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That would completely defeat the purpose of professional reviews. Wtf.


Not to mention the review wasn't entirely negative. He specifically mentioned that he thought the idea had potential, but just not in this current iteration. If anything, that should make people keep watching to see what this company does next, because even if the innovation hasn't paid off yet, there is no denying that they are innovating.


And although tangential to the actual purpose of the product, his review of the physical design of the device was glowing. The physical device was very sleek and premium and clever in design. Regardless of the actual function of the device, their material and design team did great. Though falling short on some use-cases such as the seat belt flaw. That alone may be enough to pay attention to their next venture (That is hopefully not reliant on pointless AI). They may have a future in simpler wearable tech.


Yeah, he was quite positive about the physical device! It seemed the hardware had some teething problems like the weird battery life behavior, but nothing a rev2 couldn't fix. Honestly, he actually quite sold me on the concept. The software, on the other hand, is indeed a steaming pile of crap. They'll basically have to redo it from scratch to make it worth your time. But link the thing to your smartphone and allow 3rd party apps? Ehhh, I might actually want to buy one!


If they enabled it to connect to my phone and leverage Google assistant, control Spotify, and maybe use that cool projector to show directions/maps…i bet more people would buy it. Out of my price range, I’d want one at the $250 mark. But still super cool


My question is why cant I just use my phone or watch? And why would I need to pay 700-900 and probably higher for more "pro" versions and then a 20$ monthly fee when I can most likely get the same features on my phone... Its not a needed product. It doesn't solve anything. And the way they introduced it was deceitful and reeks of scammers.


Oh right the monthly fee! Forgot about that. That’s stupid.


That’s the thing that stood out to me. It’s not a fun gadget that’s expensive, it’s a subscription. And if it’s a subscription, it should work on a phone. The software isn’t there yet, but it shows what AI in the future can do, I highly doubt that it’s this company that will set the next step, but a true AI assistant that scans the environment could be extremely useful.


yeah guy you replied to just described a smart watch, even cheap chinese knock offs can do that minus the projector of course. when i first saw this, my first thought was it brings nothing new, its too big of an object to be on my clothing, it lost me even before the subscription.


The thing is they cannot ever have it link to your smartphone, because the whole point is it's a separate device that replaces your smartphone (even though it can't do most of what you use your phone for). If it links to your phone ultimately it's just a weird smartwatch and no one would pay $700 plus a monthly fee for it. Plus a smartwatch is a better form factory anyway.


I would argue the Verge’s review made the product look just as bad if not worse. I guess because their YouTube channel isn’t as big it doesn’t count?


The[ engadget review ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JjInHnLmGI)was absolutely scathing, the presenter hated it all around and made it known. It was far more negative and seemed like it was coming from the perspective of the frustrations an average user would have with it, not the enthusiast/early adopter/loving exploring novel tech attitude like MKBHD and a lot of other reviewers have which brings a lot of tolerance to small usability issues. Engadget is a lot smaller than they used to be, and certainly smaller than MKBHD, at least on YT, but their review was the most negative.


Danny Gonzales did a review of this thing in January and it's just 20 minutes of him taking the piss because the device does everything it sets out to do poorly. At this point, I haven't seen a single good review of it. I've seen people try to be kind, but I haven't seen a *good* review. I think Daniel just happened to see this one and not the other ones.


MKBHD had another video about whether bad reviews kill companies and he pointed out for both this and the Fisker Ocean all reviews were bad. He wasn't an outlier.


Imagine the god complex you'd have if your bad review killed a company lol


I'd say he's on the way there with how his [tweet](https://twitter.com/MKBHD/status/1069265143782088704) (probably) got someone fired.


I only watched their review, it looked like a steaming pile of half baked shit


Yep, this whole "fuss" sounds like someone who had money invested in Humane and is butthurt that they delivered a shitty product. But somehow they've managed to change the narrative away from "overhyped product bombs at launch"....


Innovating what exactly lol. All they did is rush into the market while the AI hype is still buzzin so they can capture some ez stupid money from investors.


i don't think it was even negative, just basically, we aren't here yet. the only parts directly agianst the company was, the stupid subscription and the decision to make it interface with a website and not an app


It's essentially a slow emulation of a smart phone, without a screen. At the price point of a smart phone. With 2-4 hours of battery life. It's not bad, it's just worse than nearly 2 decades of smart phone innovations.


