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I mean, Scooby Doo itself did a play on this in Zombie Island, where Fred is trying to take the mask off and ends up pulling the whole head off because it's an actual zombie.


“THIS TIME THE MONSTERS ARE REAL” — they played that commercial on Cartoon Network all week leading up the Halloween night premiere and I was scared as fuck lol.


I remember that commercial BY HEART. Also, the spoooooooky witch band from Scooby Doo & The Witch’s Ghost. I remember all their songs.


The Hex Girls 😍


“We’re the HEX GIRLLLSSS, and we’re gonna cast a spell on you!!!!!!”


Big fan of their track “Trap Of Love” from the “Mystery Incorporated” series




🎶 Earth, wind, fire, and air, we may look bad but we don’t care 🎶


Earth Wind Fire and Air?! Two airs and no water?!


They’re the Hex girls, and they’re gonna put a spell on you! 


In the Garfield Halloween Special they had a version of the monsters are real gag when Garfield is pulling all the masks off and gets to one that has the same exact face under its monster mask. I swear, the 70s and 80s were full of masks being pulled off. I feel like as a child I assumed there would be more masks when I grew up but so far I've been disappointed.


Basically the Mulaney quicksand joke, but about masks


GOAT Scooby movie nothing can touch it


[Imma just leave this here.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pulling%20The%20Head%20Off)


I’m not denying some of the more egregious examples like the Charmin bears sketch, but this one feels like a reach. The face-ripping gag has been done to death, and even then It was only the jumping off point for the SNL sketch, whereas the Nerdist sketch sticks pretty closely to that one joke.


If it's been done to death, why would some snl writers think it would be a good idea to do it again in 2024?


lack of original ideas


I disliked SNL as much as the next guy but they’ve had a streak of excellent shows for the past half year or so.


Because there are only really 10-12 basic sketch structures and you’re gonna start repeating yourself at some point


By that logic, every 10-12 sketches on SNL would be ripping the face off Scooby-Doo villains.


That sounds like HEAVEN


One mans heaven is another mans hell


what if I told you jokes can be told more than once


They sure can... but if mad magazine, a bunch of youtubers, other comedians online, and Scooby-Doo itself have all made the same joke, why would some professional comedy writers think it's funny or clever to make literally the same joke?


Well it's not like the entire sketch centered around this gag. It started with this and escalated.


It’s still funny though, right? We watched live with friends, and everyone in the room burst out laughing when it happened. Not every funny thing is 100% original, humor rhymes, and the sketch in its entirety had a lot of other funny moments and dialogue.


Family Guy did it before Nerdist. It's a basic concept that's been done at least several times. Shame there's no link to the Nerdist sketch, so we can't compare directly.


Yeah seems like low hanging fruit.


Good thing it wasn't Amy Schumer, the only comedian to ever copy a skit!


also, I kinda want to know if she simply had writers double-dipping their own material on that show.


Yeah people forget that a sketch show has a whole team of writers and it’s not just the namesake comedian writing every bit. Same goes for talk show hosts, etc. They might not write a single joke or sketch for a given week, even if they have ultimate say in what makes it into the final product. The odds are decent that say, an ex MadTV alum would be on the writing staff for a relatively more recent show- or if not, that any overlap would be subconscious. It takes a team and everyone is spitting out ideas. Would it be so terrible to recycle a bit from a show you wrote for over a decade ago?


Wasn’t it her stand up special, not her show, that brought forth allegations of joke-stealing ? It was the whole naming sex acts bit I thought. Her show was actually quite good at times. Hits and misses of course but 12 angry men inside amy Schumer was memorable


It was both. The Patrice ONeal joke is p damning and they were good friends she 100% saw that bit before performing it. Some of the bits that shes accused of stealing are crazy hacky tho so I could believe those are unintentional. But theres also quite a few over the years and where theres smoke theres fire and all that


The Patrice stuff was just...old. We were throwing around those terms YEARS before. There were always those lists of sex acts that nobody actually tried, but everyone claims they new someone who actually pulled off the Angry Pirate, Dirty Sanchez, etc.


