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Andrew Dismukes is best when he is angry. “Is Jumanji when you go into Jumanji?!? Or is Jumanji when it comes out?!? Which is it, Nina?!?”


“I’m not saying he’s Brad Pitt!”


"Then who the hell is Ad Astra?"


“In my neck, you do it?”


Can someone with video editing skills make a super cut of Dismukes’ unbridled rage please??


We need the DisNUKES super cut!


Which sketch is this line from?


Airplane Song with Josh Brolin. Loved it.


Her reaction to that delivery. He didn't go so big at dress. 


I’m surprised people are not mentioning Wiig’s episode as a season high because this one sketch I revisited the most this year (alongside’s “the bad thing”), Andrew’s command of his angry speech not tripping over how many times he used the word “jumanji”, but also Wiig’s initial “no” is so well delivered that in spite of not being a particularly funny line is hilarious as it is perfectly signalling “from now on, it’s gonna get weird”


We have no medicines! We have no _rope_!


> I’m surprised people are not mentioning Wiig’s episode as a season high Couldn't agree more! It's my 2nd favorite episode of this season after Nate's episode. Just a blast from beginning to end. Perfect showcase of Wiig's talents and what she brings to the table when she's at her best!


I thought the Nate Bergatze episode was the best, by far, of the season. The General Washington sketch was off the charts funny.


“Where all men are free, right?” ……


I’m sorry..


Agreed. His angry rant was such a standout that it forced the other cast members in the skit to match his energy levels.


Also his showdown with Adam Driver on the "beep beep" sketch


WHY are you doing this?




this was my favorite sketch of the season, my apologies to B&B


My favorite was la Maison du Bang. I still have that song stuck in my head


Well, it can be both. He is so wrong in that argument. Wiig's character was right, and we all knew what she meant from the start.


One guy!!!! One guy gets jumanjid into jumanji!!! But the rest of jumanji is Jumanji comes out!!!


That was the climax of the sketch right there. The train was nice, but that moment of incredulity made the season.


You can’t bully me. I will always take Andrew Dismuke’s side. Even when he is wrong.


Some people say I'm in a cult. Those people just don't know the truth of our Lord and Savior andrew dismukes


This was one of my favourite sketches this season, he absolutely nailed it!


“I said, beep beep.”


Oh so you wanna die tonight?


I felt that way since his debut season. Dude is seriously versitile, and I can't recall him ever breaking. He's been such a major asset and always delivers even in small roles.




He's a very good stand up.


You’re absolutely right. He’s almost like Chris Parnell a bit, especially when it comes to being a valuable asset while not breaking


Oh my gosh that's a great comparison! Love them both.


I think that’s a bit of a stretch to compare him with Chris Parnell. Parnell was insanely funny. Dismukes has his moment but nothing rises to the level of Parnell.


This has been stuck in my head since I first saw it:    "- Probably Brad is Ad Astra.    - No, that's not his name.  - Then who the hell is Ad Astra?"


Favorite sketch of the season and it’s not even close


this was definitely stuck in my head for some weeks


I also think of this song now whenever my partner plays Sudoku


i think Ego first him second for biggest year. "I *said* beep beep" is the line of the year for me.




Ego is his #1 performer this season and Andrew is his #2 performer. Ego is first and Andrew is second.




He said, "*Beep, beep! Comin' through..*"


and he is such a cutie, like cmon total cutiepie


A beautiful boy - “each one cuter than the last”!


great sketch


I really don't understand Dismukes haters. It's clear he helps write the sketches he's in and those sketches are consistently the better ones of its show. Like I kind of understand if Sarah isn't your type of humor. But I don't know what more you want out of SNL if Andrew makes your cut list.


I like Dismukes a lot, but he has a striking number of similarities to Tim Robinson both in his writing and his delivery.


There’s something viscerally offputting about Robinson and he leans into it. Dismukes has something more boyish and less threatening about him.


