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Good list, glad you didn't just compile wins, but the significant draws and losses too


Can’t enjoy the full arc and emotions of the story with only the highs!


Watford 3-0 is missing. What a result out of nowhere. Sarr ran us ragged


There's a few losses I'd have added to this just for the madness factor alone: the 3-2 v. Southampton and the 4-3 v. Bournemouth spring to mind. Would probably also add the 5-2 defeat to Real because it felt like it was was going great... until it wasn't. The contrast of them 1st 20mins to the feeling by full time was night and day. The recent 4-3 defeat in the cup to Utd as well for similar reasons. The 5-0 defeat to Villa in the league cup cos we had to be on another continent sticks out for me too because it is still shocking that the powers that be refused to reschedule it, and basically forced us to put anyone out. We also couldn't pull out of the FIFA CWC without being punished so our hands were absolutely tied there. Fair play to the young lads that had the shit end of the stick with that one, I'm sure they'll never forget it for all the good reasons. The tie against Atalanta feels significant as well because they were Klopp's last 2 games in Europe with us, sadly. I would also throw in the 4-0 defeat to 115 right after we clinched the league, just for the snide of it. No one cared, least of all our hungover lads, and 115 had to be the first team to give us a guard of honour (which was observed awfully by them, might I add) For wins, I would also put the 1-0 fa cup were we played the kids against Ancelotti's Everton and Jones scored a belter to settle it. Maybe Klavan's last minute winner v. Burnley too.


Oof yeah that 5-2 to real, almost forgot about that. That was brutal, went from full of confidence and high hopes, feeling amazing, to just each consecutive goal crushing my hopes more and more each time until I felt so drained by 90 mins. Partof the game, and still supporting regardless, YNWA.


Leicester in the league cup. Minamino last gap equalizer and Jota being a shithouse to the Leicester fans.


Ah great call!


Summer plan is to watch all the Klopp Liverpool games available on Footbalia and then when that’s over and done with start watching Slot ball to see what we may be seeing in the coming seasons


Just rewatched the 3-1 vs city in 19/20 (pep telling “twice!”). Holy shit we played great football. Haven’t seen Trent switching play like that lately…


The second goal in that game is my favourite goal of the Klopp era. Trent with a 40 yard pass to Robbo who plays a vicious looping forward pass which bounces on the penalty spot. Salah didn’t need to jump or change pace. He just nods it comfortably into the goal and peels away. That was when I really knew we could actually win the league. City were really shaken by that game.


One of my favorites for the same reasons. I was like damn we used to be unstoppable 😭


That was the game. City started brightly, deserved to be ahead. And yet, 13 minutes into the game, the home side playing second-best were 2-0 up in blisteringly clinical fashion.


This shows city aren’t the “mentality monsters” people claim them to be. We just need to get a good win over them to really rattle them along with a lead that can’t be overtaken within a game. In 18/19, 21/22 and this season we all failed to win against them and thus gave them the confidence to go on a streak.


Those earlier year games under Klopp when it was just heavy metal football and chaotic (in a good way) pressing are gonna be a brilliant watch. And then obviously the middle years where it’s not as chaotic but brilliant football like 19/20. And then the years from Covid onwards where it was gokd football but a bit downhill due to the CB injury season and then last season. Almost like a roller coaster type ride. Defo will be some good watches even if you remove some of the more “famous” games




Pep is such a twat, god the way we destroyed him was so glorious. Doping prick can get fucked.


I need to try this site.


A great football library.


Great list. The Salah breakaway goal against United where he took his shirt off. Man what a memory, ‘and now you’re gonna believe us…’ pure goosebumps. Of course the Barca come back as well which I was sat in the Kop for. Mental.


Whenever I’m feeling down I pull up a YouTube compilation of United fan-watchalongs for the 5-0 and 7-0 games. Nothing wrong with a bit of schadenfreude. Or the 5live radio Broadcast of either those games or Barca 4-0 when Alan Shearer can barely hear himself over the volcanic noise of Anfield. For these moments and hundreds more Jurgen and this team will forever have a place in my heart. ps FUCK RAMOS


Forgetting the 3-3 against Leicester with Minamino equalizing. The image of Taki and Beck running towards the fans and screaming in celebration is one of my favorites. Oh and Ragnar against Burnley on Boxing Day


Yeah, it’s a great list but the 3-3 was one I immediately thought about. Jota shithousing was great. https://youtu.be/yuLaUsoomjw?si=P9pXSIjGfBKBRtxC


The 7-0 Man Utd. match will stay rent free in my memory forever. Thank you.


2 - 2 against West Brom might be the most significant result on here, none of it happens without it. I recall other fans mockery for celebrating a draw against 'lower' opposition. and then you have Ange trying to change Spurs into not Spurs and it seems like it might be killing him, and the club is actively trying to remain as Spursy as possible.


I was at the firmino hattrick game vs arsenal. Still incredible to this day


He’s the player I’ll miss most from the whole Klopp era. Salah and Mane were the firepower but Firmino could unlock any door. Scored some absolute beauts too, that volley against stoke…pure perfection.


Cool list, but whyyyyyy the American dates?


