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Absolutely love the letter the other Jurgen wrote in.


It must be an overwhelming feeling having that many people write you heartfelt messages on a regular basis and simply not having the time to read even 1% of them. They picked out some really good ones here though. That music box is amazing.


Fabulous Music Box was customised i.e. has the engraving "Jurgen is a Red". ​ https://preview.redd.it/l32eyuobmy1d1.png?width=2531&format=png&auto=webp&s=324ce7b06859e7f8f715c7b24248900340c3a54e


That music box is amazing


I'd pay good money for one of those.


This was the one that just broke me. That musical box bit had me bawling. I could look into the future and see myself hearing that tune and all those memories flooding in. Will miss you always, Kloppo


Thought I finished crying yesterday, that is clearly not the case. This had me in bits. Again.


It seems it's gonna be a while for all of us. That's what makes make me hopeful he will return to manage in a few years when his family grows.


I don't revere celebrities or public figures. Jurgen though didn't just coach the team, he coached the fans on what it meant to be a good football fan and person. That football isn't the most important thing but can be a catalyst to giving people happy memories, hope, dealing with disappointment , bringing people together and so much more. I have no religion but anfield is in some way my spiritual home. Those 90 mins on the kop, I'm with my people. United in our love of this club. My people are hurting, I'm hurting and we go through this together. YNWA you beautiful (but slightly miserable) bastards.


Fucking hell it's a bit early for someone to be chopping onions isn't it


Tell me about it. I’ve got to go back to work with bloodshot eyes now lads ffs


klopp fits liverpool because both are emotional entities


My tear ducts finally has the tears replenished just in time for me to cry ... again


I thought I was doing ok, but LFC socials absolutely came for my emotional jugular with this one and succeeded. Congrats to them for making me have a good proper cry.


Dear, Jurgen (is gonna bring me to tears again)


I love that he says, “the best is yet to come”. I am excited to see what Arne brings, but there will never be another Jürgen. Not even close. The man is one of a kind, and damn I am going miss watching him speak. You just don’t find his mixture of class, humility, humor and talent in professional sport, ever.


I think what he means, and it's true, is that he has put this club in a position to be successful more consistently in the future. Just financially, technologically, infrastructurally this club has been changed by Kloppo and FSG. The future looks bright. Jürgen just had to lead us out of the dark times and into the light. Of course I agree with all the rest. If I can pick any man to manage our club in the world, it's him. He's earned this time with his family though, many times over.


I totally agree. He’s handing off a club that’s already built to challenge for the league title and has a spot in the Champions league secured. It’s loaded with young talent, and in a great position to succeed immediately. Leaving the new manager in such a great spot is one more reason he is one of a kind. The things I have read about Arne Slot have me excited for the future. I think he looks like a great fit. My point is, regardless of how many trophies the club wins in the future, no matter how much success Arne has, or other managers after him, there will never be another Klopp. His kindness, compassion, and class are unique. I follow many sports and support many clubs. I have seen managers come and go, but this one has affected me more than any of the others. I am going to miss him. I was so proud to support a club that was managed by such a good man.


No words could do this man justice. Despite what he’s done for football and Liverpool he is an unbelievable human being. He will be missed. YNWA


This is why "it means more" always resonated so much with me and this club. He made it far more about the winning. I'm going to remember this for when someday we lose a game and I feel down. I'll remember , who we are as a club, what culture is there and that its NOT about winning, its really not, its about fighting and never giving up. Truly an amazing man


As with all things in life, it's about the journey, not the destination.


The music box has done it for me


Damn I thought I was done crying.




Why you making me cry at work...


Oh I just woke up and now I’m crying. Thanks.


That’s what we all need to remember. We’re a special club with special fans. We stick together, we stand behind the team. We make sure nobody connected with this club ever walks alone ❤️ Love Jürgen, love the team and love the club. I’m off for another cry now 😭




That music box though 😭


didn't need to cry today 😭😭😭


Damnnn that hit really hard


I'm not crying you are!




I'm actually not ready to watch this. ![gif](giphy|IntCEdOCoB1Pa|downsized)