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I've seen a bunch of people running into this unfortunately


Small o-rings generally be fragile. Luckily it apparently isn't important to functionality (according to LTT Support response on one of the previous posts) & would be very cheap to replace, except for postage. Maybe they should just throw in a bag of spares with the next wave of pens.


I thought the pen was one and done, the store said out of stock and I thought Linus said on WAN they wouldn’t make more


They've still got more unusable screwdriver shafts to write-off, they didn't turn them all into pens in one go. Once they run out of shafts they're done. Its still on the store with a "notify when available" option


Good to know I’ve got a few things I want to order but I’ve been holding off until the precision screwdriver comes out and I’d be happy to throw a pen in as well


I’ve been waiting for a restock of the Phillips Bit Set and the Jerry Rig Knife to order my shaft extender


Looks like the jerry rig knife may not come back, the store page is gone now.


Damn it was just there yesterday! That’s a shame, but I guess I’ll order one direct then


They have 100k shafts, pen takes 2 shafts, 5000 pens were made, so they in theory have enough to make 45k more pens


Maybe a small instructions video/image on how/where to install it, and the specific size/material of the O ring would be enough as well. They are mostly standardised, so it shouldn't be to hard to get the right size from a hydraulic supplier, Ag dealer, etc


I don’t even see an o-ring on mine anywhere. It must be hidden inside?


Can probably buy 300 replacement o rings from McMaster Carr for $10 and they'll be at your door tomorrow lmao


That's a good suggestion. Unfortunately missed out on the first wave 👍


No matter the product or build quality; o rings don't last forever They're generally reliable for what they're designed for but yeah they'll eventually fail for any number of reasons


O rings don't last forever. But its a new product.


I believe they're using the o rings for friction on the sliding. Which I'm pretty sure isn't how you use o rings. They're mean to be static, not be rubbing against stuff or between. So they're being worn out from wrong usage.


The pressure washer at work uses O rings on the different attachments. Even with the oem rings from Kärcher, they don't last more than a few months from the attachment swapping. O rings are used a static seals (hydraulic fittings for example), or have some lubrication and support like in hydraulic cylinders to seal them.


That's fair; I actually wasn't aware how new the pen was but the reviews are all from very recent. The website says they made it out of the repurposed, surplus, screwdriver shafts-- maybe they also used spare o rings ? Anything I can say is purely speculation anyways


The shafts they use are from development of the screw driver from the original supplier, which got bought and didn't care enough to do it right after that. I can't really imagine why they would have such small O rings in the right size just laying around, unless they're from some water cooling system.


If you buy o-rings in bulk, they're stupidly cheap, like $0.01 each if that


So were the rings on the SRBs of the space shuttle Challenger.


They shouldn't fail immediately either, which is why I believe this is caused by a design or manufacturing issue. The groove holding the o-ring in place could, for example, be cut too shallow, causing the o-ring to slip onto the threads, during disassembly, where it gets destroyed when the pen is assembled again.


I wonder how many are pulling it apart over and over and accidentally breaking it in the process.


An O-Ring there serves little purpose as air tightness is not needed with a cartridge. And while it could help with overtightening, due to the profile of the pen it would be impossible to make it durable in any way. it's also not needed


Hey u/Steavee, The O-ring in your Scribedriver is intended to provide a very slight improvement in feel and makes it ever-so-slightly harder to unscrew accidentally during use (a situation that already is somewhat unlikely to happen). It is safe for you to continue to use your Scribedriver as normal, and you likely won't notice the difference too much. However, should you find that your use of the Scribedriver *is* impeded at all, let us know [here ](https://www.lttstore.com/pages/contact-us)and we'll be happy to assist you further! -AP


Will not replacing the o-ring increase wear?


The O-ring has no impact whatsoever on wear and tear. -AP


Question are the backpacks instock date a hard one or can it change?


Our best estimate is that backpacks will be restocked on or before July 31st, 2024. That means a restock could occur sooner. Should that timeframe be delayed in any way we would provide an update to current backorder holders via email. -AP


What size is the o-ring used if users would like to replace it for themselves on their own?