In the first third of his review I legit thought it was some cool tech, and the build quality seemed high.


Here’s the thing, there is one aspect of this, that no amount of innovation and great new technology will be able to fix, ever. And it’s the sole reason something like this will never take over. And that reason is privacy. Nobody is ever gonna use this thing in public. Imagine this catches on and in 10 years everyone has one. Public transport is gonna turn into a nightmare. 50 people on the train all taking and listening to this device. Nobody wants this thing to read it your messages in public. „Read me my messages“ there is one new message from your wife „hey honey, pegging you last night was so fun hope we can do it again soon. Love you“.


I completely agree with you. A smart watch would be so much better as a form factor for everything except the camera. That being said if I had a wife who pegged me I'd definitely want all 50 people on the train to know about it /s


If anything, I felt he was way too soft on that piece of crap.


That would require people to watch the video and have actual brains. You don't get that anymore with these people. It's all reactionary and so substance.


>That would completely defeat the purpose of professional reviews. Wtf. Please smile for your corporate overlords. Damage to the bottom line will not be accepted.


Watched the video and as expected, the video and the review is well done. Maybe he could have cut humane ai a little bit of slack by saying something like "they are a startup so expect mistakes and fixes and etc" but that should NOT change the narrative of the review. If he thinks its shit he should be able to give his honest review. Or else it defeats the purpose of a review.


With great price comes great scrutiny. $700 +$24/month is an insane ask for something that can't even set timers yet. For that price, it better have everything at launch and work at least as well as Google assistant, which it doesn't. They don't deserve any slack IMO.


I saw someone that said that even though the product is bad, they would have sold more if he didn't publish his review, so he should've not done it. Like wtf this is no how logic works


Marques got the same flack (albeit less) after this video as well: https://youtu.be/6xWXRk3yaSw Reviews need to stay raw.


Daniel thinks "reviews" are for promotion. She has forgotten that reviews are for consumers.


these people think reviewers are just hype machines and advertizing channels


>First do no harm Why? Why would we care to do no harm to corporations? Their product is shit, you should warn consumers before they buy it. Not doing it would be the harm! And it's not like MKBHD is wrong, Arun from Mrwhosetheboss also said it's crap.


MKBHD is a doctor though… wait *checks notes *… oh never mind I guess his job is to accurately review devices.


Also, at least when I stopped following him, he was incredibly forgiving of everything he reviewed. If he says something is trash it must be unforgivable.


He is very forgiving of shortcomings on products. He’s only ever made a handful of truly negative reviews and in each case it was warranted.


I'm a doctor (the fake internet kind, if you're curious) and I do harm all the time.


Thank you for your service


MKBHD didn’t do harm… to the customer.


> Mrwhosetheboss Completely aside, but I don't watch his content purely because his name is grammatically incorrect and it drives me nuts.


What if it's "Mr. W, hose the boss"?


That would be very funny!


With a name like that I simply cannot believe that he is anything but a 12 year old Minecraft Youtuber.


I think he started making Minecraft videos when he was a kid so… name checks out.


I had not noticed until you pointed it out. As a pedant, I shall never not notice again.


He actually explained it in a video why he did it, and there was some compelling reason I think


I'd actually appreciate watching that explanation, maybe I can warm up to his content after understanding why he'd name his channel like that.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2FipfH2Rh8 I found this. Don't know if he's said anything more since then but in that video he states it was random, he was 14, and seemingly he acknowledges but gives no explanation for the incorrect grammer.


Should be r/dataarebeautiful


Oh my god I’m exactly the same. Will never click on his videos


u/levklaiberle is right. The channel name means something to him. It's not what it appears to be. 


I'm just disappointed because I was hoping to see Tony Danza.


Look what just happened to Fisker Ocean. Bad product. Company in death spiral.... Price dropped almost as fast as the Hp TouchPad (palm WebOS)


Think of the poor shareholders! That's what the Hippocratic oath is about, right? "Into whatsoever website I enter, I shall praise the corporation, I shall send them my gold, and I will abstain from all criticism."


