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**CLIP MIRROR: [Chatter asks Reynad if he will play hearthstone soon...wait for it](https://arazu.io/t3_1bvdh15/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Can't wait to topdeck jesus in bazaar and otk satanlock turn 8 pog




Keep in mind that the game had a fully Ukraine based dev team.


Somehow I think that's the least of their problems. It's been "in development" for close to 10 years.


They missed their planned launch in early 2021 because of a war in early 2022?


Fool, you don't see how delayed Bazaar was part of Putin's master plan to weaken Ukraine in preparation for his invasion? Had they launched the resulting trillions of tax dollars flooding into Ukraine would have made them too powerful.


I'm pretty sure not having a single idea what your game should be hindered this project more than an Ukrainian dev team. The game was proposed as Hearthstone, but better, now it's arriving as an auto-battler years after the peak of the auto-battler genre. And you have Reynad at the helm, who has always been a spoiled, delusional kid. Even in the HS days, he was claiming that he INVENTED numerous deck archetypes, and the whole idea of the original Bazaar was from him being absolutely surely he can create something much better, than Hearthstone.


Don't know enough to say about being delusional or spoiled, but definetly came of as very arrogant the way he talked about Hearthstone and his own game. Seems like at some point he realized that the skill to point out flaws in a game doesn't mean that you know how to make one. Pinned post on their Twitter says it's comming out 2024, I guess we will see....


He needed precisely those two apostles to win


you play a father card, a son card, and holy spirit card, then it summons god to OTK win.


i laughed out loud


Reynad looking like he's about to make TempleOS V2


face hunters glow in the dark, hit them with your car


Holy fuck 😂


Unironically not talented enough.


Rip my guy Terry the glowies can’t get him now




he looks like rickety cricket


Gotta make it sexy, hips and nips or Reynad's not eating


Post homeless pre burned face


Season 5 Cricket


Reminds me of a gold prospector lol


He looks like he'd fit right in Joe Exotic's crew


This stream has made me realize why the bazaar hasn't released


The game has changed like 10 times every update I see a year later is like a completly different game. I haven't checked recently. The very first like original game he showed actually looked good but nothing else since.


I guess his staff would rather get easy money from him than telling him this is a bad idea. Reckful already tried something similar with Everland and it was a hole he kept throwing money in.


Its more like people try their best to create a good product but reynad comes in and just fucks the plan up and makes ridiculous suggestions from a top down level. I had a friend who worked there fairly high up they said that it was not easy dancing around his ideas and implementing good game design.


I admit that's a factor too. Reckful problem was hiring from twitch chat and people abusing his trust, and Reynad problem it's probably what you said.


If reynad wants to be accountable he can refund me the 5$ i gave him for the bazaar like 10 years ago.


That shit bought him a juice that day bro. It’s gone


His main investor is sueing him for 5m + interest because he was supposed to release 2 years ago.


isnt he getting sued by the investors or something?


Idk how he hasn't ran out of money by this point. Such a trainwreck of a project.


FYI Backpack Battles is pretty much the Bazaar but playable and quite popular.


made by like 3 people lol


The hell happened to him lol.




What Knife Juggler does to someone, terrible.




im gonna go vote for forsen right now


Dude I just unlock some dead memory from 10 years ago


Omg what a response.... Perfect 👌


He said he did some shrooms and God spoke to him. So I imagine he had a tad bit too much of an ego death and landed in the garden of Eden.


says he's taking 2 grams every 1/2 weeks and uses that as a day to meditate and connect with god. Maybe one massive trip caused it but the continued use is probably why he can yap about it for hours on stream.


Idk why people get so into shrooms. I've tripped dozens of times but usually they're spaced a few months apart (and now years). It's hard doing that shit with more frequency.


probably just bored of life and want something stimulating and different


It honestly just sounds like he needs some decent reading material. There's a reason all the big hippies keep going on and on about "expanding your mind". It's not just some trippy nonsense, it's also about keeping your mind open to multiple possibilities when you start focusing too much on a single idea. You have to remember to keep reading or consuming varied materials while taking psychoactive substances. Or you risk getting locked into one thing, like he seems to be for the moment.


he procc'd schizophrenia


Schizolock enjoyer


reynad? ego death?


I was a huge reynoodle fan back in the day, but I don't think anything on this earth can kill that ego lmao


I would really believe this "enlightenment by psychedelics" trope more if they didnt all come up with the stupidest shit afterwards lol. "I did DMT and it mysteriously reinforced all the conspiratory beliefs I low key held in the first place"


It's always the same shit, some guy trips his balls off and sees some supernatural shit, instead of realizing that it's what drugs do to your brain like that how drugs affect your brain and cause you to see shit, instead no it must be that those drugs just opened your 3rd eye and you finally were able to see God and talk to Lucifer, like it was all real and not just your brain making up shit in your head cause it was being affected by drugs.