> Tim Robinson both in his writing and his delivery. Which explains a lot (of my Dismukes love) as Tim Robinson is probably one of my favorites XD


He’s almost always very good but I do think his delivery can often be stilted. It’s most obvious in the hypnotist sketch. For a long time I wasn’t a fan but the Jumanji sketch really sold me. He was so funny in that. Just gold all around.


As a documented Dismukes “disliker”: I really love his writing. I agree that his skits are often some of my favorites from the season. For that reason, I’m very glad he’s on the show. But the guy is just so wooden and awkward as an actor. And it doesn’t feel purposeful. It’s not a choice that he’s making, he’s just devoid of charisma or charm or range. Every one of his characters is exactly the same awkward, uncomfortable guy, +/- anger. He’s clearly smart and funny and I love him as a writer. He’s even serviceable as a supporting actor in some skits. But I just can’t come around to him as an actor.


I think he's going to loosen up. That takes time, especially for writers.


It doesn’t take four seasons to loosen up. If he hasn’t improved by now he’s never going to.


Yeah, I’ve been told this since his first season. I’m happy to wait and hope he gets better since he’s such a good writer, but I’m not holding my breath.


He’s not funny, it’s that simple


Murder Detective was in my top five this season. He had an all-star year. His ability to disappear into a role reminds me of Mike Myers.


He and James Austin Johnson pair really well together, especially revisiting the highlight sketches OP posted. They could shape up to be this generation's Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. JAJ reminds me of Carvey already with his uncanny knack for impressions. Then a lightbulb went off with you pointing out the Dismukes and Myers similarity Obviously Myers and Carvey are legends and still a tier above, but they have the potential. Couldn't you even see Dismukes as Austin Powers and JAJ as Dr. Evil? (Carvey was supposed to play him and originated the Lorne/Dr. Evil impression)


I watch Murder Detective almost daily. When he gets Sarah to break immediately after she says she doesn’t know if she will ever laugh again. It’s perfect


The timing when he knows she’s breaking is impeccable. I don’t know about you….but I’m looking around….and I’m thinking….maybe this guy…..SHOULD HAVE ORDERED DELIVERYYYYY


Ohhh yeahhhhhhh 😎


I really like Dismukes. But I wouldn’t exactly describe him as a chameleon actor. Personally I don’t care, but I can understand some of the criticism.


Fair point - I didn’t mean to suggest he is a Phil Hartman or Darrell Hammond type. More that, like Myers, he truly sells you on the character he is playing.


I’m so glad the producers are starting to trust and spotlight him and his sketches, especially after last season. Maybe it’s just me, but Dismukes has this quality about him where you can’t help but continuously root for him and his success on the show. Maybe it’s his incredible writing or commitment to a role, but I hope his trajectory continues going into s50!


Andrew is from a city that’s about 10 minutes from my own so I was a fan the second we all heard he was hired. We talk about him at work more than anyone else. We’re all rooting for him down here in southeast Texas


His work on the Bargatze episode made me love him. He was fantastic.


I honestly went into this season disliking Andrew Dismukes, he was one of my least favorite cast members. But over the course of the season he proved himself again and again and wrote some of my favorite sketches. He's slowly become one of my favorites, and I'm really glad the show has him.


Thanks for taking the time to provide links


I couldn’t agree more. I’d have to look at the actual stats but I feel like it was just last season there were episodes where he was hardly getting any airtime, and now it’s almost a guarantee one of his sketches will be on.


Thank you for putting this together. Great compilation and I'm sure it took you a lot of time. He really started coming into his own with that Joker sketch. You could see that potential was there, and definitely this season he's ascended quite a bit I mean even the beach day sketch is pretty ballsy. He only has the use of his head to bring a performance in front of a live audience. Then to crush it like that is pretty impressive


Surely the go-to guy when you have a scene with 2 couples and the women go away to do something and the guest host reveals some dark secret or weirdness to Dismukes and then the women return and Dismukes has to play it cool. 😎 Loved him ever since I saw him in the “we won’t play around with your stool sample” sketch.


