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Of course this is another round of things that never happened, but if it was real, congrats to the 3 who left early and did not put up with this shit. The other 2 are on track to become fulltime corporate simps.


Right. If patience is the only job requirement, it's not a job I want. I'm out of there after 30 minutes. 


Exactly. Unless the admin has a good explanation for the hold up, I‘m going to assume you‘re just incompetent after about 30 minutes. Anyone willing to wait eleven hours for an interview without any explanation either has no self respect or is just there for the air conditioning.


Or is desperate. The real virtue they're testing for is not patience, but exploitability.


I wouldn't even have gotten to half an hour. After ten I would have asked if an emergency has caused the delay and asked to reschedule if so or ask for my application documents back (in Germany companies are obligated by law to return them) before leaving.


I mean if there's wifi and an outlet you could at least get some work done


Or at least start asking staff about why their manager isn’t there and if that’s normal for this business


Is the 6th person still sitting there?


Sadly they passed away.


I see sixth people


The sixth had no sense.


I thought he asked the CEO why he thought his time was more valued than 6th person, told the CEO to go get fucked and knocked shit off the admin desk on the way out and another CEO from across the rd saw it with binoculars and asked 6th to be COO of his business. He accepted and turned the company around by becoming CEO when he told the board about the binocular thing. That 6th persons name? Peter Penrice. No-one knows who the fuck that is because this is all made up pointless bullshit.


Knowing there was a 6th person was the test. Youre hired. You start yesterday. You're late.


Ikr? I don’t understand these “motivational” posts that argue that you should accept being abused, disrespected, and humiliated for “success”. I once saw a video from some alpha male wannabe jackass who talked about how there was a massive accident on his way to work and he ended up being late. He called his boss to tell him, and his boss told him, “Circumstances do not negate responsibility.” So the big takeaway was “Gee, he was right! I could’ve driven to work an hour early and sat in the parking lot for forty minutes! I was so inspired by getting chewed out for something I couldn’t foresee and wasn’t my fault!” I mean, are we supposed to be impressed that some people would be willing to kiss their bosses’ asses clean and then get called disgusting, for a paycheck? And don’t forget, the smaller that paycheck is, the more “motivated” you are. That’s not being a business guru, it’s being a fucking tool. It blows my mind that anyone could think “Thank you sir, may I have another” is winning.


This actually happened to me. I was on my way to work, and I was caught in a humongous traffic jam due to a horrible fatal crash a few miles up the road. Nowhere to turn around, no alternate route to take. I was then told "you need to leave home earlier", as if I could just be an hour early for work, and just sit there in my car like an asshole, just to avoid the possibility of ever being late. I laughed in his face. Owning a business does not entitle someone to undying fealty.


They’ve unfortunately been broken by society and view themselves as units of labor and nothing else. I don’t believe in the soul, but I can only describe these people as soulless. They’re functionally and intellectually identical to farming equipment.


These sorts of "ideals" are why I am leaving medicine after working in the field for a decade. I have been injured so many times working with patients in trying to transfer them or just flat out by then. If I don't seek medical attention when it happens then apparently the injury doesn't need to be accommodated, but if I do then I am punished by doing "limited duty" which is basically losing hours to do menial work around the facility. I am so sick of this work culture that promotes self sacrifice for companies that won't do jack for you and will replace you and forget you like a faculty part in a machine if you become injured or worse on the job.


The same people will also post about life in the fast track, never having time to waste, wasting time on not doing anything is for losers, yada yada.....


The test is if you’ll work for a company that places no value on your time.


The [entry requirements for Project Mayhem](https://youtu.be/leeoJLBtLIw?feature=shared) have gotten soft.


Any company willing to waste my time is a toxic ass place to work ![gif](giphy|gIFEnGStLNr7SH38AU)


And to the five other imaginary people who said, “7 am? F that” and never showed, A+.


wheres the other guy?


Not patients.. It's a test of how much abuse you are willing to accept.


This is what my thoughts are. How much crap are they willing to take. If they stay all day waiting, probably a lot.


Guaranteed he’s part of a company that’s “ALWAYS HIRING” and thinks that’s a good thing


I guarantee he's got CEO on his LinkedIn profile, insults people in the comment section, uses these emojis constantly: 😂🤡, and posts, "People don't want to work anymore!"