People borrow shit for tv shows. Jack Benny copied so much they were talking about it 20 years later on roasts. She was on a very fast rise, filling 20 hours of USA to is hard. We used to get 32 episodes of shows. Now we get 8 episodes. Hire more writers. Borrow jokes. Jay Leno bought thousands of jokes.


i want it known that I was never a big fan of hers, but i feel like a lot of people hated her for other reasons than her comedy well before she gave us a great reason to dislike her.


She was well loved by everyone during Last Comic Standing. Her following treatment of fellow comedians and disdain for her own audience turned the stand-up community against her. The average TV viewer doesn't really know or care, so she's been very successful letting corporations use her as a feminist icon, which basically spits in the face of all the women whose jokes she stole.


I don’t think she was ever well loved by everyone, but you may be right. I’m just saying it feels like a non-zero amount of people just hate female comedians and her as well as she was getting “too big”


That may be true, but it's not "the reason" she's disliked or that her reputation went downhill


i agree, i never said it was "the reason"


That's my opinion also. Although I think she is funny. I can see why some don't like her humor, but I don't get the " not funny" stuff.


It wasn't her. It was the bears she chose to write for her.


bears, repeating.




I was watching the sketch and my first thought was “Family Guy did that joke too.”


[Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=byDJHRJfkzY) Edit: replied to the wrong thing


So it's not even remotely the same sketch.


The face was ripped off. I really expected Scooby to have a more active role.


Yeah because the Nerdist sketch has more tropes and less budget, but it’s basically the exact same skit.


They share two jokes - ripping the face off and Scooby eating the face. As shared elsewhere in the thread, [a Mad Magazine cartoon already did those exact two jokes](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/1cvwgb1/love_snl_but_yall_gotta_admit_the_internet_is_a/l4teyt3/?context=3&share_id=LhztUiaRf_gbxQD9YwNAH) Beyond that basic premise, what about the two sketches do you think is the same?


Drawn Together did it as well, I think after Family Guy, but yeah. This gag is far from new.


It also isn't like the entire sketch centered around this gag.


So it’s extra hacky


I just watched the Nerdiest sketch, I didn't find it nearly as funny. And like it's been said before, this is an old idea, recycled a few times in mainstream media and thousands of times in notebooks through the years.


I feel like Simpsons must have done it at some point too. They’ve done just about everything.


I can't remember if Simpsons has ever done a direct Scooby-Doo style gag or anything. Which is surprising.


TV Tropes ([peruse at your own risk](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotAMask)) states four times that the "Not a Mask" trope was used in the Simpsons. So probably a dozen more times as well.


I'm pleased that the mandatory TVTropes warning is in full effect.


Homer references Scooby-Doo at least a couple times that I can remember, but I don’t recall any drawn out gags


When I watched it, I though "oh cool, they are doing this old routine. I wonder how theirs will be different" But it wasn't different




Mad Magazine too




This isn’t the first time SNL has stolen shit. Remember charmin bears?


I mean, I thought of this same premise when I was like 10 years old watching Scooby Doo. They take the mask off, haha what if they kept taking the mask off but it was actually their face, I don't think it's a super specific nor original idea. Especially given how formulaic and repetitive Scooby Doo episodes are.


I mean, but me, I thought of this same premise when I was like 10 years old watching Scooby Doo.


So many replies here are starting with “I mean…”


I mean, how else are you gonna start?




>But there was so much set up without any jokes The modern SNL formula


I mean I had the same thought as a kid “what if they ripped the mask off and it was actually their face” I don’t think this is too uncommon of a thought




I mean, they didn't. I mean, it was me but I was 23. I mean, how can they do this?


72K views in 7 years. It's not like that video went viral. They did have Doug Jones tough.


