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Nope. I save basically no money each money just to live alone.


Same and I’ll never go back lol.


Same unless it’s with a partner and even that i’m scared 😂


If I ever have a partner again, I’m going to need him to have his own place. Forever. 🤣


separate bedrooms!


I'm with you on that. It'll have to be an upgrade if I leave my apartment for someone.


My last partner and I being together for 8 years (4 living together). We broke up after 5 years and she kicked me out. I moved into an apartment and then we got back together. I then bought a really nice house and she wanted to move in together again. I realized that I really liked living apart. I loved my own space and time and I worked SO hard for the peace. We recently broke up a few months ago because I didn't want to live together again just yet. After that, I honestly don't know if I ever want to live with someone ever again. My house is a castle of peace and tranquility ✌🏽🕊️


I live with my parents, and I’m dying to move out but if I do I’ll also be living paycheck to paycheck. I’ve done it before and it’s the worst but there’s really no other way


Are you able to save enough? What i did was make sure I had enough saved to cover the entire yearly rent


Yeah I have enough saved up, I just want a higher salary before jumping. I like to act like my savings doesn’t exist lol


Definitely makes sense! Good plan.


I rent and it's much cheaper. No mortgage, ridiculous maintance fees or interest or debt. Renting is the best for single people. It will allow you to live alone and save a bit money


Where I live, mortgage is usually cheaper than rent--especially for pet owners. I was not able to find a pet friendly rental for under $1500 but my mortgage is far less. I do miss not having to maintain my own house though lol


When comparing costs, though, it's necessary to count more than just the mortgage: roof repairs, replacing the furnace, plumber bills, waterproofing the basement, not to mention regular bills like heat and water. My rent includes all that. (I'm not saying one or the other is better. If a house is right for you, then great!)


Yeah, the repairs are where they get ya. My mortgage did include some repairs but now I'm on the hook for the rest of it and I just kinda do it as I go. If I could have found a rental in my budget that allowed my pets, I wouldn't have bought a house. But at least this way, I get to make my own rules.


Same. My peace is worth it




Yea I'm alright. A big company down the road does summer co-ops, so I signed up for their housing program. Meaning for 2-4 months of the year, mostly summer, I rent out my spare room. And I know they are generally reputable because it's a pharma company and I house a bunch of scientists, so they went through vigorous interview processes and the like. Watch me eat those words when one of them ends up being a mad scientist.


After a long career in IT for an engineering firm, I can say without a doubt that some of these brilliant people have awesome people skills and some are awful. They have great senses of humor. But they focused on their studies and then on their work so some never learned to date properly. A few will be creepy that way. Some were so revered by their families that they never were taught to cook or clean properly. The first real job sometimes is the training ground for them: finding out they are no longer special but are in the middle of a bell curve of all smart/gifted people. So a few will be let go because they can’t adapt. A few will be tolerated because they are that brilliant. I’ve known coop students who had to be told to brush their teeth, who went into debt for laser hair removal, who did well and became contributors to the company. It’s a spectrum. Coops are definitely not entirely vetted out so you may become part of the vetting process. Nuff said.


As long as they teach you something cool along the way.


Living alone is not the problem. Owning a Jeep is, that b*tch takes all my money and some 😂 if I had just bought a Camry, I would save 70% of my paycheck every month.


It's a jeep thing, they wouldn't understand lol.


I get it. A friend of mine has a Jeep wrangler. It’s been nothing but a money pit. They decided they needed a new car. So, what does she buy? A Jeep Cherokee 🤔


I've owned 2 Jeep Cherokees. Both ended up with rear differential problems.


I don't have a Jeep, but I do have a couple of higher mileage vehicles. I don't miss my last ex often, but he saved me a lot of money just on basic maintenance. So now I am debating trading in one car on a new one. I don't want a car payment, but reliability is huge to me.


JEEP: Just Empty Every Pocket. Had 3 of them.


I'm fortunate that I live in a big city where I can get around without a car. It also helps that I live in walking distance of a few train stops and buses. But when I lived in the suburbs and totaled my car, it fucking SUCKED. My saving grace was that I could walk to the train I took downtown for work and also by a few grocery stores, bars, shops, etc. I also had some friends live near me. After that happened, I just saved money to move to the city were I don't need a car. Glad I did.