Had to get Engineering to bail me out for this one. :P Sizing is as-follows: Cross section: 0.4mm Inner diameter: 3mm With that said, a replacement O-ring doesn't need to conform to that exact size necessarily. For example, you could use one of these which has slightly different measurements (0.5mm x 2.5mm): [https://www.theoringstore.com/store/index.php?main\_page=product\_info&cPath=368\_12\_2185&products\_id=43462](https://www.theoringstore.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=368_12_2185&products_id=43462) -AP


Mine snapped and disappeared never to be seen again the first time I unscrewed the pen. I was going to feel very stupid emailing support asking what size it is so I can replace them going forward, as I couldn’t find the answer anywhere. Glad I saw this thread before doing so. Thank you for your service Mr./Ms. Support o7


Could you put this kind of information on the store pages? I need to get replacement silicon rings for the Ltt waterbottle lid, and can't find the dimensions online. This info being available really seems in the spirit of LTT and should be easily findable


Great feedback. Added. [https://www.lttstore.com/products/pen](https://www.lttstore.com/products/pen) -AP


That’s good support!


Is this going on the product page?


Thank you!


Is it possible to get an o-ring size so users can replace at their own convenience?


> Had to get Engineering to bail me out for this one. :P Sizing is as-follows: > >Cross section: 0.4mm >Inner diameter: 3mm > >With that said, a replacement O-ring doesn't need to conform to that exact size necessarily. For example, you could use one of these which has slightly different measurements (0.5mm x 2.5mm): [https://www.theoringstore.com/store/index.php?main\_page=product\_info&cPath=368\_12\_2185&products\_id=43462](https://www.theoringstore.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=368_12_2185&products_id=43462) > >-AP


Awesome, thanks!


If they're all breaking, it's probably a slightly incorrect oring size or groove anyway. Might have to experiment :)


They're cheap at your local hardware or autoparts store


A) I really shouldn’t have to do that with a one week old product. B) with as many sizes of o-rings as are produced these days, it’s pretty vital to know the *exact* size.


Tiny o rings like that are super fragile, so it's not really a surprise it would break. You can get a pack of like 100 universal o rings for a couple of dollars that will have a variety of sizes. If I had to guess, that's probably a 7 - 8mm or 1/4" to 5/16" o ring. Edit: Diamater pulled from product page on ltt.com "7.75mm (0.30”) diameter"


You’re acting like it’s an actual seal. You don’t need the exact size for this application lol


Why do you need a refill after one week? How often do you write like damn


I use blue ink at work.


Ahh, makes sense


Some pen refills are better than others. I'd see myself putting a Jetstream or energel refill in it if I had the pen


It’s crazy to see the number of people defending LTT for an oversight in quality control. If it isn’t an essential part of the pen, it’s a better experience for the customer to not see a part breaking within a week of use. It seems with the frequency of this happening, it would have come up during quality control testing at some point. Any other company worth more than $100 million, the customers would be much more critical of obvious design flaws such as o rings breaking with light use.


It's because it's a non-functional part with absolutely no effect on the product outside of the feel that can be had at the local hardware store by the hundreds for around $3.


I’m all for holding them accountable for their manufacturing mistakes. Maybe they could have thought to include some spares even. But the stainless steel pen is going to outlast the tiny rubber o-ring by many lifetimes. O-rings are generally somewhat disposable products, and even though it’s unfortunate this specific size is so fragile it’s breaking on new pens, it’s definitely a part you’re going to have to replace at some point if you care. If not, as others have said it’s not necessary. I’m not sure if you expect them to invent a magically stronger o-ring? Maybe people could use thread tape if they don’t want to be replacing snapped o-rings. Personally I’m happy they provided the exact dimensions in this thread so I can replace mine even if it’s not necessary.


Gettin’ a little too riled up over an o ring, buddy.


