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Plot twist: she was fired for sleeping on the job.


Or for not paying rent


I thought Elon was on favor of that


Only for him


or for using twitter's toilet paper


Or using twitter


Or for sleeping at all


At the end of the day it’s a job… why do people do these things??


Propaganda. I was born in USSR, grew up in US. My friends ask me about Russians right now and why they are so easily brainwashed by Putin and his propaganda machine. It's the same thing here just about a different idea, the idea of hard work and all that bullshit. Us Europeans think Americans are insane for slaving away. I would tell my boss I am going home and if they have a problem, I'll see them in court and I'll be waiting for my unemployment checks.


Advertisement and the "work-is-your-life" Amican Dream^(TM) mindset is the propaganda of capitalism. Much more money and psychology research goes into that than has ever gone into the Pravda.


Also, for most of us, our health insurance is tied to our jobs. We can't afford to just quit and walk away.


Which is why my country is trying to take away our healthcare so they can enslave us too.


Yet there are, sadly, a fair amount of CEO types that feel American workers have too many rights!!! Pathetic. Having health care tied to your employer is even more pathetic. It used to be worse before ACA There's few people more infuriating than those who were born on third base, but they act like they hit the triple!!!!




Canada too, sadly.




which was also a calculated move on the part of big business with a history of how that came to be


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7551 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/87452)




Do you have any idea how expensive it is?


So? COBRA gives you 6 months to find another job with benefits.


Cobra was around 500 a month when I used it. Maybe better than nothing, but not very practical when you’ve just been layed off.


Just quit your job, spend 700 a month and hope to find something better. There are definitely enough jobs with excellent Healthcare for everyone. The only thing holding people back is laziness.


There very much isn't a job "with excellent healthcare" for everyone, what are you talking about.


That shit is not cheap, at all, it shouldn’t even be considered an alternative


It cracks me up how deep into propaganda most people on Reddit are that they actually think that there’s more Russian propaganda online than American propaganda. American interests have exponentially more resources and money invested into spreading propaganda online than Russia does and it’s not even close.




Yes, and it has advertisement as well.


My European coworker ( works and lives in eu) left a quarterly management meeting because it was against the law to work longer. I was so jealous


In my place, my American colleagues often book meetings with me at 6pm, I just auto reject. (I'm in Europe)


Yeah in Germany the employer can be massively fined if they allowed their employees to work more than 10 hours a day.


I think your last sentence uncovered the actual reason - strong/weak employment laws. All capitalist countries would work exactly the same otherwise


>All capitalist countries would work exactly the same otherwise No, different cultures would result in different approaches.


In what culture do capitalists not exploit workers without legal protections?


Where i live the idea that you should work to live and not live to work is pretty popular. It's i think one of the reason we got some pretty good legal protection


This is pretty spot on. I loath the whole idea of people thinking long hours, multiple jobs, or extremely hard work are points of pride, or somehow gives you status. Me personally, I want to make the most amount of money while being able to spend the most amount of time doing the things I love and with the people I love. Note: my definition of “hard work” in this instance is more so unnecessary hard work. Like the types of jobs that leave you with life long pain for little pay.


I’m giving my two week notice for my current job to accept an offer that increases my take home by 40% I’m telling some of my closer coworkers as I don’t plan on telling my manager until tomorrow. Some of the older people (expect for the Irish guy which I think says something) are asking why I don’t stay, why I don’t try for another position in the company etc. That the “grass isn’t greener”, blah blah. That the increase in salary isn’t “worth it” I’m 30, live in a high CoL place and would like to own a home one day. I watched ppl go from L1-3 in 6yrs. While I have been laid off (stayed in the company, diff division during that time even moving out of state) and every time I ask for projects to get me to L3 I’m told to wait or that I need to build trust.. I’ve been here for 8yr (If you count internships). Just got a 2.5% raise. Even with that increase the new offer is still 55k more. The idea of being married to a job is long gone and a lot of people who got theirs and are living comfortably do no get why someone like me would leave. But I’m noticing a lot more people around my age (mid later 20s early 30s) are leaving the company. It’s probably for similar reasons. We want/ need stuff for important life changes. Some Boomers and Gen Xers are already sitting pretty.. just need money to sustain their lifestyle and will look a person dead in the face, who can’t afford to buy a home and say they’re getting paid too much.


