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You'll have your pre season tours and like it, thanks.


Klopp rolling in his grave. Figuratively


​ https://preview.redd.it/fysgyvyxi55d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6cab808a6206eb77eb27fcf743e55cba80895e


When I read that I thought he was talking about pre-season games and was a bit puzzled since Liverpool did play in NYC in the past. If we're talking about regular season tournaments then ![gif](giphy|3o85xERD1TT5JKCIXS)




Hope that day never comes.


I hate to say it but I think that day will come because greed will decide. And those at the top are greedy, the season ticket holders will get a punitive discount. Only hope is if the STH decide not to renew en masse. Which is a difficult movement to orchestrate.


100% greed will decide because endless growth is an absolute obsession unfortunately. Although it seems that clubs are generally wanting to move away from season tickets anyway (they [discussed it on the Price of Football podcast](https://youtu.be/XiVo_p6pOMQ?si=oakaDUGIyDwDVptr) the other week) so I don't think holders not renewing would have the impact we'd hope. Fans not showing up full stop is the only thing that would have an impact, which would be even more difficult to orchestrate.


100%. The billions are never enough eventually


Well yeah remember the game 39 idea? La Liga has their Super copa in Saudi, Serie A was thinking about the same thing too, it's inevitable it will happen one way or another in England


>Serie A was thinking about the same thing too [They're way past the *"thinking"* stage...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Supercoppa_Italiana)


It will probably come and we’ll have a game halfway around the world mess up the whole schedule so we’d need to play like 20 games in two months


Fuck off you stupid twat


Fuck off Tom


OP has also chosen to leave out this far more important line from John.W.Henry: >Henry eventually responded to my pressing on Liverpool. He made it clear that Werner’s plans for a New York game were “not something that I advocate or am particularly interested in”


Probably doesn’t want to make another apology video


It's more that he's smart enough to know that taking games away from the local fans is something that will never go down well, something he even knew when being involved in the incredibly dumb "Super League".


I don’t know how true that is, you can’t ever rule out self-interest when it comes to an expansion opportunities. But it’s actually nice to read that Henry is not only uninterested in something that the vast majority of powerful football executives are pushing for, but advocates against it. And I guess from our hopeful lens we’d like to think it’s because he’s learned his lesson, which isn’t common among the super duper elite rich.


The thumbnail is of Henry and the quote from Werner. This quote from Henry is better.


Absolutely disgusting take. This man has had ownership of this club for well over a decade now. He should know better.


Its not that they don't *know* the fans wouldn't be happy about this, its that they don't *care*. There is zero connection between our owners and our fans or even the people working in the club. We're literally just part of an investment portfolio to them and that's all we are.


I try not to get into the ownership situation, because it's a very divisive topic, but yeah I've been very much against these owners because of stuff like this. Their mentality is very against the nature of Liverpool Football Club.


This quotes not from the owner lol


Why would he have to know better when every time they show they're unfit owners our own fans shoot down anyone who tries to hold them to account? Anyone who has ever used the term 'fsg out brigade' deserves for this to happen. Hopefully, they won't get what they deserve, because the rest of us don't deserve it.


Pretty embarrassing that he has been involved in football for as long as he has and still can't wrap his head around how fucking stupid an idea that is. Even without the backlash from the fanbase, playing sequential games around the world will wreck the players. It's idiotic and embarrassing to even give voice to. Really expected better.


>playing sequential games around the world will wreck the players. He isn't looking to play sequential games. He wants the games to be more staggered for a round, like the magic rounds in NRL, Super League, etc, where all the teams play back to back, 10 games over the course of 15 hours.


if i read correctly magic round is only being played in queensland. which didn't cross country border. new york, rio, and all the places he mentioned is crossing continents and ocean. the jetlag will wreck the players more so if this happens on multiple rounds in a season.


I was referring to how the round would be scheduled. Game 1 would be 12pm, Game 2 at 1.30pm, Game 3 at 3pm, etc etc. That's the way magic does it, everything runs on back to back to back.


