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That’s definitely a ranking list, no doubt about it.


Lmao yeah


Can you explain what makes Keenan so great? All I ever see is the same character, nothing new or fresh. I'm sure I'll be voted to hell, I just want someone to explain why they think he's so great. Please.


Keenan used to have a lot more range. Now his one bit is just saying silly words. Feels like he's going through the motions these days, with some exceptions.


The white girls quartet dead last on the list are sensational. I would watch the show even if it only had Sherman, Fineman, Gardner, Troast.


The Girls in the Hall


I don’t have a problem with Sherman or Fineman. They just haven’t made me specifically laugh before. I kinda wanna swap Punkie and Sherman


Punkie above Bowen, Sarah, Chloe Fineman AND Heidi is absolutely mind-boggling me but to each their own. 😭


I still can’t stand Heidi and I couldn’t stand Bowen for a while but he’s heavily growing on me as well as Sarah


But what has Punkie actually done


Fair enough! It took awhile for Bowen to grow me on too. I mainly find it mind-boggling due to low little Punkie does for me. I don’t even understand how she got promoted to repertory status TBH.


How come you have the 4 white women last, then the gay guy, the gay girl and the non-binary just ahead of them? Just asking because there is almost universal agreement that some of these cast members are some of the best in the entire case.


Yeah most commenters think OP's take is way off the mark. I can excuse Molly, Punkie, and both Chloe's being at the bottom, but not the rest. Bowen and Sarah have had a ton of fun, memorable sketches (i.e. they brought a completely new energy) and Heidi is extremely versatile and consistently hits the mark.


Yeah, but even Fineman is a solid cast member, and has been for years. Maybe she isn't your cup of tea, but almost dead last is insane.


True - personally she's in my bottom 6 but definitely not dead last.


Devon Walker at 6 is wild. Not sure i can think of anything memorable hes done.


He's barely become comfortable on camera until this season. Like super recently. He'd be the first one voted off the island for me.🤷‍♀️


I won’t be surprised if he isn’t brought back after this year.


Draymond has been my favorite update bit so far


punkie above Bowen and Heidi is pure psycho behavior


Why does she get so much hate? She’s not great as the main part of a sketch but she’s great with supporting roles. And why do people like Heidi (no disrespect btw I respect whatever you say)


she does nothing on the show. name one character or impression that left any lasting impact...


That’s a good point actually. She’s good as Queen Latifah or Mary J. Blige but that’s about it.


She was the fancy woman on the subway swinging a rat.


I love her therapist sketch with Jake Gyllenhaal, but that’s about it


I liked her in her "Intuition" rap on the episode with Selena Gomez, and I had to laugh about her Fire Feet check.


some boiling hot takes here. Biggest take away is I think some of the newer players are getting a bit too much credence on this list. They may be on hot streaks, but just because, say Michael Longfellow, is hitting some early highs, I don't think that qualifies him to rank above long-time, super consistent and versatile cast members with much longer tenures like Gardner, Dismukes, and Sarah Sherman (I know some people aren't fans, but she's extremely memorable) eta: typos


I don’t know what it is but I can’t stand Gardner and she’s only made me laugh like once the whole time she’s been on the show. But I can agree with the other two


I love Heidi. Heidi and Bowen for the win.


1. Dismukes (resident post-Mooney weirdo, love when he gets goofy like Samberg, Shannon, Parnell, Bayer, etc) 2. Bowen (best range all around) 3. Kenan (kinda want him to stay forever) 4. JAJ (love it when he does original wacky characters rather than president shit) 5. Troast (was already a big fan before she joined, now she's killing it!) 6. Heidi (underrated as hell, solid range, always commits to the bit) 7. Sarah (a little grating at times but I love her banter with Jost; maybe the weirdest member since Armisen?) 8. Mikey (when he's good, he's great; when he's not, he's more than a tad insufferable) 9. Punkie (glad she's stuck around, a dependable ensemble player) 10. Ego (decent altogether but, like Punkie, she never really stands out to me tbh—maybe my hottest take?) 11. Molly (really wish they were given more chances, I feel like we haven't seen all they're capable of) And then everyone else ties for last: Fineman and Marcello are annoying as hell, and Michael and Devon are just entirely forgettable. [edit: format]


Have you seen any of Michael Longfellow’s weekend update appearances? I would’ve written aswell him off if it weren’t for WU


What has Marcello done ??


Like 3 or 4 update pieces, both Protective moms, Tiny Bags, Age of Discovery, etc.


Lol I’m roughly flipped 1. Bowen 2. Chloe Fineman 3. Heidi 4. Ego 5. Chloe Troast 6. Marcello 7. Sarah 8. Mikey 9. Kenan 10. JAJ 11. Punkie 12. Molly Tbh Devon, Longfellow, and dismukes are forgettable to me


Swap JAJ and Sarah and I'm mostly good with this one.


Bowen Ego and Heidi are the most polished performers in the cast IMO and then clearly Mikey Sarah and Marcello are good writers so they hang up there. JAJ is a good impressionist but I'm getting kinda bored?