People work for money, if they want loyalty then they should get themselves a dog 🐕....


I heard some real horror stories about US employment laws. Like the way you get sick days... Like, literally a maximum amount of days a year you're allowed to be sick! Where I live, when you get sick for an extended period of time, they can't even legally fire you within the first 2 years unless both parties agree.


The irony is Putin is behind much of the propaganda here, too. FFS you have GQP'ers defending Russia's attack on Ukraine and they elected an orange stuffed with lard.


I know more Americans that are pro Putin then I know actual Russians.


I'm throwing the BS flag... please show a source that actually has GOPs defending Russia's attack on Ukraine.. because I think your totally talking out of your ass because you have a wicked case of TDS


Lmao. Trying so hard to cope. There’s sources everywhere, but here - https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/23/trump-putin-ukraine-invasion-00010923 You’re either living under a rock, a troll, or an idiot (or all 3).


he recognized it as a genius move, from putins perspective; he didn't encourage or support this... you are drawing an erroneous conclusion based on facts not in evidence. stop trolling and stop acting like an idiot... maybe you will finally recover from your TDS one day...


He was supportive of Putin’s move, by definition. You’re trying to create a false interpretation. Not uncommon for Trump or GOP bootlickers to do. We saw plenty of “what he really meant was…” from 2016-2020 and you’re still doing it. Take the L and move on. I provided evidence. Plenty more you can find. I think you need some remedial lessons in English vocabulary.


Fuck off r/Conservative


But you might be having strong employee protection laws in EU. We are ‘At Will’ employment here. They don’t have to say anything. Just let you go. You won’t be able to prove they did it because you refused unpaid OT. At least AFAIK.


We can’t even separate health insurance from employment


What if? That's someone's propogenda of not letting people work hard Europe or succeed and do innovation? Maybe US propaganda.


Oh no, a healthy work/life balance! Such horror!


Yeah but we like to have shit here. We don’t want to live in a flat and take the trolley and live in a 15 minute walking radius. We actually like to make enough money to have things.


What the fuck does that even mean


I think they're trying to talk about a 15 minute city, but doing it in such a way they clearly don't understand what one actually is...


It means the average income in the US is twice what it is in the UK. That’s why Americans do the hard work thing, so they can make money


Because getting sick or wanting an education will literally bankrupt you. And my quick Google search isn't doing your argument any favours.


Most Americans aren't working hard to be rich, they're forced to work hard to survive.


It's not, more like 1.5 times. And when you subtract the costs for health care and pension and other costs of living, which are provided by the government or just cheaper (certainly in many mainland European countries), it isn't more at all anymore.


Yeah, I would much rather spend hours a day in a car than walk somewhere within 15 minutes. I literally live at 10 minutes walking distance from my job and it gives me so much freedom to plan around it better. I have little wasted time on commute and oublic transport is actually usable when I need to go further. Our train network connects more than 1,5 city and they keep them clean and comfortable. And I have plenty of money to have things. Especially since I don't have to pay as much for Gas, hospital bills, education and all that stuff!


This must be a huge city thing because I have never had to spend hours in a car to get somewhere within my own big city.


Capitalism is a hellavu drug


It reminds me of the story of Patty McCord, the HR chief credited with making Netflix's internal work culture was it is (or was, in 2012?) and for essentially making Netflix what it is today. Wonderful place to work at, high pay, but a high turnaround, it was said. The company's Culture was, per her slide deck she made with CEO Reed Hastings, that "Sustained ‘B’ performance, despite an ‘A’ for effort, gets a respectful severance package." She "moved on" (read: fired) hundreds of people throughout her tenure there and called herself the "Queen of the Good Goodbye" for how positive she'd spin it. Then she herself was fired in 2012 after backing the plan to split Netflix's DVD rental and streaming as two separate companies (which devolved into just two separate services after backlash, price hikes, and almost a million subscribers lost at the time).