He literally makes me crack up hard at least once an episode and it's usually a throw away line or outrageous quick reaction. Really grown to like him on the cast!


He reminds me of Mark McKinney.


damn, good call. i definitely see it.


Interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen him go as broad as MM would go (Scottish soccer hooligans, chicken lady, etc). Dismukes feels more Chris Parnell like to me.


Uh, I’m talking about how he looks.


I’ve been on the Dismukes train since last season. Dude is seriously underrated!


He made me laugh even in bit parts, starting with the (ignored) chef on the Dionne Warwick Show


The engagement is low key my favorite sketch of the season, even tho it wasn’t most people’s favorite of the episode


I love when he just plainly states the ridiculous thing happening in the sketch. It's how I know he wrote it lol. "THERE IS NO DOCTOR OK!? So the best thing for your wife right now is we figure out what the second best job is!"


Looks like he should have ordered…..delivery


He's been one of my favorite players ever since I saw him in Joker Wedding. He is phenomenal and I can definitely see him being one of the main stars when a lot of the OGs leave probably after S50. He can play the straight man reacting to someone being crazy (The Engagement / Wine & Cheese Night) he can play disgruntled (Jumanji), he can play weird (Joker Wedding), he can play confused/awkward (Go-Karts), and he can write / do humor songs (Airplane) I truly believe he's going FAR. Also idc what anyone says - Jumanji for me is going to be one of those classic SNL sketches down the line. It was that good.


Completely agree, I thought he was the 2nd "most valuable" in the cast this year (after Mikey Day, obviously).




Yes! I think he's great and I'm glad he had so much screen time this season.


Love his anger responses. I also recognised him after the Jumanji sketch


I'm a fan of his for sure. Maybe this is his breakout season, I dunno, but his breakout moment was the Weekend Update guy with the psychic animal telling him he was gonna die. That's when I knew he was one to watch on the show. P.S. I also loved the sketch from the S49 premiere where they earn three fingers a week selling thousands of feet pics on the Internet.


Remember Lizards is one of my favorite WU bits in recent memory, fits my sense of humor just right


he is ability to not break is uncanny


Yeah he’s def a top 3 cast this year.


He’s fantastic in the Jason Momoa *Cast Away* sketch


This is a rookie question, but how do know who wrote/cowrote sketches?


The cast usually credits the writers on Instagram/social media. u/memesistential has kept excellent track of them [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/1bzl5o1/who_wrote_what_sketch_season_49_edition_part_2/) going back to S43.


I loved him in the Bad Bunny episode throwing holy water on the warty squash


I appreciate the work you did here and I thank you for info I wasn't even considering. He has had one helluva year!


Absolutely the star of the new cast. Infinitely likable & believable straight-man that doesn't break. He also handles the absurd/surreal stuff. He has the indescribable SNL actor vibe that Lorne is brilliant at finding. I think Ego is also right up there with him as the future cast foundational pieces. Frankly, I think you can move on from most of the current cast build around those two.


I agree wholeheartedly. Ego and Dismukes ooze likeability and have that special something. They're obvious stars but also you could picture them as normal, everyday people in life and I think that's important.


I was pleasantly surprised by my comment in the MVP thread, by the fellow Dismukes love: https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/1cxr4vb/comment/l54knia/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Dude took an *enormous* leap this year. He has gone from "I'm really stoned right now lolololol" one-note character guy to actual viable future star on SNL. Very excited to see what he will become now that he has broken free of the "I'm a stoner" angle. Dude is very funny.