Do no harm to your audience by telling them this product sucks yeah. Besides. Marques spent about 8 minutes not being opinionated at the start of the video


If the product is shit it is shit... Fullstop. The title and thumbnail of this video tells me everything I need to know... I did not even bother to watch this video


I watched it only because of this post to see if he was too harsh and he actually goes out of his way to try to provide some praise for the company and talks about what the product could be But it definitely appears to be complete shit and definitely not worth the price tag plus a monthly subscription fee


I watched the review. I want one. I won't speed $700 and a $20 monthly access fee, but the product is the closet "star trek communicator badge" around.


But is that really something useful outside of the fiction in star trek? I really don't understand how this thing outperforms my old smart watch in any area let alone replace my smartphone (I know MKBHD says to ignore that but I can't look past how redundant this thing feels). Having it hang on my shirt seems a lot more distracting than something on my wrist. That laser display just isn't going to beat the inverse square law but my watch and phone's displays will stay a lot more readable in well lit areas. It reminds me of the [Cicret](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbgvSi35n6o) but less scamy.


I saw the product reveal some time ago, I forget where. thought "Oh great, another nonsense startup. Yesterday, Mutahar made a video about the drama behind this review, I didn't care to watch it, assuming it was a niche topic or something. the video was recommended to me this morning. I realized "Okay, It's trending, let's see what this is about" It's *okay*. something I'd expect to see 10 years ago when Siri Released TBH


This. I watched 3 videos and a podcast that talked about the AI Pin. All unrelated to each other. All agree is a bad product. Cool idea, but not something commercially viable in this form.


He is a professional tech reviewer not a doctor.


Damnit Jim, I'm a professional tech reviewer not a doctor.


Hehe.. this is hilarious 🤣🤣


His actual response was “I think we disagree on what my job is”


Clearly you've never heard of the technocratic oath.


He isn't harming "the patient" (consumer) anyway. Giving up hard earned money for crap is harmful to the consumer. Just as buying healing crystals instead of insulin is harmful to the patient.


make a better product then lol skill issue


Honestly the product isn't even the problem. The main problem is we've been getting away with calling LLMs and Image generators "AI" for a few years now. This device is just Siri with a rudimentary LLM for UI, but they're using the "AI" Buzzword making people think it's a smarter more capable device. But the price tag and shit battery life for something your Airpods could do is pretty silly Imho


Finally someone gets it. The bar for “intelligence” is set so low by the dumb.


So yeah the product sucks, thanks for summarizing the review 💀


Harm to who?? Don't consumers have a right to know if a product is bad?


Not if you are a shill or invested in some dumb shit again 😂


swim jobless joke offbeat roll butter panicky dinner consider bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The designers of this product as ex apple employees. Thats why it has that appleesq aesthetic to it.


bow gullible vast lavish normal tie nose ossified bike quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People dont care how much work you put into something. Im sure engineers have put a lot of work into this, but at the end of the day product is not good. Its not the reviewers fault, that your creation is not offering anything new or revolutionising. To me it just seems like a bad idea to begin with, let alone classic first gen product problems like battery life or overheating.


Yup, putting hard work into something doesn't make it good. I'll give you praise for working hard, but the end product has to stand on it's own.


Hey.. It took me 6 hours to make this inedible food. What do you mean you won’t eat it?


To be completely honest, I only ever read the negative reviews. Not because I'm some masochist and love negativity, but because generally they are more honest. I genuinely want to know the issues some people had with said product. Spigen won't even let me post a negative review on their site for a car phone mount charger. They've replaced it twice, offered no refund and I'm pissed.


It's the 2-4 star reviews that are most intriguing. 1 stars are often idiots who don't know how to use the product, perhaps with some genuine 1 star experiences sprinkled in there and 5 star reviews are sometimes genuine, easily impressed, or straight up paid for. Reviews that can specify "this part was good, but this part sucked" or "this was terrible, and here's why." are the sort of nuance that I am there for.