I have a video of me using a hairdryer to fix a home theater receiver that has three times as many views. lol. It’s a super obvious joke that probably a million people thought of with the face ripping and then the obvious jump to Scooby eating the face. I remember I had a bit like 10+ years ago about Noah’s ark and how at the end of the voyage IRL there would just be one big ass animal left standing with the whole cardio hold covered in blood if you stick two of every animal in an enclosed space. I then realized another comic, and probably many others, had almost the same bit, nearly verbatim. It’s called parallel thinking. I’ve performed and run shows for a looooooong time with huge names and have a lot of friends and acquaintances who are very recognizable names, including arguable the most popular, biggest name stand up around today. This happens A lot and it’s literally the worst when you come up with something thinking you’re super clever and then find out someone else has nearly the same bit. There’s very few Mencia types who are actually working comics/writers who legit obv plagiarize. In fact it’s most comedy folks’ biggest fear that they have some joke that they perform that turns out to be nearly identical to someone else’s from years prior. Now with YouTube and everyone and their mother having a comedy channel or being a performer, this is bound to happen regularly, esp with such an obvious observation like “what if they keep ripping off the mask, but it was just the guy’s face and then Scooby ate the face meat they threw on the ground?!” There’s probably thousands of people who had the same exact thought.


They're saying the snl skit video is trending and they mistook that for what they made.


I honestly don't think this one was plagiarized, partially because I also saw an artist on twitter who drew a comic with the same premise saying snl copied them. It seems like this premise- the Scooby Doo gang ripping off a "mask"- just isn't that unique. I haven't seen the Nerdist video yet, so if it ends with Scooby shooting someone, I'll definitely change my mind. But there's a good chance this is just parallel thinking.


Premises are cheap - really cheap. At this point, there's billions of people consuming trillions of hours of pop culture. There aren't too many original thoughts. Plus the barrier to publishing those thoughts is really low. I think everyone is going to have to adjust their expectations going forward.


Mad Magazine and College Humor also did the same exact premise before Nerdist


Scooby shooting someone would be a rip off of a Conan joke where a dog shoots the his guest. Most jokes have been done before even when they sound unique.


I remember MAD Magazine drew a Scooby comic with the same premise. 10+ years ago. Edit: [Found](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/s/0ZIUdXD62t)


I can’t believe Mad Magazine has been gone for 5 years already. I loved that shit when I was a kid. Even loved MAD TV even though it was barely affiliated.


[yup](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwWIRiLWAAsqCpb.jpg), it was the first thing I'd thought of as soon as I saw the skit


That’s it!


If MAD Magazine hadn't done that exact thing I would be shocked. I'm shocked it wasn't 40 years ago, that feels more fitting.


> the internet is a threat to its existence What year is it? 2006? SNL still routinely goes viral on social media, has millions of followers across its various platforms, and its in a timeslot that has virtually zero competition. It's viewing numbers are still pretty respectable for a network television show these days. It'll be fine. As for whether this sketch was plagiarized, as others have pointed out, it's not like this idea hasn't been thought of before. That alone isn't grounds to say it's plagiarized.


Druski, Rdcworld, Gilly and keeves, Sabrina brier, and comedy podcasts do a better job at reaching a younger audience than snl.


I've literally never heard of any of those and in any case I'm not sure what relevance they hold here. Podcasts are a totally different format than live sketch comedy anyway so I'd hardly say these pose any kind of competition or "threat" to SNL.


But you’re forgetting about the up and coming comedy stylings of Woogum and Spectacle, Arthur Nibbs, the Belly Boys, Rico and Suave, Nibbly Arthur, Benzene and Methylethylketone, the Seven Squires, Oblong and Bunch, Janet Sousaphone, Gorman and Thomas, General Tso’s Hot Chicken Troupe, Deever Bang and the Yellow Kids, Splortch, and the Huguenot Sisters. If you’re between 19 and 20 and attended school in the greater Columbus, Ohio area, THAT’S where you’re going for great sketch comedy… SNL is basically dead.


