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I’m pretty certain he’s not working as a lineman just an FYI


Is he working on power lines or on communication lines sounds to me like he’s probably working on a fiber crew or something


I’m sure it’s fiber. Even non union contractors pay on time


I was thinking the same. Definitely sounds like some comm’s activity’s.


Tell him to call the local IBEW halls, apply for apprenticeships. Without the specifics it sounds like he’s practically doing under the table linework, sketchy.


The original post has me so confused. If that's what the bf is doing, how does something like that work? Not in the trade but I feel like it'd be a little harder to hide under the table linework then say, doing plumbing for your friend for some quick cash.


Yeah cause the ibew takes apprentices so easily…


So keep interviewing.


Lol right.


Really getting tired of union guys saying “sign the books”. Like fuck off dude. You think we like non union? Think we don’t now we’re fucked around daily? I just worked an 11 hour shift and came back at 330 am for a fucking outage! Did I get any money in my retirement or any incentive pay!? No!!!!


See above.


Your response is so idiotic, it doesn't deserve a response. Yet, here we are. Go step on legos.


After I signed the books I was told I might have to keep working non union for a bit. Because the books are slow if we didn't get layoffs for unemployment no way I could sit on the books this long still waiting.


Tell your boyfriend to get a real job, considering he obviously doesn't have one


Definitely fiber construction. You sub contract for the guy that has a prime contract. Your livihood is in the hands of 1 dude basically. No benefits just cash money. You could do 20k feet of fiber in a week then that guy jumps town and you're out 10k$. It's a terrible industry and he should find employment for a real company with benefits and w4s


A lot of it is sketchy to me. I find it odd this guy is requiring him to pay for so many expenses.


It definitely sounds like communication contracting. He is most likely working with someone who is sub-contracting from a company with a prime contract for the local cable/phone company. So basically, he is a sub-contractor of a sub-contractor. I've been there, done that and won't go back to it. It's hard to keep steady money and no benefits. If he gets hurt, he's SOL. If he likes the work, he needs to find a place where he will have taxes taken out and benefits. 1099 at the end of the year is never a good thing.


It's how the fiber industry works. He should apply for your big cable/fiber/phone company. Or a real prime contractor that will w4 him


Is this the same boyfriend that is the drug addict you post about? …


Trade up for a new boyfriend


What EXACTLY type of lineman is he saying he is? High Voltage or communications? Does he have a CDL(Trucking license)? What area are you in?


I'm not sure honestly, He describes it as "piece work" and some of these units are in front of or behind people's houses if that helps. He doesn't have a CDL license. We moved to Denver for his first job. So I have a job in Denver and he travels. He is in Texas right now.


Honestly, he’s not a Journeyman Lineman dealing with high voltage. If he wants a true career as a journeyman he’ll need to get a CDL class A no restrictions and go to the union hall in Colorado and sign the groundman books to start with. Read the FAQs for the sub and get an idea of what things are about. If he’s just installing Fiber Optic snd not splicing, he’s limited in my opinion. There are communication linemen, it’s just a different animal.


This doesn't sound like linework at all.


This is the Denver IBEW local to look into things. https://www.ibew111.org


He isn't a lineman. He is working for crappy contractors taking advantage of him. No this is not a feasible way to make money.


Sounds like he’s doing cell tower work not lineman. Big difference between the two.


Sounds like a tv lineman.




Get a CDL go find a big contractor with benefits and has some sort of apprenticeship so he can get a JL card. Tell him to stop messing around with this shady work and go and grab a real lineman job distribution or transmission. He has zero job security it seems like.