>Spigen What country are you in? I got a full refund for my phone case off them after 6 months just because the built in stand failed


Is their premise that if you have a lot of subs your first principle is do no harm? Does that not apply if you don’t have any subs? Wait actually does this person only define harm as killing someone’s project? Is someone wasting 700$ of their money on a bad product not also harm? Ahh! Also anyone else immediately think crypto mindset? This reeks of the hype based, narrative focused, disconnected from reality stuff endemic to crypto. Sure the product is bad, but the vision is good so it’s actually good…


I don't know who the tweet author is, but it reads like he would tweet things like "it is not wasted money, we are just early" 😂


It’s an “investment in the future” 😤😂




AI is infested as a fanbase with this strange pseudo-philosophical futurist nonsense where they frame anything dismissing an idea or product not as a critique of that thing but as some sort of Luddite attack on "the future". If you don't support them you're simply delaying humanity and have no excuse for yourself.


It's the same crytobro rhetoric, "we're still early"


AI fanboy unable to grasp concepts like “ethics” and “harm”. Very on-brand.


Do no harm? He's not a fucking doctor, he's a YouTube tech reviewer!


Marquess Brownlee PhD


MKBPhD was right there!


It’s like Marques summarizes in his follow up video: if the product sucks it’s not going to be a secret. It *will* be found out for what it is eventually. His review video has nothing to do with anything.


Twitter is filled with such AI fanboys writing 💩 threads sharing their shitty opinions.


Yeah, and to be fair, the product is shit. That title is warranted.


”Hi and welcome to the Cooking Channel! Today we’re boiling a turd in sewage water. Due to having 18 million subscribers, I’m going to say that while this is not the best thing I’ve tasted there is definitely potential here. I’m ethical.”


why are people losing there minds over this? ive watched the video and he was very fair and reasonable??


"Do No Harm" is the hypocratic oath, something for doctors. Not youtube tech product reviewers. [MKBHD had an interview with Colin and Samir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwDwizVsUG8) about this very topic that was quite interesting. But in general, nothing he can do is "right", much like Linus. When reviewers don't say bad things about a product, they are "shills". When they are nice, they are "shills". When they are negative, they "kill companies". Lets be realistic, a shit product is a shit product.


Just FYI it's spelled Hippocratic, as in [Hippocrates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocrates)


Mkbhd fucking nailed it. Great title too But have the makers of the product not realized? Its not for the avg person. This is for blind people.


This is definitely someone who's invested their life savings into AI crap and wants it to succeed


Loser mentality. When in life has not being critical of a product lead to anything other than a bad device? But for the record I called it, I knew this was going to be a rough product for a while. AI is just finally finding its strides it has potential however, Google, Siri, Alex is going to do just this on a device you already carry. Standalone devices like this will die.


Bad reviews don’t kill products and companies… shitty responses to bad reviews do


When I first heard about the product I thought it was pretty dumb. A smart watch or a phone can do everything this thing can minus a projector. But a smart watch doesn't need a projector because it has a screen. If you have to hold your hand up anyway why not make it a screen that people can read like idk on a watch.


Daniel Vassallo there, advertising he burnt ***\*another\**** $700 on some bullshit with a promise attached.


Yes a 700 piece of shit with subscription


In fairness, that's how a phone works. The only difference is the phone is useful


I find it distasteful, almost unethical, to pretty much false advertise a shit product. With great overpromising, great over delivery should also come. If not, get fucked. Nobody needs more shit products


AI bros and not understanding ethics but invoking them anyway. A classic combination.


Guess Daniel is not a fan of the free market…


Why do i keep seeing shit about MKBHD on the LTT sub? I get that its pretty adjacent content-wise but I stg every third post on this sub has to do with something MKBHD said


"objective review"?


Do no harm to who, exactly? A company, or the general public?


I feel like had the company targeted this device as a proof of concept and did more along the lines of saying its an early technology that will improve. They'd have all the legs in the world to stand on. But they are selling this as the ULTIMATE AI ASSISTANT. LOOK AT HOW AMAZING AND SEEMLESS THIS IS ON OUR THOUSANDS OF TIKTOK ADS. THIS INSANELY EXPENSIVE PRODUCT THATS STUCK ON A SUBSCRIPTION MODEL IS THE NEXT BIG THING! So everyone is reviewing it how they sold it. They alone are responsible for reviewers going just as hard on it as any other mass product. Also, gotta love the logic of, you can review things fairly until you reach a specific number of subscribers. then you're not allowed to anymore.