Inside scoop: Splortch and Nibbly Arthur hate each other


Also if you’re from Columbus, no ditching !


Have not heard of a single one of these


You’re just uncultured Sabrina brier just guested on abbot elementary, druski big as, rdcworld meeting former snl hosts, and gilly and keeves, one of them hosted snl recently and they got a Netflix Show deal this says more about yall age and than about me. For a sub for a comedy show yall sure know surface level of comedy and that’s it.


Did you just call someone uncultured for not knowing who Druski is????? Lmfaoooo reddit is a truly wild place.


I’m pretty sure you’re talking to a 12 year old


Is your premise that there can't be more than one sketch show or comedy show running concurrently? Is this the highlander universe?


No yall just underrating non snl groups for no reason.


You called them “a threat to SNL’s existence” so it kinda seems like your point *was* that SNL can’t coexist with your favorite shows.


Not underrating them. I think gilly and keeves is some.of the funniest sketch comedy around. But SNL has always had competitors. Have you forgotten mad tv, chappelle show, key and peele, mind of mencia (however shitty that was, it was popular) but the reality is more than one sketch show can run concurrently. The one thing that differentiates SNL from the others is the weekly live format that still interests viewers.


I’m not saying you are I’m talking about all the people that downvoted me when I said that they might have better appeal to younger viewers than snl


Or they’re simply just *not well known enough yet* Keep jerking them off though I’m sure they’ll notice you soon


Rdcworld was well enough to be at an Hollywood parties with the likes of Lebron, Paul Rudd, Jay z, Daniel kalauya , gilly and keeves was well enough to send us a snl host, Sabrina brier is well enough to guest star on abbot elementary and druski is well enough to collab and be known by the biggest stars in the industry. Stay off corporate comedy nuts sometimes and tap in.


Did you not see the irony in “corporate comedy nuts” while typing out their accolades …


"Sabrina brier just guested on abbot elementary" Ah, the true sign you've made it.


Star of Abbott hosted snl Right ?


SNL is the show you're saying is irrelevant, right?




And you say this because?


Why did you think this comment was a good response? We don’t know any of those people.


It was just a ploy to get Sabrina Carpenter and Sarah Sherman to dress up as Daphne and Velma.


Any excuse would have been valid for that. In fact I can imagine scenarios wherein jokes wouldn't even be necessary, and could get in the way of more-interesting things. But I do have this feeling that Sarah could be funny at all times, for better or worse.


I just watched the nerdist one. The only thing they have in common is the face ripping.


Same. >!And also Scooby eats the face skin.!< But yeah, it just seems like a case of a not particularly original premise.


That joke is old as time. The moment the Scooby Doo Gang started pulling people's masks to reveal who were underneath, there was the chance they were to pull someone's skin off. See: Austin Powers ["That's a man, baby!"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6nboT-h7Ze4) scene.


Ace Ventura in the Einhorn/Finkle reveal scene has the same vibe too.


Someone stole the joke I stole!


I've seen similar jokes in SpongeBob too lmao. It's also funny to say the internet is a threat to SNL when this sketch was written by one of their players who got popular because of her existing internet presence.


I don't think it's plagiarism, I'm more offended (/s) that they went with such a obvious / over done premise. I liked the put it on rice joke though.


Obvious and over done? No, just because you've seen similar stuff doesn't mean it's actually 'common' especially on network TV. Think about context which includes the rest of the world and not just you.


It is absolutely obvious and overdone.


![gif](giphy|ns8FcEX37Ha5G) Even they did it.


Did Chris Hardwick post that?


A fairly common idea. I love it when someone plays the "let's make this about me" card. "Um, I think they may have plagiarized my work- but mostly, anybody remember my work? Anybody?"


It's not a huge stretch for several people to have independently come to the same punchline on that joke.


