• By -


A candidate didn’t join. This could happen to anyone of us. Be safe.


I'm a recruiter. People withdraw from offers all the time. Sometimes companies rescind their offers, too. Shit happens. To share these communications and to put the candidate on blast is incredibly unprofessional. I just looked her up. She has 7 months of actual career experience; she's a total nobody.


So she’s just faking the brain worms till she makes the brain worms. Got it.


She is the brain worms.




I think her employer should be notified. This behaviour is very unprofessional. If I was in senior leadership of this organisation, I'd want to distance ourselves from this temper tantrum.


Her company is based out of India, doubt they give a shit


I bet they would. Embarrassment seems to be a big motivator for firms in India I’ve worked with.


That's a shame. Either way, the person who decided to walk dodged a bullet.


Do you think she’ll keep her job? Newbie HR people with egos didn’t tend to last in any of my orgs… Emotional HRs are unpredictable and untrustworthy.


I sued a pretty well known large company in pa for rescinding a job offer improperly got 6months pay all depends on your lawyer


My wife was a department head with over 90 professionals reporting to her. The last Monday of November was for pruning the less productive. She received a memo instructing her to select four employees to be discharged. She hated that part of her job. The bloodletting was to begin promptly at 9 am. At 8:59 her phone rang - it was the CEO and he asked her to come to his office. She was let go. Now she was also eight months pregnant and that didn’t sit well with her, but she was not one to make waves. Fortunately the group of physicians who admitted patients to her floors informally assured her she would have work when she was ready to return to work. At the time I was working with a large law firm on several patents and defending infringement of another patent. The partner handling my work referred her me to a firm specializing in labor law. My wife and I met the labor law attorney and he said he could obtain a much better termination compensation package. After all, many births don’t have a perfect ending. Before she gave birth he secured twelve months salary and twelve months of health and disability benefits, should they be needed. Once she was ready to return to work, the physician group secured funding from the hospital for her to work on special projects, primarily community outreach. Her salary was increased and her hours were almost half. The physicians had the administration by the balls. There were two much larger hospitals within 3/4 miles just waiting to take the rainmakers from the smaller hospital.


Nobody makes a fool of Shweta Malik! Nobody!


I mean, I could have told you all of that from the absolutely atrocious grammar. I would have assumed the whole thing was a scam.


Meanwhile the offer letter sure as shit reminded her she’s an at will employee.


What’s an offer for at will employment worth even? It’s nothing.


In the US the offer letter is similar to a contract. It establishes a set of agreed upon terms for employment. It is absolutely necessary for accepting a job. Don't ever take a job without a signed offer letter. If they won't give you a signed offer letter from someone in authority, it is a strong signal that they will not be paying you what you agreed upon.


lol, she's getting cooked on LinkedIn. She's going to get fired and I love this for her.


I cant find the post on her linkedin. Did she remove it?


She removed it. People are commenting on her other posts.


Look what she has done by making us fool!


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Won’t get fooled again.


Imagine doxxing someone just for that.


With the worst english ever seen too


Can we get one of those “marked as safe from” Facebook flag things and a banner for our profile pics.


Could be happen *


This chick is so mad because a big fat payday just went poof. Be safe.


*This can be happen with anyone of us


Love that she’s an “aspiring hr professional”. Keep aspiring babe cause nothing about you is professional


Nor aspirational


"aspiration enthusiast"


"professional aspirator"


Aspiring perspirator


'my linkedin family' seriously who can say this and look themselves in a mirror?


Saying “aspiring [anything]” is fucking embarrassing. “Move in silence, let success be the noise” or just scream it from the mountain top


Is it just me or is what this poster in the screenshot asked for not sounding more like the scam to me? On the last page with the +6 over top of it, she asks the woman for four or five different things and it sounds sketchy as hell to me


The post and comments section are wild. This “HR Professional” is getting called out by numerous of their HR friends for name and shaming the candidate and tagging the candidate. Her and the candidate are arguing in the comments and the candidate is threatening to sue due to mental abuse. Gold. EDIT: she deleted her posts a few hours ago. 😢


Someone’s HR career is about to end (hopefully).