You caught me!


Very nice. Wish you wouldn’t have put Liverpool first on every line, though.


What month is the 17th?


Irrationally infuriating to have to decipher that ridiculous date formatting!


This was awesome to read through. Amazing how many of these I can remember exactly where I was and who I was with. What a run.


Good post. Will bookmark this for the future 👍


Random nomination for the win vs Luton this season. 2nd half atmosphere was on another level. And ended up as a teaser for the kindergarten-ball in the cup final a few days later.


This really makes you realise how legendary Salah is and how long he’s going to be remembered for.


The Nottingham forest Darwin goal this year was a top moment for me in the moment. Aged to be nothing, but that was when I really believed we were the team of destiny this year. Sigh.


I'll remember the 7-0 for the rest of my life. It honestly took me a while to get over that result because Man United were in better form at the time. Even in our worst season under Klopp we still managed to pull that out, along with the 9-0 against the Cherries and the 7-1 against Rangers. Fucking hilarious.


I was in the pub with my dad on my 30th birthday!


wow , great work 👌


I hate how many of these I don’t remember It’s upsetting that the time has flown so fast and it’s already ending. Thanks for the list. I’m going to rewatch as many of these as I can.


That 3-1 against Chelsea to sink Mourinho was such good vibes with the Coutinho brace


9 years and such an amazing journey. Where does all the time go?


Looking at the 18/19 season, it really was the goal line clearance that did it huh. I’d have to watch the draws against Everton and Man United late in the season but even just looking at the fixture list it kills me, we could barely have done any better


Here is the list in text form, with Watford 3 - 0 LFC (2020) and Liverpool 3 - 3 LC in Carabao Cup (2021) added, so you can make your own list if you want. Also added Liverpool 3 - 1 Luton from this season (requested in comments) and Liverpool 3 - 1 Sheffield from this season bc it was the last game before it went tits up and the Macallister screamer was an all-timer in the moment [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p8vb1zz8oDecJkYKRU1Am5JJNPZmOWwrMllnYcyGmmQ/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p8vb1zz8oDecJkYKRU1Am5JJNPZmOWwrMllnYcyGmmQ/edit?usp=sharing)


That second half agains Leicester on boxing day is one of the purest forms of domination I've ever witnessed. Leicester couldn't get half a second on the ball, and if I remember correctly the ball didn't even go into Liverpool's half for about 20 minutes straight (aside from maybe a couple of backpasses). Utter insanity! They should use that game as a prime example of perfect football on every football academy worldwide.


We have to savour the whole nine years. But reading this list… that 2017-2020 period was truly glorious. In a way I envy Arsenal right now because what they are now replicates my favourite era under Klopp. That up-and-coming team that dominated everyone, pulled some truly incredible results with this deadly exciting group of players. And most gloriously, building that aura of inevitability that eventually culminated in winning the league in 2020 and the quad run of 2022 when we won half the season running on fumes. What I’d do to rewind time and savour those 3 years again. Truly made me fall in love with the club and the game.


How time flies when you’re having fun 🥲 loved the description of so many of these and remembering where I was when they all happened. Unbelievable how many good memories there are ❤️


There’s plenty but 4:0 Barcelona is the one. Shortly followed by the 7-0 that is still absolutely hilarious.


142 Games out of 488 is bonkers, that's 1 out of every 3.4 games. If Slot manages 1 out of 5 he's going to be more than likely be successful at LFC.


Great list, Klopp had some wonderful iconic games. Just one thing, 21/22- league cup vs Arsenal the score was 2-0 and both goals were scored by Jota.


didn't realize all these iconic matches were played at Anfield


We beat inter 2-0 in 2022 tho


I love[love](https://youtu.be/tujyd51UPeo?si=Gwwkfu38pxi5GAsw) him so much


Milnet because he scored so many?


I was at Anfield 6 weeks ago but good call. And despite how often you’re there it appears you’ve missed everything Klopp has ever had to say about defeat and acceptance. Some representative of the club and city you are, well done


He's the reason for all of Liverpools success in the last decade, honestly I think we're back to where we were when Rafa lefr


I don't think you know what iconic means. In no way shape or form is losing finals a fucking iconic game, especially the Europa league v Seville. The fuck is this bollocks


I think he just means memorable 


They weren't memorable.


Yeah memorable. It’s semantics. Also iconic is defined as ‘very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time’ which is what this list is Also why are you so angry lol


Us losing finals wasnt famous or popular for us. Moronic post. I was wondering why it was American dates, now I know why. 'Fan' indeed.


Proper attitude on the weekend Klopp’s leaving I’m sure he’d be thrilled with you gate keeping


I'm sure hed be thrilled with you saying how memorable his final loses were lol. Give it a rest with the fucking pearl clutching. I've been at Anfield twice a month for every season klopps been here, I hardly need to excuse myself to some yank who I dont even need to guess, I know by your bollocks 'fan' behaviour you've never even been to Anfield. Let alone could place it on a map. You're everything that's wrong with this sub, infested by sunny day fans. You'll prob vanish back to the shadows once we have a bad patch. Good fucking riddens.