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**CLIP MIRROR: [Silvervale and vei left vshojo](https://arazu.io/t3_12zbhxi/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


ok cool


my honest reaction to this information


It just feels like nothing change since they always felt like indies to me


man this is so out no where i feel. vei barely streams as it is so it's not like the org is pushing her to stream when she doesn't want to or something. so why leave? edit: [vei gave more context](https://twitter.com/Veibae/status/1651324239281094656) looks like vshojo's contract wasn't up to "industry standards" as implied by the lawyer tweet or it was up to standards, but the incentive still wasn't worth it for vei.


She still has to join collabs and meetings. Contracts are signed for longer period of time, so if she plans to stop streaming in near future then there is no point staying.


ah true i didn't look at it from the perspective of not streaming at all anymore. good point.


why would she? she has a rich twink to take care of her now, and that means she dosnt have to appease the weirdos in chat for money.




she doesn't care about the money or streaming, she needs to dedicate more time to being able to physically dominate chance so she can peg him finally. Streaming takes away training time


Why don't Soda stop streaming?


mental illness


Damn she moved in with Soda and really said "I'm set for life, peace."


either that she joins OTK. Maybe orgs (and esports orgs) should look into the vtuber stuff, and start singing vtubers


She's said many times she isn't interested in joining OTK.


Its not likely shes going to stop. But its entirely possible that she quit Vshojo to open the door for dropping the vtuber persona and joining chance in OTK. Vei's already said that she and silver are going to remain Independent but for how long that'll last, is anyones guess. Im not parasocial, nor lore master enough to know if Silver and vei's relationship is like sugar mommy or not but if anything, breaking off from Vshojo is probably a financially painful move for silver.


Even if she didn't join OTK it's gotta just be hard in general not showing up on cam at Soda's apartment. Not even necessarily literally hard, but I imagine it's boring as fuck seeing people over all the time and not being able to join in the fun, or even just pop onto your significant other's stream, all because you're worried about your vtuber persona stuff.


Vei's said in the recent past that shes open to the idea of "accidently" exposing herself irl. So the persona will stay, but the real vei will probably start appearings oon


There is probably a deeply ingrained industry 'taboo' imported from Japan that says a Vtuber can't expose themselves IRL without destroying their career; but I find it hard to imagine that Vei hasn't been influenced by Kson at least a little bit. Somehow Kson has created two completely independent streaming personas for herself: a pure vtuber channel and an IRL streaming channel. And she seems to do just fine with it. Literally none of her fans care that she 'breaks character' to stream IRL.


The better question is why stay? Vei joined mythic recently so she's covered as far as getting sponsorship deals goes. What benefit does the org really have for her anymore?


VShojo mostly took care of tech support and merch sales. I guess she could get both elsewhere. Also, VShojo has a really good relationship with Twitch, which has come in handy on multiple occasions.


It could be that she plans to get merch support through OTK. Rob (Roflgator) was talking recently about how OTK is planning to help him set up his own merch store through the OTK website even though he's just a friend of Chance and not even an official member. They're even helping him find artists and manufacturers to produce the items. Vei, being Chance's girlfriend, could very easily take a similar kind of deal and just sell merch entirely through OTK as some sort of affiliate. And as far as tech support goes, I suppose that one you cross a certain threshold of streaming fame, you can probably attract some pretty good independent tech guys with just your own reputation. Vei may just hire someone herself if she needs tech help, or again just use Chance and OTK resources.


Probably nothing contacts in mythic can't cover. People kind of ask the same question with Ironmouse and Vshojo, shes long outgrown her childhood shoes so to speak, but most people assume Mousey stays with Vshojo out of a sort of Loyalty to her first home, the people who first gave her a chance (and quite literally) gave (giving?) her life back.


just a guess but she probably just doesn't want the extra responsibilities of having to show up to organised collabs/events/meetings.


I really feel like, if you're a large indie vtuber you really don't need to be under a corporate banner to facilitate your success. Yes they can deal with merch and sponsorships but you can also do that yourself. I think all joining VShojo does is give added obligations and the pressure of maintaining the brand for the supposedly millions that were invested into VShojo. If youre a small indie that wants to get big I think you would be better off joining Holo or Niji, or even "small corps" like Phase Connect or EIEN. They have the ability to help you reach your potential as well as building your brand for when you eventually graduate from the company. I'd imagine that it wasn't difficult to leave when really putting into perspective what they can actually provide for them. Nazuna is graduating next.