Looks like this an Indian company and Indian workers, not sure about the culture there and if this acceptable in India or not.


No, the HR lady's actions are not acceptable in India. About the legal action? The judicial process is pretty long but companies do take them seriously. 


The courts will do the needful


Kindly do the needful




Username checks out in expert in indian matters




Username checks out as expert on angry things


Comment checks out as… accurate


Clearly and expert on sheep/wolf relations. Similarity of sheep/wolves, sheep in wolves, or wolf anus allows him to comment on comments as….. valid


I used to meet with an Indian company several times a year at my last job. They would routinely comment the most out of pocket shit about weight. ‘Oh, eating good, you have gained weight since last time!!’ It was fucking wild to witness in a professional business office. The thing that got me is they’d only comment on the ‘in-shape’ people. The overweight people - they generally just ignored all together. This isn’t really adding to this discussion at all, just my experience that I never really got to discuss with anyone haha.


The weight thing is a hold over from when we were just one bad season away from famine. Chubby(not obese) people were considered to be well off and it was something praiseworthy. Thin people were considered starving or at least not eating well. This is changing rapidly, with obesity becoming fairly common in India too. I don't think there was any malice intended in their comments.


I totally get it! When I would travel to China for work, everyone we encountered assumed I was the boss cuz I was the palest (don’t have to work in the fields) and the most well fed (rich). It was entertaining and a good reminder to give other cultures grace.


I worked with and am friends with Indians . It was common to reference a weight gain with me. I learned quickly they don’t have malice behind it.. not like US ppl might


A lot of them don’t realize it’s inappropriate in professional setting especially if you’re dealing with people from different culture.




As soon as I read “dear” i knew this was Indian.


3 types of people call everyone "dear". People from India, Old women, Men pretending to be women on the internet.


Indian here....this is Def NOT the culture and neither is it acceptable


I’ve only worked for one Indian company here in the states and they are pretty nuts. Can’t speak for all but this one was weirder and took everything super personal but we’re fine treating all employees like absolute idiots when no one was trained.


I just started for an India based company from only working for America based companies. Dude, it's the wild fucking west. Nobody knows what the fuck they are doing on that end. Shits wild.


I worked with offshore team in India and my Indian friends confirmed Indian work culture has lot of politics and favoritism which I saw second hand. So I’m guessing this might be the culture. I could be wrong.




Do you agree motherfucker ?


I do. Furthermore, this has taught me something about B2B sales. Subscribe to my paid newsletter to find out more.


Should l do the needful ?




Brooooo .. I'm dying. Do the needful is my number 1 hated phrases. And it's all I ever get.




Depends on fiber intake


I’d respond with “Between accepting the offer and the start date, I realized the company’s hr was the type to drop personal info on linked in like this.  I prefer a more professional environment so I decided it wasn’t a good fit.” Then only respond on what’s app since interpersonal conflicts on social media are always a bad look. 


This is so spot on. Is this even legal for hr to post an applicant’s info (even first name, last name)? (And I understand different countries have different laws, but still.)


No, it isn’t legal, and the candidate is threatening to sue in the comment section of the LinkedIn post.


Can't find the post of her LinkedIn, has she takes it down?


Yes she deleted it like half an hour ago




It is insanity to call out someone by name for doing this. We have had multiple people start with our company to leave after <1 week. They have no right to be mad about it, companies do the same thing to candidates. I have been told that I am getting an offer letter only to have the whole position cancelled and everything revoked. I have been ghosted countless times after giving phone interviews. Companies do not have the right to be mad when applicants do the exact same thing to them. You can't be mad at someone choosing the best job for themselves when that choice is not your company.


I worked at a toxic law firm and we had a paralegal go to lunch her first day and never come back. Canary in the coal mine.


Yep. We have a new guy starting, going to work in the department I work in. We are cautiously going to do a small amount of training the first week just to make sure he doesn't leave. It is the way it is now. Everyone is doing it to everyone. You can't be mad at someone choosing the best job for themselves when that choice is not your company.


I was in a meeting, and the senior manager absolutely ripped into the lowest level employee in the meeting and kicked her out to get the information he required ! He acted like a hurt puppy dog that she went to her desk to gather her personal property and walked out for good. Months later, he was fired for his toxic behavior.


