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I thought I was handling this video quite well until I've heard Ali's words. Back to being a mess I guess...


Don’t even and then Adams, I was gone!


Agree with Klopp that I didnt know Lallana felt that. Wow. Klopp got quite emotional for that and Ali’s


Yep. The picture of him hugging Ali as Ali was obviously emotional over his father. Klopp at that time must have been a rock for him. Very emotional the connection some of these players have.


Fair play, I can't even bring myself to click play on any of these haha


I watched this one and don’t think I can handle anymore. Will probably stick my head in the sand to forget he’s leaving until next season starts


Mate I’ve been dodging all these too, I nearly cried when Gerrard left, will probably be close Sunday too


Lol, this vid was in my browser for days. Couldn't watch it. In fact, I stayed away from this sub and any klopp farewell related content. But I've got to bite the bullet before his final game with us.


Yup same. This has been superb from SKY


Honestly I think Carra just sums it all up perfectly with 5 simple words. "He made the people happy"


Indeed, Top of my head, ever though you would beat the shit our of your biggest rival, home and at their home even?? 7-0 United, 0-5 United. He made people happy.


Bloody well happy, indeed. This season ended up meh but gods we did Mancs didn't we?


It’s funny-Klopp is such a wordsmith but the words that I keep thinking of are something the fans said with a banner-“Imagine being us”. To me that sums up Klopp’s tenure and how I’ve felt through the whole breadth of his time, from the second he arrived. Imagine our luck to have this guy in our lives.


The text on Shanks’ statue. I wonder what text we’ll give Jurgen.


>"He made the people happy" Please tell me you do know where that phrase is from.


Of course I know it's on Shanks statue!


Not to go all simpish or cultish, Klopp is just someone who understands people and to have him around here for almost a decade probably changed me into a better person despite having never met him. In this modern age where status, money and achievements are of the greatest honour, his somewhat refreshing take of happiness, relationships & humility with the simple fact of trying your absolute best to win is all you need even if it’s futile, it is still something to be proud of. Danke Jurgen, I always thought you would entertain us but you have also moved us to tears ![gif](giphy|ZNYp3enjxDrV2reVkT|downsized)


Klopp just set a new standard for managers around the world. Every club will want what we had with Klopp, and that speaks volumes to the man himself.


It’s like that moment in Jerry Maguire where the player asks his agent “Why don’t we have that kind of relationship?”


Such a great analogy,


True just the simple fact that all he wants from his players is to give your best, even when not finishing on top, there are no regrets. Probably why rival fans don’t get it, winning is just part of the journey, it was never the destination


Not only did he make them better players, he made us all better people


True, life is full of challenges and a lot of shit especially in the last decade, I would have been a bitter fuck without nothing to look forward to without him but with him around, watching the reds and putting things in perspective, maybe life can be better, just have to believe in ourselves. His legacy is us all!


The crotch shot for TAA was….a choice




"Make sure you spread 'em as wide as possible for this shot. Leave nothing to the imagination."




Love how Gerrard talked about him. And he is right about the statue.


I didn’t know Gerrard played a friendly under him. Can you imagine prime Gerrard under Klopp? I don’t even think Bellingham would’ve been close.


If Klopp were to design from scratch his ideal midfielder, I'm pretty sure they'd look very, very close, if not identical, to peak Gerrard. Physically strong, quick, aggressive, and throws his body into everything. Has the engine to charge around of 90 minutes twice a week. Carries the ball forward with drive, bulldozing his way forward on the wing or through the middle. Can pass from deep or high to start an attack, to play a teammate through on goal, to whip a cross in, to switch from one side of the pitch to the other... Can shoot from distance or get into the box and finish with either foot or his head. Can tackle with fire and urgency and challenge in the air, taking no prisoners in the process. Can play multiple positions to an excellent level. Is a leader who take games into his own hands and never gives up. The list goes on. He was all action in the way I'd imagine a prototypical Klopp midfielder would/should be.


We all know that Gerrard preffered Houllier’s style to Rafa’s of man management. He liked an arm around his shoulder. Now imagine Stevie getting the sort of father figure, encouragement and motivation from Klopp…anything would’ve been possible


>If Klopp were to design from scratch his ideal midfielder, If God were to design from scratch the ideal midfielder, it would be Stevie G. But then again God is a LFC fan.


This is the way


A prime Gerrard and Suarez under Klopp would be unstoppable. Not even 115 charges would get in our way.


Local lad and legendary club captain. Few better people to make the call if someone deserves a statue.


Hitting me too hard now man. I very consciously avoided anything on this topic, even thinking about it, but now that this is it, it's too much.


I'm still not watching any of it until after Sunday


Same. I keep getting it out of my mind but it’s everywhere. Every time it comes back, so do the emotions. Sunday is going to be like losing a family member.


