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I love Mo, and I acknowledge that his numbers were still elite, but he struggled big time after New Year. Virgil was consistently class all year.


Completely agree, baffled me this decision.


Let change two actions by players that aren't Mo. 1. Diaz scores from Mo's pass of the season Vs. City at home and we win. 2. Darwin doesn't throw away the game to United in the FA Cup where Mo gets a goal and assist. Are people still saying he had a bad second half? Just by changing the actions of two players that AREN'T Mo.


Yeah even though Mo did the most important and difficult thing in football to actually win matches...




I'm agreeing with the sound logic of this subreddit, just because you were the best player at winning football matches on a team doesn't mean you should be football player of the year for that team....


im just not sure what "the best player at winning football matches" means


Ok… But why did we only walked away with the carabao cup this past season then? Mo was very poor in the 2nd half of this season


Should’ve been VVD


Stepped up massively as a captain as well as from his 22/23 form.


Or Mac


No. Poor first half, brilliant second half.


So opposite of Mo?


The difference is that Salah’s numbers are still top level. More G/A than player of the year Foden. And Salah’s second half was better than Mac’s first half.


Salah's numbers are ridiculous, I agree. But I think it's the tiny things that make these discussions quite personal. For me, the fact it was Mac's first season in a new club, in a new system, out of position, still managed to do a good enough job to the point Klopp was trusting him every game until Endo was up to speed. People remember his rocky first few months but forget how decent he was by November, only to truly shine by the time he was further up the pitch. But again, subjectivity and all that.


If you want to add qualifiers rather than go purely on results then you have to add in that Mo had to play in Afcon and got injured and had to play with two of the worst finishers in the league. Also Mo's role in the team is significantly more difficult than someone like Endo or Mac. Which is why players like him are more rare in world football and cost more money


Personally I think it should’ve been Gomez, Mac Allister or VVD. Mo had a good season but they had better ones.


Gomez' top level is not nearly high enough to be player of the year. Did he have a single man of the match performance? People overrate him because he surprised everyone by actually being reliable and consistent for the first time in ages, but he's still not POTY material, in my humble opinion. He and VVD were the most consistent ones, but unlike VVD he never really had any world class performances.


I take your point however you are undervaluing his contribution this year in my opinion. When Robertson and Tsimikas were both injured, he not only stepped up in a position which is not natural to him (yes he played there many years ago under Rodgers but even then it was out of position) but also played brilliantly well in most of the games. The fact that when they both returned he kept his place for a long time is testament to his level of performance this season. He has shown that he is a very solid full back. I’m of the belief that if we would’ve stuck with Gomez for a bit longer instead of reintroducing Robertson when we did (he was still clearly rusty after such a long time out) then maybe our performances during our slump wouldn’t have been as bad. He has proven a lot of people wrong this year after struggling to get a place in the side previously and I hope he carries on this form next year as he is a very good player when fit.


Who on earth decides this? Like, Salah never came back from AFCON.


My order would be: 1. Virgil 2. Mac Allister 3. Gomez


I think Gomez stepped up and was our new “Milner” going into whatever role we needed. Basically ultimate backup, but he was never better than the original choice for any of those roles and makes it hard for me to put him in a player of the season discussion.


Agree he's a very good squad player but player of the year?! I know he's "one of our boys" but come on.


Agree, Salah is 4th.


More or less the same for me but Mac first, then Gomez, 3rd Virgil, 4th Mo


This is beyond crazy. people say mo struggled after AFCON and forget macallister struggled in the first half of the season. I'd take VVD over salah, But not Maca. Gomez was good, maybe the biggest upgrade this season, but definitely nowhere near the top 5 players. I'd take Alisson, Trent, endo, Elliot, VVD, Maca, and Mo over him. Overall salah can be second if we're being being fair, cant see him being 3rd at all.


I don't think Mac struggled in the first half of the season though. I think he struggled in about 5-6 games as the 6. Salah for me has been off the boil since the LAST AFCON not this one. Not seen him dribble past anyone for 2 years, or score into the top corner. He started well by avoiding his weaknesses and making passes into other peoples paths, but his dribbling has been terrible for two years now. His stats have still be good but don't forget 7 of his goals are penalties and he missed two as well. Gomez for me up there as he was just phenomenal in multiple positions and never put a foot wrong, Alisson I agree though would probably be in my top 3, it's Virgil for me that I didn't think was as good as everyone else makes out. Our defending was poor in general this season, 24 times conceding first, not secure and confident at the back at all. I found Virgil too slow on the ball in possession. I thought he made more mistakes than any other CB and often his partner was the one that looked better to me be that Konate or Quansah.