Because people are delusional


For lots of money


What do you do with that money when you don't have time to enjoy it?


Pay for a house you can never be in


At times like this…after a layoff


I work in big tech, probably more hours than I should. Honestly, just save it. I'm quite frugal anyway, and if I were to get fired tomorrow I can easily take an extended break without needing to work. Alongside this, I could probably go on an amazing holiday with my wife, and still have a few months of runway. Although it depends. Some people like me are savers, some are decked out in designer gear, live in apartments they can barely afford, and clearly live paycheck-to-paycheck. One aspect of this working culture is that a lot of big tech requires it. You don't throw something like Twitter or Facebook on a server and just watch it work magically with no issues - it's the result of hundreds to thousands of people working on lots of little things all the time. Being able to say that you're the person responsible for something tangible alongside this ecosystem is quite nice, and opens up lots of doors in the future.


>if I were to get fired tomorrow I can easily take an extended break without needing to work. Alongside this, I could probably go on an amazing holiday with my wife, and still have a few months of runway. This is honestly a very US problem


I'm from the UK.


Don't you have a statutory period of notice and enough paid holidays?


Yes, but if a company wants to let you go, they'll find a way. They'll either do it as redundancy, or they'll just sack you and cite poor performance - and good luck fighting against that in court against a multi-billion dollar company.


I'm not saying they can't fire you, of course they can, but when you have several months notice it's enough time to find a new job


You could retire early, or retire very rich. Nice options to have, I would say.


And waste your best years? Then I am old and can't do as much as a young person. You don't even know if you'll still be alive, anything can happen.


It’s not like your doing throw every night. IMO sacrificing your time once in a while to go the extra mile can sometimes be worth the opportunities it provides


I'm not against doing overtime, but these people do this every week


I did for a few years, very happy I decided to stop and set better work life boundaries. It’s not sustainable for a happy healthy life


Because they've been taught to believe their hard work will save them from whatever decision their managers will have to make. But there's only one real truth when it comes to managers: if they've gotta save their ass or yours, they'll choose theirs every time.


The Calvinistic work ethic is infused in every American's mind from birth


To "show loyalty"


Yeah all these gurus think sitting in the office 24-7 makes them indispensable. I’ve seen plenty of workaholics get laid off. Sadly, we’re all just a number which is why a job shouldn’t be the center of your life.


It's like a religion. Kiss the ass of someone who abuses you for the implied promise you'll be rewarded for it. You won't


If you lack talant or skills you make it up with as kissing


When this is the first time you realise kissing ass doesn’t always pay off


Didn’t she get promoted shortly after musk bought Twitter and her post went viral. She was a manager before and got to a executive position in just a few weeks. A bit odd she got axed right after that, probably not a personal related move but her unit got axed. I think she would be fine, probably going to land another senior position now.


She might be a survivor or just a sycophant, either way her public brown nosing lost her a ton of respect from most anybody within the industry. Not someone I would want to work with.


I wouldn’t hire her due to her demonstrated poor decision making skills and proven inability to manage her time properly.


Does never pay off. It pays off when you end up a close minion or they want to put the ugly stuff on your name to wash their responsibilities.


Well I’ve seen people who would otherwise never make it get promoted by kissing ass, it pays off when you’re clear what you want and playing a short game


I always thought kissing ass was so you do less at a job. Like the person always agreeing with the boss and laughing with the boss is hardly working.


Spot on here. Also, it works.


You don't even need to kiss ass, just not disagree harshly with the boss and instead make suggestions where the right choice is clear and let them "decide" so they feel they're in control.