Aw man, I thought you wrote he got fired “*moments* later”, but at least it happened. People losing it like that on “low level” folks is such an ugly indicator of their personality.


I wish I could do this. But need the paycheck too bad.


I work for a manufacturer, all things considered it's alright. I'm in IT and my first day I was being shown around our multiple different warehouses and I get to one and meet some guys loading up a lorry. Say hi to all of them and go into a porta cabin to meet the site supervisor. Bear in mind this is about 9:30am and they open at 8:00. Halfway through the conversation someone from the lorry walks in and says "Agency guys gone", this young lad from an agency had done about 1h 30m of work, decided it was shit and just walked out. Fair play to him too, the warehouse work does fucking suck.


I've walked off a job once. I was like 21 and just looking for a basic retail job. I had experience doing cell phone sales and I was very clear with the owner that I had zero interest being that guy standing outside a store at the mall harassing people to try and get them to come in. Got his assurances that was the case, took the job. Showed up say one and they told me to do the one thing I told them was a deal breaker, I told the owner I was clear about my expectations and had no interest in being a glorified carnival barker and walked right the fuck off.


Tbh the place was giving MLM vibes with the way they described roles. Affiliate manager?  Immediately asking about sales leads? Feels sus. 


Yea I would not be surprised if the company was shady AF and just used and abused people.


I think my shortest term coworker was 2 days. Started on a Monday, got a call Tuesday morning offering a job with Tesla (in 2010), told our boss shortly after, passed off work and left at 3. Was barely done training.


I work for a railroad. Our HR company hired a 75 yr old man in June and put him on the hardest manual labor section we have....he lasted 45 mins. Why on earth they thought hiring someone that age to swing 20lb sledges in 100 degree heat is beyond my understanding. I'm still amazed to this day and that was a year ago


I've had candidates change their minds a day before starting. It irritates the fck out of me, but it's just business. I'm not going to bad mouth them to other people, even if I wouldn't personally hire them again.


I do have to say its always funny how companies are very much on the "we want your loyalty, you owe us advance warning, etc" but you are normally just a number to them that factors into the budget that needs to be reduced even while reporting "best quarter ever" articles. A number that usually gets told the day of that they are being let go.


Damn, she shut the comments off.


lol shutting the comments off and keeping the post up is so funny to me


i think it's deleted now? i don't see it


Same can't see it.


She’s now deleted the post entirely. What a knob


opentowork soon


Makes me when to join LinkedIn just for the drama


Don't do it. It's a dark path that leads only to suffering and damnation.


Serious question: Do people still use LinkedIn to post resumes and apply for jobs? Or is LinkedIn full of this type of clutter? Reminds of of teenagers' Xanga accounts circa 2006.


You can still use it for its original intended purpose. But it has, over time, morphed into a fetid circle-jerk of self-congratulatory horseshit, HR gate-keeping, grind-wank propaganda, and shit takes so awful you'd easily mistake them for symptoms of chronic mental illness. Limit your engagement and don't participate any more than you have to is probably the second best advice. The best advice is to run far, far away and never look back. (It still has value as a source of cheap entertainment. If you want to know what's wrong with the world and why humanity is doomed to extinction, gaze into the yawning abyss of hopelessness and despair that is LinkedIn.)


As long as you never look at your feed, it's fine.


I landed a 6 figure salary simply by having a filled out LinkedIn profile. I wasn’t searching, I was contacted by a recruiter who found my profile and now here I am. It absolutely behooves you to at least fill out the profile thoughtfully.


I use Linked In for seeking jobs and recruiting. My industry is quite small though so people behave.


Yeah, like most of the jobs I’ve had in the last 10 years came from LinkedIn recruiters finding me.


I think you mean “aspiring HR professional”, as she states herself in her title


Given her recent actions, she can absolutely lose the "professional" part. I mean, it's not like people need another reason to hate HR, but she's given them one anyway.


An emotional reaction is normal, but to sustain that reaction against all sensible thought until they click the post button is always tragic. The sad thing is, the candidate might have even fucked up, but this person is so nuts that people are going to be concluding "YTA" long before "ESH".


