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It’s not worth giving Quansah though so as long as he isn’t apart of the deal, I’m happy.


Agreed. I'd take Gordon, but no way we should let Quansah go. He can be a key member for the next ten years for us


For those who don't know Gordon is a Scouser. Liverpool is his childhood club, he left our academy and moved on to other clubs in the PL. This is his homecoming moment in a sense and I'm all for it.


Not just other clubs in the PL. He left our academy and went across the park to the Ev


And you can't blame him for that. A man has to make a living.


I don’t at all. In fact, I think it’s funny that we lost a kid on a free who may end up costing us 40m+.


It's nothing new. Utd let Pogba go just to buy him back a few years later for 100m+. Plenty of other cases like that


He's a good player. Easily worth 40 mil in today's market IMO


Edwards and co. will never let it happen.




Give Hughes some credit


No way we give him up. I’d be surprised if Gordon ends up at Liverpool purely because the hate he’d get


Would he get that much hate just for having played for Everton? He was in our academy first and was released. Hard to blame him for joining everton when 11 and released from Liverpool. He is the kind of player who is obnoxious to play against, but I can't deny his talent. I also love the idea of buying other top PL sides' best players. It's what the best teams do and a relatively low risk transfer strategy.


He's a massive Liverpool fan, he wont give a single fuck if Everton fans hate him for playing for us lol.


And carragher was an Everton fan growing up


Fowler, McManaman, presumably Owen since his dad played for Everton.


Generally the hate he would get would be from primarily Everton fans and rivals but that’s not too much to bear. An away game at Goodison could get ugly though


Mate you don’t remember Nicky Barmby or Able Xavier, it’s not the first time it’s happened, also he was on our books first, Evertonian’s hate everyone so it’s to be expected


and Peter Beardsley


He fits the Andy Robertson criteria- you love 'em when they play for you, you think they're a bit of a c\* when they're versus you


100%. Mr. Shithouse-with-a-smile with energy for days.


Imagine the shithousery with him AND Robbo down the left flank


Yes. This would be the apotheosis of wind ups and shithousery. I would love it and I think I deserve it.


We all do


Suarez trademark this move a long time ago.


He's a boyhood Liverpool fan? We'd welcome him gladly


true but anyone with half a brain would welcome him, that kid can fly on the wing, he stresses the shit out of most fullbacks


Yeah he doesn't stop then wait for 3 people to close him down inorder for him to show off his dribbly feet.


They already hate him especially after celebrating scoring past the blue shite


Didn’t some of the bitters try and block his car? I bet he would love to fucking dunk on those twats.


Is he that good though? I've never noticed him do that much against us and not seen him in any other game


I think he's the best LW in the league, and he's like 23, and he's a Liverpool fan. Tbh I'll be gutted if we don't get him.


Best LW in the league? Lmao.


Definitely, name one better. Better than Diaz, better than Gakpo, better than Grealish, better than Doku, better than Martinelli, better than Rashford. Us not signing him if we have the chance to sign him is absolute madness.


You just named six players who are all better than him except maybe doku


You can't have watched him and come to that conclusion, I find that so hard to believe. His G/A numbers are better than all those guys, he's more direct than all of them, he's faster and better at going past players than all of them except Doku. He'd be an immediate upgrade on anything we have at LW currently. I bet we sign him and the few of you who clearly massively underrate him will change your tune very quickly. He's a big upgrade on Diaz, a big one.




in all comps it's only 23 to 19.


Yeah no way would I want to lose Díaz for him His stats don't look that much better to be honest if you look at all competitions. Like Díaz he doesn't seem to score enough


why would you be opposed to offloading diaz for a superior player?


How can you say he's superior?


This is going to make Newcastle fans SEEEETHE lmao. Been seeing on twitter and Reddit before their mods deleted the post about how no way would he want to leave them. Inject theirs and Evertonion tears into my veins


I’ve got the bucket!


50 gallon drum will be required and it will be awesome !!!


Bucket of shite to throw at them while they are crying.


It’s pretty funny they seem convinced they don’t have any issues at all right now and definitely don’t have to sell lmao. Why would their tier 1s leak it and say Liverpool are the ones who backed out then


> Been seeing on twitter and Reddit before their mods deleted the post about how no way would he want to leave them. Putting Newcastle aside, as transfer to team like PSG would probably be an upgrade for Gordon - he's a boyhood LFC fan, even if he wants to stay at Newcastle, you'd at least consider his favorite team may be an exception.