That was my first thought as well. They don't care about patience, they are just looking for someone desperate enough to take all their shit without complaint.


Yes, this is exactly it. I mean, surely a good company would want decent, high quality staff and not just any random person who’s so desperate for employment and lacking in options they’d spend all day sat there like a lemon after being ghosted by their interviewer?? I’d have left after 30m tops, with no communication. This clearly didn’t happen though. ELEVEN hours overshot it a bit. Three hours would have been more believable.


Exaaaaaactly. This is a thing people do to make sure they get the most desperate candidates, who they then take advantage of and abuse. The people that left early respect themselves, and those are the people that won the game here. One of those desperate, abused employees that get hired will eventually sue or start a competitive business, bet.


Imagine employing people based on the criteria that they had nothing better to do than stand around waiting for people who didn't value their time for 11 hours


That is admittedly something most managers prefer in their indentured serva- err, valued employees


Imagine if it was real and they were actively filtering for people who are content to sit around and do nothing all day unless specifically instructed otherwise


What he was really looking for was desperation.


I hope it’s not the same type of employer that claims to only hire the best. The best wouldn’t have put up with that for more than 30 minutes or an hour.


I'd have left by 701 once I figured out we were all scheduled for the same interview slot.


This is the way.


For me it would have probably ended when 1) the first round was in person 2) there was a dress requirement. Of course this was also a completely fake story, so…


It was six guys, where is the other one?


Still waiting?


In the backrooms


For this world to stop hating.


can't find a good reason


Ever see pulp fiction? They turned him into the gimp


*Driving and striving as fast as he can*


The other one was the homeless man they met at the beginning of the story. I forgot to mention they met a homeless man on the way in.


That homeless man? Jesus.






The 6th is the CEO. He was there all day, but he "came" at 6pm.


He was the dead guy in the middle of the bathroom floor in Saw part 1


Apparently he didn't meet with the third person who stayed. Some say that person is still waiting to this day.


And he died three years ago, so his spirit haunts the waiting area


He is the CEO of spacex now


Died of boredom. 


Let's elaborate. He saw a notebook falling from the sky. It had these words on it- "Death Note"


Maybe the sixth guy was the friends we made along the way? Maybe he's in the room with us right now. Or maybe... This is made up BS.


They only want to hire people who are currently unemployed and have no/few other opportunities.


They both got one job?


They split the pay. They were desperate enough.


But still work the full hours.


2x100 a week.


The first three were the most skilled and understood it, and the two last ones were the least skilled and therefore desperate and understood it. How come the recruiter did not? They were purposefully looking for desperate candidates? Hmm…


They hired the loser who had nothing better to do with their time than sit in a lobby for 11 hours? Someone with a complete lack of self respect or self worth?


Jokes on him I've got my gaming laptop in my bag


What would happen in real life: After 15-20mins, ask at reception if there is a problem. Respectfully and politely, obviously. If they can't give a reasonable explanation, that doesn't reflect well on that company. Leave a message, offer to reschedule and walk. If anything, this level of time-wasting would be the last thing most companies want from their employees. It shows that without instruction the candidate is paralysed and has zero initiative. It's not only in the "yeah, this never happened" category it's also a really bad lesson they're attempting to teach.


nah, I had a virtual interview recently and waited 10 minutes. They did not appear so I wrote an email , asking them to schedule another meeting if still interested. They did. 


I called an interviewer to retract my application when I felt they were time wasters. Getting that job is not a ‘win’ in my books.


I got fed up with am employer recently and did the same thing too. It wasn't a serious job, just a PT thing I wanted to do over the summer during downtime from my main career. Dude rescheduled 3 times then was a no-show with no notice on the eventual time. Wanted me to wait around for an hour for him. Nope! I was happy to save my dignity and just text him no thanks and ignore his follow up calls at that point.


That was totally a sign of things to come. Your time is valueless to someone like that.


I’ll take things that never happened for $500 Alex


Hopelessly asinine


The interview tested submisivnes and desperation.


Imagine waiting 11 hours and being the only one who didn’t get the job


This is some copy pasted boomer bullshit about wanting it more than everyone else that didn’t even work back in the 70’s


If you would wait 11 hours for a job interview, you deserve a job with the asshole who would waste 11 hours of your time, unpaid, to test your 'mettle'. Good luck. The first one to declare their time more valuable than a virtue signal and leave is who I'd hire. They are the person who gets shit done.