Despite Musk constantly claiming he'd allow people to work from home if they exceed the 40-hour work week... which would imply appreciation for this self-destructive level of dedication. Kissing ass means a lot to a certain kind of boss, but not enough for them not to screw you over when they think it suits their purposes better. A verbal promise of that type of boss is meaningless, a promise on paper is still not to be fully trusted.


She's still kissing post fire too


And at the end, you're left with the smell of shit.


Well at least she learned her lesson. Your employer doesn’t care about you, they only care about profit.


[Narrator - She hasn't. ](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/twitter-layoffs-employee-esther-crawford-viral-photo-sleeping-on-office-floor-laid-off-10165981.html)


JFC dude lab rats learn faster than this lmao


She has to keep it up to show other multi billion dollar corporations that she will always swallow the entire boot for them.


I'm sure the situation will be the same in the next company she works for- "OK, so Elon fired me, but I know that Company X will reward me for being an abject lackey who puts work before family."


She has an equally unhinged husband who waded in and supported her full time lackey work ethics


OMFG just make your own company if you want to work like this!


Maybe life is easier when she isnt home


She didn’t learn anything, go look at her twitter


There's a lesson here for all the workaholic twits out there who think sacrificing their personal lives for someone else's dream or trying to virtue single it to the internet thinking it will help them to get ahead or even afford some kind of job security. You are a commodity and nothing can save you from a layoff.


Never forget: you are not a person to the people with more money than they can spend. Even the people in that .01% income bracket don't view each other as equals if they don't make the same number of digits as them, they definitely won't see you as human or acknowledge you and your efforts if you dont even touch mid-6 figures.


All I have to say is "good". How that boot taste now, sis?


Better question: who took the photo of her? Obviously it has to be fake so she pretended to sleep and have a co-worker take a photo, then brags about how she has no proper work/life balance and tries to normalize that? Yeah she deserves whatever she's got coming to her




I’d call HR…


It's twitter, so that line would probably just keep ringing.


I'd say it's situational. If they're lying there, shirtless, surrounded by beer cans and smelling like they crawled through a piss soaked alley, I'd probably call HR. If they also swamped themselves, I'm definitely calling HR....


Bae caught me slippin'


It was an obvious photo opp to kiss ass towards Elon. The lights were on !!


I feel like there's a lesson to have been learned here...


Why is anyone surprised? This isn't the fifties any more where you're loyal to the company, work for forty years, and get a gold watch and a pension. You're on your own, which is simultaneously freeing and frightening.


It would be a shame if loads of people began commenting on the original post... *Cackles in villain*


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She found out what loyalty is worth to billionaire egomaniacs.


Lmao. Billionaire bootlicking will get you nowhere folks.


That’s sad. One day these people will realize that their time was precious and it should not have been wasted trying to please somebody who didn’t care about you.


These people are insane... Its bad enough sleeping at work with 0 facilities but tweeting about it like you are proud of it is just insane... She's a mum BTW... Imagin being lead/managed by someone like that... WOW it's just pure insanity. Does she realize she can seemlessly work from home after work... God damn it this is so stupid and she is a Manager...


The lesson, boys and girls, is don't be a simp.


I do feel for her. You're taught your whole life to work harder to get what you want. After being laid off in 2010 myself from a similar situation(worked 3 jobs got paid for 1 and horrible work environment) I too learned the hard way. Working more and harder gets you nothing but trouble when the workplace is sh1t.


I feel bad for all of us that grew with that mindset but I don't feel bad for those who brag about it at the office or social media, there's always pretentious people that pretend and get away with it. While the hard working people do not get anything, not even support or a bit of recognition. We all deserve to learn the lesson and give what they pay us for, no more, no less.


After more than half her colleagues got unceremoniously laid off by Elon, instead of acting in solidarity she instead helped Elon enforce the “new regime”. All to save her own skin of course.




It seems like she might never get that idea. She sees other billionaires putting their life on pause for the company so she does the same without realizing the billionaires own the company they get a direct benefit to their efforts the worker does not.


nah fuck her.


"Twitter payments" Twitter has payments?