This is the first time I've seen this premise done, but it sounds like many people have thought of it before in one way or another. Such is life I guess? I appreciated that it felt like a throwback to the Christmas Carol sketch with Martin Short and Steve Martin. The normal storyline makes you question where the humor is, then BAM- all hell breaks loose. I love it. I also appreciated that it was ultimately an ad for Apple Face ID. Another throwback to the Christmas Carol ad for Apple Pay.


Yeah, I can’t remember off the top of my head, but I could’ve sworn that there have been other Sarah Sherman gore-fests like that


While this one outdates Sarah, it also was a similar vibe to Farewell Mr. Bunting, a modern classic.


Literally a week later, in the middle of the night, I remembered that sketch where she played a tennis player and the other player serves the ball too hard and takes her head off


Wasn't "beautiful girls" at least a first cousin of "little buff boys?"


I saw it as a pretty clear send-up of the “Beautiful Girl” musical number from Singin’ In the Rain.


Also the song “Beautiful Girls” from Follies


Who's your carved ham up here? Who's carved up? Who's the carve of beef, hmm?


Little buff boys is satire about how creepy child beauty pageants are. Beautiful girls is an entirely different concept.


Simpsons did it!


I have seen r/all posts ripped off as sketches and no one cares


Not that much of a leap for more than one person to come up with this concept. And even if it was inspired by it, it’s different enough. The escalating is a way better plot than random ppl chasing each other through the hall. I feel like that post is just a humblebrag by the director of the skit and a bit of a cry for attention . Sorry, but SNL’s was better. The Nerdist one fell flat.


Sarah Sherman as Velma was hotter than I expected, but I like Sarah as her weird self anyway.




I mean this is a pretty common joke "what if when the gang tries to unmask to monster they rip his face off" if that's all the video was I'd agree, but the shit that happens after ru-roh bitch etc. that's what had me laughing.


Scooby Doo fans: Mystery Solved


I made a home video when I was a teenager with the same premise. It's super basic.


Usually fast forward tje bad skits, but I sat through this one. I honestly think there is only one good skit an episode. Without weekend update I would skip SNL.


I mean… the amount of times they unmask someone, it’s not a crazy jump to unmask their face. Lots of people say jokes are stolen when some of it is just in our cultural vernacular. Like, Scooby Doo is 50+ years old, it’s been around the block. It’s like me, as a graphic designer, being offended someone used Helvetica in black and red because I used it on a project once.


No, it really isn't in any way. Not sure why you'd say it is. Groups like this are HELPING the show be more popular, not hindering it.


It's so annoying that every so often someone will come out of the woodwork and be like "SNL stole this random thing!" I'm not referring to you OP but like dude...nothing is original. Everything has been done before. You can't steal a joke. There's no such thing. There are billions of people and there are going to be at least 2 who have the same idea of a joke.


This is like when a local drag queen makes a post saying a Ru girl copied her and it’s literally something from a Vivienne Westwood runway from ‘92. You stole it first!!!


Aside from the face ripping there was nothing clever about this. Just cartoon characters being violent


Jay and silent Bob did it before family guy did it before who's it before snl before blah blah blah


Hey guys, I did a thing like snl


Without seeing any of these skits, was the joke just that they removed the mask but it was actually the guys real face? Because the whole “pulling off the mask” reveal is a huge part of Scooby Doo. Several different people all thinking “It’d be funny if they took the mask off but it wasn’t a mask, but actually his face” isn’t plagiarism. Now if the lines are word for word the same it’s either plagiarism, or crappy obvious writing from both


SNL has been ripping off TikTok trends and YouTube for the past two years. The internet is not a threat but they can’t have their cake and eat it too because most of those sketches have been condescending.


their fred looks like Beck Bennett


SNL is really plagiarizing / lazy these days


I’ll be honest I was surprised when I saw this sketch because this premise of ripping off supposed masks only to reveal its real flesh has been done so many times outside of scooby soo parody. I don’t think they ripped off nerdist but it’s for sure a premise that many many people have thought up before.