I bought a C7 Corvette. It sucks my money straight out of my bank account.


I want a c7 pretty bad.


Mine just blew a valve spring. It’ll be at least $1500 to replace both using performance parts. And then I could replace the cam with a bigger one for more HP since the motor will be apart. It’s a money out but I enjoy every minute of it.


Oh trust me I know. I have a c6z with like 20k into a forged engine. It's rowdy but I wanna buy a c7z with 1000+ hp. Maybe next year.


Yep, Im starting to believe cars were put on this earth only to empty people's bank accounts.


I generally assume Jeep owners are rich or broke. There’s no in between.


My best buddy *would* be rich... if he didn't have both a Jeep and a Fiat 😂 (and a kid. and nice watches. and anger issues.)


Omgoodness, you are soooo right. hahaha!


I've been living alone a little over 2 years. Initially, it was a bit of a financial shock going from 2 incomes to 1, plus moving is NOT cheap! However, my rent has gone up nearly $100 each year (meaning I'll be moving again once this lease is up) but I've managed to pay off my car, save quite a bit of money and things are going well overall. The money saved by divorcing an alcoholic is much greater than I expected and although I can pay all my bills with one paycheck, this rent is the killer!


That's why I've stayed at my same apartment for the last few years.


When I moved in 2022, my rent was $679 and now it's $889. I find that to be pretty ridiculous for a 1br in Kentucky with no frills


Yeah when I moved to Chicago from the burbs in 2019, my studio started at $895 and now it’s $1195. My increases were on the lower end compared to other apartments that would go up $100+ each year. But still, paying over $1000 for a 416 sq ft studio is absurd. Where at in Kentucky btw? My parents moved to western KY in between Paducah and Murray.


About the only "good" thing about what's happened to Minneapolis in recent years is that my rent has only gone up by about 3% since the start of the pandemic. It's still pretty high at roughly $2k/month, but at least I have one expense that's lagging inflation.


I'm pretty close, in Bowling Green


I'm located in Boston and rent for a *studio* (tiny butt ugly studio) *starts* at $2000 Maybe you can squeeze $1800 if u go farther out New apartment studios in the city are $3000+ 🥲 My salary could afford it currently, but I'd have no savings .. and at the rate these rent increases are going, I won't afford it soon enuf


I'm just south of you in an HOA community, 56 units with only 12% allowed as rentals...a 2 bed/1.5 bath single level rents for $2400/mo. and a 2 level townhome (also 2 bed/1.5 baths) is $2800/mo. Mom has owned her unit since 1988, paid in full). I'm 57, have worked my ass for for many years, with $80k proceeds in hand from the sale of my previous home in the Midwest...and I STILL chose to move in with my mother to save for a few years so I won't have to strap into some insanely high mortgage when I find the right property. Real estate is absolutely fucking ridiculous in this area.


Yes. But let me explain. These apartments are half the price of a house. And muh landlord only raised rent once in 11 yrs. Maybe he forgot about me? Idk


Passive income is easy to collect. My friend has been renting the same place with his mom for almost 30 years. The guy raised the rent twice and they always pay cash. If you’re generally not a problem, why mess with a good thing? :)


I agree wif u. But most apartments be on point. Yr anniversary? That's 80$ more! Which is why buying a house is suggested, because it locks in a price. But as long as we got these forgetful landlords, we're golden


Keep on hoping


Muh landlord be real busy. He has dozens of properties, companies, and rumor has it; he's a pimp. But idk


My next door neighbour is a pimp.


No but only because I was suddenly going from 2 incomes to 1 and taking on all the bills and mortgage. It’s tight but I should be fine. Not the best situation but I’ll get there eventually.


I was in the same boat. I thought I was going to be broke because I was told I wasted money but two years later and I'm fine. Turns out it wasn't me.


I dont understand? Why live with a partner if you are not going to marry. I grew up with the rule to always keep finances away from relations. And that came down to never live with a partner if it is nor marriage


I agree. I've said many times if you both have good careers and don't want kids, living together is fine. You each have your own 401ks, you each pay into Social Security. I've never understood women who live w a guy for years and either work some cashiering job or stay at home and have kids. You have no protections. If he dies, you can't collect his Soc Security, he can put anyone on his 401k, you have no say in his medical treatment, and God forbid the house was in his name. People always says " well there's common law ", but that's only recognized in about 7 states. The financial downside really needs to be discussed more openly.