You don't, but its always helpful/nice to have an orginization take the heat and fix things up for you if you fuck up, or basically work behind the scenes on your behalf to set up partnerships. Being Independent is a lot of work if you are big. You have to put feelers out and Negotiate with Corporate chimps all on your lonesome. Being big and being part of Vshojo just meant you didn't personally have to deal with it.


Pretty cool of Vshojo to let them retain their IP.




Tell that to phase connect that just booted yuri who was an indie before. Not able to retain IP or anything




oh i see


I’m just absolutely shocked that Phase Connect continues to be shit inside and out, I mean who could’ve possibly foreseen that?


She signed her IP away and was 'booted' due to repeated breaches of contract, allegedly funneling donations to a personal account, bypassing Phase Connect's cut. I don't see why she's particularly deserving of sympathy, even ignoring the alleged details. She chose to sign a contract and then she broke it, repeatedly.




Yeah, no big streamers is gonna sign their IP away if they already established themselves like the Vshojo members. That's just insane. Not worth joining a company to have your already successful IP taken away from your hand.




Everyone around vshojo already claimed that talents didn't sign away their IP when joining and that any of them could theoricaly leave with their IP. Talents leaving them had not happened before, so it's just confirming it is indeed true.




> The members have pretty much full control of all of their IP and content They don't though. Vshojo management blocked Nazuna from playing the Hogwarts game because they were afraid of controversy, even though Nazuna wanted to play it and absolutely no JP person cares about JK Rowling. Even Holos were allowed to play it and Cover is ridiculously allergic to controversy.


To be fair, have you seen the reaction towards Silvervale? The eyes are on the Vshojo vtubers, not on the JP Vtubers. They would've shit on Nazuna. Also, I don't know if Nazuna could actually handle those attacks. Knowing her past, she's a bit vulnerable to harassment in comparison to other Vtubers. If they made Silvervale cry, it would definitely be worse for Nazuna.




LTG before he went soft sadge


didnt pikamee retire because of hogwarts lmao


She was already planning retirement but that whole thing only sped it up




don’t believe outrage merchants


That was probably a miss interpretation of the situation. They probably advised she shouldn’t play it to avoid the controversy. If they were in the business of blocking the talent of doing things, they wouldn’t “allow” talent from using emulators and doing other things on stream as the actual vtuber companies do.


She later clarified that's exactly what happened. She decided to not play it because of the situation surrounding it after the staff warned her about it. But before that she simply tweeted "manager said HP is NG" so "she is forbidden from playing it" is the prevailing narrative.


As far as we're aware that's been one of the first (and maybe only) times Vshojo has done something like that and while I don't agree with it I can kind of see why they did it. The whole debacle surrounding that game was just insane, the lengths people were going to to attack the people playing it was awful, Silver herself was doxxed and threatened. I can see why they would want to avoid all that shit for another member. Obviously Nazuna is from Japan and her audience there could care less about any of it but let's not forget that Vshojo is mainly known as an English agency and those insane people would have easily found and attacked Nazuna.


They advised her not to bc of the hate mob that would surely form and them (rightfully if you look at her past) assuming she wouldn’t take the hate well Also she does have a well portioned Western audience too If she really wanted to she could’ve


I can't see why anyone would ever join an org if they had to sign their IP away in the process....


Record labels have been doing this for many many years, when you are smaller the idea of a bigger company putting you out there with other more popular names is great at first. It's a very predatory system that's been used forever sadly.


Industry rule #4080


In the vtubing scene it's the orgs that creates the IPs though, usually talents don't sign as their previous identities and the org has to create a whole new IP for them. That's the main difference with the rest of the entertainment industry. Vshojo is the outlier in signing people as the IP they already have.


>Record labels have been doing this for many many years Not saying record labels aren't predatory, but since when have record labels forced you to sign away your stage name and persona? It's a completely different thing. When Taylor Swift left her label she didn't have to change her stage name from Taylor Swift and pretend she was a different person.


Prince couldn’t use the name “prince” so he called himself the artist for a while.


most other vtuber orgs usually don't sign existing vtubers, they usually sign someone and then create a vtuber personality together with that new member. Vshojo is the only one I think that's entirely made of vtubers that existed independently before joining.


Small correction, but orgs have the vtuber designs and a basic idea for the personality they are looking for already decided before holding the auditions. Because of this there have been designs they had to throw away.


