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That team that plays at Anfield


But there are always 2 teams that play there?


We come not to play


Form your own opinions. Now to lead the witness, clubs owned by nation-states are an abhorrent stain on football culture. And so is Manchester United


And Chelsea


Being an LFC supporter only mandates hatred for the likes of Blueshite, Scum and City 115. Like who you like!


There's also the fans who sing about Hillsborough, but they're almost everywhere


Dortmund and that's it


I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for Celtic


Dislike all clubs that are not your own.


Manchester United - weve always celebrated each others success because we both wear red and cities are relatively close by Also special shout out to: - Arsenal: also a fellow red club and we can both shout "up the mighty reds to each other" - Manchester City: just love to see Pep win yet another league, it's a bonus that they are state owned and have really boosted the profile of the UAE where Liverpool fans now flock to on holidays - Everton: who doesnt love a neighbour, they are like a little brother Further afield - Real Madrid: weve shared some champions league finals recently with them and have developed a big friendship - PSG: who doesnt want to see more state owned football clubs,


Can confirm. Started loving them as well since I’ve started supporting Liverpool. Honourable mention, Chelsea. Had a great relationship with them in mid 2000s, particularly the managers loved each other.


Thanks man🙌🏼


Thanks man


Why do you need other people to tell you what opinions you should have. Very bizarre




Like: Liverpool Dislike: Man United, Everton The rest don't matter.


Isn't Liverpool big enough?? 🤦🤦🤦


No,no, that's not what i meant, i mainly support Liverpool by blood, but i just wanted to know if there are any clubs that i should root to in other places


In the league -- NO. It's OK to root for clubs in other leagues (La Liga, Bundesliga, Championship, etc.)


I like Dortmund en Feyenoord but in the prem there are no teams really.


I don’t like other clubs. I like some other players. But not clubs. Maybe if there’s a smaller club in your home town you should support them. No other big clubs.


Liverpool doesn't really have big club "friends" in other countries. Celtic and Dortmund are probably the closest. Feel free to like or dislike whatever clubs you want outside of England.


Got it, thanks🙌🏼


Celtic + Dortmund


Everton United and Real Madrid


Lot of Dortmund in here but the actual answer (if there is one) is Gladbach.


Yank here, as a long-time liverbirds reds fan (started supporting 10 days ago). Which franchise should I dislike? I was thinking of the London white cocks or the Manchester oilers


There are none you ‘should’ like. That being said, most people will have small affinities for certain clubs based on their personal lives. For example, I spent a bit of time in Granada and went to a couple games there, and so will support them when it’s on. It’s also common for people to have family/friends from different towns in the UK and may have an affinity for lower league teams from around the region. For foreign fans, it’s very common to support your local team and a premier league team as well.


It's a complicated to be honest and differs between age and where you grew up. For me I grew in Merseyside and I'm.in my mid 30s. Utd is full out hate. Everton is like hate for an annoying cousin or sibling..would love to see them go down but also kind of don't want them to cause it will hurt the family. Chelsea for me is high hate cause of the rivaly in mid 2000s growing up. Arsenal is formally dislike but respect for the football they played under Wenger. City to me...it means more to them to hate us than it does for us to hate them (Utd vs Liverpool will always be the main rivaly between both clubs. We rather City win the league than Utd and Utd would rather City win the league than us) Newcastle there's respect between the two clubs alot of shared ex-players and managers. Spurs to me is Englands self entitled sons. Never won anything but believe after a couple of good years that they deserve to be considered as part of the elite...this is likely due to them replacing us in the top 4 in our worst years. Internationally. Juve is very difficult to comprehend should be very respectful and wanting them to win more than other team after Hysel but with AC there's more of an affinity with after Istanbul. Real Madrid too much respect for. I would consider in recent years our battles with them is higher than city. Biggest stage biggest clubs in Europe, big drama, big controversy. Barca pure respect. PSG lower opinion of than City on the global stage. Bayern...Utd of Germany would rather see other clubs triumph.


Only team to like is LFC. Teams to hate: ALL




There are lots of similarities with Dortmund for example, and that's even more obvious thanks to JK. But honestly, football is a wonderful sport, watch as much as you want, build your own opinions. That being said. Nobody really likes Manchester City (oil money cheats) Manchester United (just all-round scum) Chelsea (previous iteration of Man City) If anyone's a fan of one of those teams it's a big red flag and they're possibly a very troubled human being. And no, you can't fix them.


Thanks 🙌🏼