I got married and we kept our finances separate for the most part. It worked well for both of us. He passed away, but that’s the only arrangement I’ll have going forward if I meet anyone new.


I am now but the water rises a little every year…


HCOL region, have almost always been house poor, and prefer that to having other humans under my roof (except while married and raising my kids). One 2-week paycheck going to housing/mortgage is More of a concern now that i am no longer young, but not enough to make me change.


I struggle but I love my peace and quiet


I'm the same


I'm house poor. When I bought this house I was married to a student, so I was eventually going to have help with the bills, but that didn't work out. I did get to keep the cheap interest rate, so that is nice, but every month I have an internal debate over whether it makes sense to stay or try to downsize. The mortgage payment wouldn't change much for a smaller/crappier house, but presumably the insurance and utilities would be less? So idk. Hopefully I get a decent raise again this year.


This comment could have been written by my STBX, save for the "student" part. Barbara?


Lol definitely not Barbara, but hopefully you didn't also not pay any bills for years only to break up a month after you finally graduated med school and started working as a doctor, right??


In my 20s, I struggled, but it was worth it to be free of my parents' control. There were times when I could barely buy groceries. There were a few nights I went to bed hungry or bought a pack of cheap cookies and called it dinner. I tried to save money, but every time I got ahead a little bit, the car would break down, and my job required that I drive to different clients all over the city, so public transportation wasn't an option. Now in my 50s, a widow and retiree with two state pensions (mine and my late husband's) I don't struggle at all. I have no debts other than my mortgage, and I bought the house during the housing market dip after the 2008 mortgage loan collapse. I had great credit and refinanced once to get an even lower rate than I originally had, so my mortgage is laughably low and I always pay more to pay it off faster. And yes, I checked that anything extra would go toward the principal. It helps a lot to not have the same financial outlay in retirement that I did when I was working. My budget for shoes, clothes, hair, makeup, etc, dropped off a cliff. No more temptation to work through lunch and order in, either. All that stuff can really add up!


No. I am not living alone by choice. I have been widowed twice. My boyfriend helps me with major costs like heating oil. I don't know what I would do without him.


Absolutely not. Living alone has me stretched very thin every month. Luckily I enjoy being a hermit and staying at home and reading, watching movies etc because I can't afford to do shit lol


I used to be comfortable but I had to take a massive pay cut two years ago. I wasn't Gucci then but I'm damned sure Goodwill now.


These days even Goodwill ain't cheap.


Not comfortable, currently pay check to pay check, but the peace is unmatched.


There are a variety of financial situations on this sub. I’ve lived alone for many years in a small townhouse that’s been paid off since 2008. It’s all I need. I’m not one to want expensive things and am naturally frugal. I could probably retire now and live off of investments for the rest of my life.


My apartment complex is in the hood and used to be a former hotel so I’ll take paying my rent in 1 paycheck (I get paid 2x a month) versus roommates that dictate which animals I can have


Yes, but I’m 53. I have lived alone for 25+ years so I was not financially comfortable to start.


I got the house (aka mortgage yet at 4%) in my divorce 13 years ago and it’s been real tight trying to keep it and maintain it as a single person. But I have. And it’s worth alot now and the one thing I’ll be able to leave my kids and grandkids so they’ll always have a home. I’m 60 now and staring down retirement on 5-7 years. For the first time in decades I’m just about debt free (aside from mortgage that will be paid off in 10 years), have a paid off car, and a salary that’s the highest it’s ever been. I’m saving away home maintenance costs currently and so I can get projects done in the next several years. I have a pension + SS ready for me at 65. It’s been a real slog of a life and I’m dog tired. But happy. It is difficult in today’s world to fly solo. I’ve robbed Peter to pay Paul, lived on credit, figured out where every penny goes, and ate lean for more meals than I care to think about. My life and home is very minimalist, yet comfortable and satisfying on a level I never could achieve while married. Nor living with anyone.


Financially comfortable. Even when I was married, it was a single income so I’ve been doing it “alone” for the past 14 years technically but the last seven also include physically alone. Spent 2021 paying off all debt so it left a lot of room to be comfortable financially.