Tbh I was shocked for a few days after the announcement than stopped thinking about it. Got about halfway through this video and it all just hit me hard that we’re really coming to the end.


“Well he got me to Liverpool” Why does that get me? Fuck.


This was a really beautiful tribute and series of conversations. It was amazing to hear the stories and retrospectives about the boss and the way he reinvigorated the club and changed the lives of many of these players By the end, though, I kept thinking there was a really conspicuous absence of a certain former captain.


I wonder whether they couldn’t film ex players from other clubs, or whether they weren’t asked? No Gini, Bobby, Hendo, Sadio, Fab so I wonder whether it was either a case of they could only film on site at either Liverpool or Brighton? But then Stevie was remote? Who knows.


I miss bobby. Sadio, Gini, Heno and Fab too. I miss everyone, everything. It's gonna fucking hurt.


Same exact thought tbh


Yeah I thought it was odd there was no Hendo. Especially as they managed to get Gerrard on the line.


“That was wow!” Yes Jürgen, yes it was.


A beautiful reminder to go and tell your loved ones, especially those who won't be around too much longer, how much you love them and how you are going to build a big statue of them after theyre gone. I'm happy we are able to give this man the send off he deserves. Feels like a huge viking funeral and yes i will be throwing myself on the pyre much like as if i were Jurg's *friðla*


Now on to you slot..: Fuck me , imagine having to follow this . It’s probably the hardest job to take on in the history of the prem behind United. We need to back our new manager and not do what others do and go all toxic after a bad run .


Liverpool never do, and that is why we are the one club who will give him time.


Nah, I can’t 😭 this is too much 😭


The Alison bit made me cry. Stupid emotions…


Klopp's very first game against Spurs I think - Lallana came off towards the end of the game and just collapsed into Jurgen's arms. Idk why but that felt like a very powerful moment for me.


If you give everything for us, we will catch you when you can’t give anymore.


Jurgen is much more than football manager♥️


Ali and Lallana's part made me weep! Ughhh.. Sunday's gonna be a hard one. He's really up there with Liverpool's greatest!


This made me tear up a bit running back through all the memories and moments us supporters have had over the last 9 years. I’m gunna miss this man so much and I wish I could tell him personally how much he means to us


Thank you, Jurgen. For so much more than we could have ever asked for. We don’t even know you like those in this video do, yet you touched our hearts as well, you made us believe. You made us cry for joy and you said the words we wanted to say when they needed to be said. We wish you all the best in whatever you choose to do.


Why did I watch this….. bloody hell. Mess now. Going to have to watch the 4-0 Barca game tonight to cheer myself up.


Watching this and then having Trent's crotch directly in my face every time he's on screen🤣


It's not too late to tell Arne to turn the plane around is it?


he can do time here, Jurgen needs a vacation, then surely.




It actually does mean more


Powerful and very emotional. Especially from Ali and Lallana. As Kloppo said, I, and guess we, never had any idea Lallana felt that way. I’ve said this before a few years back, I think after we won the league. I can’t imagine anyone else now or in the future ever being that much of a perfect fit for us. Total alignment between him as a human being, us as fans, the city, the club. Everything, his way of life, his spirit, his nature, his humour, his values just fit so perfectly with us. All of us the city, the club, the players, staff all of it. He’s not just him as a manger either, it’s his human qualities and his infectiousness and genuine warmth. Before being a fantastic manager he’s also an amazing human being. I genuinely can’t see another person in my lifetime being so aligned with us. It was the perfect match in every way possible. It’s as if a switch went off in our heads and it’s like you’ve found that perfect partner or person you just want to be around all the time. Ultimately he just got us. It’s mental how much love I have for a person I’ve never met or spoken to but it’s very bittersweet. I’ve loved everything he’s done for us but at the same time I’m incredibly sad and gutted he’s going, yet also I’m happy for him that he can finally take a break and get some rest. Thank you, Jurgen. Where’s that statue?


> It’s mental how much love I have for a person I’ve never met or spoken to but it’s very bittersweet. This sums it up for me. I don’t think I’ve ever had - and will ever have - such a profound and strong reverence for someone quite like I have for him.


Ali: I knew we would have a special relationship....in football..




I have a feeling Klopp is probably gonna sob on the last day, like how he did with Mainz


Shouldn’t have watched this on the bus….love that man


Klopp mentioned recording this during his [interview with TAW](https://reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1cseo4w/j%C3%BCrgen_klopp_interview_taw_special/). He joked that Mo must've done his part before the West Ham game.


No Henderson is strange


Agreed. Wonder what happened there.


Sad and amazing to watch. Surprised that it has now been here for 7 hours, and only has 360 upvotes. Also, why were some of the players not on there? Maybe biggest surprise is Robbo?!


Robbo did one on tnt on YouTube on his own so maybe that’s why he’s not on here


Robbo and also Henderson. He was the captain for so long, was there a massive falling out last year. Seems very strange.