I've tripped on sleeping pills before (happens just because I don't fall asleep immediately with them). I thought I had some amazing ideas, so I decided to record my thoughts. The next morning I listened to it and it was completely idiotic.




People act like it's a lot more deep than it is because they mess with the release of neurochemical signals in their brain. Like yeah no shit if you put certain substances in your body it'll affect your perception of reality. Our sober minds are built the way that they are because they help us survive. If our sober minds were that of being on psychedelics the human race would be fucked lol.




shrooms are so fucking scary holy shit, how do you shift your entire personality after a trip


He's been getting progressively weirder for a while now. In a lot of ways this has been a long time coming.


He has always been a weird dude.


i guess failing the development of his game is what broke him. Though i dont completely blame him since he had an Ukraine based dev team


Didnt something similar happen to connor murphy? Fitness youtuber with millions of subscribers on youtube. I am pretty sure that guy is still not "himself". That guy went completely insane though. For a period he was putting out regular 30 minute videos where he was yapping pure nonsense. But he was obviously yapping about enlightment and how the world is a scam or whatever the fuck it was, i.e the same kind of stuff every druggie yaps about. I am pretty sure that guy was "permanently" on drugs for a while though, and he prob wasnt on the same stuff as reynad? Reynad is on shrooms while connor was/is on ayahuasca?


Shrooms dont rot your teeth out. He's taking all that free Bazaar money and traveling and doing meth while all the investors and people he hired are wondering what they did to end up where they are


Kinda wild how you can do shrooms and come to the conclusion a book written by people is reality and not a form of control used against the poor by the rich. Like its fine to meet god, and believe in a god, but to think its the same god as the major religions to me is the wild part. My dad did a lot of acid and became very religious too, so maybe i just havent done enough lmao Shrooms helped me personally get out of depression, and helped me work through my suppressed/repressed emotions enough to realize my traumas were effecting every aspect of my life, and learning that motivated me to start working on them and healing from them.


Meanwhile I did shrooms and learned to juggle. That's about it.


I watched kung pow and laughed my fucking ass off.


I did this too, minus the shrooms.


I did a heroic dose and finally developed an appreciation for Death Grips


Might just cling on to the religion they learned the most about as a child


Doing shrooms and acid made me realize that psychedelics are the likely origin of a lot of world religions, but I never went so far as to believe that somehow proved they were real. Quite the opposite, actually. It seems like some people lose (or never had) the desire to separate the chemically-induced emotions that they experience during a trip from their true thoughts and emotions. Psychedelics can produce such a strong feeling of profoundness that it overrides basic logic and rationality in some people. In my experience, people usually come back around when they stop taking it for a while, but that can take months or years after heavy use.


If you grow up in institutionalized religion from your parents, that sort of shit effects your mind deeply and tends to come out during trips.


Fucking people need to realize that taking shrooms doesn’t fix your life. What happened to just partying? Like fuck man, if people were drinking a case of beer and said that shit you’d sign them up for AA meetings lol.


I hate religious nutjobs


checked out his stream, he said he doesn't believe in evolution anymore, I asked if he was trolling because I honestly couldn't tell and I got banned. Damn bro he was the first person I ever subbed to on twitch. What a wild change.


Sounds like the most reynad way to tell u he’s serious though.


Imagine going to Reynad's channel and questioning his words


[Have you tried asking him these questions?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsCnLqY8iB0)


I've been banned from reynads stream for like 10 years, that's just how he says hello


seriously...? wow... thats kinda sad.... was always rooting for him and his bazaar game... what the hell happened in the last ten years?!


He got into startups and venture capitalism and stuff like that after HS, then he decided to use that skillset and other people's money to create his own game. It was going really well until he strayed from his original vision a bunch of times and then a bunch of other asynchronous pvp games came out meanwhile which "copied his original idea", which combined with the fact that his game has been in production for way too long, i personally believe that got him into a downward spiral and he started reading and listening to a bunch of conspiracy shit and he's having a hard time believing he's in that specific bubble where he has convinced himself of a certain reality and will not change his mind anymore. This is all just my opinion from watching his streams/yt videos past decade.


What is happening with this game. I remember buying his Kickstarter when I was living with my parents and there's still no release date. This was what like 8-10 years ago??? How is this simple game not out yet. Let it fail or succeed already holding out this long does nothing.