Endo did an okay job but he's not anywhere near top 5 players


Undeserved imo, he was invisible after AFCON. Ali, VVD, Macca or Endo are more deserving of this, let alone Quansah and Bradley who stepped up massively when we needed them the most.


Absolutely agree with this. While Salah was good during the first half of the season, post-AFCON Salah was one of the main reasons we slipped out of the title. Van Dijk was solid the entire season and he only made two noticeable mistakes which was the Newcastle red card and the Arsenal miscommunication with Alisson. Macca and Endo both started slow but became one of the main reasons we were in the title race in the first place. Endo becoming amazing during the middle of the season was impressive from him. Macca also showed that he deserves to be a word cup winner. Needless to say, Quansah and Bradley stepped up massively and both have a bright future ahead of them. So yeah, Salah got the majority of the vote because of his fanboys, nothing else. Salah is a legend for Liverpool, but that doesn’t mean he deserves player of the year every season.


How does this ignorant shit get posted. The main reasons we slipped out of the title is conceding first in every game and Darwin and Diaz not being able to finish simple chances


This sub honestly has the most bizarre takes. Both Mane and Firmino have been rated higher than Salah, Henderson is not rated at all and left out of Klopp XI, shouts for Gomez as POY while he's a utility defender who doesn't hold down a spot. Users here have everything backwards.


Salah has no remaining fanboys in Egypt actually


Agreed but calling Salah good pre AFCON makes him a massive disservice. He was the best player in the league when he left.


> Macca and Endo both started slow but became one of the main reasons we were in the title race in the first place. **BUT MO AND HIS GOALS AND ASISSITS WEREN'T???? DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF FOOTBALL THAT THE TEAM WITH THE MOST GOALS WINS???** This has to be one of the dumbest posts ever to be upvoted on this subreddit (and that's some achievement)


> This has to be one of the dumbest posts ever to be upvoted on this subreddit It's not entirely clear if you are talking about your post or the one you are replying to


Endo no, he dropped off after his brilliant Winter months. Ali probably missed too many games but was excellent in the ones he did. Should have been VVD or Mac


This sub’s hard on for Endo is embarrassing.


VVD yes, the others absolutely not.


And I was arguing against somebody who disagreed that Mane was carrying us 2nd half of his Ballon Dor Top 2 yr, while Salah choked hard after AFCON when we needed him to beat City by 1 point, and all he used is this biased Player of the Seasn crap via fanvotes to push for Salah. Lol. Undeserving things like such shows how much of a hivemind this fanbase can be about Mo.


Endo missed too much of the start to be considered for me. VVD and Mac I’d say


If Diaz puts away Salahs pass of the season against City and Nunez doesn't shit the bed against United where Salah scored and assisted, no one is saying he was anonymous in the second half.


Endo had like 2 good months? VVD was our most important player throughout the season with the injuries in defence and to Ali, it's him or Macca, who did particularly well playing out of position also.


Utterly deluded take. No wonder Mo isn't given the respect he deserves when his own supporters have opinions like this. Quansah, Bradley and Endo had better seasons than Salah? Macca even? Mo has another world class season overall and he's being compared to young defenders with barely any appearances. Ali and VVd are the only arguable comparisons.


Macca and VVD had played far more crucial roles for the team than Salah did this season and it’s not even close


Isn’t given the respect he deserves in a post about him getting a free POTY undeservedly? Make it make sense.


I wouldn’t say Salah had a world class season, partly due to the standard of ‘world class’ being 20+ league goals and consistent form throughout the year at the very least. But it’s still hard to argue we had a better player this season - VVD was consistent but our defence as a whole was rocky and conceded too many and first too often, and Macca had a lot of games where he struggled in a more defensive role.


Not sure how you can say Salah is undeserved because he was invisible after Afcon then said the likes of Ali, Endo, Quansah and Bradley is more deserving when they are similarly missing during a large part of the season due to injuries and international competition (Ali, Bradley and Endo) and not even being trusted by Klopp yet in the first half of the season (Endo and Quansah). I think only VVD, Macca and Gomez deserve it as they're the only ones that's somewhat consistent throughout the season.


