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What a fucking narcissistical ass. He dressed up in stylish clothes, and had someone take a picture of him under that sign while he looks off to the side, trying to be pensive. Or concerned. Or whatever - I dunno. I don't understand why people can't just live their lives quietly. Why they try to turn every event into something profitable.


That pose too… 🤢🤢🤢


The pose looks dismissive tbh. Like: “Fuck, I don’t wanna go back in there. I went out to grab a soda but I guess 20 minutes is long enough I probably should go back to my wife after this photo shoot.”


Yeah he probably walked back and forth a few times to get the perfect stride.


Exactly. All while people were literally fighting for their lives there.


I remember hitting the 28th hour in the hospital with my wife when our kid was born. She really went through it far more than me. However, I also looked like shit after those 28 hours. This guy is either a penis, is lying or is both and more.


My kid was in the NICU for a month. This boy is a coward, a piece of shit, and a failure as a father and a man


We went through this with our daughter. The only picture taken was a Polaroid the Neonatal Transport Team took of her, and gave to us, before the helicopter took her to Sick Kids in Toronto. She made a full recovery.


I'm so thankful to hear that! Stories like this are why I said what I did


Nicu dad as well here. Luckily only 3 weeks and he is a healthy amazing 5 year old now! I couldn’t imagine trying to turn that experience into hustle porn or asking someone to take a picture of me dressed up like that.


NICU momma, thankfully only two weeks, but the longest two weeks of my life. Also, due to a c-section, I couldn't even see her, much less hold her, for 24 hours. She turns 17 this fall. So glad to see so many happy endings here.


Sounds like my birth in 1984, although SickKids was across the street from where I was born. But my mom was given a Polaroid before I was transferred. Lucky for us, there was no LinkedIn in 1984. Nor would my mom have put this story on LinkedIn if it *had* existed.


Playing “tag your it” was probably his wife’s way of making his do something… anything helpful. What a piece of garbage.


My son was in the NICU for two months born at 31 weeks. If I was in anything other than yoga pants and a T-shirt it was a flipping miracle. No way someone gets dressed up to go to the NICU unless they headed home from work or headed to work. This picture pisses me off no end and it has been 14 years since my son was in the NICU!


That's offensive. Penises don't deserve to be compared to this guy.


Seriously, narcissist to the max. These people are so fucking full of their own ego and shit. Unfortunately that's the type that seems to rise to the head of companies.


Not surprising that he works for a property management company. Just on a whim I looked up the “RPM Podcast” and came across an interview he did where his word salad responses were incomprehensible.


You use buzzwords, they're hooked. You stay agile, and pivot. The listeners are stakeholders and trust you.


Seems like that’s a favorite pose of his: https://multifamilypodcast.com/the-innovators-mindset-interview-with-tony-sousa-vp-of-rpm-living/


Okay, this is *not* the point, but that tweed blazer over the same leather jacket he’s wearing in this picture? He looks like if you trained a generative AI on examples of successful/stylish entrepreneurs, but exclusively as-described by nine year-old children. So basically my point is that his sense of style matches his level of emotional maturity.


Nah I thought the exact same thing, the leather jacket under the tweed blazer is crazy. I’m sure his justification is to “generate engagement” or some shit by being different but good god it just looks so bad.


That combo is fucking hideous.


It's his "Blue Steel"


Poppa I have the black lung.


He probably brought a tripod and set it up like the complete wanker he is. 


That photo, outfit and pose. I am speechless.


"Looking for the vending machine, Wendy, because what am I supposed to do? Not eat? I mean yeah sure rough day yada yada yada but can't a guy get a Snickers?" /s


Yeah fuck this guy. I don’t know why this post came up on my feed but my husband and I looked like hot dog shit the whole time our twins were in the NICU. I remember being so excited that I had washed my hair the day they got discharged so we could take a family picture.


Narcissistic asshat: Excuse me, nurse? Can you take a picture of me walking down the hall looking for my baby? Nurse: Sir. Your baby is in room 302 and is terribly ill. You’ve been here since yesterday. This isn’t an appropriate time. Narcissistic asshat: He’ll be fine. But I’m wearing my best jacket and I look stylish as hell. Could you please? Just 5 or 6 pics? It’s for my LinkedIn. Nurse: …. Narcissistic asshat: I’m vice president of RPM Living, a property management company in Texas. Also, I’m a host, speaker, thought leader, brander, multifamily enthusiast, writer, disruptor, change agent and the most interesting man in property management. Please. My kid will be fine. This is for my tens of followers on LinkedIn. They’ll freak when they see how awesome I am.