The two guys that were left are desperate and will likely underperform. The guys that left either value their time or realized that the employer already has no respect for them.


Fuck that. You get 5 minutes, and I'm out this bitch. Can't keep an appointment at the time you scheduled? Tells me everything I need to know.


So they attempted to waste an entire day for six people, presumably not providing them lunch during this waiting period or having any care for the personal reasons they would have to leave, and then automatically gave them a job for being a pushover. On top of this never happening, the very notion is just disgusting.


Aka the doormat interview approach ![gif](giphy|l4FAPPYeAjWeclfPi|downsized)


I would have left after an hour. Fake story though and why would someone want to even work for a company this toxic if it wasn't...?


I too like to hire people that have no respect for their time. Because those people are very well known to not be desk sitters and try to create optimum solutions getting more value for the time.


Such bullshit! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Id hire the first one to leave lol


“Here at MadeUpStoryCorp we believe in wasting people’s time and establishing from day 1 that we’re assholes to our employees!”


If they stood me up for more than 30 minutes you know I'm out of there lol


See who is willing to have 11hrs of their day wasted after dragging their ass to a 7am interview? If the job is anything like the boss, it sucks.


It's disrespectful af


This is so disrespectful. I would have walked too. Companies forget you're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you.


That's not a test of patience. That is a test of acceptance and toleration of sociopathy. I would have left after a half hour.


This is a test....a test to see how desperate you are.


If an employer doesn't respect my time I'm gone.


An employer who doesn’t respect people’s time is not an employer I’d want to work for. Moreover, some people have family obligations, appointments. Many people show up for interviews during another job’s workday. He didn’t find the most patient people. He found the ones with fuckall to do.


Fucking stupid. I dont doubt that this happened, because garbage management is the most expensive plague in this country right now. But Im over it..... What they ended up getting is someone too stupid to walk out the door. Or someone with nothing better to do. etc etc. What they did not test here was the actual skills to get the job done. Unless the "job" is to sit uselessly in the lobby without knowing when you get to do something. Manger and anyone enabling this should be fired. If Jerry was a manager at my company and I saw this trash on his Linkedin, I would start watching him like a hawk to make sure this is irony and he wasnt actually putting this nonsese into practice. What a clown.


Fake or satire for sure. What a dumb concept either way lol


I actually had a job where the first in person interview process was something like this. I waited for five or so hours. It was the worst job I ever had, treated us like slaves, penalized for going to the bathroom, micromanaged to death.


Get fucked Jerry.


It's also a plot line from Fight Club.


Titty sprinkles.


It's more a test of whether someone is willing to put up with a shitty, manipulative employer.


Probably never happened, but if it did, it wasn't a test of patience, but a test of "who's desperate and stupid enough to put up with endless abuse from us?" I still think it's probably not a real thing and just some made up BS to say something they felt was "deep."


Interviewer “let me see which of these cucks stay here long enough to prove I can manipulate them when they’re hired”


Not a test of patience, test of desperation, besides being total BS.


Even if this were even remotely true, it's only a test of desperation and servitude


I wonder what position they're filling where they need people willing to sit around and do nothing all day.


The ones who value their time and worth properly left early. You’re left with the shit who don’t value themselves or their time


The four that left won. 100% would not want to work for that company.


Quite frankly if I was invited to an interview at 7am they'd be told to fuck off straight away.


This obviously never happened but these hypothetical rubes deserve to live in misery with this asshole boss regardless


This likely came out of investment bank hazing practices for interns. There are true stories about seniors intentionally scheduling mandatory meetings at 7 pm and arriving two to three hours late to see who stuck around and taking punitive action against people who left (or just not extending job offers). It’s a power move meant to underscore that entry into the firm is absolutely an opportunity to make millions a year faster than you could anywhere else, but you exist at the firm’s pleasure until you prove yourself, at which point the unproven part of the firm exists at your pleasure. And if you don’t like that culture GTFO. I’m not sure it’s something to be proud of or advocate other industries do.


