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I had rehearsal tickets (for another show) and we were like 3rd and 4th in line. But they let SOO MANY people in in front of us. Various VIPs, friends, family, guests or whatever ( they came from somewhere else in large groups). By the time we went in there weren’t many seats left. I doubt there was room for even the ticket line


Aren't there a limited amount of seats? How could more be let in just for one show?


There’s 330 or so seats in the studio and for whatever reason more people tend to get into finales and premieres. Like ALOT more. I was there last night too and over 90 got in for dress and live which is way more than average and awesome for the people that waited


330 seats and usually the first 70 get in. Who is/ are the rest?


People that get tickets from the ticket lottery, and insiders.


Right. Also a lot of vips or special types. I once sat next to two guys that got tickets from their job connected to nbc, once couple that was friends with a cast member, once a couple that won an charity auction at I believe $2,000 they told me for two tickets (they told me they tax wrote it off too)


There’s no reason why they should be having people do this. There’s all sorts of tech that can allow people to not have to wait in line.