Did anyone get screenshots before she deleted the post?


Did she delete it? I wanna see 😂


What is all this shit about handing in notice before offer letters … I won’t hand in my notice for a job until I have returned my signed contract with the new job and they have acknowledged it’s been received. This HR individual is a moron.


I’d go a step further and recommend waiting until you’ve been cleared to work. Be it a background check or drug test. Sometimes those take longer than expected to get back and your start date is pushed back.


I tell my own candidates, DO NOT GIVE NOTICE until after background check, etc. Shit happens


I do the same. Especially when some companies will show you the door when you give notice. It’s best to know you can start right away if you need to.


Damn right, get all your ducks in a row before telling your boss you are off. Although that does depend what your relationship is like with your employer. My previous employer was very good and we had a fantastic relationship so I told them I was off as soon as my contract was signed. I then had security vetting to get through which took 3 months and they were grateful for the 3 month notice period. But I have had previous employers where I would have handed my notice in once everything had come back.


As a HR person 100% this. I hire multiple people a month. The offer letter is the offer letter. Once we get an offer letter then it is a drug test and a background check. We don't even talk about the start date till both of those are back. Once we get those back we then confirm the start date. You can pick 1-4 weeks out and we always start on Monday. I do a final talk on Friday before just to make sure and we still have people that ghost us. If they ghost they ghost. I wouldn't even sweat a ghost. This person just ruined their career over someone ghosting them when people ghost all the time.


I’ve started waiting until the first paycheck clears before giving notice. Can’t trust these companies.


How do you juggle working two full time jobs at once, while you wait for the first paycheck?


I work fully remote in IT at a very senior level, so most days of the outgoing job are slow anyway (< 10hrs of hands on work per week). For the new job, the first couple of weeks are usually all onboarding and/or getting access to things, so they don't expect much work to get done. There's the occasional meeting overlap, but generally the old job doesn't matter as much anymore, so missing a handful of meetings over 2-4 weeks isn't going to get me fired. I've been lucky that I have not had a new offer rescinded, or a start date pushed back enough to be a problem in the last several years, but this method has worked for me for the last 3 job changes and makes me feel safer from the nonsense that goes on. I could honestly work two full-time jobs during the same 9-5 work hours, but choose not to just because my industry is somewhat niche and a relatively small community so it'd be somewhat stressful to try and keep it hidden.




Seems super risky but I respect it


People are so dumb for posting these petty problems for the entire world to see. They think they are so righteous so when a little tiff comes up they rush out and tell the world, but it really just makes them look bad. What is this person trying to accomplish? To get a little therapy for a typical workday stress? To damage this person's reputation? To score points from random strangers on what a great manager she is?


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


Yeah maybe this is porn to their circle jerk of friends, but to the rest of the normal people in the world, they're just digging a grace for their reputation.


Validation, baby. It's all about the validation. Unless you can farm clicks and likes by posting vacuous, asinine shit 24/7, you're essentially a non-entity. "Look, everyone! I'm in the special corporate club too! Give me a pat on the head and tell me how great I am!"


Definitely this. LinkedIn is for people who are completely helplessly corporate brained so that they can post idiotic stuff that any normal person would call them insane for. But on LinkedIn, you’re surrounded by other crazy people, so it just turns into a “look what a good company man I am” circle jerk. 


“Aspiring HR professional…” Publicly shaming her and tagging her on LinkedIn? Maaaaaaybe HR isn’t the best fit for this person. Jesus what an unprofessional piece of shit.


But she just has to share it with her “LinkedIn Family”. Otherwise how would they know about all the dangers in the HR game??!!


Now I’m invested and want to continue reading the WhatsApp chat…


https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7201470558784430082 tl;dr - candidate strung HR along, then ghosted them


And... its gone.


The greatest trick the candidate ever played was getting HR to believe they didn’t exist.


This is so dumb but I laughed




What a legend


Looks like it has now been deleted.


Figure she possibly shared PPI on a public channel, which I would've thought was a no-no at best and illegal at worst... I'm surprised she went as far as she did. I would've read the juice but probably better to have taken it down!