Orgs like Hololive create the IP when the Vtuber joins. They don't sign an existing "entity."






missing suisex everyday bros


If you're not stupid you're signing onto an org that will give you a massive boost in viewership and income. For hololive for instance you might go from doing it as a hobby to making 6-7 figures a year. Vshojo is not a typical org because they don't actually do anything substantial for talents and all of the talents were already big figures prior to joining - it's not that they're being nice to their talents, the talents would simply have no reason to join if not for the ability to retain the IP.


They got Prince to sign away his name. Dave Chappelle didn't own his own show. Taylor Swift has to re record all of her music again. It happens all the time. They sign people that are young and hold no negotiating power.


It just happened a couple days ago, a member of the western vtuber group Phase Connect, who had joined with her own IP, was terminated by the company, deleting the character in the process


Sounds like reason for a.. DEBUT STREAM! I swear to god, the only time I see vtubers hit my feed is when they do yet another debut of some minor change to their avatar.


For the org benefits perhaps, but Vshojo is the only "org" that recruits people with previous IPs anyway. Almost every other org just signs the talent and creates the IP in the vtuber model that the talent will take.


>stay a small shitter making pennies on the dollar grinding for decades >sign big contract getting fat stacks at once for selling your soul but get access to model pussy in exchange. not a hard one, scummy but still not a hard trade off


Except in Vshojo case, most of them are already big names before joining Vshojo. They wouldn't join if they have to sign away their IP. Vshojo only accept successful big names so they are guaranteed success right away without having to help build their audience, in return they also don't have to give away their IP. In short they provide less than the typical vtuber companies, but they also take less than the typical vtuber companies.


Because in some industries the orgs have you over a barrel.


The Vshojo members own their IPs, so they can’t really do anything about that even if they wanted to.


TheGunrun always seems like a solid dude


what is IP?


Intellectual property








https://clips.twitch.tv/PreciousOriginalFlamingoRickroll-hGW3B7mbkFwZSUnj EDIT: Silver deleted the vod, here's a reup https://files.catbox.moe/huf3xd.mp4 🍵


So weird. I hadn't talked to an old friend in like 2 years and he ended up inviting me to his wedding. I had a blast and he's still the same friend I'd drive 3h in the middle of the night for if he needed me to. Sometimes life happens and you can't talk too much or hangout but real friendships are stronger than that


Some friendships are cemented, I have friends I know since I was 11 (27 Now), if I meet any of them now, even after not seing them for years it feels the same as in the past. This doesn´t mean that every friendship works that way. There is nothing weird about a friendship that wasn´t strong to begin with to shatter with time. Maybe you guys believe Ironmouse and Silver were bff´s, childhood friends.


people with normal relationships understand this. i've found most of the time when people see they are being ignored because they aren't being reached out to everytime are having issues of their own that they need to work through. i have friends i haven't talked to in years but i know that i'd do whatever i needed to to help them if they reached out for help. anytime i do talk to them it feels like there was no time inbetween.


This was just weird and unnecessary. Friendship is a two way street, you gotta reach out to the other person as much as they need to reach out to you. I don't know if she's trying to imply Mouse has ghosted her but that seems very unlikely seeing as Mouse defended her during the Hogwarts Legacy drama (and was one of the few to do so) and mentioned she sent New Years'/Christmas postcards to all the girls, and recently also got them all gremolin models to match...


Something definitely happened last year. vShojo was doing all these collabs with the entire group and then they just stopped. Silvervale was clearly on the outside and isolated from the rest of the group. You basically never see her collabing with the other girls except during big events.


Neither of those things are signs of friendship, they are things friends can do, but also people you barely know. Every other drama on lsf gets most streamers commenting on it, sometimes they'll defend friends and sometimes they'll defend people they've never spoken to, you don't have to be a friend to defend someone over drama. Same with xmas cards, some department at work sent everyone a xmas card at some places I worked, doesn't make us friends. Not reaching out or talking for 7 months doesn't really indicate friendship.


My point was not saying those things were a sign of friendship, they are signs of someone who isn't trying to ghost the other, which is what Silver is possibly implying. They clearly haven't been talking much lately and it's something Silver maybe should have addressed with Mouse herself if she wanted to, and not just aired that out in public knowing people would take her words and make their own stories. Like I said, friendship is a two way street, she's saying Mouse hasn't talked to her in months but has she tried talking to her too? This all just felt very unnecessary tbh.