Newcastle fan here from r/all a little worried by the interest! But it sounds like the Newcastle brass are quite desperate, we tried to offload a promising youngster in the form of Yankubeh Minteh to Everton for 40 million to balance the books, and they seemed interested, but it seems Gordon is another avenue they are pursuing instead. If you get him you’ll certainly love him though, he really gives it his all and his character seems impeccable, as well as his talent. Although without the trade I’m not sure if they go for it, I think they are possibly thinking they could get money plus a central defender prospect which we need, and then promote Minteh to take Gordon’s place. A lot of pieces here, we’ll see what happens!


“Let’s start with Chelsea because they are always busy in the transfer market”. Ain’t that the truth. I’m sure it all makes a little more sense if you follow the club, but from an outside perspective…. What on fucking planet earth is going on over there?


It doesnt to Chelsea fans either. They seem absolutely lost at the Dewsbury-Hall move


Even multiple Chelsea reporters are confused as to why they are moving for him, no one in their fanbase seems to understand why that move is happening.


Apparently they still want to screw around with Brighton's plans. They can't help themselves


They think this is the real competition, and actually winning is secondary


Fifa ultimate team addicts


Legit, their fans are all over talking shit during the summer but fade away when they actually play.


It’s money laundering for hedge funds


The womens game has it to, they’re after every cunt it’s actually bizarre


“Let’s start with Chelsea because they feed my family….”


"Let's start with chelsea because it's the only club I care about"


He's since said the price needs to come down or no deal. I think that's where this one runs its course.


Gordon going to LFC was not on my Euro 24 bingo card tbh.


Gordon's (deal) alive!




*What's wrong, Captain?* *I'm a Shakespearean actor and I'm talking to the ambassador of the fucking worm people!*


Dead now Brighton just got minteh which should enough to get Newcastle out of trouble


I've a feeling we will either have a here we go tomorrow or we don't go ahead with the deal if not tomorrow


Bascombe has already put this one to bed.


Nothing he said in his article completely put it to bed.


"Turned down the chance" and "not come back with another offer" kinda does.


You're leaving a crucial piece out of the "turned down the chance" bit, which is that Newcastle wanted Quansah in exchange. He also said a more attractive proposal might have extended negotiations given that they rate Gordon (although it would have created an overload in wide areas) and that our recruitment team likes him. I don't think it's likely to happen, but he definitely didn't fully shoot down the idea.


I thought I hated him too. I highly recommend watching his conversation with Neville on the overlap, he is incredibly mature and very intelligent for his age. I saw this months ago and it changed my opinion on him then, before the links with us.


That doesn't change the fact he acts like an absolute rat on the pitch, constantly diving around and acting up. He also has one of the most punchable faces in the league which doesn't help his case. I'd support him if he comes here, but as it stands I can't stand the kid. Reminds me way too much of Bruno for United. By all accounts also a great lad off the pitch but he's the biggest wanker in the league for crying and bitching on the pitch.


Absolutely hate playing against him, wanted him on our side for a good while now


Most exciting LW in the league right now


Could you tell Southgate that mate


Where would Tripper play then?


Gareth doesn't care for what you call "offensive football" okay? Gordon enjoys pushing forward and taking chances, he's a MADMAN!!!!!!!


Southgate is a lost cause....




Never admitted to anyone that’s he’s a quality player because of how big a rat he is lol. If he joins us then he’s our rat and I’m embracing it


He is a bit like Suarez and Diego costa, you always hate them when in opposition but love when in your team, proper shithouser this lad , will support Robbo down the left both in attack and shithousery.


Hate everyone else's shithouses. Love our shithouses.




Robbo + Gordon on the left. Sheeeiiit...They'd have to keep swapping in FBs.


Great English player not utilized by Southgate? He'll fit right in


Do I want Gordon? Yes. Do I want Quansah part of this deal? No.


If they sign him, they must have a deal for Diaz lined up already. No way does the team need so many LW players.


When is the last time Liverpool brought in a starting 11 type premier League player from the pl?


Last year with Mac?


Ohh yeah.. !!


Mac Allister, Van Dijk, Robertson, Wijnaldum, Mane, Jota, Milner?


Exactly, all by Klopp. Slot has brought in zero, get him out!


It has happened, but your point is a good one--it doesn't happen enough. It's what Fergie always did so effectively at United, and is one way to really lower risk of transfers. I love to see it, even if I hated Gordon until today ha




My favourite dog gif


Who is leaking all of this and why?


Newcastle to their local journos probably because if they don’t get a deal done they’ll be sanctioned.


As good as Gordon is, you’re not taking quansah


I don't get this deal. We really don't need another LW, Gakpo Diaz and Jota all can play off it and are arguably better and Nunez can also play the leftside. No point getting one, let alone at the expense of a much needed CB


We already have many LW. unless Diaz leaves I don't see the need here.