He doesn’t get it and he never will


My god this is daft Pray to god this never happens


Maybe try that with the Red Sox first.


I think they see it with the NFL and want to replicate that expansion of the game. Liverpool doesn’t need that though. They are already well known and supported over the entirety of the globe. The EPL doesn’t need it, its reach spans everywhere already. I am happy to have the opportunity to see a preseason friendly locally and have our games played in our fortress.


Shit yank take


No, don't paint us all with this stupid brush. I'm American, and don't want any EPL games to be played outside of England. It's the ENGLISH premier league, not the international premier league. Werner is an absolute twat.


To be fair, it is a take from a Yank, and a shit one at that.


It's called English Premier League for some reason


Never ever forget who these people are and the shit they've pulled in the past btw. Can't be trusted


100%. They’ve done a lot, *a lot* of good for the club over their tenure but the Super League debacle is legitimately unforgivable, no matter how teary-eyed and conciliatory John Henry’s staged apology was. Their commitment to that anti-sporting project showed where their true priorities lie, and they’re not aligned with the club’s as a sporting entity. Never forget


Not to mention the furloughing of staff during covid, the multiclub model, project big picture, trademarking "allez allez allez", etc. They run the club well from a sporting perspective but their first priority will always be their own financial interests


Worse than Allez, they tried to trademark "Liverpool". 2020 was a highlight of shittery from them.


theyve done a lot of good for their own pockets


They go hand in hand. There isn't a singular owner on the planet who is willing to lose millions a year for no return. Investment in Liverpool benefits the club and the owners, and that is the best that a modern top club can hope for these days, to have an owner who puts into the club properly. Can you name a club whose owners have improved the club and not improved their own balance?


Oh fuck off Tom


![gif](giphy|gqvNszYECpaIo) stop it Tom….stop it.


Just shut up Tom. Liverpool home games are to be played at Anfield. Nowhere else.


Mans never played sport in his life


Shut the fuck up you out of touch billionaire.


Lol “crazy idea” like he’s some kind of creative genius


Fuck off Tom


Fuck off, Tom.


What a prick


You know why must Rich people ruin everything






If he believes that then he should Fuck off out of the club!


American owners are fractionally better than Gulf owners but American owners are deluded trying to bring the mountain to Mohammad. If you're a fan it's because it's being played in England not in a random selection of cities across the planet.


We are seeing much more US hedge funds and VC owning football clubs around Europe Italy is littered with them so is Ligue 1, not to mention those in England you really don't think they're not talking behind closed doors with each other on extending the commercialism of the leagues beyond their own backyards? Gulf owners are eating shit for being "Sportwashers", "Cheats", "monsters" etc....while the Western owners get a free ride


I have always had a visceral dislike of this man. He’s a slimy, conniving cunt.




Not a fan of this at all - because how it screws local fans but also for the increase it would create in high-emission air travel by teams. But Henry doesn't seem keen either: >\[Werner\] acknowledged the idea had at least one significant knot: local fans of clubs who wouldn’t be able to support their teams at their home stadium. “Let’s figure out a way to offer them very cheap travel \[and\] accommodations so that if Liverpool is playing Nottingham Forest, we will support fans coming to New York and make this an attractive thing for the fans as well.” >Werner said it wasn’t that FSG’s executives thought they were smarter than anyone else in exploring such ideas. “It’s a very competitive business,” he said. “I think 20 years ago there was a lot more low-hanging fruit, where a Theo Epstein could find success in an avenue that other people weren’t looking at. But sports is now big business, right? Teams even in the NBA are going for $4bn. I don’t think we have any secret sauce, is what I’m trying to say.” >Henry eventually responded to my pressing on Liverpool. He made it clear that Werner’s plans for a New York game were “not something that I advocate or am particularly interested in”.