I mean you'd forget that silver was even in vshojo because she barely had anything to do with them anymore. Same with vei until she recently played with nyan again


I mean, to be fair in past years Vshojo people rarely ever actually interacted with people from Vshojo outside of twitter. people from Vshojo collab more with Independent vtubers and talk a bunch of shit for hours then they do actually Interact with other people in the company (Melody) Out of all the people in Vshojo the only people i actually knew about for years was Melody, Zen (had to be introduced then she ended up eating my twitter feed), Vei Edit: actually scratch that. I was vaguely aware of Silver, but mostly because her community has a fuckton of coomers in it and people on discord kept spamming Silverblankiesdance emote and that was a based emote. I didn't know shit about silver herself, just that her community seemed to be coomers like melodies community. And that was about it. Everyone else I only found out about because of Drama involving them and they had been in Vshojo for a long time. To say its *just* silver is a bit Disingenuous, because most of the people in Vshojo really don't interact with one another at all outside of collaborations or cooming over artwork for hololive EN.


If you have a problem with someone then there may be no way to work it out. They work on the same platform, hang out with all the same people, and are even in the same tight-knit organization. For them to go 7 months without meaningful communication means there is a problem and they are no longer on friendly terms. Which she heavily implied in the clip. Silvervale isn't stupid either. If there was a possibility of working it out she would not say anything publicly. Which she hadn't until finally being released from vShojo. There is no longer a reason to keep it under wraps so she is just speaking her mind. This was completely professional. She didn't say anything bad about Ironmouse, just they haven't spoken in many months and implied they are no longer friends.




>Not reaching out or talking for 7 months doesn't really indicate friendship. Read it again, not indicating friendship is not the same as saying they aren't friends because they haven't talked for that long. Lots of people have distant friends they only talk to rarely. But considering they are in an org with a limited number of people and work in the same effective job and collab constantly with other vtubers, it's weird if they didn't talk for 7 months. Either way not talking as said doesn't point towards a friendship. Like imagine if Miz and Nick didn't talk for 7 months despite the situation they are in, it would indicate almost going out of their way to not talk to each other rather than friendship.




I'm not sure what the point is? I didn't say anything about them having to interact or not being free so I honestly don't see the relevance.


im sure you know much better than her.


Friendship is a mutual effort, also Mouse invited Silver to her birthday concert so clearly what she said here isn't even true. And she shouldn't be reading out stuff like that and giving drama fueling answers FeelsWierdMan




I had to take a quick look at 4chan /vt/ after seeing this thread because I figured this would be all over that board, and sure enough it is. They are eating good right now lol.




Silvervale comes off to me as aloof to the power she has and the extent some fans of hers will harass others on “her behalf.” Not a damming thing, but she should be more aware for the sake of a healthy relationship with her community and other vtubers. This did, however, seem intentional stoking of the fire, esp bc of how she worded stuff and the tone she used. As someone else said, she came of as snarky, like she wanted ppl to read into her words. You could clearly tell she was upset, and at least to me, she also seemed to be trying to make ppl read into things more than they should. Again, maybe she doesn’t realize how ppl will react to how she’s acting, but she does seem to want ppl to know she’s upset more than anything else


Yeah, it started a flash fire.


If you're carrying some kind of resentment towards a friend because you feel ignored you should probably reach out and communicate that **directly**, not fucking shit stir in public covertly indicting someone you clearly **wish** was more in contact with you. If you feel this way in your personal life it is something you have the power to address. What a juvenile way to react to feeling ignored.


Thats the thing though, we don't know if she actually had tried to personally reach out. And even if thats not the case, in those 7 months its very easy to whine to your manager to whine to Mouseys manager (assuming they aren't the same person) that you wanna talk and they'll be sort of compelled to talk to you. Although it'll be more business then Casual. Im not saying Silver isn't intentionally stirring shit, she probably is. But not to be Malicious, if it was random nobodies not working for the same company, she'd definitely be stirring drama for drama's sake. But Silver and Mousey work for the same company. And Mousey is more or less permanently bound to her home, so something definitely isn't lining up because even though their Vtubing job is *sort* of demanding on their time, both parties have a stupid amount of free time. Silver probably is the type of chick that hates being ignored by people who very clearly have the time to at least half ass a reply. Now that they aren't part of Vshojo she feels safe enough to call out Mousey since if she did that as a part of Vshojo she would get her ass beaten so hard internally and externally it'd make your head spin.


fucking shit stirrer she is


Dunno if we'll get context but damn, the snark in her tone


She seems so wack honestly


That's fucking weird from Silver


I would get why she would feel that way but I just do not get what possesses a streamer to talk about that publicly during the stream, knowing there will be clippers, instead of reaching out to mouse about it or even just venting to a friend off-stream if she wants to get that thought off her chest. I feel like as a public person yourself you should know there's a responsibility you carry for the reaction caused by stating this publicly


> I would get why she would feel that way but I just do not get what possesses a streamer to talk about that publicly during the stream, knowing there will be clippers, instead of reaching out to mouse about it or even just venting to a friend off-stream if she wants to get that thought off her chest. Simple. Immaturity.