I’d bill them for my time


I’d offer the job to the people who left first. Clearly they value their time. Why would I hire people who don’t have anything better to do than sit around all day? Especially if they need a job, they should be interviewing around and looking for opportunity, rather than sitting around waiting for somebody who doesn’t value them.


knees weak arms spaghetti


While working nightshift IT at a company, had a task to install something on the PCs in the training rooms, where interviews were also conducted. It was early in the shift, around 9pm and headed over to the training room 1. I was surprised to find a guy there sitting at a computer, saying he was waiting for the recruiter. What happened was that HR gave some people tests and forgot about them. The other subjects simply left, he was the only guy sitting there waiting for 6-7 hours. He didn't get the job.


I can’t see myself staying past 9. Intentionally treating people like shit the first time you meet them is an indication of a ridiculously toxic work environment.


What a moron. Promoting slavery and degrading people publicly. What has the world become?


If an interviewer tells me he's going to call at 11am, and by 11:08 he hasn't called yet, then I'll move on to another candidate. And that's because I'm a very patient man and I'm being extremely generous with those extra 8 minutes. If they can't make the interview on time, then they shouldn't expect me to meet their deadlines on time.


the test of stupidity and desperation


Of course this didn’t happen and counting to six seems pretty hard for Jerry. But all that aside, there’s barely any job in which waiting for 11 hours when the meeting was scheduled at a time is seen as a positive. Sales people are not the clients’ servants. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship and respect goes both ways. I would hire the one who respectfully left at 7:20a if he/she accepted my apology graciously and was willing to meet again.


Is this supposed to be some kind of a lesson? Who would want to work for someone that places so little value on people's time as to pull something like this? The way I see it the other four people dodged a bullet. And I'd be really pissed if I was the guy that stuck around until 6:00 only to have the employer not even meet with me. I mean what the fuck is that?


Wow. I would have left after maybe 30 mins.


I love mind puzzles!!! 6 people in the room. 3 left. Boss only met 2 at 6pm. Where is the 6th people?!?! He was hung and there was a puddle of water under him! No. Ok. Ummm. The boss was their mother so she couldn't operate on him!!


Sounds like a toxic employer, if real.


Somehow I get the sense that checking to see which of your prospective employees is willing to sit around for 11 unpaid hours wasn't actually a test of their *patience.*


Hiring overly patient people seems like a bad thing, in my book. I'd hire the first that left. Time is the scarcity.


I wish I see this stuff on LinkedIn. Obviously you can't be too blunt unless you have like a dummy LinkedIn. But man would love to actually say what you really want to say on these. Do people actually respond to these lunatics with reality?


Find out that your potential manager likes to play games before even getting hired. What a horrible person.


Then everyone clapped?


It's not a test of patience, it's a test of compliance. The suckers who stayed have already signalled their high tolerance for abuse.


This could be a violation of employment law. This would filter out anyone with kids. “Hey let’s trumpet a labor law violation”


I got my job by joining a Teams meeting on time so I’m gonna go with that employer instead


Anyone who gives more than an hour to this kind of nonsense is desperate. Employers always forget that the prospect is assessing the company at the same time the hiring manager is hiring them. No qualified employee would want to work in an environment where passive aggressive mind games are the order of the day.


The test was Egotistic.


More like a complete disrespect of my time. If I come to interview for you and I find that you have six slotted for the same time. I will give you 30 mins max... After that I walk and move on with my day.


Lets identify the most desperate candidates so we can exploit them.


What happened to the sixth?


Test of who will accept the most abuse, if you ask me


If that was the interview, I guess I'd ask if that was the job as well. Perhaps I could work remotely?


If it’s real, then: if you’re a manager, that’s a test of who’ll eat dog shit for you, and; if you’re an employee, it’s proof of what management thinks of you.




Profoundly inconsiderate and I would never work for a place that toyed with me right from the start. It sets a terrible precedent.


One of them was a dog and the other candidate was blind.


Test of desperation


And back in the real world, we all know that anyone conducting interviews would NOT be scheduling interviews that early in the morning for obvious reasons. But whatever, these “motivational” posts are a mega failure in my book. 


Dick move and borderline abuse.


What it teaches is that the employer didn't value the time of the people they were interviewing. And wouldn't value their time as employees. I’d run from that bullshit too.


It is a clear description of what recruiters are; people thinking their time is more important than yours and that they are better than you. (Yeah, this "interview" is probably not real, but recruiters would love to do it)


That’s a dick move.i had a new boss who told me I had the job, come in tomorrow morning. I was there at 8:00 am . He showed up at 2pm or so. I just sat there and waited and waited all day. So uncool.