VVD was player of the season, it's not even close.


Van Dijk robbed honestly


Player of the season or popularity contest? Mac Allister, Gomez, VVD and Kelleher all had better seasons than Salah.


Probably political given his temperament and our constant desire to keep him happy.




Was this a fans vote or players one? Surely the player of the season was Mac Allister.


Mac Allister had some good spells but some poor ones too I thought. Overall a very good season but I’m not sure I’d make him POTS


His start was rocky but he absolutely bossed it post Christmas, and some of those games were world class. No coincidence that our results were much better when he was in form.


Yeah, but most posts about him ignore the rocky period. Proved he was a bargain throughout the season, but his performances weren't world-class all the time. More so in the August-December period where he had to deputise as CDM. Maybe Jurgen shouldn't have insisted on playing him there, but his individual performances just weren't good enough back then.


same every year, everyone always values the second half far far more than the first half. If Szoboszlai had his season in reverse, hed probably be getting player of the year shouts


I disagree. He was good in like August and September, then slowly became bad, by the end of the season he was a regular benchwarmer. Even if it happens the other way around, you can't be good for 10 games and shit for 28 and getting player of the year nominations. He was not even an average player, he was straight out bad and a net negative


I can see why people would think as such but in my own eyes he started the season really well, at least that's what I think. Some didn't think he did but I thought when he was out of position he was still putting some fine performances in. Then there was a lengthy period where everyone could see how good he was. Last month/six weeks of the season he wasn't particularly stand out but the way he did step up was enough to win it for him IMO. Subjective though. I could see shouts for Alisson or Van Dijk but not Salah to be honest, even the first half of the season was far from his best at LFC.


All fair points and agreed it’s all subjective. I’d probably go with VVD.


Van Dijk would probably be my shout after Mac Allister to be honest. He's another one who didn't end it anywhere near his best but across the course of the season he was really solid, at some points looking the best he had since his injury in 2020.


Took Mac quite a long time to find his feet, if it was just the second half of the season it would be Mac in 1st or 2nd with Mo around 10th.


No surprise - he got 10 POTM awards this season when nobody else got more than five https://x.com/basstunedtored/status/1796549667590717691?s=46


Yeah but Joe Gomez stood in slightly different positions during the season so obviously that contributed more to winning.


Was this a fan vote?


Should’ve been Mac or Virg. At this point this feels like a bunch of Egypt fans hijacking the fan vote He was injured and absent for too much of the season to be in the running, let alone the fact he dropped off probably when we needed him most of all




that's interesting and honestly i never considered how all the off field political stuff that's gone on since late last year could have affected his game.


A sizeable amount. But he still has his fanboys.


Don't wanna get into it too much, but Egyptians are starting to hate Salah for both football reasons and non-football reasons


Thinly veiled xenophobia rears it's ugly head on this sub again. Whenever a non-white player wins anything - "ITS NOT BASED ON TALENT JUST BROWN PEOPLE SAYING HE LOOKS LIKE ME SO LET HIM WIN"


Embarrassing take. You sound like 115 when they accused Klopp of xenophobia.


You sound like a Tory


You’re not going to score social justice points here buddy. Fact of the matter is Salah won a fan vote totally undeserved, and it’s a plausible explanation since he has legions of fans from Egypt that literally did the same thing a few years ago when the same thing happened


> a fan vote totally undeserved BY DEFINITION winning a fan vote is deserved. Do you even understand English. Look forward to you providing any evidence whatsoever of your claims, although bigots never do, just run away like you always do


He incredibly controversial right now in Egypt, and many people dislike him, you wouldn't know that because to you Egyptians aren't capable of independent thought - just "BROWNPERSON LOOKS LIKE ME!". Also isnt it more plausible that scoring the most goals and having the most assists + being the most popular player over the last 5 years would cause fans to vote for you? Did you consider that in your Klan meeting?


The leagues not ready for bald Mo next seaon, 200% improved aerodynamics go vrrrrrrrrr


He’s got the hair transplant so he’ll had a full head of hair soon enough


he'll still be short haired for awhile, doubt he'll grow it out like he used to


Salah was brilliant first half of the season. Were in a title race due to him. Would have been a contender for pfa player of the year. Though due to the 2nd half of the season I would have given it to Van Dijk or MacAllister


Hard to go against the goals and assists mo always puts up but I think vvd and mac were more consistent throughout the season


VVD deserves it. Hell, he deserves to be at least top 5 Ballon d’Or.