Great way to alienate the fan base. Good process lads


There is no fault in having a dream, and as long as it stays that way - no problem. But the very first match to be played over seas is the day that football stops being a sport for the vast majority of people.


Owners in every sport just are completely out of touch with the player and fan experiences. Jesus Christ


What do you think they're smoking over in Boston?




It’s not “yanks” it’s delusional out of touch billionaires


Jog on, Tom!


Shut the fuck up


Why is anyone surprised? FSG have shown us who they are countless times, yet we still get the dickheads defending them to the hilt like they’ve ever done something positive that any other semi competent businessman wouldn’t have done if they owned Liverpool.


Silly American.


FFS the modern game. Get absolutely fucked mate.


"play one game in Tokyo, one game a few hours later in LA, one game in Rio, one game a few hours later in Riyadh..." Is the dude waiting for someone to invent teleportation?


Featuring other teams, clearly lol 


Keep his ideas to himself next time


Fuck me




I get the outrage, but there's been talk of a foreign game for years. This isn't some new FSG thing - Scudamore proposed this in 2008, for example.


And we’ll have the carabao cup on the moon, then sail into Narnia to play Roma in the 2nd leg of the Europa League. Sod off.


I just threw up in my mouth




This is NOT La Liga where they play their stupid super cup games in Saudi Arabia because of money. Everything pertaining to the premier league is played in the country.


Then fucking play FIFA. You can play wherever you want. Whoever you want.


Get him out




Lol that last comment about the fans cracked me up. Yeah sure let's get cheap travel and accommodation to New York for a game, no bother.


Peak delusional billionaire attitude. “How much are accommodations in NYC for fans? $10?”


Even if you could magically make it affordable, imagine the extra environmental harm from 400,000 - 500,000 Premier League fans taking international flights to New York, LA, Tokyo and Rio every week. It’s absolutely mad.


The protests will be loud and numerous...


Tom, are you high?


Get fucked. The day this shit ever happens im done with it.


>“I even have the sort of crazy idea that there would be a day where we play one game in Tokyo, one game a few hours later in Los Angeles, one game a few hours later in Rio, one game a few hours later in Riyadh and make it sort of a day where football, where the Premier League, is celebrated.” I still don't like the idea, but there's a lot of comments in here where the commentor appears to have read the headline here, which doesn't make it clear that he means the league when he says "we", and not the club.


I think what he meant by that was have a PL game, say Villa v United in Tokyo, then Nottingham v Chelsea say in LA, Newcastle v Arsenal in Rio, etc Rather then Liverpool playing 4 times in a day on 4 different continents, when we have already been scheduled two games on two different continents less then 1 full day apart already. Still a stupid idea. I don't see any reason any game should ever be played outside of the UK. No team would want to give up a home game for a start.


Surely that’s obvious what he meant. Did anyone on this entire thread really think he meant Liverpool would be playing 4 times in a single day in 4 different continents haha


There's plenty of comments which seem to suggest people did think he meant that, and OP's title does deliberately cut off in the middle of the quote.


Yeah - I think he is thinking of this similar to how the NFL does a few games in London per season. Teams only have one of those games, but across the league there might be 2 or 3. Not a global league week in week out.


The problem I see with it though is in league football, you play each team twice, home and away. So, you need 20 games abroad in the interests of fairness so to speak. Unless you pay off teams with small stadiums to play a game abroad for more then their match day revenue. I don't see many teams in the league agreeing to this, and that's before the massive fan backlash that would follow.


I agree, I think it’s unfeasible for this to be implemented. The risks are too high for a league with relegation/promotion. The top teams may not want to do it because of how hyper competitive it is at the top, but that is less of a concern than bottom half teams having to deal with this. The NFL doesn’t have that concern, and amongst other reasons, money is what drives them first and foremost.


It's still a shit idea whatever way you mean it. 