I think she deleted the post


You’re a blessing. Thanks 😂


It’s not that juicy. The candidate just starts ghosting her and isn’t responding on the start date


here’s a lesson, if you’re gonna post this kind of thing, post the images in the post too. it’s been deleted and now you can’t see any of what happened really. bummer


After this, the WhatsApp conversation continued about her joining on May 27th and figuring out some details. Then the candidate doesn't join, and stops responding to the HR person. HR person sends a flurry of frustrated texts on the joining date.


Sounds like HR wanted the 27th, candidate wanted the 29th, and a bunch of paperwork wasn't even done. And it's the 29th today and all this drama has already unfolded? HR seems unstable.


>linkedin family ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2) >This can happen with anyone of us >Be safe Yeah, it ain't that deep, lady, stop the drama.


I've started handing out pins to raise awareness. \#BeSafe




Thank god 🙏


Heh. If a toxic cesspit like LinkedIn is "family", how fucking lonely and desperate are you? These people need counselling, honestly.


Allow me a pepperidge farm remembers moment here, because I could swear that a decade and a half ago HR people were not psychopaths empowered by the workplace to turn hiring into the most torturous, soul crushing process imaginable. I largely blame LinkedIn for enabling ghost jobs and resume farming and toxic requirements, like hours of free labor and laborious screenings, and to some extent social media for making HR into an "external facing" facet of the professional world. HR and recruiters are out of control.


I've been on LinkedIn since I was too young to ever have use for it and back when it was invitation only. You had to be invited by a current user and a mentor of mine sent me my link when I was in high school. Pictures were the first addition that slid the site toward MySpace (at the time). And it was controversial and concerns about discrimination were raised. But it happened. What's wild to me is that I view LinkedIn as nothing more than my resume and somewhat of a place to connect with people. I never log in. I don't look at the drama unfolding. I log in when I need to update something on my profile. That's...it? And to me that's all it ever should have been. I don't respond to recruiter outreach on LinkedIn. I don't respond to vendor outreach on LinkedIn. It's my resume and nothing more. I don't want to diminish LinkedIn's role in any of this. But I also think HR was plenty shady 20 years ago before LinkedIn was nearly as ubiquitous. The whole "upload your resume but then re-enter all of the information in our online system" thing was in full swing for years. I've been with my current company for 10 years. When I interviewed in 2014 my interview lasted from 9am until 6pm. I met with 28 different people. And then I had a follow up phone interview because one person couldn't make it. I blame corporate exceptionalism more than LinkedIn. The notion that your company is special and gets to do its own thing in hiring is what led us here. For that the blame lands squarely on places like Google and consulting firms that play idiotic games in their hiring process. The result is that smaller, far less appealing companies, start doing the same thing for positions that pay far less. Google can make you play literal games when they're interviewing a developer they intend to pay $200k. But then some random pallet manufacturer decides they get to do the same for $30k a year positions. Why? Because they're special. They're disruptors. They're special and warrant the same level of specialness as Google, in their eyes.


Microsoft is just doing what any soulless business would naturally do. They realize that they have a user base of about 800 million basic bitches who essentially don’t do anything but work, and who have no real private life personality. Bam. Business social network. Facebook for people who can’t browse Facebook at work.


Back in the day, HR used to be the "Personnel" department. Once we started treating staff like disposable labour units (resources) rather than actual people, shit got real pretty quick. Not one of humanity's finest moments.


My mom was in HR (she’s 70 now) and she pretty much just cared about labor rights and fair treatment in the workplace. Before HR she did social work. She says when the recession hit in 2008, HR professionals were considered the most disposable and most likely to point out if the company was doing anything shady, so therefore the first ones to get laid off. She got laid off so many times, as did her HR peers. So they pivoted and started making themselves “essential” by becoming psychos and worshipping the company. This saved them from layoffs and “proved their worth” so when the next round of layoffs come around, they’re the ones making the calls instead of getting cut.


Also HR was originally sort of brought in to give workers the feeling of having representation in a non-union job. But since the vast majority of union jobs are now gone, that facade is irrelevant.


Applying for a job is like having a part time job for 3-4 weeks now. It’s insane.