It’s “hard to explain why” because there isn’t a good reason lol


I think the product being shitty is a worse problem for the company than this review


Then don't make a bad product that overheats 🤣


Do no harm to shareholders or consumers spending their money?


25$ monthly subscription to use that POS. They deserve their downfall


First law of being a consoomer: 1. Do no harm to corporations or investors :'-(


can’t wait for the 90 minute wan show rant about this


Yeah that's a really dumb take. I watched the video, and he made it clear that this thing has a ton of potential and lots of cool tech, but it's just not good right now. He has an obligation to his viewers to tell them this.


Yeah, because tech product reviewers should holding themselves to the same ethical standards as practicing medical professionals.


Makes a serious accusation and point. >hard to explain why. Well lads let’s wrap it up he really sold us on his point there, I can’t see any reason to not agree with the man


Do no Harm like mkbhd is a fuckin Dr or something 😂😂


Do no harm to who, hmm? The business? So we're supposed to believe businesses have the inalienable right to not get criticized because it might hurt their profits? Fuck outta here, random dude on Twitter, MKBHD's review was extremely fair (essentially boiled down to "yes, this is made very well but there's no point when you have your phone on hand already").


I assume this is part of why he posted a video titled "Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies?" after this one


“Lmao, shut your bitchass up” should be his response to this guy.


If a review didn't lie about anything whatever happens happens


He didn’t even give the worst review. The Verge openly made fun of it in their testing. Which given the issues they found was fair.


The most AI comment yet


Well it fucking sucks and is useless


"there are no bad products, only bad prices" $50 is the right price. Delete the lte chip and put in a Bluetooth /nfc chip in its place. $700 is bad price for what that thing is. It's not good enough, yet, to be a independent device. It's a toy for early adopters, much like Apple Vision Pro.... Plenty of good ideas..... But very 1st Gen... By 3rd to 5th gen, after the price drops and the product gets more refined, then.....then it'll be a potential purchase for normal people.


Imagine we reviewed things according to their performance. The madness!


I find it distasteful, almost unethical for him to assume that we care what he thinks


Someordinarygamer had an excellent video about this. Marques's job is to be a tech reviewer. And he's really good and thorough at it. Propping up shitty companies because "they're just a start-up! Leave them alone!" is also a terrible idea. Look at that one blood testing lab. People blindly gave them all sorts of money for this 'wonder blood tester', and it was a scam. Don't we, as a consumers, deserve to be protected from scam products? The other good point about it was, sure it's a little more complex to do things like this on phones...today... But, next gen of phones will be coming with enhanced AI capabilities. It won't be long before you hold up your phone and say, "Hey, Google, what am I looking at?" and it tell you, just like this device does. Maybe for a limited niche of people, like mentioned, elderly, blind people or whoever may not be able to have a phone on them when needed most, but not as a wide consumer product.


I'm pretty sure he changed the title to this. It seemed a lot more calm initially but I can't recall exactly what it was before.


Lmao this guy probably has a lot of Tesla stock.


make a product, sell it, face the wrath of the market! grow up, your adults!


Make a better product and stop complaining about reviews, thats their point.


Oh c'mon, This is a joke righ? That thing is a toy.


Ah yes a 700+$ product that needs a 24$ monthly subscription to work ! Yeah let's not inform the users of that ! Oh and it doesn't connect to your phone because they don't want to kneecap their product untill it "takes off" ! It's an expensive trash product with a laser pointer !


I'd trust MKBHD over some suit any day of the week.


I bet this guy would have given The Human Heater the thumbs up at tech crunch disrupt.