Not patience. Desperation. Probably pays them in literal peanuts.


He came came or just came? Also, Fight Club style interviews seem exploitable and full of fun loopholes


Good thing it wasn't a math test


"The test was how much will they put up with getting treated like shit."


Watch Swimming With Sharks to see where this one goes ...


Of course the ones who left went to other interviews and got better jobs with employers who actually treated them with some respect, while the two who were hired for the original job were overworked and underpaid and the company went bankrupt after a year. If you’re making up stories, we get to do it too.


Wow. If you in any way think this was ok or somehow clever on the part of the employer - congrats, you are a piece of shit.


Seems like the interview was, “how badly can I treat you and you’ll take it?” People that post crap like this can’t seriously think this is how business should be conducted. It has to be rage baiting.


Pretty smart engagement bait I’d say. But not LinkedIn


What a stupid story.


Bullshit. If you’re true to yourself you’re out after max 30 min.


Imagine waiting until 3pm for an interview that was supposed to start at 7am. At 7:15 I am walking up to someone and asking “Hey when is my interview”. Stupid.


I’d hire the ones who were smart enough to realize they weren’t getting any roi from this and left. Hey boss sorry I’m 2 months late with that project but it’s a test of patience.


There are no deadlines. There is no time. Just do whatever you want, when you want.


Hell no. My time is precious, same as his. If he can’t respect my time, I’m not working for him.


I had something similar to this. I had went to this place for an interview about an hour from my house, the guy said check back in a couple of days, ok. I call and he said come out. I get there thinking I had the job and we would do paper work. He basically just wanted to see if I would come out. He didnt say if I had the job or not, but to just to come back in a couple of days again. Fuck that I aint wasting time and money on that bullshit.


15 minutes with no update and I'm out. 30 minutes with an earlier update and I'm out.


Failing the punctuality test shows a lack of professionalism.




My time is just as important as their’s. Waste mine and you don’t get my skills.


More like a test of subservience.


So your potential employer is showing you that they don’t respect your time… and are totally ok with you wasting 11 hours of your day… imagine how badly they will treat you once you are hired


I did wait 6 hours for an interview once, It was the 5th and last interview (and only one face to face), I’d gotten a call from admin assistant advising that he’d missed his flight after I’d already gotten on my train….. so waited, Got the job and spent 12 years with that company.


I have no interest in working for an employer like that.


That was the interview: only those with no self-respect allowed to work there.


And then everybody clapped 👏


Alex I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500


All for the potential of making 5k over the standard trade job. Fuck that, people are so desperate to be in fields where they think they can make a difference only to realize differences are only made if your financial overlords approve. Find a job that allows you to respect the employment contract and call it good, not these bullshit startups who are all aiming to "revolutionize the field"


Interviewers name Hugh G. Kunth. He came from a long line.of Kunths


By 9am they had both quit, because the "Boss" was a sadistic and mentally ill.


Great, my patience is billable hourly.


The last two were homeless and were there for the free daily shelter


I wouldn’t want to work for someone who clearly has so little respect for people that they make them wait so many hours as a “test” (really, a power trip). This is the kind of bullshit that psychopaths like Elon Musk or Jack Welch think is “brilliant leadership”.


Sounds like 4 of them dodged a bullet.


lol what? Test of desperation


Those poor 2 people... They had to wait all day and ended up with a shitty job.


If this actually happened, why would anyone want to work for a shitty company that would purposely waste someone's time.




This was an episode of Community!!!


I would happily fail this test.


In another post, they only call back the three people who left. Because those are those people who clearly value their time. #LessonsLearned.


What is this project mayhem bullshit?


The 3 who left went to other job interviews they had scheduled and they each got those jobs bc they didn’t blow off or show up late those meetings like Mr “he came” here


This isn't real imaginary but employer could suck my dck


Sounds like a great place to work if you like people who play games with you.


Fuck working for a company like that


Personally i’d stay all day and read on my kindle. Then hand them my consulting bill at the end of the day 😂


If someone tried to make me wait 11 hours for an interview, I’m absolutely destroying their office


Then the same interviewers bitch and cry about how unprofessional the candidates are when they don't show up in the interviews or reject the offer at the last moment to join somewhere else. They don't understand that the candidates aren't being selfish, they are teaching the interviewers the art of patience and the mindset to recover from failure. Very critical training in today's Vuca world.