Damn, now im so invested in that chat....wish we could get the other +6 pages :D What will happen with Aastha? Will marry Haroon? Her evil uncle Farid will poison the cake? Geez...cant wait.


Find out next week on LinkedIn Family Matters!


“Be safe” because a candidate ghosting HR puts everyone in peril. I wouldn’t trust her bagging my groceries, let alone helping me with my career


Where are the rest of the messages?


Hoping someone has screenshots to share


“Linkedin Family”


I hate most people on Earth, and call a number of people I can count on two hands “family”. “LinkedIn family” made me physically recoil.


I saw the comments from the girl she’s shouting at . Apparently the HR and the people from the company has been mentally torturing her for 1 month and calling almost daily


"Happened to us" what a fucking tragedy. Someone had the nerve to change their mind. "It can happen to anyone !!!!" What a distorted sense of entitlement.


Meanwhile applicants are lucky to even get email generated rejection six months after applying.


"Look at what she has done by making us fool" lol


The entire comment section is her trying to defend her post, 'the things is that'. No one calls out HR when they ghost applicants for no reason, but there are other HRs in the comment section defending her post.


Do the Whatsapps reveal why the candidate didn't join?


she just ghosted


Getting the taste of their own medicine and couldn't even digest one instance!


Oh no the thing HR people do to **everyone**.


Surely this is breaching at least one law about confidentiality ?


There are very few laws on confidentiality.


That is beautifully advertising that you should never apply to this company. They will dox you if you don't start with them. I hope after this they have severe problems with finding any more candidates for anything as long as that woman in HR still works there.


The candidate threatened to sue *3* different HR people for harassment.


Well this is literally harassment, so that tracks.


Don't just sue for mental abuse, sue for breach of confidentiality, and doxxing.


Now *this* is a LinkedIn Lunatic! Disappointed I didn't get to read the comments before the post was deleted.


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


"an aspiring HR professional" Hopefully not for much longer. Honestly, who ASPIRES to be in HR?


Employee Benefits Broker/Consultant here (25 year career). This HR lady is 100% fired….not to mention what she just exposed the company too…good god this is incredible.


I had an interview the interviewer joined 30 mins late and was so rude and unprofessional should I also start posting about him and the company


I did an interview and one of the first questions I asked was the salary range (duh). The interviewer goes on some tirade about how they aren't legally required to post that in my state. I respond yeah, I know, regardless of whether you're legally obligated to post it or not... Uh what's the salary. That's kinda the bread and butter of the whole employment thing. What really got me is when he said he'd giving me a "teaching moment" about asking for salary right away. I told him it was laughably unprofessional to think he could lecture me and please do not ever contact me again. I try not to look down upon people. But come HR recruiters, know your place in the world.


I had a company pull something like that and they wouldn’t tell me until I went through 3 rounds of interviews. Then they offered be 30k less than I was making. Total waste of time. Had another place make me an offer and found out they didn’t have health insurance. That was a deal breaker and I had even asked if they had benefits prior to this. They got angry for me wasting their time


“LinkedIn family” 🙄




When tiktok mentallity gets applied to LinkedIn. Should have posted a video with a greenscreened floating head.


This girl sniffs her own farts


I’d be suing her for breach of privacy.


The candidate said they would be sueing the lady and 2 other persons. 


Indian HRs are the scums of the earth. This applies to HRs of faang offices in India. I had the worst experience dealing with this HR who straight lied about me to the hiring manager and about hiring manager to me. Unfortunately for her, this was exposed when I directly spoke to the manager because I preferred talking to them directly.


Is her company aware of this? I feel like they would not want this because it opens up possibilities of lawsuits. Edit: Also, these names are so common that I can't find them. Edit: Found her.


Thanks for keeping us posted on your search progress.


And this is why I don’t work with recruiters who are based in Asia


Let's talk about when hr sends offer letters and then voids it instead.


HR, the psychopaths who weren’t smart enough to be a ceo…


HR: “Help! We created a system so toxic it became toxic to us too!!”


Look what she has done by making us fool!




My linked in family 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


She deleted the post but the internet never forgets.


I absolutely do not understand what is going on, lol. I don't really understand corporate speak, can anyone break it down for me?