Yank here, this is so dumb. Making actual fans miss games because side of time zones, taking away a real decisive champion by moving all over the world. Greed ruins everything and it’s about to finally ruin football. Theyve been close for years and more bs games and times will definitely officially do it


Oh fuck off you yank cunt, keep your grim hands off our sport, go and franchise some McDonald's or something


Our owners are a fucking disgrace


I hate this--one of the distinctive characteristics of sport is place--but Henry is hardly espousing anything new. To take competitive sport elsewhere is what these fuckers always want to do. But I genuinely don't know why they don't just start with the CL final or something, which is much less disruptive. 


Henry is not the one saying this. He said the opposite, actually.


People can't take a few minutes to read the article. Just gobble up the headline and thumbnail and lose their minds


Keep it as a crazy idea. Not going to happen


Notwithstanding this being a bad idea on a sporting level, these guys are just relying that they will have enough money to not be affected by climate change in their lifetimes (if they even acknowledge that climate change is a thing at all)


I mean why would he even publicly say this. It’s asking for a complete rollocking from everyone. Completely delusional and out of touch. He’s been one of our owners for more than 10 years. Should know by this point, how fucking stupid that idea is.


This is why the repeated "oops sorry lols" just aren't acceptable. They will keep trying things and while I love the day to day running thru can't be trusted.


Read: We figured out a way where we can eclipse the match day attendance by playing overseas so we want to do that!


Grandpa had a stupid thought and even said it out loud. Why do baseball owners think every sport needs to have north american element


Is he fucking crazy? Does he know that players are human beings and there is a thing called jet lag?


Nothing like playing in NYC on a baseball field let me tell ya


He’s trying to making like the NFL where they play games internationally to expand the market. Respectfully fuck off.


Tom Werner can get to fuck


The day that happens is the day I lose my love for the sport, in its modern form.


A few hours later???


This almost sounds like it was made as a joke.


His level of delusion is so high.


What you smoking, mate?


What an absolutely stupid take.I'm American, and don't want any EPL games to be played outside of England. It's the ENGLISH premier league, not the international premier league. Werner is a twat


Gotta love people trying to fix the most popular and beloved sport in history.


Another piece of evidence of how disconnected the billionaire owners and millionaire chairmen are from football culture.


Are you serious, is he serious?


What a tone deaf statement.


They’d have an absolute riot on their hands if they tried to make that happen.  Do this greedy fucking bastards just not get it!? 


I live in NYC. Don't do that. Yes, there are a lot of fans here, and a lot would travel, but it's not gonna be an easy sellout of Yankees stadium. Youre trading Anfield, its every weekend attendees, and well trained domestic traveling supporters for thousands of fans who've never needed to cheer louder than quickly deafening a tiny NYC Pub, also a lot of high-price ticket owners who won't do more than clap, and confused, brash cosplaying Yankees fans. The stadium design is gonna be lower energy with worse sightlines. And the players are gonna be jetlagged and distracted, almost inevitably leading to 3 dropped points for no real increase in market penetration. Do that, cost us the title race early, and the backlash will make the Super League fallout feel like a joke.


You're right Tom, that is crazy. You're off your fucking tits.


And that's what FSG stand for.


Tom Werner <-> Tim Werner Missing the goal


I just can’t see it ever being allowed by the fans in this country




Simmer down 😬


I wouldn't mind it if were for a Cup Final. But home matches should ALWAYS be at Anfield. No compromises.


We know a lot of owners want that, they just won't admit it. I don't know why Werner said that, but the idea is not really something new. Even if they'd deny it, they still want it to happen. Just like the Superleague.


Not a bad idea. NHL and NFL plays games in europe. Maby start a season somewhere. Teams go around countrys anyway trough out the season


Get to fuck you cunt.


Brother, ughh


They want to run these players beneath the ground, fuck off.




He should of kept his mouth shut....


How the fuck am I supposed to make the pilgrimage to Anfield if they play PL matches over here??


Reckon you can get the fuck out of my club if that's your attitude mate


What a tool


The fact that no one likes that proposal aside. It’s really weird that a Boston group insist on having their sports team playing in NYC. Wtf is that nonsense.