That’s fair that Longfellow and Dismukes are forgettable but I just can’t forget Devon because of the UK rapper skit and the fact that I thought he was Pete in blackface lmao


so the fact that you thought he was another cast member in blackface puts him at 6???????


LMFAOOOO sure, we’ll go with that


so the fact that you thought he was another cast member in blackface puts him at 6???????


I think dismukes is miles ahead of punkie- punkie has little to none memorable parts imo


okay man thanks for sharing 👍


Here's my list. 1. Ego (kills it in sketches and updates) 2. Bowen (kills it in sketches and updates) 3. Dismukes (really good in sketches, especially ones he writes) 4. Marcello (would be number 3 but Dismukes has been around longer for more consistency) 5. Heidi (overall really good, sometimes falls flat for me. But hits more than misses) 6. Kenan (hot take but I'm not big on Kenan. He is consistently fine, has been for a while. But not a standout player) 7. Mikey Day (he is consistently fine, but borders on "does the same character all the time") 8. Sarah Sherman (she is very hit or miss. When she hits, amazing. When she misses, it's bad. I also think her acting isn't the best when she plays a straight character) 9. James Austin Johnson (he's fine. Consistent but doesn't shine outside of Trump) 10. Chloe Fineman (she's okay. She feels very one note, and I feel like lately she's been missing her cues a lot) 11. Michael Longfellow (his update pieces are great, but he is not very good in sketches) 12. Punkie Johnson (I really really want to like Punkie more but she falls flat a lot for me, even in side roles.) 13. Devon Walker (his most recent update piece was amazing, but he has done like nothing else memorable outside of that. But I think he is rising for me) 14. Molly (their 1 first sketch was great, then they have done nothing since to stand out) 15. Chloe Troast (too new but has potential. Needs to do something to not just be the singing girl in the future)


I love Bowen. He is the next big thing from SNL for sure.


Well, yeah, I totally disagree with your first and last picks.


Kenan would be last for me


lol to each their own but this list is wild to me


My ranking: 1. Mikey Day 2. Bowen Yang 3. Kenan Thompson 4. Ego Nwodim 5. Heidi Gardner 6. Andrew Dismukes 7. James Austin Johnson 8. Chloe Fineman 9. Sarah Sherman 10. Marcello Hernandez 11. Michael Longfellow 12. Devon Walker 13. Punkie Johnson 14. Chloe Troast 15. Molly Kearney Obviously not a fan of the newbies.


1. Kenan Thompson 2. Heidi Gardner 3. Ego Nwodim 4. Mikey Day 5. Sarah Sherman 6. James Austin Johnson 7. Bowen Yang 8. Chloe Fineman 9. Marcelo Hernandez 10. Chloe Troast 11. Andrew Dismukes 12. Michael Longfellow 13. Punkie Johnson 14. Molly Kearney 15. Devon Walker


1. Kenan Thompson(All time great, just seeing him makes me happy) 2. Ego Nwodim 3. Heidi Gardner 4. Mikey Day (extremely unappreciated for what he brings) 5. Andrew Dismukes 6. Bowen Yang 7. James Austin Johnson 8. Michael Longfellow 9. Chloe Fineman 10. Chloe Troast (hard to put since we’ve seen so little, but what we have seen is great). 11. Marcelo Hernandez 12. Devon Walker 13. Molly Kearney 14. Punkie Johnson. Then about 10 feet of shit. Sarah Sherman


I’m imagining you seeing Kenan’s face on the screen and clapping your hands like a baby, not a thought in that brain


Seeing this list makes me realize that we're in a VERY mediocre era right now. Nobody here is a superstar.


List bad


I would move a few of those, but it looks solid 👍🏽


Bowen and JAJ are the tops for me. JAJ opening the season solo on this featuring season was vv impressive. Dude never misses and is just solid. And Bowen was a slow burn for me but iceberg that sunk the titanic hit me like a train and now I’m Yang Gang for life


Why is Devon so high? Even if you don’t have a negative perspective on him, he’s done almost nothing on the show besides be the one other person in a sketch.


Kenan low key laughs/smiles through every skit more than Fallon but people aren't ready for that conversation.


They really aren’t but you’re 1000% right. Same character/face every single time.


Raise your hand if you only watch Weekend Update because of this weak, weak cast.


You did not say ranked by what? Talent?


I’d agree with your first two (Kenan and Marcello), but then I’d diverge with: 3. Bowen 4. Heidi 5. Chloe Fineman 6. Mikey 7. Sarah 8. Ego 9. Chloe Troast (I think she’s got a lot of potential, but hasn’t had many opportunities to shine). 10. JAJ


W, I respect that.


1. Heidi Gardner 2. JAJ 3. Sarah Sherman 4. Mikey day 5. Kenan and the rest of the cast is completely forgettable to me. Do any of them have regular characters? I can't think of any


I was done when they ranked Kenan #1.


Seems sexist to me. I'm not saying you *are* sexist, but when you post a list that have 7/8 best cast members are male, 5/6 worst cast members are female, it definitely *seems* that way.