It's funny how many people are in here saying "Do no harm" is the hypocratic oath... Like, even if MKBHD were a doctor and this was a medical device... it still wouldn't be doing harm to accurately describe the experience to potential users. In fact, in that scenario, it'd be WAY more harmful to sugarcoat it and lie to the users about its capabilities. Like, I *kinda* get where he's coming from. Its certainly hyperbolic. There's almost zero percent chance that its ACTUALLY the worst product MKBHD has ever reviewed. The dude has done uploads that're just "here's random shit I've been sent in the mail" reviews. The review went out of its way to say the AI pin is really well designed and built on a hardware level. Some of that mailbag garbage HAS to be a worse product. I think he has a good case that MKBHD was being careless with this title... But its equally hyperbolic and careless to act like a single reviewer, even with 18 million subs, could "kill" someone else's project. If MKBHD was acting unethically here then we'd see it when other reviewers dont have the **exact** same criticisms of the device. If the project dies, it will be because of all of those problems, not a single reviewer's minor exaggeration in a video title. Hyperbole is the language of our attention-economy. You'd think a guy who sells a course on how to build a twitter audience would know this...


Ok, but all of the other reviews I’ve watched are this bad too so though.


You'll never please everyone. If you leave all reviews open-ended, avoiding negativity, you get droves of people saying you should pick a side. If you actually call out how bad a product is, you get people like Daniel Vassallo here. I'm honestly really fucking glad I'm not a Youtuber. Even if it provided $1M+ per year, I know I wouldn't avoid "reading the comments" and I genuinely like my life more without being subject to the public eye like MKBHD or Linus.


Honestly the video left me more interested in the AI pin thingy than I was before. I still think it's useless and overpriced and I'd never buy one, but the projector with hand gesture navigation does look genuinely cool, even if its current implementation is unrefined.


This problem has a very straight forward solution. Just make good products.


I watch reviews to see if the device is 1) good, and 2) worth buying. The title and thumbnail are VERY clear, for $700 this thing isn't worth it. This guy does make a good point that "with great reach comes great responsibility". MKBHD has the responsibility of delivering an accurate and informative review, which he does pretty much perfectly. This "nascent project" has been in development for 7 years, with millions of dollars poured into it. At the end of the day it's a *distinctly* first gen product, you shouldn't buy it! The review is VERY clear with that, as is every other review I've seen. It overheats, has shit battery life, often gets stuff wrong, etc. If you're going to release a product in this state I feel like it's a given that this is the reception it'll get. That price is also very hard to swallow. At $700 I expect it to be basically perfect. People can afford $700 phones mostly because of financing/trade in deals (not saying this is right but that's just how it is). No such thing exists for the pin. It's also not a phone replacement, it can't reliably make calls or send texts so buying this in *addition* to a phone is a very tough pill to swallow...


These people are so coddled it’s insane. It’s a free market. Make a good product and you won’t go bust. Make a shit one? This happens. Cry about it more, nerd.


Without an honest review how is the product suppose to improve? Just deliver a shit product and never innovate?


Daniel probably just doesn’t know how reviews work. Let us let him have his opinions.


Fun Fact: last night MKBHD released a ~13 minute video titled "*Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies?*"


This is the new strategy of startups. When they make shitty products and get called out on it, they attack the reviewers for calling them out for making shitty products. I have several friends that were at one point tech reviewers that gave up because it became too difficult to do and still be objective. They have lists of companies that refused to send them review units after a product received a bad review.


Marques admitted that the title and thumb were a bit click baity, but he stood by the title. I'm at the point that I just don't watch the clicky baity stuff, from ltt or anyone, voting with my viewing habits.


i do agree that its a bad title, its a stock "click me" title that says little to nothing about the content


All the reciewers sat basically the same thing. My persoanl take on the product is that it would suffice as a smartphone app. I believe that the next generation of built-in assistants will probably be on this level without a 700-dollar price tag.


I like ai but that device is stupid.


Mrwhostheboss did the same. Product has a nice idea, but it's not working well enough to make it worthwhile


Like I don't normally watch MKBHD but... Literally every review of this product has been negative. Bro is out here calling out MKBHD but is somehow fine with everyone else having pretty much the exact same opinions on this garbage product. Hmmm... Wonder why they are specifically mad at MKBHD but not others.... Hmmm...


Blud tried sneaking in the spider man reference lmfao


I guess we found the main investor 🤣


Does "do no harm" extend to unethical cobalt mining and Chinese factories with suicide prevention nets?