I could see us selling Diaz this summer with how much his dad makes it seem like he doesn’t want to be here.


Well we need a wide forward who wants to be on the wing and who wants to press. All of our forwards drift central and occupy the same space.


True, but to his credit, Diaz will press a mfer. He does work hard. The attacking end-product, final-pass is another story -which is unfortunate since when he joined he was serving up assists and dropping in crazy headed goals.


i would pay a good chunk of money for gordon but i don’t think i’d swap any of our players for him


I mean... The kid is a scouser. Ofc he love to play for Liverpool. Especially as he burned bridges with Everton already.


He would be a sensational signing if he joins.


I'd rather have Isak


To many players on one position, don't know, maybe someone's leaving? can he play RW? Feels weird considering Olise was available for 60m too for a position in more need.


I don't like Gordon.


I don't like Gordon. I *love* Gordon.


Yah for me he has been one of the most unlikeable players of PL. He has that weird cunt aura. But he is GOOD can't deny that.


He is good, but I recall a few dives and general cunthousery. Basically, I agree with you!


What’s not to like?




Because Darwin is such a topmodel.. 🙄🙄 As long as he does the job who cares about looks.


Personally I don’t think he’s very good Edit: A lot of ex-post rationalization going on. The locals have the blinders on. He’s an incredibly mid player.


What is Diaz then? Because he's much better than Diaz


He’s not though is he


Well, yes he his if you’re wanting to compare stats


Idk seems like an asshole on the pitch... But as football player he's pretty good.


same. unless he cleans up his act abit if he wears the liverpool shirt


Don't like playing against him.


Just curious at how much??? Like 40mil for home grown player is super solid price imo. If its pushing 60mil onwards and we should avoid at all cost.


60 mil for a player like Gordon in the current market is a great price.


True.. homegrown and probably will stay for a long time since he is a lfc fan


Newcastle paid 45mil for him, why would they sell him for 40 while him being their player of the season.


Because they need to compile with psr within the time frame? But 40 mil was just a random figure


I'm conflicted. I never liked him when he played for Everton and Newcastle.... how can I change ...


I don’t like his attitude. He’s a whiny bugger and dear lord we don’t need another LW unless both Cody and Lucho leave.


So are we done with this or still interested?


When stuff leaks under Edward’s it usually means he’s ok with leaking it


He dives too much for me, does this mean Diaz or Nunez leaves


Hmm. I remember Sterling's weaksauce namby-pamby dives in the box. Let's not forget Salah's dives also in the past. Szobosz' won us a penalty last season too. Just sayin'.


Yeah and I hated when they dived too


does he not play on the left? We have gakpo and diaz on the left and I doubt we need another of similar if not worse quality. I feel we should be looking for a right winger to take some games off salah. He’s been injury prone recently and less games might be the best way to utilize him.


Are you being serious when you say Gordon isn’t as good as Diaz or gakpo?


yes. I do not see the hype with gordon. Maybe Im just biased but honestly just feel like he’s only kind of decent.


Wonder if we start hearing more leaks with Klopp gone


So are we just going to get teased with this every 3-4 hours for the next couple of days?


this is the way


Probably not anymore they sold someone today so I think they don’t have to sell Gordon now


Brighton just got minteh Gordon deal likely off now


Not happening. Newcastle are shipping Minteh away to Brighton so they won’t need to sell Gordon.


If they sell it hast to be for FFP


Man I really hope not. Don't need a whining diver like that on our team




There's no bloody way in hell it makes sense to lose Quansah. As much as I disliked when we played against Gordon, that little shit, he was decent on the wing and willing to drive to goal instead of faffing up with the ball for highlight reels.


He ll have to stop his diving and acting if he joins Liverpool


derbies gonna go even more hostile w this lol, not even sure how to feel abt this


Can we take Isak instead? lol.


Last I saw he was offered for 75mil. Not sure I'd take that, we'd probably barely make that selling Diaz who's already integrated in the team and arguably a better player. I'd bite for 45m. And def not exchanging Quansah. We're not the ones who are desperate here


Chess-playing footballer. I am in


we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes. For all we know Diaz has said he wants to leave. I can’t see us even talking to Gordon if that isn’t the case so will just have to wait and see. Cannot give up Quansah though. Hopefully he doesn’t want to go.


11 goals and 10 assists in a weaker Newcastle side. Is he as silky as Diaz? Nope. Is his output better? Yup.


Not sure if he's better than Diaz


His numbers are terrific and he’s 4 years younger. I think he has a better end product.


