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You mean I shouldn't be using random lines in comedy shows to learn a language? My life is a lie




Fuck did you just say to me?!


The wall woman talks!


Sorry, this is not _Suits_.


I met a really nice young, Romanian taxi driver in downtown Chicago, he told me that he used rap and reggae to help w English. When he 1st came to Chicago, he went to what he thought was a reggae club but was actually a just a gay club. I told him it happens to the best of us.


5 years ago on my very first trip to Chicago I unknowingly walked into a gay club and ended up meeting two of my now best friends. For the next 3 days they showed my husband and I the greatest time.. we now split our time in Chicago and SC all bc of a gay club. So yes, I too like to think it does happen to the best of us 😂


aww a heart warming story!!


Also 4 way sex right? Or was it just your husband and the other two ?




My dumb ass went to look at the comments assuming they'd be in English


I Google translated a bunch of the comments, and they're generally positive. Mostly commenting on how it's pretty good for Americans, and how they appear to have put some effort into the correct translation and pronunciation. Lots of people not getting the joke because it's only a short clip of Chloe speaking Romanian, not the full song.


I thought the very same thing


Seeing as how the point of the sketch was not for her to convey some information in Romanian, I’m not sure that it didn’t go very well, indeed.


I don't want to seem insensitive, but who really gives a shit about whether or not Chloe was actually speaking Romanian? This is like a C-plot storyline in The West Wing.


My husband’s Romanian and he said that whatever she was saying didn’t sound like Romanian at all but he didn’t seem to care otherwise. A lot of tv shows get foreign languages wrong and people just kind of accept it.




They're talking about how it was kind of throw away and didn't really matter so it's not like anybody cared or spent too much time on it. 


Except for the Romanians!


Meh. I'm a mathematician. I'm pretty sure I see TV shows speak gibberish math more than Romanians see TV shows speak bad Romanian. It's something you just deal with.


I mean, if you go to the post, the person who posted the video says “Romania mention!” with some celebratory emojis, so I don’t actually think it’s a wholly negative post in the first place.


Lmao. You’re right. I’ll add an ! to my comment


You mean the maps being backwards?


Is this another skit where people from said country criticise SNL for not getting their language/accent right?


You bet your sweet ass it is


I think people forget comedy is meant to be funny. Getting accents a bit funky is part of the fun.


It's not criticism per se, but some people like to make a fuss or a big deal out of it, ultimately, we're pleased and grateful that Romania got a mention in that sketch. For me though as a Romanian, I found that part even funnier because I'm used to the accent and the correct pronunciation, so hearing it altered a bit made it funnier


My question is who in the cast or writers is Romanian I feel like it’s a bit of a random language to use for a sketch


It’s bc it rhymed with “six months in”


It was so hilarious.


Ok that makes sense! I’m adopted from there so I guess I was just curious lol


Oh jfc. How far up does a stick have to be to care about this?


You have to understand, for small European countries it is so rare to hear their language or country mentioned in any kind of international media, it’s bound to get noticed. 😅 Here in the Netherlands everyone still remembers when Gunther tried to speak Dutch on Friends and there were a lot of comments about Oppenheimer attempting Dutch as well. It might not mean much to the rest of the world, but for us it matters, lol.


My apologies


It's weird, earlier this year SNL decided it was worth the trouble to find an actress who knows ASL to play a bowling pin. I am guessing it just comes down to how much time they have and how easy it is to find someone who can help get it right.


Also, ASL has American right in the name. This is a US-based comedy show. Our ASL speakers deserve a bit more effort than a random foreign language. No disrespect intended to Romania, it’s just a different level of cultural relevance.


wait what episode is this?? I don't remember it


S 49 E 17 Ryan Gosling/Chris Stapleton


I really think SNL dropped the ball on this. They should have respected the language enough to learn the couple lines in Romanian or at minimum use Google translate.


The line is "*act* like you only speak Romanian." It would make more sense for her to be speaking gibberish than actually speaking it.


She wasn't actually supposed to be Romanian though


I really think you worry too much about sketch comedy. It’s a joke. Relax.


Legitimately, this is a nothing issue. The person in the sketch wasn't even supposed to be truly speaking Romanian. Complaining about this kind of shit is not only ridiculous, it also dilutes when you have an actual issue to point out. This is a good time to self reflect on why you actually think this is a problem. Do you truly think there was an issue here in an SNL joke song that the person pretending to speak Romanian just did whatever? What issues do you actually think this is causing? 


"They should have respected the language". You know English and this is all the value you can add to a conversation?  Your comment is really a "admit you don't have friends without admitting you don't have friends" cry for help.