Wait. I thought you were just being hyperbolic with the “multifamily enthusiast”, “change agent”, “most interesting man” comments. You know, like for comedic effect. Nope, that’s his actual, real-life bio on LI. What the fuck.


yep! I’m not that creative. Lol


In my experience NICU beds aren’t given their own rooms except for the most severe cases. Typically they’re grouped in open pods with several beds per pod so that they can all be adequately monitored by a small team of nurses. Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of myself looking simultaneously concerned yet well rested to prove this experience.


AS$hat is correct!


Fuck me I’m pretty sure my company leases one of our Texas offices from that douche.


He’s a thought leader. I’m sure you’ll be fine


What is a multifamily enthusiast? Polygamy?


He's keeping his options open with multiple families. This one looks like a bust with a sick child.


I can’t even imagine this. I went through a miscarriage and somewhat recently thought I might go through a second. I was absolutely distraught in both cases - nfw I was thinking about fucking LinkedIn. Jesus Christ.


> multi family enthusiast i wanna go back to before i realized this meant he was a real estate weirdo, not a polygamist


You wouldn't believe how many people do inappropriate things in the Nicu for social media


Oh I’d believe it. Pretty much any setting in a hospital. One of my friends had to visit the hospital with his wife because her grandmother was on her death bed. She posted a TON of pics from her grandmother’s room of her looking sad and crying, holding her hand, posing with her barely conscious grandmother etc. it was quite pathetic. I saw her in a different light after that.


I've been in the background ove multiple tiktoks just trying to do my job while parents dance some trend in front of their sick baby


He even had someone take a photo of him in the NICU.


How many do you think they took before getting the one he wanted?


Probably more than 10.


Counting wardrobe changes?






Ok we really need to get to the ICU now we are late husband! ‘No, no …. Not until we get a good fucking picture of me under this sign! Get back here and take more until I am happy.’


They bank on people not thinking of the logistics of the photos. Irl, this kind of photo is bizarre and should not exist.


I can't get this out of my head. He posed in front of a NICU sign for fucking LinkedIN? This is going to live with me, rent free, for years.


No… I think someone just randomly shot that picture. Look at how he is looking off in the distance kind of concerned and yet hustling in to the unit. Man that is just one committed father right there. A beautiful moment candidly caught.


Absolutely, and incredibly lucky there was nobody around to be caught in the picture.


Like his wife, god forbid.


Not pictured: crowd of doctors, nurses, and three stretchers waiting behind the picture-taker while they take his 69 candid photos.


And that his hair and the lighting was just right and he had his stitch fix box arrive earlier that day.


He might as well put his hand to his chin a la 🤔


Probably dragged his wife out into the hallway to take it.


This is the dude version of a thirst trap. “Look how emotionally vulnurable I am” Fucking puke. It works, unfortunately.


Yah, it worked on his wife. Poor thing just gave birth to their not-first child and he sees it as an opportunity to post dick pics on LI.


I like to imagine he set up a tripod alone (including a ring light) and then posed with the 10-second timer. Douche.


Or had a kid stand on a chair to do it.


"You were kind of grimacing not looking concerned... let's go again everyone... lights!"


My first thought. And in that outfit. What an absolute douche.


5 things I learned in the NICU that can help with B2B sales...


And then to finish the classic "Thoughts?" Or "Agree"?




The graph emoji really sells the emotion


My baby is dieing 🚀🚀🚀




1. You can’t win em all. Sometimes you just gotta cut your losses and move onto the next one


The B2B sales never gets old


What a fucking goon.


That picture is mortifying. I cannot get enough. What a doucheeeee


Wife: "Tag, you're it. I'm in critical condition, but I need you to think about yourself for a second. Good thinking wearing a jacket that matches your boots. Don't forget to take a candid photo under the NICU sign, and tag the hospital and that chick Nicole to get more eyes on your LinkedIn page." \*edited: not the hospital--his company. even saucier.


Yeah, what exactly is he tagging his poor wife into? She just gave birth!


As a NICU parent, the thing that bothers me most is that he obviously chose nicer clothes for the photo. But in reality, when you’re making your way to the NICU you’re in pure survival mode and generally look like shit - everybody does. This narcissist dressed up for the part to crank up his views. It’s deplorable honestly.


YES! I couldnt sleep, couldnt eat, and my hair literally had a spot where it turned grey overnight. While my wife looked like an angel somehow through the whole ordeal, i looked like a fucking zombie. I almost feel asleep standing up in front of the nurse station. So As the father, currently experiencing having a nicu baby, i cannot imagine leaving my wife at the hospital or at home to go shower and get nice for a fucking photshoot while my baby is struggling to live. Hell, its hard for me to even sit here and take a few minutes to relax even though my wife wants me to. Fuck this guy.