Somebody has to collect the $12 from the morons who got suckered out of it for a blue check. Guess not enough of them were willing to pay up.


I understand that she is a target of vitriol because her previous stance was identifying with the aggressor, but I still feel bad for her. She is a victim here just as everyone else in Musk's wake of destruction are.


I would feel bad for her if she hadn't doubled down. As it is, she continues to support toxic workplaces, which continues to hurt all the people that make a lot less money. She'll be ok financially I'm sure


Yep. I can't argue with that. I think it's because I've been laid off in the past and it is such a blow that I automatically feel sympathy for anyone who experiences it.


That seems perfectly reasonable to me. I probably had a twinge of automatically feeling bad before I realized how awful her message is.


Fucking loser. I’m sorry but this is some loser shit. Glad she got axed. And also, Fuck Elon


Sooo... that tweet aged well.


I dream of the day I stop seeing this idiot's face everywhere I go.


It’s easy to forget that for a lot of people being laid off is not a viable option. For tons of folks this is not going to be too bad with generous severance and stuff. For others, it means an untenable immigration, family or health situation with very dire, short term consequences. I’m not going to cast the stone at anyone who came to the conclusion that they must do anything to keep their job.


Pawns are always expendable, especially if they have the audacity to steal a little of their narcissistic boss’ limelight.


Imagine working this hard and being this invested in your work…when all you’re producing is fucking Twitter.


You mean to tell me, the guy whose family got rich ("oh I didn't take a dime from them" 😆) running Apartheid mines in South Africa treats people like disposable shit? Where is my fainting couch.


Poor woman never realized her days were numbered since the takeover…


The picture of him looking like Kim Jung is the chefs kiss.


Do not have loyalty to things and people that do not have loyalty to you.


I, too, sleep where I work: at home, in my own bed.




My guess is that Musk actually didn’t appreciate her tweet at all for a few reasons.


One of the most intriguing phenomenoms of our time is how people display stupidity with such proud.


Thats what eating billionaire dick gets you lol




Bootlickers gonna lick boots.


Yea she was a Product Director/ chief twat worshipper I'm glad this try hard got fired. Fuck all these idiots promoting *that* culture.


fucking christ can you guys shut the fuck up about this dude already. edit: You know what, no. I'll solve it myself I have RES. Just blocked this sub.


That'll show em




Not even LinkedIn. But I guess the "elon bad man" internet updoots hits different 😤


Cause it's true


lets just start posting about trump here too, since he also fucking sucks. Fuck organization right. as long as its something I like, it belongs!!


The difference is that this post actually fits this sub.


What is a “head of twitter payments?”


Someone that enriches Elon?


Could it be that she was fired for her twitter post? Doesn’t make Elon look good.


the fact all the people here don’t realize she was making a light joke is so representative of Reddit’s average social comprehension and no, I don’t like Elon Musk in any way


Life comes at you hard and fast.




Imagine being that stupid to put your health and family life behind the work interest 💀


Lol pwned.


‘Witness Me, Elon!’ Elon ‘Mediocre…’


˝The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.˝




That implies Twitter is hiring. They've only been laying people off since Elon's arrival.


Fucking BEAUTIFUL!! .. now this is the kinda news I like reading!


Well at least the boot was tasty while it lasted


see what that "hard work" gets ya


So hard work doesn't pay! We've always suspected as much... Thanks for proving it publicly.


It's fine lads, she got a pair of boot straps with her severance pakage.


I worked for one of those brands that’s considered a dream company and called a great place to work. I worked my ass off, went above and beyond and covered for incompetent leaders and all it got me was fired when they hired their friends as a vendor and they kept fucking things up


yeah but did she get any work done


South African carpetbagging “American job killer.”


I saw it as a ploy to demonstrate her loyalty. Please don’t fire me. I considered if I would do the same and honestly if I had no marketable skills, yes I would.


Jesus. Who took the photo. Did she ask them to ? So many questions.


Real loyalists never sleep!


Insert Stalin meme People never learn...

