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Who still mentions Brewster 🤨




Not to be a dick but the only time he's ever mentioned is in the context of how on earth we got ÂŁ20m for him


Not even his mother


The dude that scored 2 against Mourinho's Man United. He is definitely not forgotten


This is a problem completely invented in your own mind tbh.


well I mean it in the sense that Liverpool don't seem to mention him like they do with other players that had the same relevance as him, hell, Shaqiri was one of the players that got me into Liverpool


You had a very low bar


He had the most memorable preseason goal I ever saw in my 10 years of being an LFC supporter, plus all the power cube jokes/memes. I definitely think of him before Brewster. The only thing I remember about Brewster was him dancing with Lovren in the locker room LOL


Who could forget that cross for wijnaldum's second goal against Barcelona.


Also his look of shock as Trent decides to take a corner quickly.


The guys first goal was an overhead kick against United? Who has forgotten him?


He's one of my all-time favourite liverpool players under Klopp. Guy was a baller.


Hope he’s a cult hero down the line, love him. Helped by the coolest name in the club’s history.


Shaq was great whenever he played... but you have to remember that we had prime Salah, Firmino and Mané in our attack while he was here. Hard to be mentioned next to those giants.


I always felt like he should have played more, not that we needed him too often either how unbelievable those lads were in terms of output and fitness


He was the additional player to a couple insane front threes throughout his career.


Power cube is forever part of the Klopp era. That cross to Gini will never be forgotten. ![gif](giphy|pHMtogPBHC7Cg|downsized)


I don't know what conversations would come up where you'd be talking about Shaqiri at the same time as any of those three. One is one of the best players the club have had this century who left acrimoniously, one was an academy player that fans and the club had high hopes for but didn't make it and was sold for a huge amount of money, the other was a player who played a part in a cup run but wasn't really good enough.  Shaqiri did really well, played a part in the 4-0 against Barca, scored some fantastic goals and got a couple of amazing assists, he just didn't really suit the style of play that well and wasn't quite good enough to change the team around to accommodate him.


I don't. He plays in Chicago in the MLS now so I see him on occasion.


Brewster? This is the first time I've ever seen him mentioned! He's nowhere near Shaq or Minimino and neither of them were nowhere near the quality of Coutinho.


i hear a lot more about shaqiri than brewster. hell this is the first time i’ve heard brewster’s name since probably over 7 months ago or so


There's a cube shaped hole in my heart for the crazy fucker.


Nice try Xherdan……


Who the feck is talking about Brewster? Literally haven't heard his name in years.


He left too early IMO but he was great. I think maybe that's why


I never forget big Shaq. How could I? When fit he was great to watch!


He’s got his part in our history and I think he’s remembered for exactly the size of the role he played. Minamino’s remembered more fondly because people felt sorry for him that he wasn’t given more chances, but he would always deliver in the domestic cups. Brewster’s only remembered for how much we sold him for


We didn't He was kind of unfortunate in that he played a similar position to Salah (RW) and Salah was unbelievably indestructible and on form around the time we signed him. Obviously he had his moments: That Overhead against Red Scum FC among other thundercunts, his assist which lead to the equalizer against Barca, and some more dazzling performances here and there that I cant quite recall specifically. It's unfortunate that we could just never properly fit him into our system in his preferred position of RW (I think he plays differently now) but when we did play him, we were electric. Incredibly underrated, yes, but forgotten? Nope


He had his great moments and the cube jokes were funny, but he wasn’t anything that special for us. Also, I haven’t seen anyone talk much about Minamino? As for Brewster, I see more talk about the what-ifs and praise for Edwards for getting 20mil for him. Coutinho was also miles better and more accomplished than any of the others. 


True that, when it comes to Minamino it's mostly on him never making a huge remark in his career again, but yea I see what you mean


The same Minamino that just had 15 G/A with second placed Monaco?


What are you talking about? Minamino has been huge for Monaco since moving there


I don’t remember a single Brewster game ngl. My only memory of him is that video he got with his barber after the UCL final win


Top player. Very underused. Doesnt get as much love as Taki, but he should.


Yeah and what about N'Gog?