The development used to be pretty open with lots of videos and stuff about their progress but it also upset some people who liked the original concept more as it changed over time and reynad got paranoid about people stealing his ideas. So there is a video from about two years ago showing some gameplay that looks pretty good in my opinion but it's been practically radio silence since then, they put out like one video a year to say btw we are still working on it but the release date is pushed forward another year or so. Supposedly the game or at least a beta will release this year but who knows. Also apparently there are plans for some sort of crypto integration which is probably going to discourage more people than it will encourage


From my experience people find Jesus for two reasons, an insane amount of guilt or having zero hobbies/interests to occupy their mind. Gonna guess for the noodle it’s a little of A and a little of B


Huntington Beach happened to him. HB is the Florida of California.


>Huntington Beach If you cannot fathom how wild that place is, they elected Tito Ortiz to city council.


That's fucking hilarious. Lmao


Later he was caught embezzling money or something and had to resign.


Well, just to correct you there was never no embezzlement.


You're a fucking punk, dude.






Reynad came back as a Priest main [Reynad on Samson's hair as his strength](https://clips.twitch.tv/ToughFilthyKittenFutureMan-QlD9isgTXwegERAr)


that twitch at the end was like from a horror story


neuralink checked for updates




Yeah, he's gone, kinda sad...


That changed this from funny to sad for me. Loved to watch the noodle, now he seems to be doing drugs and acting up.


this has got to be a bit... right?


Lmao, thank you for this.


How are there two clips posted but neither of them are this one


Reynad edges confirmed


look at his face. those are the eyes of a gooner.


someone check on NL


but if he has no hair that means... NL... my man 🤝😂


[Modern-day Samson sleeping with the harlot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO2CjL9UnsI)


Mira's run continues , who's next ?


she can ruin me next


Mental health's black widow


i volunteer


Mira is in the middle of a Patriots-level run of ruining streamers. It's honestly incredible.


top of her game


no me


we have athene at home


Funnily enough, Athene continued to become more insane overtime and by now is talking about how he will create an AI that will be better than any AI you've ever seen (spoiler: It's not).


Facebook, Microsoft, etc: "Oh, so that's why Nvidia is out of H100 cards. Some Belgian Jesus bought them all."


I'm old enough to remember Athene's trailer for his grand unified physics theory of everything (it was also not)


It's fascinating to watch the guy stumble from one scam to the next and somehow managing to make a living off of it for years.


He also had or maybe still has a series of AI twitch streams like Trump vs Biden that are basically two chat GPT style bots given specific prompts to act like Biden or trump and messages from chat are fed in.


Pretty sure they're not just ChatGPT style, but literally just ChatGPT and nothing else.


Dem kids


Just a warning for the kids, Athene runs a real cult and he recruits on Twitch. It's a real danger that you throw you life away. Source: Was there.


I'm sure some people would love to interview you lol




Reynad clicked


He looks so much the same while looking so different.


I joined his stream and first thing he said was describing life as a VR simulation and once we die we will be truly eternal and god will give us superpowers so we can destroy anything in our way. Guy is off his meds for sure.


Not sure if you are referencing this point, but apparently he believes a theory of reincarnation similar to this short story (["The Egg" by Andy Weir](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6fcK_fRYaI)) which he claims was revealed to him in a personal revelation from God. He also thinks there is a globalist one-world government that will eventually stage a third world war to usher in a false prophet (aka Lucifer). He also claims to have a close friend who is a 33rd degree mason. And this was just the first hour of the VOD. I honestly have no clue what sent him down this rabbit hole.


unironically it was the GameStop stonk stuff. he did a stream around that time where he talked about how GME was proving that the entire economy was fake and how GME would change everything


isnt it mormon stuff? when you die god gives you a planet that you get to be a god of or something


Damn that sounds cool


What on earth is that beard/stash combo


some of the worst facial hair i have ever seen


Looks like a cult leader janitor.


Ian from Forgotten Weapons did it better


Stroking the three hairs on his chinny chin chin.


I’m not even Asian and I’m offended.


Dude got polymorphed into a guy who makes artisanal cheeses at home.


>Dude got polymorphed into a guy who makes ~~artisanal cheeses~~ pipe bombs at home.


and writes manifestos


Is this real? He basically streams bible study now?


quite the pivot ngl.


Reynad streaming and blithering about Jesus, Lucifer and conspiracies was the thing I was least expecting to see this early morning


Just out of curiosity, what sorta conspiracies was this about? The currently trending twitter ones or something from the more "classic" flat-earth, moon landing is fake and stuff?


I watched for about an hour but here are some things he mentioned: -He found God while tripping on shrooms -He's now "Christian" but he follows his own beliefs rather than one particular sect -Space isn't real, we never went to space, satellites aren't real -Evolution isn't real -All elections are rigged -He does 2G of mushrooms every week or every other week -[Whatever the fuck this is](https://clips.twitch.tv/ToughFilthyKittenFutureMan-QlD9isgTXwegERAr) -Gnosticism is the religion of satan, and trying to find truth via science or reason is lucifer guiding you to gnosticism via your ego -Believes that we are all God and our egos are unique imperfect distortions, and that without ego we'd be one with God again (honestly this doesn't sound that dissimilar to some religions) but then I went to bed.