What sketches indicated stoner? I'm a stoner and didn't get that vibe but maybe I missed a few sketches


Andrew sketches stole, what, 75% of the episodes of this season? I feel like if you are the highlight of that many episodes, you are no longer an underdog story, you're the whole story. What's most incredible is that the show itself seems to recognize that the Andrew sketches are a class above the rest. I think he has had the most definitive MVP season since maybe Bill Hader. Maybe longer.


That's weird, I thought this whole time that his name was Andrew Disnukes for some reason.


Him in that Josh Brolin cat skit was great


This season definitely made me obsessed with him. Jumanji is one of my favorite sketches of the season!


Remember Lizards. Instant Classic.




I think you mean Forehead Jackson had a phenomenal season.


The ending of murder detective cracks me up so hard every time


I’ve been rooting for Andrew since he joined the cast. I was so glad when he finally began getting serious screen time this season. I just can’t believe you left Home Videos off. He was great as the son going from enjoying bonding time with family to horrified and confused.


On a side note: does anyone know where you can find out a list of who writes what? Often I can guess based on the feel of a sketch but I'd love to find a list of the sketches he wrote this year.


The cast usually credits the writers on Instagram/social media. A user on here put together a post [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/1bzl5o1/who_wrote_what_sketch_season_49_edition_part_2/) that goes all the way back to S43 breaking down who wrote what sketch.


Whenever I see his name I want to pronounce it with three syllables rather than two


I worked with a guy named Dismuke. The name is a simplification of the French Desmeaux, possibly. I think that would be day-MO. Anyway, it’s better in French.


I'm more of a casual watcher, but he got on my radar as someone to watch a season or two ago when Channing Tatum hosted.


You must be thinking of a different host. Channing Tatum has only hosted SNL once, and that was back in 2012, long before Andrew joined the cast.


Whoever it was, they were playing a jock character and really shitting on Andrew, and he was denying everything. Now it's gonna bug me.


My favorite sketch so far is still "Andrew's Amazing Animals" lol.


oh wow he's definitely had a huge year! I've completely forgotten some of those sketches and they were hilarious! school hypnotist was great


I loved him and JAJ as Remember Lizards!


I feel like people don’t give murder detective enough credit


I really like him as a writer, but he doesn’t ever impress me as a performer. He seems like he’s only half present in his character most of the time. But damn are most sketches he’s involved in fantastic.


Any way to mirror those clips for us paltry canadians?


He has gotten much better as he’s settled in.


Is this a joke?


I haven’t seen every skit this season, but I never felt like he was very good. He’s not a particularly good character actor and it’s not like his own personality is so strong it carries sketches. This season’s cast I felt like had a lot of role players and not much star power.


Wait, there are Andrew Dismukes fans? I've been wondering this whole time why he's on the show and who he does it for. It seems like he's almost never meant to be the funny one. I can understand if he's a great writer or actor, but I've never found him funny in a sketch.


Yeah I was watching the highlights OP posted, Dismukes is usually an accessory to someone who is more outgoing and likeable than himself, including the host as well as the cast. He's not a very expressive performer, he wears the same facial expression no matter the scene or the dialogue. He never plays a completely straight man, nor a comically absurd man, he's always somewhere in between. A lot of sketches call for a generic white male in order to set a scene, and I'm afraid that's often his only reason for being there.


He stinks


He seems like the kind of cast member that's a quiet heavy hitter on the show but will go on to be utterly forgettable after he leaves.


He hasn't done much for me personally. He's sorta, mildly funny on occasion.


What fascinates about this subreddit is how easily impressed you all are. It’s like you aren’t aware of any comedic acting outside of SNL so everything just gets compared within. Sure Dismukes is great compared to fucking Devon Walker, but the guys in the random instagram comedy videos in my algorithm blow him out the water talent wise. He’s fine. Not nearly good enough to make a thread like this about his performance.


He’s always been very meh for me. I actually thought he was going to get cut last year so I was quite surprised when I saw he returned this season. While he has his moments, he’s nothing to shout about. He’s one of the reasons why the cast has been sub-par.