Ditto to both comments here. NICU parent as well… the ordeals you go through: mainly adrenaline filled with extra uncertainty and stress. You don’t even look at your phone in that time let alone take a photo in those type of clothes etc (or you go ok your phone for 2 minutes to send a quick update to rest of the family). Everything else and I mean everything…. Is not even important: a football score, any work bs, literally everything else is just frivolous compared to your new born and mother…. Jesus - this guys post on LD is something else.


One of the red flags of these types of LinkedIn posts: Every sentence is its own paragraph.


YES. I think the point of this is be more “readable” or “skimmable” but it’s too far the other direction and I can barely read it at all. This style of writing is almost always a red flag.


With, horrible, punctuation, and so many, commas, for no, reason.


It’s such a vapid takeaway too. You didn’t even have some insight or epiphany through all of this. Your big takeaway is “life sometimes doesn’t go as planned.” Really bottom barrel human.


So true. Like he’s giving us the secret of life now. Go away.


I can somewhat forgive the post, people process these situations in different ways.. but asking someone to take a pic of you looking like you’re pretending you don’t know someone is taking a picture of you is the cringiest part.


Nah, he’s just really well known, so when he goes places the paparazzi and randos are taking candid pics of him at opportune moments like this (this is what he actually thinks his followers think)


I’m suprised he doesn’t have his hand up pretending it’s a pap and he doesn’t want his picture taken


I kinda want to see a little dot on his clothes to tell me where to buy them.


whats that red dot?


This is the most disgusting post I’ve seen yet


Agreed. This is one desperate for attention man-child narcissist. He's probably hoping something goes wrong with his kid, then he can use the story in some keynote speech or LinkedIn post. Disgusting.


Please tell me someone has commented something! Like, read the room dude!


There is a comment questioning it. From a firefighter/EMT! “I can imagine what you’re going through, but who took this picture? I’ve been a father in a similar situation and pictures were the last thing on my mind. When something unfortunate like this happens your family should be all you need, and reactions or likes become very low on the priority list.”


And another one (probably someone from this sub!): “This guy really had someone take a picture of him walking through the NICU to make this post on LinkedIn. What an insane world of social media we live in”


Very well said! The man has no decency. How do you even have the time to dress up and take pictures when your kids,wife and baby need you?




Not a single negative comment. It’s all thoughts and prayers, “god” has a plan, & other bullshit. 🤢 These people just make this kind of behaviour worse.


I was so surprised it was all positive. And why the fuck is this on LinkedIn which is supposedly professional oriented vs Facebook or something for personal?? I don’t get this at all


Because narcissistic attention seeking people thrive on LI. Fake engagement, easy to bullshit. They’re only fooling themselves, and others as thick headed as them.


My God! I feel so bad for his wife 😞


Yeah he sounds insufferable


Why are all of these written with single, spaced out sentences


Why is punctuation, so hard. On LinkedIn.


We had to live in & out of the NICU for a month. This pisses me the fuck off.


Because you didn’t think to do this too?


I knew I would see him here at some point. His posts are wild




He better be at work at 8 am promptly tomorrow


If my husband read me DMs from coworkers while freshly postpartum we would have had WORDS


If my husband was on LinkedIn while our baby was in the NICU, we would have had WORDS.


So nauseating.


“Here, can you just take a photo of me. What? Yeah for LinkedIn. I know I know but you know how important it is for me to be authentic online” “Errr. Just wait until there’s no one else in shot. And, err, make sure you get me mid stride, and looking towards the NICU.” “Actually, don’t worry. I’ll just hold the pose until the shot is clear” “My wife and kids? Oh they can wait”


Dude needs to learn how to properly use possessive pronouns, “my wife and I’s…” 🙄🙄🙄


This is the craziest one I’ve seen on this sub but why do they all do the single sentence with double spacing?


This is the best and most concise encapsulation of sociopathy and narcissism I’ve perhaps ever seen. The representative emojis at the end of each sentence regarding his family’s health really tops it off. Absolute freak show


Who is taking the photo of him pretending to walk down the NICU hallways for views? His kid? Jesus. These people are fucking wack jobs.


Cringe embarrassing that people post such personal intimate shit as if it were a documentary that needs to be career social media. I use LinkedIn however only for its intended purpose, my policy is to only accept people I know or have worked with as my connections, I don’t post the first thing that comes to mind or how a situation in my life has made me contemplate my career. It’s baffling to me that the targets on this sub don’t see they’re embarrassing themselves.