This subreddit in shambles. Mo had his best ever season in terms of creating goal scoring opportunities. Shame about the players he was playing with. Injuries and Afcon too but still our best. What a legend


I know, has anyone actually said Well done Mo on here?


Everyone trashing Salah here and they haven’t realised he was our top scorer and joint top assists maker this season in all competitions?


He scored 13 non penalty goals. Was basically pants the second half of the season and was super inefficient in front of goal. He didn't deserve it this year. The only two viable options this year were Van Dijk and Mac. Other players had good seasons, but they were the only two who were reliable and putting in good performances every week.


It such a shame that they changed the rules that penalty goals don't count towards winning games. Makes penalty goals completely worthless. Also every other team has a player that scores 100% of penalties taken so it's not like its a skill that's part of football or anything.


And? He was below average for half a season. Virgil, Gomez, Macca, Kelleher were all better


Kelleher only played in 26 games out of 58. So even though he was brilliant, I’m not sure he should be in the POTY discussion.


While I agree I’ve seen people say EIIiott deserves it before today which is more insane based on how he barely featured in the league for most of the season


I don’t think Elliott should be there either. He was also great, but only has about 300 minutes more than Kelleher.


I never said Kelleher should be in for a shout at POTY, I was simply saying he was better than Mo


Certainly more consistent this year, but it’s hard to compare when their play time is very different. Either way I personally wouldn’t have picked Mo this year.


This is why Firmino exposed Salah about his selfish play in his book. Just for stat watchers like you to read.


Conveniently leaving out where Bobby then added how that’s what makes him so great. Ex teammates also call Ronaldo selfish very often, so you genuinely think they are calling Ronaldo that to insult him? Brain dead take.


Yeah, but its Bobby. He could have easily ignored that and just give the praise since he’s the nicest guy. But he had to add it in ink. Shows you how significant it is in the locker room. Salah can be an individually great player, yet selfish to achieve that gain. Its not mutually exclusive. Same applies to Ronaldo. He can put up the numbers so he’s great. That doesn’t mean players like playing with him cause he’s selfish. Hence why he’ll never beat Messi cause Messi puts up similar numbers while being a team player. Ronaldo scored the most goals for United when he returned, but nobody who knows football says he plays well, just hunted for goals. Next thing you know Ten Hag benched him. Salah similarly puts up empty stats, but Liverpools fall in the title push coincides with his terrible performances. Thats why people on here are criticising him for being undeserving of this award.


> Ronaldo, he’s great. That doesn’t mean players like playing with him, but they like playing with Messi because he’s a team player This is one of the most ridiculous takes I’ve ever read lmfao. This is bootlicking of Messi of the very highest order. Did you seriously just suggest players don’t like playing with the second greatest player of all time because he’s selfish? Newsflash for you bro, most top players are selfish, especially strikers which Ronaldo has been for god knows how long. Not to mention Ronaldo has a severely underrated passing game, his assist stats are phenomenal and yet he’s never been someone who’s focused on his playmaking like Messi does. For someone who comes across as having a superiority complex about your ball knowledge, you do give out some absolutely atrocious takes. Suggesting that players wouldn’t like playing with Ronaldo because he’s selfish, I laughed at that I’m not gonna lie. You really think midfielders who love assists, or full backs don’t like playing with perhaps the greatest goal scorer of all time? The man known as Mr Champions League himself? I got news for you bro, players like playing with top players. Top players are also almost always selfish. > Ronaldo put up the best numbers when he returned, but no one who knows football thinks he played well Again, that superiority complex of yours doesn’t fit you bro. Do you know how many chances Ronaldo created that people like Rashford completely wasted? Ronaldo’s final season for United was reminiscent of Salah’s season here. If he were surrounded by people who could finish the chances Salah created, he’d have countless assists and people would be lauding his creativity. Unfortunately Salah was surrounded by Diaz, Nunez and Gapko, just like Ronaldo was surrounded by people who couldn’t finish the chances he created. So once again that supposed ball knowledge of yours trying to suggest all Ronaldo did was stat pad falls flat. > It’s Bobby, he could have easily ignored that, he’s a nice guy And you know that how? Have you met Bobby? Or are you basing that off parasocial relationships?