It’s a moderate struggle. I prefer to live with only my dog, but I wish I had a nicer home/apt, more money to play and more money to save.


I believe that being financially comfortable begins with education. At any age a person can teach themselves how money works and what steps it takes to reach a financial goal. There are some great sites like the Motley Fool that can help a person learn about investing and managing their finances. Education is really your first step in becoming financially comfortable. No matter what your current situation is right now, you are the only one that can change your future. Making managing your money with a plan is your best bet for a comfortable future. You can do it.


I'm comfortable (though not rich by any means). But then again I am retied, I was lucky to have a good pension and have been fiscally responsible for most of my life. (Paid off my house early, never bought a vehicle unless i could pay it off with cash, never carry a credit card balance)


Yes, but I’m hypervigilant about making and sticking to a budget. Other people think it’s a shackle but to me it’s the key to my freedom.


I don't live alone; I'm in this sub to mentally prepare for when I am. My son, DIL and 2 year old grandson live with me. I'm not looking forward to being totally alone mentally, but boy I am going to be like Scrooge McDuck swimming in the money when they leave. they are so expensive! Son struggles with mental health and it's difficult for him to keep a job so that may be years from now


Yes. Far better off than when I was married to a woman who siphoned money off into her own account (while accusing me of the same, naturally!) and ruining my credit.


I am financially comfortable living alone. My relatives all have significant others, some have kids too, and they all have money problems. I have to give money to some of them to keep them afloat.


It took a while to become financially stable living alone for me, but now I’m in a position that works well. I just wish a decade ago I didn’t purchased my condo Im currently in and looked at houses or townhouses instead.


Yeah I have a manageable mortgage and finally got a good union job a few years ago so now I have more money at the end of the month and am saving and whittlibg down debt.


I am now, but that wasn't always the case. I had some struggles when I was laid off from my job. Also, I think I should have stayed in an apartment instead of buying a condo.


For now, yes, but I just had to convince my job I needed a sizeable raise when my rent went up a couple months ago. I can’t do that every year and I also have no interest in “moving up” at my job so I think I’m going to have to have roommates in a few years. Just gonna enjoy it while I can I guess…


I'm doing okay. I only live alone part-time. My sons live with me 50% of the time. I'm definitely living a different overall lifestyle post divorce but thankfully I have a mortgage I can handle. It's things like vacations, nice dinners out, new clothes that I can't do like I used to.


deff the latter lol. My monthly expenses are pretty much equal to my income if not higher


Yesss thank god!!!!


Yes. Right now I am. But as the rent rises or as I approach retirement age or if I lose my job, it may be another story.


I was alright before the inflation and a parent making impulsive life decisions. Which has added on more expense to my single pay check. Questing for a second job, as we speak.


Not really, but it's better than roommates. Never again.


When I moved in.. everything was fine. But keeping up with increasing costs has been a struggle.. it's tough to get ahead. I don't have the money for home improvements.


No ♥️


I am currently but not when I first started living alone. Just made a lot of progression in my career and make a very comfortable salary for financial stress free living in a Midwestern city. I would not be sitting as pretty if I moved back to my home state of Massachusetts like I want to though.


Paycheck to paycheck but it’s better than living with a toxic ex in a space that’s now mine, even if it’s a small apartment


It's wanting to retire and living alone that's scaring me! Still working at 70, will probably die working because of rent, started at $430 20 years ago when I divorced, now over $1000. Married couples with 2 social security checks can do it...Me I don't think so. Starting to believe people remarry or find partners for financial stability


Once my debts are paid I’ll be more than comfortable. I’m pretty much paying all salary toward rent and my debts rn.


I resisted being alone for a long while and it was forced upon me. It was a struggle at first but now my preference.


Easier to control my spend than it is to control my ex spend


No, but far more comfortable than living with another potential weak link. At least if I go down, I won't take anyone else.


I can usually pay most bills will one pay check


I'm comfortable in all sorts of ways.




2 years ago definitely I was like this is awesome. Rent started 575 it went up to 600 now 625 a month. People might think omg that’s cheap!. But this is a tiny space old apartment from the 60s Landlord barely upkeeps the property. Yesterday I went to start prepping my gocerie list and when I started things up everything went up In price. This is the first time living alone that I’m like wow I can barely afford this. In the end I have a lot of peace of living alone I wouldn’t change it for the world.