Mouse has admitted to having major anxiety when it comes to reaching out to people including good friends and even has that "it's too late to reach out now" feeling after a week or so. Outside of Connor and maybe Nyanners, this probably applies to everyone. She's also extremely busy with a chunk of her day being dedicated to rest and being zooted from medication. This is just needless shit-stirring on Silver's part.


Any tldr? Link is gone




What happened?


Lol she's such a shit stirrer. Super unnecessary






I've seen her on both Nyan's and Aethel's streams A LOT over at least the past year, fym?


The comments under this are making me feel all fuzzy inside


i had cookies and milk tea for breakfast


Dan bro, I just had a coffee…


Dude, stop bothering Daniel.




The politics that go into what these people do is absolutely fascinating. I truly wonder what these people are like when the cameras turn off.


"lmfao i cant believe all these people just give me money for a moving png and pretending to be horny, now i can go be actually horny with my bf"


I dont know shit about streaming let alone vtubing. I was subscribed to this sub because i thought i would see some weird happenings during livestreams and not drama. But once in a while i still give a click if the title is enticing enough even tho i dont know who these people are. But from my time here as an innocent bystander i think all here are chronically online who lost touch with the real world, people who think they are way more relevant than they are, and in the case of vtubers what especially caught my eye is they behave like children, down to the tantrums and whining about arbitrary garbage. So i guess just like 90% of streamers VTubers are probably also inssuferable when the cameras turn off.


> whining about arbitrary garbage. So sort of like what you're doing right now






And ofc the otk sub said the same thing would happen to Austin with him then joining misfits hours later. It’s best to not trust this sub, only offers a limited reflection of what twitch actually is


They just think literally every collab = OTK soon. They've said every name that has been on mizkif's stream.


>read less 4chan Is there a huge 4chan push for streamers to join OTK that I am not aware of?


The vtuber board is one of the biggest boards on 4chan, and it's one of the most active english communities to discuss vtubers in general. You pretty much can't be an english speaking vtuber and completely ignore it. They also like to spread narratives and gossip, that's why she said that


it's one of the trashiest gossip boards on the internet, puts lsf to shame genuinely. i come here to detox from that place


oh i was wondering why 4chan was mentioned, that makes a lot more sense


It's also worth noting that /vt/ absolutely hates Vshojo and Vei, for the most part. Vei going to OTK is something that would confirm one of their "narratives" about her.


OTK is all about making IRL content collabs together, no shot they will ever bring a vtuber in unless that vtuber is public facing about their identity


Idk Asmongold tries to avoid collabs. /s They also do game shows online so they could make that side of things work.


Was gonna say the same thing xd An anonymous vtuber and asmongold would have the same attendance rate to those events (not to mention there’s plenty vtubers that have their face publicly known willingly


Soda's said on stream that they've discussed the possibility of her accidentally face-revealing with them living together, and Vei was cool with it. So my guess is she's milking the vtuber angle for a long as possible but is preparing for potentially becoming an IRL persona as well.


Vei was a streamer before she was a vtuber, her face is already known. She's posted it to twitter before also


Any sauce to go with that? minus the twitter pic


What kind of source do you want? Heres her advertising playing Monster Hunter on her original twitch https://twitter.com/Veibae/status/1215345922676264961


golden veibae bdo streams


Think she did an IRL stream with Zoil a couple times too Edit: Getting downvoted so maybe I'm wrong but I found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/pdas4r/vadikus_gets_sniped_by_the_kgb/)




the game shows probably


is your name ironic? Soda is literally hosting live drunk gaming tournaments, soda was part of the OTK games show, soda did the live OTK shareholders... There is so much where they are live together in the same space, with half a dozen things already planned for the next few months




wild you got downvoted when ur right thats literally 90% of there content lmao


Are those even considered "OTK" content? It's just a normal Miz and Nick stream while collabing with people that aren't even OTK sometimes. Didn't they just do like 3 irl events other than that during the past month?