Probably a good move on your end tbh. Damn this seems like a deep dive.


No such thing as evolution, etc. Actual decades old Christian stuff.




"This is a Bazaar waiting room" Yeah, the whole world is a Bazaar waiting room Reynad, we've literally been listening to you tell us how you're going to make such a better game than Hearthstone and.... nada so far.


It's delayed to add in fully voiced bible verse popups after every turn and also a 3 hour non-skippable CGI intro of Lucifer vs Jesus debate on accountability.




Forsen is really the most normal person to come out of that era of HS/WoW twitch


Dog, Day9, Hafu, Trump, Brian "please don't call me "Brian "Brian Kibler" Kibler" Kibler"? Am I missing something or is pretty much everyone more normal than Forsen and Reynad?






I sleep


He plays Ruthless PoE that's more unhinged than anything Forsen's ever done


Idk, has hafu learnt how to boil water on the stove yet?


Since shes been doing the same thing she was then im gonna say no. Just now its more socially accepted to pay $1000 a month ordering food even though its still absolutely insane.




Ropecoach and Nymn


Frodan is pretty normal, streams and casts TFT nowadays.


Kibler and Day9 were around before Hearthstone, but even without them the Noodle up there with the most unhinged former HS players.


Didn't Trump do all that shit with the riot or whatever I don't keep up with the news


day9, cdew?


"Hearthstone is so 2010 lol" "Anyway, let me tell you more about this 2000 year old cult..."


Took the words out of my mind... as if there wasn't enough proof for me that religion is a cult.


I don't care what anybody says. Reynad's streams during his peak years were some of the best content Twitch has ever seen to this day. The legendary Tinder meta before Twitch banned Tinder and the original TTS streams when TTS was new were top-tier.


Reynad wasn't the first to do TTS, but he was definitely the first to perfect it as entertainment. I miss the golden days of Twitch when all we had to think about was how fun games were and how funny the streamers were, and spamming Kappa = Grey Face (nospace) in chat. Now this board is full of nothing but people being insufferable, terrible political takes, softcore porn targeted at teenagers, and just general stupidity all around.


The good ol days for sure.


I voted forsen


he got the forsen disease


So this is how you end up looking like once you take conspiracy theories to serious, huh? lmao


conspiracy theories + shrooms




Reynoodle Pepehands


Mount & Blade facial hair looking ass


Damn I forgot this guy existed, it’s sad to see people who fall this deep into insanity.. no man has ever returned from it.


What the fuck




psychedelics can be useful to some but we need to dispel this talking to 'God' thing. What makes it possible is the fact you are taking drugs that effect your brain. Shrooms could have a place with medicine with its psilocybin but it's co-opted by people that really lose their shit. Can be a great therapy but its misused and misunderstood.


What's crazy is all of these people who trip and talk about "ego death" but you tell me, what about this weirdo stream is NOT about ego? Like I get it, dude does shrooms, but he's also taking whatever patterns cook up in his misfiring brain and attempting to make it make sense, not just *his* truths but *universal* truths. That's ego all day.


he plays HS on Rarrans channel sometimes


Mr. Miyagi looking ass


Bro is so in his sunken cost era he turned to god holy shit


The clip about him talking about Samson having power through retaining his semen is also a trip.


I miss the days of Reynad being salty at chat and doing Tinder on stream, THAT was peak content. Also what in the hell is that facial hair my G.


he looks like he drinks the worst tasting IPAs known to man while telling me it's way better than a michelob


I wasn't avoiding shrooms but I sure am now


If anyone is asking why a tiny game like the bizarre took 2 decades to develop, just send them this clip and everything is explained.


Sorry but someone needs to tell him the beard is not working .. the mustache maybe, but the chin has got to go man.


It goes great with the rotting teeth and insane religious talk. Look at the bigger picture.


Dude came back as that end of the world character that holds a cardboard sign in movies


He is a true mid west american. amen


him and byron lemonade stand stream, hands down one of the best ever streams on twitch Edit: im not religious but if you take that aspect away he's still 100% right


Reynad is a time capsule of when twitch was more my thing. I really miss the Hearthstone times over the react Andy meta streaming has become. Still absolutely nuts his game still hasn't come out though, I was in the middle of still being in school when he first brought it up.


I tried to watch his stream, had to stop when he went on some crazy rant about "free energy inventions being suppressed by evil people" and some other religious nonsense... It really is a shame, he used to be enjoyable to watch years before he went totally crazy.