- Better end product - Incredible defensive numbers - Younger - Homegrown - Boyhood red He's a clear upgrade on Lucho


That's uncharitable, Lucho presses well, has better dribbling, his ball carrying stats are way higher and has more chances created per90. He is unclinical compared to Gordon, I'll give you that. Just don't see this happening with Gakpo, Jota, Diaz and Nuñez all capable left wingers.


Yeah got a lot of left wingers. Main priority should be centre back/left back and dm


Jota = slotta but still injury-prone Diaz = solid presser but wastes time dribbling and less time on crucial passes or scoring.


Feels like I'm alone in thinking there's only like 0.1% chance of this happening. He'd cost like 70-80m plus surely. Newcastle aren't going to sell him for anything not substantially more than they paid. They'd take a points deduction rather than sell him for 50m I reckon. The fans would openly revolt. I think its more more likely they try some shady shit with Anderson like the blueshite did with Dobbin. Genuinely sick of this sub reddit just down voting comments they don't want to hear without giving a rationale argument back.


Considering Eze and Olise are looking like £60M moves, £70M for Gordon isn't unfeasible. I'm not the biggest Gordon fan, I must admit, but it seems decent business for both us and Newcastle at that price.


Way too many journalists reporting on this for there to be no fire to the smoke


Newcastle offered him, we didn’t bid (but are interested). Can’t see them demanding an extortionate fee if the player wants the move, they need the FFP wiggle room, they can make a good profit on him after 18 months and they were the ones wanting the switch. If they were going for a swap with Quansah, i don’t see how they’d go so high. Not sure of its likelihood, we need a player out if we get Gordon and they’ve got enough deals going on that they should avoid FFP issues without selling him. But id say the chances are much higher than .1%


They bought him for 45m though. To make a decent profit that would need to be what? 60m plus minimum. I think if they sold him for 60m the fans would be really really annoyed


£40m plus £5m, assuming they didn’t hit any triggers (but even if they did it’s hardly a big difference). I can’t see an exact length but assuming 4.5 years that’s £10m a year wrote off. So £60m would bank Newcastle £30m profit on the books. That’s big profit considering the amortisation. If they wanted a player swap to get round FFP, were Newcastle going to accept a £80m bid but offer £60m for Quansah? Even if it was £50m, that’s a big offer but we wouldn’t value Gordon as more than £30m more valuable than Quansah, we’d happily keep him and grow his value. £60m for Gordon, £30m for Quansah seems more reasonable. That would be the profit from Gordon put in to Quansah and then Amortised so they’d be able to spend again.


They definitely wouldn’t take a point deduction over 50 mill, what a stupid comment….


What? They probably value him at 80 if not 100m. I'm pretty sure they'd take a 3-6 point deduction rather than lose what they'd see as about 50m


No one in their right mind rated him anywhere near 100 mill…. Right now Newcastle need to build their revenue so that they can flex their financial muscles, unless they consistently make Europe that will not happen, they cannot afford to lose even a single point


If Newcastle weren't in PSR shit and someone enquired about Gordon I've no doubt they'd say not for sale unless you bid something stupid (ie 100m ballpark) I think they will weigh up how much money they would potentially lose by selling him for half what they ordinarily would vs a 3-6 point deduction and pick the point deduction. The only way this deal works in my opinion is if we go above 70/80m quid. We're not getting him cheap.


Maybe as low as 60 but I agree they wouldn’t want to let him go much cheaper. Definitely not keeping him in place of losing points though mate. But ultimately he’s one player and they have lots, they could easily make 100 mills selling 3/4 lesser players.


Would much rather have Isak. If he was leading the line getting chances Nunez has he’d have the golden boot locked up.


definitely not with his injury record, its filled with non-contact muscle and ligament injuries.


I don’t understand how he can sign by end of June if he’s with England. How can he do the medical?


Likely just fly back to England for 24 hours. Foden managed to fly out to see his baby being born then just rejoined the squad.


They apparently planned to do a medical in Leipzig.


Maybe times have changed but I feel like an ex-Everton player being signed would always be a no no. What's different here?


He's a Liverpool fan and he wouldn't be signing directly from Everton.


It still feels like bugs under the skin.


He was in Liverpool academy until he got released while being 10 or 11. I mean, in that age his parents could accept Everton offer or decline and sign for Tranmere in much weaker academy and worse conditions to develop.


Dont care.


We have directly sold players to each other in the past.


The biggest example I can think of is us selling Beardsley to Everton for mega money. Back then we were rivals for all the titles too. This would be tame by comparison. Michael Owen wasn't a direct sale to Man Utd but that was way worse.


They lost their heads when we took Barmby off them.


True actually forgot about that one.


Xavier & Barmby were signed from Everton


They don’t usually have any good players


We bought Xavier and Barmby directly from Everton in the 00's. And Barnsley went the other way in the 90's.