I am managing now. Thankfully I bought my place when rates were low. But if I am living alone when I am old AF, honestly concerned about it


Yes, we rented a house before rent prices got out of control. The landlord has only raised the rent once in six years. Even when my husband was alive, I was the only income, so I'm used to this standard of living. Now that I'm only supporting myself, I live comfortably. Over the past couple of years, I've paid off all our debt, and now I'm working on building a savings account. I live frugally, don't go out much, except to work, I vacation If friend's and family's homes, I cook in bulk, and shop in thrift stores for clothing, appliances, household items, and more.


I've alive alone all my adopt life and had periods where I struggled, but now I don't. But yes, living alone has always been more important than "more money" to me and I'd change jobs to obtain higher income before I'd get a roommate.






Struggle. Only because I have a job whose hours go from 25-45. I have had my current job for 6 years and outside of a few side jobs my paychecks go from 750-1600. Now I have TWO jobs in the same type of field.


I'm on 100% commission as a real estate agent so it can be super nerve wracking. Plus I just bought an investment property and don't have it rented out yet. But I would rather have some of that financial stress then have roommates.


Yes I don’t spend too much honestly and I’m able to stay focused on work.


Financially, I'm fine.


Annual rent costs far more than I earn in a year but its a price worth paying to protect my safety and privacy.


I'm retired and generally okay. I juggle things around because of the tax implications of pulling money from my IRA, but I get by. Deferring some expenses right now, waiting until later in the year.


Yes, I am. I make decent money, have no children, no debt, and keep my living expenses low, but comfortable. I'm able to save quite a bit for my retirement and travel.


I've been living alone 9 years now, and I've never struggled financially bc of it. For the last year I've been living in a much larger townhouse than my old tiny apartment so obviously the rent is more but I'm still really good. It's worth every penny. I usually have low car payments, I save a ton of money by not going to restaurants, I rarely take like real vacations, etc.


I make my mortgage in a week


Yea I live frugally and work a high paying job. I max out 401k and after adjusted income I still save more than 50% of my income for other investments.


Pretty much. But I think it’s more expensive for a guy, especially if you’re dating. But I’m still able to contribute 20% to my 401k which is the most important part.


Yes, I'm financially comfortable. Perhaps more comfortable because I live, and lived, alone.


Yes. Although part of me feels that it is a bit of a waste that someone else could also live here in relative comfort for only a little outlay... feels like it's a bit of a waste for just me


I’ll work three jobs before I’ll live with anyone. The peace is worth it.


Yup. I live in a small one bedroom cottage with a great shared outdoor space and garden( incredible neighbors,) with a great location. I ride my bike to my office, the weekly farmers market is across the street from me, I can walk to several restaurants and pubs, and I walk the beach at low tide or walk along the coast and do the beach stairs for exercise. I sold my car almost 10 years ago and take the train, Uber/Lyft, or use my electric bike. The cost of my transportation is $130 a month at the most and usually less than $60 a month on average. I maximize my Uber trips, running errands and shopping the bigger grocery stores when I get my hair or lashes done, so twice a month and I always have 4x’s that in my budget for all my transport. My boyfriend thought not having a car was weird when he first met me but now he admires me and thinks that I have my life dialed in. He has become a fan of the train and gets excited to do things with me especially on weekends when traffic in our area is unbearable. He would never have gone downtown on a Sunday and now his teenage son asks to join us. I save $$$, always have extra cash for my personal upkeep and fun adventures. I’ll retire in 15 years in good shape. I have my own business and don’t have any union bennies. I had to make lemonade from a pile of manure in 2016. ( I didn’t get lemons, I got manure, and I took it and grew a bunch of flowers.) I learned I was allowed and could do my life exactly how I always wanted to do it and I really don’t care what other people think. I’m 40 lbs lighter than I was in 2016, the year I sold my car and bought the electric bike which more than coincidentally is when I got rid of my gym membership. I’m in better shape now than when I was in college. 55 is my best year yet! #vivalivingalone


I save 30% of my income each month. 50% goes toward living (rent,utilities,gas, food, etc) the remaining 20% is discretionary spending. Living frugally pays off.