Maybe he shouldn't post this while his baby is in NICU. I feel like surely emotions are all over this place and maybe he doesn't recognise this is not appropriate to post about. I see the validity positing about childbirth, NICU babies and raising children in the context of having a career, but this comes off very self absorbed. The topics I mentioned are usually done in retrospect and are reflective. This feels corporate and too inspirational for me.




Also wtf is he even looking at, probably a mirror


The thing that always bothers me about these posts is one sentence paragraphs.


Had to call EMTs to get my older father with dementia to the ER/ICU yesterday after a fall. Was a hell of a day for my mom too. Looks like I missed a key LinkedIn posting opportunity! Man I need to get on the ball.


Who is taking that photo? Why are they taking that photo?


“Here’s what meconium aspiration taught me about B2B sales:”


Why are they like always “walking” the one step look is everywhere. It’s clearly not an action shot. It’s just so akward.


He's being admitted for an infected douchebag. (Hall of Fame Nomination)


It's encouraging that he has the courage to be encouraged.


Who took a picture of this fucking human waste bag?


This is vomit worthy. Gross AF


What a massive knob


Everything about this sends me into a rage


There are absolute psychopaths among us. Jesus.


What a psychopath.


Put. Every. Sentence. In a separate line. For. Emphasis.


This is one of the worst most psycho things I’ve ever seen on this sub. I have spent time in the NICU with family members. *Nobody* dresses up and poses for dramatic photos at the NICU. Most people don’t even take a fucking shower. Absolutely deranged shit. This guy takes the cake


When my twins were born we had to stay 5 days in the hospital. I didn't brag on Linkedin about it, I didn't try to give my network of people life lessons about the small wins in life, and I was definitely not looking like I just came back from the barbers and had a shower. I just wanted to be there with them and my wife. This guy had to post this garbage on Linkedin, pretending he is the main character...


My newborn baby died (and what it taught me about B2B sales).


“Here is what the NICU taught me about B2B sales”




why do they type one sentence per line. i get its more palletable for mobile use. idk if you guys see this but when i read it it sound like theyre trying to come off as stoic or some sort of a troubled poet


Even posted a performance review of his family lol.


But he's so stylish, the world needs to see!


Mentally ill


He went and stood underneath the NICU sign for a photo op. These people are fucking crazy.


My baby is currently in the nicu. This is day 5. How the fuck he managed to get dressed up nice and stage a photoshoot while his baby is there makes me mad. The stress is overwhelming, splitting my time between wifes needs and my babies needs on top of everything else had kept me awake 48 hours straight. I didnt have time to shower untill today, day 5. And i just again got home to take care of my wife. How the fuck do you find time to get dressed and do a photshoot and then take advantage of the situation for your own personal gain. I find a few minutes of free time to sit while wife is resting, and i find this guy. This guy is insane. And it makes me mad.


“Sir your wife might not make it”. “The only thing not making it is my likes on instagram shoot it again”.


Sometimes, things, don’t go, according to, plan, but if, you use, enough commas, it can sound, like it was, intentional, and meaningful, despite, not learning, anything.


What a fucking dildo


My youngest was born at 34 weeks and spent 3 weeks in the NICU. Not being able to hold your kid because they’re hooked up to machines and immediately rushed away after birth is… not fun. And in the grand scheme of things, we were lucky. There were stories of encouragement in the break room at the hospital where other families recounted their experience, many of them spent months at the NICU. 3 weeks seemed like an eternity but it could have been so much worse. The thought of turning that experience into a fucking photo opportunity and way to drive engagement on social media is sick. My best wishes to his wife and the baby, however.


What if he had the jacket slung over his shoulder, hooked on one finger, and maybe one side of his shirt untucked? And he hadn't removed his sunglasses yet?


What kind of asshat says “tag you’re it” to a woman who just gave birth? If this person represents the culture of where they work, nobody should be working there.


Right?!? Hit me in the face! Makes me feel she had to make “tag your it” up so he would finally be useful. She had to devise a game to maybe get even a little help. I can imagine her in that hospital room… just feeling all the feelings most of us would feel… and he’s out there taking saucy little”bae caught me walking in the NICU” pics. He’s a walking disappointment


Making lemons into lemonade. What. A. Hero.


What I’ve learned from LinkedIn. The hussle and grind at your job, not necessarily why you enjoy doing, is the most impotent thing in life. So much so, everything I do I must relate to it. We made living sad


I get Patrick Bateman vibes off this guy.