Korea trip? Esfand tech events ? Rodeo colab? Joker emiru stream? Nice poseidon colabs? Cyr/exem stream?


Gameshows, IRL content streams, produced videos for their YT, gameday along with any collabs they do together is usually involving cams Your acting like they do nothing when they do lots - even merch/sponsorship photo shoots


> Gameshows Vtubers have been on schooled, parasocial, loot goblins, probably more I don't have the full lore > gameday They've set up a precident with Wake and others casting from their home setup, could easily be a Vtuber with no difference in setup > produced videos They've done one video since schlatt left. I don't know if that's what they want to do, it seems almost forced imo. But depends on the video, you could incorporate a Vtuber. Not sure how, but they aren't on a otv production schedule > irl, collabs Here I agree Vtubers get screwed. So, overall I think a Vtubers could participate in enough otk content that it isn't a hard pass.


mythic talent. they already signed like dozens of them to a talent agency they're involved with / own.




nah they gonna make a new sub org so ppl know its a vtuber org once they read the name I think they are calling it OTV


doubt it. working with your significant other creates a new level of drama that kills some relationships. [Asmongold is a talent at Mr. Beast's agency](https://www.night.co/talent), so he could probably hook her up.


No more like OTK and friends


This is not surprising. Especially with Vei joining Mythic I wonder if Silver will follow suit.


It is crazy that top comments are "we don't care" but there are 400 comments on this post, you're all weebs


Ironmouse keeping vshojo alive


so much so, that she hired lawyers, accountants, etc. and she had to explain to those boomer lawyers/accountants what streaming is, twitch, vtubers, etc.




2 more for MythicTalent. Asmongold making bank with his 2D waifu harem.


[Vei has already been part of MythicTalent since March.](https://twitter.com/MythicTalent/status/1635294658640351234?lang=en-GB)


Thilvervaleee my queen!






Yep I saw this earlier today lol. Love these guys.


The amount of shade vale threw in her "presse conference" at mouse was just distasteful tbh.


any links or context to this? whats the lore


Basically they just didn’t talk in a number of months.. and that’s not on her for some reason. That’s all she really said as far as I groked. Which if my friend had a terrible life consuming illness- I wouldn’t really put many expectations on their time, but maybe thats just me. Hell I have a friend who’s just trying to get his life together and is avoiding all distractions so he’s been nearly AWOL for a few years now, obviously not much of a friend rn, but I can sympathize and understand- it’s not a betrayal.


Funny how the first thing I thought about this was that now I'm never gonna get a Veibae Nendoroid feels bad lol.


**CLIP MIRROR: [Silvervale and vei left vshojo](https://arazu.io/t3_12zbhxi/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


She deleted the VOD lol


Man, I won't be surprised in the next few years, VShojo is going to collapse onto itself


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Silvervale and vei left vshojo](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/153252)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/12zbhxi/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/M0gUc8rtp7ImGc0QOSznCg/AT-cm%7CM0gUc8rtp7ImGc0QOSznCg.mp4?sig=5e43f2d5438cf95efcee68d3a8411fabab6d8064&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FM0gUc8rtp7ImGc0QOSznCg%2FAT-cm%257CM0gUc8rtp7ImGc0QOSznCg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1682574277%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




Who left what?


Wouldn’t be surprised if Vei, Silver, Snuffy, and Fillian end up joining OTK.






Very cool of silver to throw someone that is chronically ill, bedridden, dependent on plasma, and cant eat regular food under the bus.


I watched the "press conference" and I was pretty shocked at amount of shade she threw out tbh.


huh? what happend? any clips?




LMAOOOO she basically confirmed that Connor has a girlfriend And the obvious target is obvious




Why are people so quick to defend someone just because they are sick or suffer from an illness? They can also be shitty people behind the scenes lol.


What happened?


I don’t really know but silver threw shade in this clip. No reason to pry and speculate into it any further tbh if they want to keep it private. But from how they handled the Nuxtaku incident before all parties involved must be unhinged af. https://clips.twitch.tv/PreciousOriginalFlamingoRickroll-hGW3B7mbkFwZSUnj


Silver comes off looking petty / weird no matter how you spin it. Should have shut up and kept it private but made a couple of just awkward / weird comments that are vague and will only cause people to speculate.


Yeah, there's not much context to go off of to know who's in the "right", but it's pretty cringe to fire a bunch of vague shots at your former coworkers for an hour interspersed with fake giggling and the occasional "I probably shouldn't say anything, but lets just say..."