Luckily most hardware stores sell a variety pack of like 50 different sized o-rings for like $5


They're dirt cheap at dealerships


OP I am not entirely aware of the pen functionally. In what way would the O ring break? Is it a cosmetic item essentially half way down the shaft or functional. Did it break just using the pen or did some other way?


I unscrewed the two halves to put in a different ink refill. When I did so, the broken o-ring fell out.


I dunno why but this reminded me of Space Shuttle Challenger. Thankfully the consequences here are nowhere near as catastrophic.


I came here in search of something about Challenger. You are not alone. >I dunno why Because it's failing o-rings that made it go boom (in a technical sense).


make sure it isn’t carrying 6 astronauts and a teacher!


That almost made me do a spit take




Small O rings are fragile anyway but this usually happens when you overtighten it


I think that is what is causing the issue. I've taken mine apart a bunch of times trying different refills, and the o-ring is fine. I just tighten the pen enough with a small force using two fingers. I learned that it is easy to over tighten hardware by stripping screw heads with power tools. It is possible that some of the o-rings are a bit brittle. Seeing how tiny and thin they are, it can get damaged by a little bit of excessive force when firmly tightening the pen. It also could have been a bit too tight from the factory, and that could have damaged the o-rings.


My o-ring fell as soon as I open my pen to check the ink refill, I wrote with the pen earlier for a few minutes and there is no difference, I'm not concern about it, I've been using the pen it works great. Linus said they were re purposing materials to create this pen, and they might be slight differences between pens. At work, I deal with a few machines with O-rings, and even if they are fragile, they have to be put to constant stress in order to break. Using a pen is such a random activity that losing the o-ring won't impact its performance.


I agree that no performance difference has been seen, but they obviously slapped it in there for a reason and they should have gotten the size more correct so they wouldn’t tear when you unscrewed the pen.


The O-Ring is so you don't overtighten. If you do, it's going to break, regardless of how old and the quality of it. Even if you overtighten it you should be able to open it anyways.


If Challenger taught me anything, you should scrub the launch.


Oof. True though.


Blew its load eh ….


So here's a hilarious realization. I found a tiny, circular piece of rubber on my desk the other day and had absolutely no clue where it came from. This post helped me realize it was the tiny rubber o ring for my pen, which I unboxed and immediately swapped a new refill into on Monday. It must have broken immediately after I opened it.


You should write it off.


I think u will survive this tragedy...


There's supposed to be an O-Ring....?


I had a similar thought. I just went to the store to see if there was any news about the brass version coming into stock and noticed all the poor reviews mentioning an o-ring. If my stainless ever had one I didn't notice and it fell apart and to the floor without me noticing the first time I checked who made the refill. I haven't had any trouble with mine coming apart yet.


I managed to get a brass! I only have issues with it unscrewing if I fidget with the bolt a lot. Otherwise it seems just fine, if it ever becomes an issue I think I'll just go buy a really fine o-ring.


Did it get too cold?


The LTT pen makes me sad I don't write because it looks so cool. I just can't justify "useless" products. Hopefully the precision screwdriver will be just as cool.


Seems like it happens to most of them


Now it’s gonna burn oil


Welcome to the LTT poor product sales team, what can I do for you today kind sir?


That just means your pressure is too high. Turn it down a bit! 😜


Just use the trust me bro warranty.


Same thing happened to mine. Do they happen to list the o-ring size anywhere so I can buy a replacement? I know it isn't necessary but the two pieces of mine seemed to fit together more flush with the o-ring installed.


Support replied with the size here in the comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/s/YTHZoPVCr7


O-Ring Gate! But seriously, not a big deal. Also not an expensive part so maybe something they should add multiple of if they make another run of pens. Love the pen myself. Was a professional mechanic for over a decade and the knurling reminds me of my old trusty S.O. ratcheting screwdriver.


Enjoy your full guarantee where you'll get absolutely nothing for the product breaking. Get scammed.


LTT quality why People Bitching trust me bro its quality Merch right there




Well yes.. that's how you replace the ink.