I’m not reading that essay man. Damn. That must have hurt you, Mo_Salah.


I expected that exact response lol, it’s the typical go to line of low IQ individuals who have no counter You’re as predictable as you are stupid I’m afraid


Uuuh absolutely not?


Well he was great in the first half. The only player who actually performed at a good level all season was Van Dijk imo. Macca, Endo, Gomez and Kelleher all had brilliant periods, but not all season. I would’ve personally chosen Kelleher. Goalkeeper is the hardest position and he had to just jump in there and cover for the best in the world, and he played so well that we barely missed Ali. He really proved why Klopp calls him the best backup in the world.


It's Virgil Van Dijk though.


Mac 10 was so overrated on this sub. People dissing Mo for his second half of the season, already forgot Mac was so poor earlier on Still Mo is the top scorer and player with the most assists of the club.


That’s what usually happens. People remember what happens recently and mo didn’t turn up for the second half of the season


I have to agree. Mac's first months were out of position, and it wasn't pretty. He had trouble with positioning, passing, and much more. When Endo came in and Mac moved up to play as an 8, he was brilliant for some months. However, in the last two months, he wasn't particularly special, much like the rest of the team. Just because he was good midseason doesn't make him the player of the season. I don't particularly think Mo deserves it, and I believe VVD should have gotten it.




VVD robbed


Virgil is our number 1 from this season. Absolutely no disrespect to Salah though. He’s been quality, but tailed off after Africa. VVD has been immense


Wouldn’t have been my choice if I’m honest.


Should have been Virgil, like not even close. smh to whoever voted Salah.


Should have been MacAllister or Virg. I don't get this.


Yeah, no. VVD or Mac Allister for me.


Can't see this anywhere on the Liverpool FC website, app, Twitter or Instagram. Most likely bollocks.


Should have been big Virg I reckon.


VVD or Mac10 for me


Van Dijk, Endo, Mac, Gomez and Elliot are all ahead of him for me.


Ahead of Mac, Kelleher. Quansah? Not for me. Post AFCON (for the second time) & 🕰️ Nakuru, Salah looked done.


One day this sub Reddit that passing sideways in midfield is not as important as actually scoring goals and creating assists. One day.


It was VVD and it really shouldn’t have been close tbh.


Looking at all the posts in here, it seems obvious that there is a clear opinion that there are potentially many other Reds more worthy of POTY and that Salah shouldn't have had a look-in. Which I agree with. That said, given it was the supporters who voted for this, it does make you wonder how this came about. Is it the fact that many foreign supporters voted for their hero based on reputation and overall stats rather than form? Interesting...


Desperate to keep him that we give him that…a little bit embarrassing. Mac Allister had a great season, played any position and did it well, and to be honest so did Endo. The fact it was Endos first season in the prem, in a midfield rebuild and his numbers up until the new year were competing with the best in the league just shows how decent he is.


I would say Jota if it wasn't for the injuries.


No chance he was rubbish this year, Mac Allister was better


'rubbish'. You are deluded.




Even if true, which it isn't, his rubbish is still better than 99% of players best.




Don’t know whether you’re trolling or delusional but Mo Salah’s numbers and performances this season are as good as the very best of seasons for other players. He is a victim of his own success and hopefully next season he can hit top gear


I love Sarah more than most, and I’m probably biased most times but I think I would have had Virgil or Allison here… (Edit: I do love Sarah indeed, but I meant Salah in this instance….stupid autocorrect)


Bit odd tbh unless we consider that every player played for less than 60% of the season


Who voted for this? He's been shit since January


Undeniable that he's still our best attacking player. I think VVD should've got it but like all individual awards, goalkeepers and defensive players are always overlooked.


What? Not even top 3 this year


Should have been Virgil or Mac. Club doesn't need to appease Mo's ego. He was poor the second half of the season.


Virg and the macca. I’d say all other too starters were overall a little disappointing. Some really good performances from the squad players like quansah and Gomez though


Who votes on these?


Our best attacking player, but Virg and Mac definitely stand out more across the season. Gomez slotting in so well in different roles is also something that needs recognition in some way


I love Salah but VVD got robbed


Macca robbed...


Happy cake day.