Worst one yet


euthanize these people


Are we sure he didn’t photoshop himself on a stock photo of a NICU?


Fuck this piece of shit


He’s so profound each sentence is its own paragraph


What a vile human being. So self absorbed


The photo is pretty depraved, but at the least it's not a photo of his NICU baby all hooked up to tubes. We've definitely seen those on this sub.


And he named his kid Rocco


What a cuπt!


This dude does not have a real job, and seems to suck at life in general. Best case scenario, he inherited some money. More likely, he’s up to his eyeballs in debt.


Matched the jacket to the hallway too.


Fück this guy! Seriously - I had 3 nicu babies, each situation was VERY different and I never publicized or used my family for attention. Focus on your kid(s) and stay off the internet. This is linkedinlunatics 101. You open the dictionary to the definition of the group and this picture is there.


As someone who spent 138 days visiting my child in the NICU, this guy is a fucking prick


“What’s the point in having a kid if you can’t mine it for engagement!”


I have a LinkedIn account. But I barely ever use it. I log in maybe once every month or two. So I’ve only encountered these weirdos here, on this sub. And after seeing so many strange, phony, attention-hungry LI posts now, I have one burning question: Why do they all format their posts in this incredibly annoying fashion? 🔥🚀💰


Tony the TwatWaffle


This might be the wildest one yet


wife didn’t die during childbirth: 📈


5 B2B Direct Marketing Lessons My Child's NICU Stay Taught Me


Got to love his self descriptions on LinkedIn “disruptor, thought leader, change agent” 🤮


This is like when the nurse filmed herself in the hallway distraught over a patient. Total narcissistic cunts


“I’m strutting my tush on NIC walk! I’m strutting my tush on the NIC walk.” Seriously. My son was in the NICU for a week and it was the longest most nightmarish week of my life. This dude is strutting around in Armani like he’s on the catwalk. I was living off cafeteria food in a ratty Bass Pro Shop T and shorts (still love ya Bass Pro). I wonder who took this picture?


Hey. Take my picture while I'm walking bro


"Hi, my baby is in the intensive care unit, but can you take a picture of me while I look away from the camera?"


I follow this Reddit thread religiously and usually up vote every post I see, they are very entertaining. I usually like every post, but this one caught me off guard. I know Tony. I work in multifamily and it's a small world. Tony is one of the most genuine caring people, and loves his family. He's very public with his life, but he desires to show the good and the bad, and he gains no money by being this way. He does a ton to give back for the communities he partners with as well. Goes to show there can be more to these posts I guess, lesson learned for me.


I'm not even joking but if this guy worked for me and made this post I would have to figure out some kind of appropriate punishment so that other employees know that when it's time for living you shit the business shit off and live. I wouldn't fire the guy because my conscious says don't fire people when their baby is fighting for its life but shit I'd suspend him maybe and let him know it's so that he has time for his family and he's not allowed to post company shit while suspended.


That man is the king of making any situation about himself.


“I’m what’s important” is all this post says to me. So pathetic and sad.


“…my wife and I’s…” 😶


That photo is insane as fuck.


LI has turned into FB.


I swear to god, I thought it was going to be the Loss meme.


Anything for clicks...


This is neither here not there but doesn’t he know there are tons of apps he can use to correct his grammar and avoid putting commas between the subject and the verb?


Not sure why, commas are necessary, between every phrase, in a sentence. Having to pause like this, really humbles you. Did I mention, how humbled I've been?


The fact he uses trading/stock market emojis for saying his whatever was not dying is so fucking cringe.


Probably has a few dozen Reply Stans adding their two cents so they can get some sweet Internet points as well


I hate it when people say "_ and I's". It's infuriating.


Having worked with NICU babies, yuck. I hate when people make their most solemn and dire moments into “look at me, I’m so strong and persevering” influencer opportunities. This guy is so self absorbed that his family is fighting for their lives and his first thought was to make it about himself publicly. What a self righteous prick.


The 📈 emojis 🤦


He’s convinced his life is just like a TV prime time drama and he wants everyone to know.


This is one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever seen. His chilled is in intensive care and has made someone take multi photos while he poses under the skin. What an utter scumbag


The comma spices are killing me for some reason, it should be “some of the best things that will happen in your life won’t be on your schedule”, “sometimes the win is very small”, “being grateful humbles you”, and so on. Why do business people talk like this?


My wife and I lived in the N/PICU for a few months where our baby battled and ultimately died from cancer. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt, but if I was out in the hall and saw this photoshoot happening…..it would not be pretty


LinkedIn ass hat certified.