It's one of those things that has been done to fucking death. Like when someone wants to be roasted so badly and then breaks down after they've been made fun of. Family Guy, SNL, American Dad, The Office, etc. Comes off as a complete lack of originality to me.


The more offensive part is THAT IT WAS AN AD THE ENTIRE TIME.


That tag killed the entire thing for me.


Same. Makes absolutely no sense.


There’s a good chance they didn’t know this existed, I’ve never heard of Nerdist


It wasn't a great sketch. They didn't try to do anything new or different


Not really


It's not the hardest idea to come up with.


Honestly, the whole ripping off face instead of mask joke has been done to death.


Glad to see SNL doing Scooby Doo sketches in 2024.


Agree with all the comments about it being unoriginal, but I was most surprised by the lack of effort in Velma’s demise… the “oh, my glasses!” bit was right there!


I was guessing they still had the head from the BJ King skit and decided to use that again?


SNL has been known to borrow ideas before, the [Charmin](https://youtu.be/aNWbI8T42II?si=F1vdZ5c6HZKPF1py) sketch is a great example.


This seemed like the same premise to the “[a Christmas carol](https://youtu.be/1ww5p_Gean4?si=K7PvKG0h9zmjAN5j)” sketch from a few years back?


People shouldn't act like they own or invent a kind of gag. There are millions of ideas floating about, a ton of shared creative spaces, and the tendency for writers to work the same jokes out over and over again in different contexts/with different twists. Just like Stephen King writes the same ideas over and over again to explore them, comedy writers will take a gag and do different versions of it (I've seen John Mulaney work out the same gags numerous times over years). I think this is one of those gags. I've seen it before numerous times in various iterations. So the question for me isn't necessarily "is this a new gag?" it's "what version of this gag am I going to see? Does it add anything new? How are the performances? How are the timing and the length?"


The Scooby doo sketch with Margo Robbie was a lot better


Tbf this isn’t the first time that they’ve done a sketch that the punchline is “gore”


"Oh no! My lowest of hanging fruit that was already tired and even made by the source before I wrote it was stolen!" And stick around later to watch man invent frisbee live on air!


Just lazy writers.


Snl takes a lot from TikTok.


Really?? Which ones?


Everybody commenting they’ve had the same ideas as 10 year olds isn’t doing what they think they’re doing. Shouldn’t the SNL writers come up with something that we haven’t all thought about as CHILDREN?


I tell you what: you produce 90 minutes of original comedy every week, for 50 years, and see how often you repeat yourself.


Why’d you take it personally? Lol I’m saying SNL should be better than jokes we’ve all said when we were children and you’re acting like a child.


SNL's point is literally to take childrens jokes, word play/puns, child-hood concepts, etc and make them absurd skits, and put those skits on TV. This isn't complex humor based on ironic story telling for the ages. It's fart jokes, boobies, gross humor and name calling. It always has been. Nothing more, nothing else.


I have the constant criticism of snl but even I will admit, this scooby doo sketch feels like they dug it out of a college improv team from 1996. Half of the cast won’t even know what scooby doo even is.


SNL is pretty notorious for borrowing ideas and premises from smaller time comedians and sketch people


This is bullshit. They should have never done this.


lol it’s an unoriginal joke/parody idea. Dude needs to get over himself because the joke had already been done many times. What made this great was Jake’s acting I felt


Who cares?


This is the 2nd time I’ve seen SNL being caught reusing material from YouTube years ago LOL I’m disappointed


I had to go back to the charmin sketch cuz of your comment




So?? SNL has the means to make ideas and premises a great production layered on top of the comedic element


It’s a miracle any time they don’t just make a sketch about whatever went viral that week on Twitter


When sketches just go for shock violence I'm out. Like when they don't know how to end a sketch so they make someone's head explode. Such a cheap gag.


If you're that critical of 'cheap gags' then you shouldn't bother with SNL.


Cool bro


SNL hasnt been cool since 1999-2003 era