Needed some Bobby tbh. And a shame Hendo wasn't in there. Wonder who's decision that was. Origi and Sadio too.


I wanted Lucas in there, I feel like them two had a very unique relationship


It's impossible to watch these and not either sob/cry or feel incredibly sad. I've never felt more aligned to a person I've never met than I have with Jürgen. They way I'm going, I genuinely think a little piece of me will die next season seeing him not there.


He always has the right words. He made me believe again. He exemplifies the spirit of the club and was the perfect man at such a difficult time. We'll never see another like him, and I'm so glad I was here to experience him at the club for this incredible journey.


Can’t believe tomorrow is the day….


I know some people don't agree with his choices, but it's a shame they didn't have any words from Hendon considering he was captain for so long.


Holding back tears


Well, you got me. Grown man sobbing like a child. He'll always be in my heart, and I don't know if or when I'll say that about someone outside my family and close friends. We got a special man for some special years.


What a man! What a legacy. I remember 9 years back and I was in college when we signed Klopp. I was super excited about it and life has changed so much, he has changed so much. I am just grateful I got to experience supporting a club where he managed. Danke Jurgen!


I was fine until the photo of Ali crying on his shoulder. That was what got me. Love this man, love this team. High hopes for Slot but no one will ever replace Jurgen.


Incredibly sad video; definitely teared up at the Ali portion. Couldn’t help but notice how nice the jacket is though, is that available anywhere?


Probably the best man manager I have ever seen


This was incredible. Nothing can convey how much Klopp means to the club, players, fans, rivals or anyone else. But for fucks sake, can we fix his collar during the 20min reaction video?!


Milner looking like something out of Universal Soldier.


I’m really surprised that Henderson was not asked to say anything. Seems a bit jarring that you can go to Brighton to get Milner and Lallana to say a few words but couldn’t do the same for the captain of Klopp’s 8+ years at the club. Did they have a falling out?


No Jordan Henderson?


Openly crying in my house. This is the first one of these I’ve watched. Now I’m writing a tribute because it’s all I know how to do.


Emotional stuff…always hate seeing carragher on them though as he’s been nearly as quick as ratface to stick the knife in.


I was a BVB fan, back in the 90s. Lost interest in Football until the WC in '06. Started following Arsenal because of Wenger and Arsenals Style of Football. Then came Brendan, Suarez and Sturridge and THAT season. I was sad and angry when Brendan somehow lost the plot and it all went to **** in Stevie G's final season. Jurgen, back then, was already managing BVB and i once again became a Fan. But this time it was both - the Club, Football AND the man himself. There was something about him that fascinated me. I even began to watch every press conference as i was absolutely in love with Jurgens Personality. Back then i started to listen to the Anfield Index. They had great content especially about the History of Liverpool FC, the city and its people. During Jurgens last season at Dortmund, Liverpool, at times, were absolutely dreadful to watch (as was BVB). So i was angry and disappointed when both Clubs i followed, were in crisis. The Press Conference were Jurgen made his decision to leave Dortmund at the end of the season official had me in tears, not knowing why. I felt kinda stupid, tbh, as it was "just Football" and Jurgen someone i didnt even know personally. But then i listened to an Episode on the AI-Podcast. It was Harinder (?) i think, who spoke about Jurgen possibly becoming the next LFC Manager. The way he analyzed Jurgens Personality and why, in his mind, he was the perfect fit, had me excited. I followed every news article, online posts and comments. And when it was announced that he would take charge of LFC i was, well, on a natural high for days. I spent hours watching videos, various threads that were following Planes (!), every Meme, everything. Just because. I have so many memories! I remember watching the CL-Finale against Real in an Irish Pub. Screeming like crazy when we won against BVB. Being in shock and disbelief when we beat Barcelona. Laughing like a madmen when we humiliated City - repeatedly. Jurgen fistpumping. Lallana scoring in overtime... I remember the Highs and the Lows. And I remember many more memories that I share with all of you. Thats what Jurgen brought to this club, to football, to me, to us - a sense of togetherness and belonging that is so rare these days. A guiding light in these strange times we live in. Up the Reds!


Who are you going to follow now?


Liverpool FC, obviously!


Well it’s not really obvious because you’ve gone from Dortmund to nobody to arsenal to Liverpool the season they were in with a chance to win the league and to Dortmund while Klopp had them winning stuff, and now you’re 100% a Liverpool fan during their most successful period in decades? Your post should be a r/soccercirclejerk comment. Edit: Ha, blocking me for pointing out what you are.


So you mean I'm not a real Fan since i havent been around long enough? 😉 Join me (or us) then, fellow r/circlejerk'er.


Why are they putting him through all this? Fine, he can watch it but does it need to be televised?


You must be a fun person at parties