Nobody really stands out for me last season apart from Elliot's progress and ability with long shots. So Salah for his contribution in the first half, had he had adequate support up front maybe his drop off would not have been so noticeable.


Bradley was robbed


Does anyone know who does the voting?


LFC Fans Cairo


It shouldve been Mac Allister




VVD deserved it, but that Muslim/Arab support is strong.


Undeserved. VVD was excellent all season. He was almost at the level he was before his injury and returned to being (IMO) the best defender in the league. Not only that but he was a great role model for the youngsters on the pitch when a lot of our other senior players were out. Prime example being in the final against Chelsea where he put on a MOTM defensive performance and scored the 118th minute winner. He returned to great form and really stepped up as a captain. Mo, on the other hand, was great first half and his numbers overall were still impressive. But his injury really impacted his club form post-AFCON and in the final stretch of the season he was almost invisible when we needed him most. I love Salah to bits but Big Virg was absolutely robbed here.


He wasn’t even in our top 5 best players this season. 


It's funny even Kelleher was ranked higher to me than Salah. In moments of the season everyone was a contender, but as overall and work rate including after winning a 120 mins final against Chelsea VVD was the man. Still played in the next few games and won a cup final winner for us and was performing high level every game this season.


I love Salah, but IMHO should have been MacAllister; he has been phenomenal. VVD has been consistent.


Most popular player wins fans vote


People saying Mac Allister have blinders on. He was poor for the first half of the season. Amazing in the second half but not the whole thing. Van Dijk and Salah are the two that it’s between for me. Salah’s numbers are hard to ignore. More G/A than player of the season Foden


VVD with the snub again.


A big🤫🤫🤫🤫 TO ALL LFC FANS That wrote him off after he returned too soon from his injury. Still our most clutch player at the club.


>A big🤫🤫🤫🤫 TO ALL LFC FANS That wrote him off after he returned too soon from his injury. I mean, not really. As you can see in this thread many think it was undeserved. A clutch player, no doubt. But he wasn't amazing after Afcon.


I agree he wasn't amazing after AFCON, yet he still managed to get the most goals and assists in the team. Some fans were calling for Salah to be sold like he's not allowed to have a bad spell, but the likes of Diaz and Nunez can return horrible numbers in goals and assists and you'll get the same fans calling for them to not be sold. Make it make sense?


>Some fans were calling for Salah to be sold like he's not allowed to have a bad spell, but the likes of Diaz and Nunez can return horrible numbers in goals and assists and you'll get the same fans calling for them to not be sold I don't know of any one person that was singling out Salah for criticism whilst giving Diaz and Nunez a free pass, literally haven't seen one.


I was arguing back and forth with a fan. They said Salah should be sold and not Diaz because of his age and Diaz dribbling a lot is better than Sarah's goals lol. Like goals isn't more important than winning the eye test.




I’ll take you on in that discussio, consider this; 1. He has been by far the most consistent player, ye this past season wasn’t his best but it actually wasn’t even that bad of a season 25 goals and 15 assists, 40 goal contributions not bad for a flop season eh. 2. Look at what he’s done every season, there has been seasons where the likes of Firmino and even Mane weren’t performing at optimal levels but not Mo Salah, even in 2020/21 season which LFC really struggled he pitched in with 31 goals and now this season a respectable 25, he is still clearly capable of performing even in the most difficult of seasons. 3. You talk about his age but look at the way he conditions his body, if anything I can see him playing at a consistently high level till at minimum he’s mid 30s, the way he takes care of his body is like CR7 and we can see he’s still good even at what 38 or 39 years of age. 4. This season was tough for him, he got that injury in AFCON, came back and got injured again and yes he should have performed better but there are still a range of factors like this. 5. Mo Salah has actually had his role tweaked over the past 2 seasons, he’s been shifted wider than when he usually played with Firmino and Mane so it has been an adjustment with a crop of new players he has to build chemical reactions with. 6. He is not injury prone, this season in AFCON was one of the vary rare occasions he found himself injured, it doesn’t happen to often, last season he played all 38 games of that season. I believe this is testament for how durable he is. 7. It’s Liverpool FC not Klopp FC, when Mo Salah signed the contract he didn’t sign to be with only Klopp but signed to continue with Liverpool regardless of who’s the manager, he himself confirmed this. 8. There is a clear desire from Mo Salah to continue at Liverpool, he’s IG or Twitter said he and the team would give everything they had for the next season, those do not sound of the words of a man ready to leave the club. 9. Just going back to your age argument you do realise he’s 32 years old, Id argue the wrong side of 30 is after 34 and moreover it’s not a given that he’ll decline to that extent, he’ll just need to adapt his game such as how CR7 became more of a poacher as he went into his 30s from originally being an explosive winger. 10. In terms of goals and assists he is by some distance the best at the club, do you know how many players scored 20 goals for us this season, I’ll give you a hint, he’s the one your suggesting we sell. 11. You talk about how it’s best we should have kept Mane but so don’t see how having one player can make that massive difference for our whole team, the blame cannot just be thrown onto Salah, there’s several other factors not limited to just him and if you think just replacing Salah with Mane makes 1 + 1 = 2 then your solely mistaken. To conclude Mo Salah is an absolute legend, there has probably not been a more consistent player than him in a long time, no matter the season he is always Liverpools top provider in both scoring and assists department despite not actually playing ST and not being a midfielder, remind you of someone (cough Messi cough). It’s clear as broad daylight that Mo Salah should remain at Liverpool, I don’t see how this works out for Liverpool and I’m sure the idea from both parties is that he remains, the board clearly believes he is still capable and so does himself and Im sure Arne Slot as well.


