose to work 7 16's, or 5 8's or mix in between. Depends how much you want to make vs spend time with your family.


What’s this “life” word you speak of….. work will become your life. I am kidding…. Just depends on what you want to do. Get in with a utility and be home almost every night…. Hit the road and see the world…: