• By -


Agree with the sentiment, but he somehow still ends up looking like a massive wanker


As someone that employs other people, I have tried again and again to get them to skip the nice starts. It's probably 20-30 minutes of my day that could be spent with my kids. But it would be very stupid to fire a good employee over


I used to have a friend who would do this too. I tried introducing him to a girl and she was like “yea he just says “hey” like every day but never carries on a conversation”


I had a guy like that who seemed to think he was flirting with me? Dude sent it every day, then after I stopped replying went down to once a week. 




Maybe he was hoping for some effort back (not saying you didn’t). Girls and guys are both bad at this kind of thing. The more egotistical ones will just do this expecting someone to entertain them too, and that drives me nuts.


While I think the onus there is on the person who's randomly initiating conversations, I did try to make polite small talk in the beginning but he'd basically only reply in one word sentences and never asked any questions beyond the occasional "and you?". So after a while I started replying with just "hey" and eventually I stopped replying entirely. I also didn't particularly like him IRL and wasn't looking to date anyone.


exactly - it's when it goes "hey," "hey" that you know you're in for it. Coincidentally, this is someone that needed a plan for every conversation. You'd think he'd plan something more than "hey" to start with.


I’m getting flashbacks to dudes on Facebook just messaging me with “Hey” or “Hiiiii :)”


You‘ve got to start with hello


I mean, I'll preface the first message of the day to someone with a "good morning" or some kind of greeting, but I don't make them wait for what I'm getting at. I include what I'm saying with the greeting all in one single message. Am I an asshole for that?


no that's the way to do it.


No, that's ideal. "Morning, quick question about XYZ" is both polite and time saving. It's the ones that try to spend 5 minutes talking about my weekend that get frustrating. It's also very contextual. Am I head down trying to do something? Then it's extremely frustrating to burn my time like that. Am I grabbing a coffee inbetween tasks? Not so bad, but let's walk and talk to the next thing I'm doing. Am I not working on anything? Sure, let's bs.


I had classmates for an online course who would do this when we zoom called for group projects. A good 30 minutes of just small talk banter before we got started on anything. At least save it for after when I can get off call because the purpose of the meeting has been met


That’s how I do it too.  Just a quick intro for basic friendliness and then ask the question.  I just never respond to the “Good morning” intro and just wait for them to ask the actual question.


I just emoji react with a hand wave, and wait. Let them know I'm here and I'm on, you can proceed whenever you like.


That’s good.  I might start doing that.  I keep hoping it’ll encourage them to just ask the question(s) though.


Nah this is the perfect way to still be polite but not waste anyone's time.


Asshole for including the greeting? No that’s normal, you’d be rude if you didn’t include a greeting prior to your question.


Right. Start the message with a friendly greeting, but include your actual question. One of my biggest pet peeves is getting many serial texts from someone that could have been a single one-paragraph text.


I also get annoyed when I get an email just saying "thanks". It's assumed that you are welcome.


Even better when it’s a group email and it’s followed by forty Reply Alls all just saying “Thanks”.


Or they announce a coworkers life event and it's a million "congratulations" with gifs and balloons.


I usually skip the interjections and small talk to get right to the point and my coworkers usually bring it right back anyway. Me: Hey what’s the deal with xyz? Coworker: good morning! Coworker: oh we are doing xyz I have given up on trying to teach them to skip the good morning step but I’m sure in their minds they’re trying to teach me about politeness.


Working remote I prefer to add humanity into my interactions with others even if it’s not the most efficient thing. We are more than transactions.


Sure, but you can give the pleasantries with your question. No one I work with works remote so it's kinda different


I work remote and will combine both the greeting and the question. Getting distracted by a greeting only to see the bouncing dots can be maddening


This is the way. “Hello! Do you know if…”


I probably misunderstand the post. If I emailed you i will always greet you with GM, Hi, and begin very warm but this is an email. If I message you I also try to greet and then ask my question in the same sentence but I type fast so I might send multiple back to back messages like I’m speaking out loud. Anyway I probably am misunderstanding this.


Yeah, they’re talking about messaging on a platform like Slack or something. If you message someone “hello” or “hey” without including the actual thing that you need, you’re engaging in these pleasantries in a way that wastes their time because they’re now distracted from what they were doing and waiting for your next message. Pleasantries in email communication, or as part of the first message you send over a messaging platform (“good morning! sorry to bug, I had a question about…”) are absolutely fine. Those, reasonably used, don’t bother anyone who isn’t a sociopath.


I used to always just message my boss my question on teams she would always reply with "Hi (my name), I hope your days going well, I know mine is, I'm ready for the weekend though. Now let's look into this question" Now I have to put her name, ask how she's doing, tell her I'm doing well to avoid the follow question, its turned what used to be single line messages into a whole paragraph. Takes me 3 times as long to write as well


You sure that’s not ChatGPT on the other end of that Teams chat 😂


I used to work with someone who’d always open up a slack with either “hey” or “how goes”. Infuriating


That's fine once they immediately ask a question. Immediately No longer than 3-4 seconds later. Otherwise, the "hey" and the question should have been the same message.


There's a difference between >Hi! How's it going, Bob? I'm having issues with the database, it's not letting me update the stock amounts. Could you check it out? and >Hi Hi   >How's it going, Bob? It's fine. What do you need? >I have this database problem What problem? >I'm trying to update the stock amount but it's not letting me


Just go "Hello! " instead of "Hello! "


Just add it as first word of the full sentence then: “Hey man. All good? I’ve signed and forwarded those documents as required. They only awaits your signature so please look at it at your earliest convenience! Thanks dude! Love you! Bye” 👈👈 could literally be one of my text messages, around corporate deadlines for taxes, to a very close, but incredibly busy, business partner:) (you can probably chill of on the familiarity love if skipping that part is more appropriate for you, but the point still stands)


It was very awkward when recently I had to ask a team of 2-3 that is my “next step” to please stop thanking me in the ticket system. Every time they did, it’d auto tag me, and then add me as a follower. So every time I executed their request, passed it back, they’d thank me, which added me to the ticket, and then I’d get cc’d on every email for the rest of the tickets life. This was 10+ tickets a day that it’d happen to. They were perfectly okay and understanding when I asked them to stop, but it was surprisingly awkward to basically say “look I know you’re being nice, but, could you not?”


I mean it's annoying but if you are wasting 20-30 minutes time staring at your screen whilst sitting on your thumbs and waiting for them to reply, you are probably the one that needs firing


It's more in person for me, but the time wasted is part responding to the pleasantries, part lost focus. You can't fire me, I own the place lol. We're tiny too so you wouldn't want to take over all my crap


My boss always does it and it's so dumb. I'll get a teams msg from him that says "hi" and I'll instantly respond to it, only for him to spend 11 minutes typing then stopping, then calling me an hour later and having forgot all about writing me on teams but it's the same reason he now calls me because that's would be easier. 9/10 times when he calls, he will hang up after 10 sec because someone is finally calling him back which is apparently urgent. Half the time when he does that, I never hear from him again and it just kinda.. fades away. Good stuff. He is the best boss I've ever had though lol.


https://nohello.net/en/ I've explained this over and over and people still do it. Just ask me your fucking question. It's not rude, it's work.


I have never seen this before but I’m going to bookmark it lol


ahhh, there's a link for it. permanent collection.


Ah a fellow "no-hello'er" - people call me blunt for suggesting this website at work.


It is my pet peeve when someone messages me on Teams with just **Hi JessicaFreakingP**. I mean, say hi but please immediately tell me what you need. That way I can see if it’s important enough to answer you right away or if it can wait until I’m done with my current task.


Just ignore them. They just said "hi" that's the entire conversation. If they want to ask me something, they can ask it. Don't ask to ask. Just ask.


That's what I do. I never respond to messages immediately. Always give people several minutes to cook their message so I can later read it when it's fully done


I feel like he's going to complain next week/month that people are too brusque or impolite these days. No winning with him, so don't bother doing what he wants because he just changes his mind, which is why his employees play the f'n "hi ... got a sec" bs in the first place.


This is the equivalent of following someone home who cuts you off in traffic


if you post preachy shit on linkedin I think regardless of what you say - unless you're the Dalai Lama preaching world peace - you're gonna look like a giant wanker


Agree. My office is in the hall right by the main door to the factory. People stop by all....the...time....and I play a balancing act of keeping my door closed dor work or leaving it open so people can come in and get help if needed. It a balancing act but one I would rather do than act like this guy


There's a guy at work who absolutely drives me up the wall with this. Him: "Hey, are you at your desk?" Me: "Yes." Him: "Do you have a minute?" Me: "Sure, what's up." Him: "I have a question for you." Him: "...are you still there?" Me: "Yes." Him: "Okay, I have a question for you." Him: "...are you still there?" Me: "Yes." Him: "Okay, I have a question for you." Me: "What is your question?" Him: "Could you come over to my desk and help me with something?"


I'd literally stop responding after the first time I had this interaction with him


I'd write back - "No, I'm not still there. Try again later." 


This is hilarious. Comes full circle at the end because it was important that you were at your desk so that you could come to his desk.


Your colleague's name is not Colin Robinson by any chance?


this triggered me in a way I didn't know was possible


🤣🤣🤣🤣 no way!! I'm getting violent after the second one.


Pretty sure you just gave me a brain aneurysm


Put this in your chat bio/tagline/whatever https://nohello.net/en/


“Yo asshat, where do I put the reports due for tomorrow? Up your ass or in the dumpster?”




That's a straight shooter with upper management written all over


“Oi fuckface, where are these fucking TPS reports?” Is also good if you want to keep it professional.


seriously, this same guy will post "WHERE HAVE PROPER MANNERS GONE?!!?!?!?!?!" next month.


A tip I learned awhile back is to summarize my emails into one or two sentences at the top - in bold. I then provide all the context and background below. I learned that most of the people I worked with could read those two sentences and then determine how much of a priority their response was - it also helped avoid responses that didn’t address the intent of my initial email. Just thought I’d share in case anyone else thinks that approach would be helpful.


The army teaches this concept as BLUF - Bottom Line Up Front


Pyramid style is what we call it in journalism. Lead with the lede


Also if you forward an email chain to someone who wasn’t included, asking for their the help, a brief summary of the issue is great not just “see below can you help?”


I do this too! I wrote this long email with supporting premises and ended with a strong conclusion. Then I realized that I'm that that guy who sends huge emails. To compromise, I more or less moved my conclusion to the top. Now the email is both brief and complete!




Holy shit I’m saving this and sending it to so many people! I’ve found a lot of Indians I work with in IT in the US do a lot of pleasantries, and it drives me nuts. I’m sure it’s a cultural thing and rude if you don’t, but man I’m here to work and get shit done, just get to the point so I can finish my crap.


I've seen it from people of all cultures. Thing is, you don't need to be brusque and drop the pleasantries altogether; you just need to expand the editor window and type your whole message at once rather than drip-feeding it. Like an email but without all the fluff.


That’s exactly my response when I’ve brought it up, you can say hello, how are things, could you help me with this TPS report when you’re free? All in one message


Dear (person): I hope this Slack message finds you well. etc. etc. etc.


Dear (person) I hope this Slack message finds you well. Hope you're having a great week too! So am I, though a bit stuck with the workload haha. Just counting down the days till the weekend bwahahaha. Btw there's this one thing that I need your help on. Are you there?


I don’t even mind if they do it in two messages as long as they just keep going and don’t wait for me to respond to “hello”


I don’t understand why people don’t realize they can do multiple line breaks in a message. Don’t hit send 5 times with half a sentence each time. “Hey USER, hope your weekend was good. Here’s my problem/ask. Details. I tried XYZ, can you come to my desk?” Once I had clout at my last gig I completely stopped responding to “hello”, I would immediately bounce out of chat window and wait for the next ping. Kinda passive aggressive but some people have no idea what kind of focus damage they’re doing.


I tend to just deprioritize any messages that are just a hello. Like I'll respond eventually, but it will be at the very bottom of my list. More often than not after a little while they'll get the hint and follow up with their actual question


Same! My company has a wing in India and I usually have to be like "hi, what can I do for you" after 5 min of just Hello. I mean, I'm not their boss so I don't feel comfortable correcting them but I do get to the point. I love that they are polite but it's just not needed 😂


I do see it more from my colleagues based in India, but also for so many of the ones in my country it can get so frustrating. One colleague based in India (5 hours ahead) recently sent me a message 3 hours before I was due to start (and was clearly offline on Teams) saying "Good morning", I didn't respond and they never followed up when I came online until the next day when they did exactly the same thing. I still haven't replied and they still haven't come back to me to actually ask what they wanted in the first place. I also had an exchange last year with a colleague based in my country. They started off with the message "Hi" just before I logged off on a Thursday and they still hadn't followed up on the Friday, they were out the following week and I was then off for the first part of the week after. By the time I got back on the Wednesday morning I had another "Hi" waiting for me, to which they then asked me the question they by now had been waiting almost 2 weeks for an answer to. If they had just asked, they would have had an answer on Friday morning.


Agreed, I think it may be something they are instructed or encouraged to do when working with Americans.


Wow, my experience is straight up opposite. I'm Indian and my US and British colleagues have this habit of starting with hey, hi, hello. Sometimes they'll drop a greeting and then go completely radio silent, making me dread a future task that never comes lol. On the contrary, my Indian colleagues are much more direct and waste no time.


Was looking for this. Expected it at the top


Can confirm that this is a fery helpful link. I worked in an international division of a FAANG company. Someone would post this link as a response in the team Slack at least once a week, because some well-meaning new person would pop in and just say "Hello @all...", which pings the whole group around the world. And then they'd say nothing. Like, dude, WTF are you doing?!


See also [http://five.sentenc.es](http://five.sentenc.es)


> five.sentenc.es is a personal policy that all email responses regardless of recipient or subject will be five sentences or less. It’s that simple. Five sentences or *fewer*, if you wouldn't mind.


This is the way 👍


I absolutely hate people that send 'Hello' or 'Can I ask you a question?' and then not pose the question until you reply.


It doesn't bug me nearly as much as those you reply to instantly so that they'll cut to the chase and then they just seemingly walk away from the computer for 15 minutes


The venn diagram of these people is a circle.


Those people have me half convinced slack and teams were a mistake and we should switch back to email only


I'm just sick of there being six different things. Fucking pick one and let me organize around that.


No shit! I know JoeBlow wrote me important details... but I can't remember if it's on email, in teams, or even on fricking viva engage or as a comment somewhere else


I like having phone, chat, or email options because some people do better at one channel over the other. If they write rambly emails or ignore them, give them a call. If they can't keep their story straight by phone, stick to email. If they're a homey, DM them. Rock, paper, scissors


There is a thing like that in IT for tickets? Ticket submitted. You call to help troubleshoot. "Oh, I don't have my computer; I'm in Florida for the next two weeks."


This is exactly why I default to working most recent tickets first after urgent ones. If I can catch someone 5-10 minutes after they put it in, I have a better chance of running it through in one go and on to the next newest and so on. There's no distinction between a 36 and 38 hour resolution on any given ticket or a 25 day old ticket and a 29 day old ticket for that matter. I save those for when I don't have work flying at me.


Yea not sure if that is worse - I hate both. But I had a guy that loved to ping me in the morning with "can I urgently ask you something" - and then disappears until 4pm to then trying to tell me I need to drop everything for him.


I often get an @ mention in the DM with these as well. I’m like, “you know you’re writing me a Direct Message and therefore don’t need to @ me, right???”


Probably these people are used to people muting their normal notifications.


Seriously. The greeting is optional, but include the question with the greeting. "Hi, can you tell me..."


The only thing I hate more than this is the person who asks a question then 2 minutes later just fucking calls me. Like god damn I'm still reading your message give me more than the amount of time it takes for you to type it.


I never answer to someone who only sends "hello". It's astonishing that quite often it is never followed up at all.


It's astonishing how often people can figure things out on their own if you just don't respond to the innocuous "Hello" message.


Ya exactly. This guy has a point but he’s being unnecessarily aggressive about it.


“Fired into the sun for being such a weapon”- is it a good thing or bad?


I think in UK-speak, weapon means penis


Username checks out




Not a lunatic, what he said it 100% valid.


Too many times I've replied promptly to a "hi" only to get "quick call?" - which are rarely quick and always could have been asked in the chat. Now I let it sit for an hour or two, or until they type their question.


My email: Hey, can you let me know what email to contact them at? Them: You're invited to a Google meeting from 12:00-1:00.


Oh yeah, "quick call" is the classic. By "quick call" what they mean is they want to skip the ticket queue entirely and talk your ear off over a bullshit minor issue.


It is kind of the "can I ask you a question?" of instant messaging, but threatening to fire someone over it is just a douchebag move.


I wonder what sort of watchlists this gentlemen is on.


Say 'hello' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherf****r, say hello one more Goddamn time.


The "you're fired" is definitely excessive, but otherwise I agree with him. Man I absolutely hate these messages, and often I just don't respond to them until they write their gawd damn intent.


I skip the hellos and get told I seem harsh and unapproachable. No winning


The correct way is to send the greeting and the point in one message to let the other person deal with it when they have time


Saying the word "fired" even as a joke to an employee would be such a stress-inducing thing. Having it done in public to you would tip most people over the edge. "Firing" jokes or comments are utterly fucked.


Hello, post writer here 👋 I totally agree. I wouldn't make this joke with most folks in our team but Marc has been with us for a good few years and we have a very relaxed/fun relationship. If there was any discomfort on his side about jokes like this, they wouldn't exist. I see it as karma for some of the stuff I have to put up with from him 😉


Nah, I agree. this is infuriating. It's like calling someone on the phone and the minute they answer putting them on hold. [nohello.net](http://nohello.net)


Finding a suitable decaffeinated brand isn't that difficult.




Hello, OP.


I was ok with his post (bar is so low anyway) until “…you might get fired” That threat is abuse of power even if it was meant to be a joke


200% he’s now getting shit tons of unsolicited “hello” messages




Anyone with the slightest bit of emotional intelligence can help an employee turn the "hello, wait for reply, then question" format into a "hello, question" all at once with just a little bit of finesse. But turds on LinkedIn will always be turds.




“Message me with just ‘hello’ again and you’re fired” Ok. Goodbye 😏






I actually kind of agree with this guy though. I know people who do it. They teams message “hey”. And wait for me to reply. Just say what you want to say and I’ll reply in a bit when I’m done with my focus work session. “Hey, did you already update the new server?” How hard is that.


Nohello.net This guy's a huge douche but he has some points. My team references this website all the time. Some even in their slack statuses


I agree sorta. I hate a “hey!” teams message and then you see them typing foreverrrrrrrr. Send it in one go, I don’t have time to wait for you typing lol.


I’m on the lunatics side. We need to normalize treating messages like emails. Just type it all out. I have a coworker that wastes my time every time he messages me because he starts with: Him: Hi Me: Hi Him: How are you? Me: I’m good, you? Him: Can’t complain 😀 Me: … Him: Hey, quick question. Me: What? Him: What time are we supposed to meet for the walkthrough? Drives me nuts!!


The overall sentiment is correct, but obviously firing someone over it is way too far Something like “Hello, can you tell me ___” or “Hello, I wanted to see if you could___”. Like, if you’re the one reaching out, give an idea of what you need/want in the initial message


The ‘fired’ part is shitty (as is posting this on LinkedIn) but I really fucking hate people who do this too. Seems very prevalent in Asia sadly.


I work for a store chain and deal with 40 different product suppliers from all over the world. There is crazy amount of messaging with both them and my internal colleagues so I have to prioritise all the time. If theres nothing else besides a hello, I won't be triggered because of it, but I'll assume its not urgent and will not reply until I finish with everything else.


The tech version of " if you have time to lean, you have time to clean". If you have time to worry about people typing to you and the three typing bubbles, you're not so busy or important to be offended by a hello .


I can somewhat understand how that would be annoying, but as someone who works with a majority of Indians where this is polite and a cultural norm, this guy is an idiot.


I already sent it to all of my Indian colleagues lol. They’re great people, don’t get me wrong, but man it drives me nuts


Maybe someone just needs to relax a little? This misplaced nerd rage is hardly CEO type stuff.


Worked with indian QAs in my last job and they drove me nuts with this. They go above and beyond and await a response for every courtesy message. "Hello x" "How are you?" "Hope i am not bothering you? ..multiple times a day. They were nice people but this drove me crazy. Especially when i send them "hello do you know about x" and they reply with "hello" and waits for me to reply with hello back, then they say how are you and i have to reply to that too, THEN they answer my question.


Not seeing the lunacy, this is annoying as all hell and he's pretty clearly joking about firing people over it.


So obviously joking, the guy he called out is the one who commented and they are clearly friends lol


England at the Euros infuriates me, too. If you vote yourself out of a continent, you shouldn’t get invited to their events anymore.


I half get this. Old boss used to type “hi” and then you’d be left wondering what fresh hell was developing as he then went offline lol


I agree with his first statement, but god damn, getting all whiny just because of a 'hello' is absurd.


I hate that. Except from my HR who told me they do that on purpose to avoid accidentally sharing private information if the user is in a meeting room / sharing their screen.


This guy is a real ‘up’ person


Great sentiment, terrible execution. This just shows his only way of motivating employees is the threat of being fired. You can get your point across without threatening firing someone


God, I'm glad I love in a country where you can't fire someone for bullshit like this.


ChatGPT write me a LinkedIn post by a CEO who has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder, some anger issues and maybe has had a bump or two.


Just message him again with “hello” and then collect your severance and sue for unlawful termination.


How about a nice “howdy”


Ok, as I have not seen anyone in the comments pro starting with a quick check if it’s ok to talk, will give some thoughts on why people may do it (I do, depending on the situation): -The topic requires several questions: if the person is not engaging, better to leave it for when they do have time -You have some sort of influence or power over them: if you put the question directly they may feel forced to answer and you are disrupting their meeting -Wanna check if not now, when is a good time to talk… Maybe I’m the crazy one, but kinda make sense to me…


Damn. I didn't realize so many people were straight up assholes. I don't really text hello by itself and then text another message, but if someone does it I'm not immediately angry or upset. I'm not even slightly peeved. Y'all should probably be asking yourselves why do you get upset at someone trying to be courteous.


I understand the point of what he’s saying; he doesn’t want to waste time on pleasantries - just get to the reason why the person is messaging him. However, the over all tone of the message makes him sound like a an arrogant dick.


"ESports commentator" aka not qualified for anything else


He coud just tell them how he feels and politely set expectations without being an aggressive lunatic.


I hate it when my coworker does this. "Hey, how's it going?" and he literally won't ask his question until I respond with small talk.


It kinda makes sense. Guilty, I do it too sometimes. Will try to stop, didn’t know it can be so annoying


He's not wrong. This is Proffesional Writing Fundamentals.


I mean, it is annoying, like get to the point but this guy is unhinged. I usually just respond with 'Hi, what can I do for you.' NBD.


Personal worst for me is just "IM?"


I work with a guy that does this with Teams. He sends THREE different greetings in three separate messages, in the span of 30 seconds. Usually something like "Hello", "Hope you are having a good day ;)", and "I have a question". Then he waits for me to say "Ask your question" before he FINALLY asks it. It's stupid. I now ignore his messages completely.. He's been told to stop doing it, because it aggravates everyone. But he still does it. Every. Single. Time.




I the type to get straight to the point. I’ve been told repeatedly over my career that I need to engage in small talk first to help people feel more comfortable: there are only so many hours in the day and quite frankly the minutes spent on “hi” “hi” “how are you” “good, how are you?” “Good thanks; having a good week so far?” Really adds up each day when you are managing dozens of people. So yes; I may come across uncaring or “strictly business” but I find it to be much more efficient.


The "you're fired" bit is nonsense, but I wholeheartedly agree with the annoyance of the "hello" message. That's annoying as hell. Someone says "hello" in an IM, and you know this isn't really a greeting, but a shoulder tap that's going to precede them asking you a question. ...so you have to be interrupted and then say "hello" back, or just wait for the question that you know is coming. ...if you need to send someone a question in IM, just say **"Hello. I'm working on \_\_\_ and I need to know if \_\_\_. Do you know?"**


After a year or so of working at my current job I found that most people will just have a greeting at the beginning of their message but ask the question in the same text. So now I always just do that. Or some just ask right away with no greeting like this Lunatic prefers.


I hate the simple "hello?" messages as well and just wish they would get to the point of what they need. But to fire someone over it is lunacy.


lol this fucking guy


I’m kinda with him on this. So many times I have to get 4-5 messages of pleasantries with a Coworker on Teams. Im not your friend, what do you want?


I did tier 2 support for a while and tier 1 reached out to us with chat. The number of folks who would start with just "hi" was such a problem (the customer is on the phone, waiting through the "hi, how are you, are you busy" nonsense) that management had to get involved. They wrote up a whole form that reps were required to fill out and paste into chat in order to get help. The number of people who would wait until I responded to "hi" before sending the (blank) form made me pull my hair out. So glad I'm not there anymore.


Lol that’s why you don’t respond when someone just says “hello.” You let them simmer until they get the point. Then they never do it again.


He’s right in fairness. So much time wasting when people do this


Honestly, I subscribe to this 100%. I actually despise IM’s unless it’s an urgent matter. Can’t say I would ever fire someone or even threaten to fire someone over it but I understand the annoyance. Sometimes people will IM with “hello” and be typing for a loonngggggg time and then never send another message even after I respond asking if everything is ok or if they need anything…. Everyone I work with wants to have small talk through IM before asking their question. I work in a fast paced high stakes field and this is the only company I’ve been with that has this type of culture. Everyone is always overloaded and busy and sometimes I think about how much time I would get back each day if I wasn’t staring at Teams waiting for someone to finish typing their question 12 times a day.


I agree with him. Say hi but then follow it up with what you need. I run into this on Teams chats all the time


He is absolutely right. Stop wasting time by messaging people with “hi” or “how’s it going”. It’s infuriating. Ask your question directly. People who have a problem with this post are the kind of people who do this BS


Pleasantry and question can go in the same message: “Happy Friday, numbnuts. Did you reboot the web server?”


I have worked as a trainer and been a SME, so I get asked questions a lot and I am happy to answer questions. However, my pet peeve is the message that just says "Hi" or "Hi! How are you?" It. Grates. On. My. Last Nerve.


I was a technology leader at a software company. Other engineers would come to me to ask questions and get help. 0 issues when I was still in the office with people coming up to my desk to ask me for whatever. Totally fine with the "hey how you doing?" Method for getting my attention. Transitioning to working from home during COVID that dynamic obviously changed. Instead of that people doing the same thing just over teams/slack. Holy fuck is it grating after a while. Hey how are you? Hey got a sec? Hey can I ask you a question? It's grating because at its core it's an incredibly inefficient way to use this technology. When you're in communication with a large number of people throughout the day. Over time it became incredibly irritating to me. I'll be on a call helping someone with their customer and another engineer sends me a message that lights up my teams or dings or somehow gets my attention to look at that message. To be fair they can't see what I'm doing or actively engaged in. Nonetheless still wore me down over time. Especially with the repeat offenders when I would ask them very nicely several times to please attach the question so we don't waste time. Okay. Now multiply that by like a minimum of 30-40 times a day for 2 years. And some people indirectly telling me to go fuck myself because they kept doing it over and over and refused to stop. I personally am fine with someone saying "hey how are you?" But it's not hard to hit enter then type the question AND then wait for a response. In the traditional, in office scenario, the person sending that message (albeit verbally) is displaying 100% respectable behavior. The person getting my attention isn't just walking up to me and start vomiting information before I'm ready to listen or have given them any indication I'm listening to them yet. There is so much more nuisance and intricacy (those to words might mean the same... too lazy to google) in face to face interaction. The same intent is there with the digital version it just doesn't translate very well depending how much communication over teams you do. Should someone be fired for this? Nah. Strangled via the interwebs? Who's the say. I did come up with a solution but we'll after I had gotten myself out of that role. Have a daily morning meeting with everyone or as many as you can where you all get that "hey how are you crap" out of their systems


I agree with this Lunatics post, i work in a support role and i get triggered when i see 'hello' and whoever is typing message and they just go on typing for 5 minutes. Just call up it will be a 60 second conversation.


Hello. You have a second? I have to ask you a question.


I smell a wrongful termination lawsuit 👏👏


Low key he is right, most annoying time waster, you don’t send an email saying hello and wait for a response,


I agree with the guy but firing some one for this seems like an overkill.


Just put this up as your status message on Teams or whatever the fuck it is that you use, and move on with your fucking life. "Please msg your entire question. I'll get to it" Nobody on LinkedIn wants to message you; and now the entire platform knows you're as an arsehole, not just your company.


He is not wrong


Finally, a lunatic I can get behind


Everybody on this sub should go to that post and say hello to that fucker


All the time everyone saves by not saying hi has been wasted debating on this thread


I am actually with him on this. Just say what you need damn it.


When I get a "hello" text, 100% of the time it's a scam.


If anyone would like to drop in and say 'hello', here ya go: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/derryholt/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/derryholt/)