You really think the Saudis will pay £100m for a 32 yo Salah on the last year of his contract? At best they will pay £70m and you won't find a Salah replacement for that or even £100m. Salah is a one off. He is by far the best player in our team and it will be sold difficult to replace him, damn near impossible. Best case is the keep Salah and get him to sign a new 2 year deal, so that we will see him end his career at Liverpool. Diaz getting sold should be the priority. He is putting up horrible numbers for his position in the team and this is our window for getting the most value for him. If we can somehow manage to get £70m I would bite their hand off.




You know absolutely nothing about football just from that statement about Diaz 😂. Diaz has been great yet Macca almost has the same amount of PL goals as he does lol. 😂 And who are you to say he's the only one who looks like he's putting in effort? Id argue the whole team looked like they were until the last part of the season.




Most of those matches you mentioned were in the last part of the season which I said we were poor in. Klopp's announcement imo made the players down tools for the last part of the season. They weren't playing to impress the staff or Klopp because they knew he wouldn't be there next season. The fact that you think Diaz had a decent season despite his horrible numbers tells me everything. City at Anfield, Diaz misses 3 golden chances including a one on one. We win that we gain a massive advantage in the title race.


I wonder if this “award” even makes it back to his house?


Alexander Arnold by a mile


Weird how no one mentions him, he was carrying us before his injury, didn’t quite reach that level when he came back though.


AA is the most underrated footballer in football history


Definitely should of been endo or gomez. Gomez is the new Milner. Rb, lb, cb and cdm


This year was Salas’s worst year in a red shirt and he was still epic. But I agree with all the comments above Virgil FTW.


He missed like 3 months because of AFCON and for the first time, injury. I feel like that should take him out of the running despite once again topping goals and assists. Virgil deserved it the most, then Macca.


Easily VVD's, maybe Joe's. Love Salah but this was not his to win. And whoever is downvoting all comments in this thread, I see you


Probably voting him best so he feels the love I.e. we don’t want him to leave


Meh should’ve been Virgil


Should have been Nunez with the amount of crossbars he hit


First half maybe, second half he was pretty much awol. There are quite a few I'd have placed higher than Mo this year.


Mmmm idk about this. Maybe cause he started like every match?


Weird way to spell "Virgil Van Dijk" or "Alexis Mac Allister"...


It should have been MacAllister!


Having a fucking laugh?


Hate me up. Darwin or Bradley.


Is this supposed to convince us we don't need to buy a right winger? Because it's not gonna work


Lol is this a fanvote thing? Ie....egyptian army at work? Cuz mo was nowhere near our best player this season. Not even top 3 for me. Would have put VVD top, then probably macca, then maybe Gomez or Elliot. If Mo had performered well this season we would have won more trophies...


Recency bias killing him here. The man tops both goals and assists, and of course contributions, even with the bad last 3 months. He would have had 15 more assists and we would have won the league if Darwin knew how to finish better.


Luis Díaz is my player of the season


What are you smoking because I need that good stuff too


Dude had a great season. Week in week out superb