This is frustrating and deflating. To know a leading management figure has a completely ‘different’ and stupid focus for the club… We’re all here waiting for a streamlined process of getting tickets to Anfield and he’s thinking of having a game on a different continent. So f-ing unaligned…


It’ll never happen


Yes Mr Werner you are crazy!


How can we squeeze more money out of this brand, basically.


FSG out


The problem is American sports have been doing this for a long time and it’s helped the growth of the leagues in other countries. I’m sure the thought process is the same, that hosting 1 match a season in another country would help with growing the league in those countries. That being said, I don’t agree with it. Keep the games where they belong. Do a better job with offseason matches and that’ll do the job. The cost for tickets for US matches this summer were insane, especially considering it’s unlikely to see any of the big names because of rest after Copa and Euros. Paying $100+ to sit in upper level of an NFL stadium to watch Tyler Morton be the best player on the pitch isn’t it.


Am American, how dare you try to take a game away from Anfield. It’s like the CEOs and executives genuinely don’t listen to the people at all. This would be disgusting on so many levels. I hate when the Bills get forced to play over in Europe, I imagine this hatred would be tenfold over there.


Fuck off you fucking cunt. Hope he meets his maker as soon as possible, but these rich fuckers usually outlast the best of us.


Wishing death on someone for his dumb football idea, did you forget your meds?


Fuck that noise in the ear.


As an American red, this is a dumb idea. One of the key parts that makes the club so special is the Anfield noise. Why do you want to take that away? It won't be that loud in New York. Tom, go sit down some place.


“sort of crazy idea” proceeds to give the craziest idea I’ve ever heard about footy. Is this mfer really suggesting PL games overseas and also having back to back games in different countries? Tom mate go get a brain scan this is some crack head on the corner idea.


He's suggesting PL games overseas, and back to back games, but not involving the same teams.


Hell no. Pre season fine but absolutely not any regular matches


Yeah this aint it chief...bros moving like timo


I might be done with this whole thing. Just gets more and more removed from what makes it beautiful every year.


Even as someone who lives in NYC and would 100 percent go. I’d rather just go to Anfield and enjoy whenever international tourneys are hosted in the US. 


Canadian fan here....hell no. Keep the league games where they are. We don't want this. Takes the soul out of football


This isn't the NFL chump...


Fuck off you ghoul


Respectfully, Tom, go fuck yourself.


How many players are we buying this season?


Football is the club’s game. Capitalism is the ownership’s game. There’s always going to be this divide in the vision for the club.


Fuck off.


Tom, there are already football leagues in those countries


Stick to baseball, Werner, you fuckin ball bag.


This is grounds for a full protest and boycott imo. Elite football becoming a fkin joke. As a london based liverpool fan I'm going to be supporting my local non league team a lot more from now on


American here. LFC plays home games at Anfield. Fuck off and die if you disagree.


I don't get it! As in with Star Trek teleporters?




FSG apology video incoming


And I'm determined to get you as far away from this club as possible.


Tell me you haven’t played sports without telling me you haven’t played sports. Piss off Tom. This reminds me how some people think that trans women are should be allowed in female sports, absolutely ridiculous.


Transphobia is a brain rot. "This is irrelevant but I'll just be a horrible nobhead".


I just got over being sick the first day of my family camping trip, and I did not need to see this.




Where are the people yesterday who were downvoting me for saying it was pretty clear that once again FSG are on the wrong side (re: evidence against city) until absolutely forced to do the right thing? Our ownership, while not despicable human rights abusing nations, blow with the wind and will never do anything that isnt calculated for their financial gain. Completely out of touch with the working class values of the club.


Pls no and that's coming from an American He obviously got the idea from the NFL who does it because they are trying to grow the game to make it international. The Prem doesn't really need to do that. It is quite popular here already.


As a U.S. supporter of Liverpool, fuck this man.




Simmer down 😬