“How dare you say your honest opinion about our product” this world be cray cray


“Do no harm”. He’s a YouTuber not a fucking doctor


The Blackbeltbarrister did a video about this topic that was rather interesting: https://youtu.be/8ruEs3Q8a3Y?si=fSoqQxsuLx-qamiY


Lol not allowed to dislike and truthfully review something now huh


This product is overhyped and shit in its current state, and its 700+ dollars...


Do no harm? He's not a doctor


It's distasteful when someone gives an honest review of a boring product? Almost no one has indicated they like the Humane pin. If they had defended the Rabbit R1 I'm sure some people would have agreed because it at least looks cool.


When you are bad you deserve the justified harm


"Hard to explain why-" it's actually super easy. He likes it and wants it to succeed and doesn't like it when other people don't share the same opinion as him. Tale as old as time. Kick rocks about it.


Honestly, everybody already thought it was shit. I watched the video because I wanted to know how shitty it was. Thumbs up to them for trying a new thing but the concept alone doesn't entices me. Having an AI assistant strapped to my chess is not something I'm particularly hyped up about. I have the chatgpt in my phone and I barely use it, why would I start using it in my chest.


I share a similar sentiment. I think he went much too hard, unfairly so, on this young product.


He's got the same opinion for MKBHD that I saw floating around here about Linus' criticism of Billet Labs last year. 


this ai thing is garbage anyway lol..


it's just rage bait, don't talk about twittter posts like this. they think their opinion is worth anyone's time because of the traffic you just gave them.


I find the advancement of AI distasteful.


If you change a review because it might damage a product/company, you are not a reviewer. You are a marketing shill. A reviewer isn't here to make friends with companies (although some of them make it seem that way at times). It is to review a product. Like, you don't need to get personal or anything, but if a product sucks it should be called out. This shit costs $700 + a subscription fee. And it is worthless. It should be called out as worthless. I don't care what 'the future' could bring. They are currently charging $700 for e-waste. Frankly, MKHDB was too kind on them.


Unethical would be not reporting when a product is bad, protecting the company making it at the expense of the people who may be wasting their money on it. I watched this yesterday and all I could think the entire time is “why does this exist” and “who would buy it”. It’s not a good product or a useful product. People have a right to know that.


It's an old apple habit like "don't blame the product, blame the customer" and " the customer always wrong" and last "he didn't use it right"


He said a lot of great things about the device. It’s obviously not a consumer grade product. It’s for sure a specialty device. I hope it has great dev support because I can think of many better uses for that hardware.


Make a better product?


I’d suppose he’s supposed to tell the world that everyone should buy this and pay the monthly subscription beyond all pitfalls because it’s an innovative product? It’s up to the manufacturer to sell the product and not the reviewers. The reviewers job is to review the device and give us their impressions of using the product on which Marques did a phenomenal job.


$700 for something that doesn’t work well and requires a monthly subscription, honestly this company should be trashed harder. If anything he’s saving people from wasting their money on some product that likely got rushed to ride the AI trend.


Do not harm is for us physicians... And attacking Marcus is lame


I don't understand this movement of defending companies that make a bad product  "MKBHD bankrupting another company" bitch please If a product gains loads of attention there needs to be an MKBHD to tell potential customers of said product about its flaws What do these people would want to happen? The AI pin gets fake positive reviews, thousands of people buy it only to find out it's slow and only useful for very specific tasks? This isn't a 15 bucks bracelet, it's a 700$ device If a honest review of a bad product tanks the sales then it's deserved. The discourse is similar to companies talking about losses when what they mean is unrealised potential profits...


There is a billion tech reviewers...I am sorry but 1 bad review is a hot take, 10 bad reviews, your product sucks. MKBHD or even Linus cannot harm a company that bad if everyone else disagrees....except if they forget to send back the prototype and sell it to an auction... but except that example...very hard to obliterate a company because of a single bad review.


Imagine if MKBHD was reviewing a new tobacco product.


People like this only care about themselves making money and they will say or do anything to make sure that profit is safe.


Apparently the Hippocratic oath applies to YouTubers now. Crazy