Definitely not. I’m an introvert with 2 disabilities so living alone is so much better for my well being.


I was til they sold the house I was living in and I moved and my rent doubled. I lost my job, thank goodness I had some money or would have been screwed. Just got a job with the post office so I’m hoping I’ll be able to breathe easier


Everyone IS!


100%. I have a year salary saved. Live without a car and low rent. As long as I can live without any stress it's worth it. I feel free.


Nope, every month I have some additional spendings (like my dog being sick or I need to buy sth because it is broken or I want to go somewhere with a friend and tickets cost) and because of that I need to lend some money from my parents. I feel like if not for my dog I would live more comfortable but she is old and have a lot of going on. Apart from that I still need some things to buy to my apartment. For example my bed is almost broken and I dont know how I am going to buy a new one. I have no savings and I would love to have a better paid job but I'm too lazy to look for. Also my current job is very flexible and wfh is nice, so I'm a bit scared to change it. So yeah, i'm not financially comfortable but I have enough money and support to live from month to month.


I live alone and the cost of living crisis has certainly took up my spare cash, my mortgage went from £480 to £707, high council tax band and doubled energy bills. Paying your mortgage is basically a savings account for when you sell


Better than I was in either of my marriages, but both husbands refused to work 🤷‍♀️! I own my home & car. No debt. Kids are now out of the house. I work 70 hours a week, and am finally at a point my PT job income can go into savings for home projects. (75 year old house, plenty of projects!)


I’m thankful to say that I am financially comfortable living alone. I’m able to save around $1600/month after bills. I credit that to the fact that I don’t own a car, have no debt, and my rent is $1495/month with all utilities included. I’m very frugal too.


Yes. I should make enough to retire when I get into my mid 50s (I am mid 40s) under conservative estimates. But I know I am an outlier. Mine was a combination of good timing and a decent WFH consulting job. Of course, I have invested a majority of it, which I expect will be fruitful enough to live off comfortably by age 55. But as a contractor, I am assuming I'll be employed all that time. In theory, I could retire now, but it's way too risky for my blood. I am also fairly healthy so far, and don't have a lot of genetic disposition for anything really nasty. The peace is so worth it. I have a condo, which is really built like a townhouse or row house, and I may not retire here, but it's paid off, so all I owe are taxes, condo fees, and utilities from it. if I had to, I could rent out a room, but I don't want to.


Yes. I've always planned my life as though I would be alone. That way if anyone comes along, it's a bonus. But I'm financially comfortable and can afford to travel several times a year.


Yes I am. I have a little money after each check and my solitude gives me peace of mind. I love it here!!


I struggle and it's worth every single moment. The peace is priceless, for me.


The cost of living alone is *killing me*. Housing-related costs account for about 40% of my net income. I enjoy living alone, but I'll live with a partner/roommate again as soon as it's reasonably practical to do so.


I'm not rich, but I guess that I do all right. All my bills are paid on time, so that's what counts.


I'm doing pretty good lived by myself since 25 when I moved out of my parents. Never married no kids but have a gf now. I have always been good with my money. I had 142k saved up when I was 25 and put 100k down on a 163k house. I ended up paying my house off at 32 all by myself. I'm currently 38 and have 130k in savings. For the record I work 55 to 66 hours a week. Idk if I ever worked a 40 week since like 18.


Thankfully I bought a small, inexpensive house on leased land. My taxes and utilities are very low. I’ve struggled with debt for many years and have started adulting to get it under control and started paying it off. I can still hold down one full time job in order to do this and when the debt is paid off I’ll be laughing. So I can still easily handle the debt payoff, but ideally I’d be putting a ton in savings. Live and learn. I really want a shot at another life after this… I’ll do it better.




no, i lost my job and im pinching pennies . Hate it!


So far it’s been great. I got a new job so finances have been coming along. I paid my car off. Now working on pay off credit cards


Totally am. But if I couldn't work, I'd be screwed.


Yea ..but I’m also from “old money”! 🙄


Yes and no. It depends on my capacity at the time. Sometimes, I can be on a roll, working, and getting everything done and sometimes, I am all out of spoons and can't function at a minimum so I get behind. I am only understanding and accepting that I am disabled. And it fucking sucks.


Been living on my own since I was 18, it can be tough at times but now I am doing better financially thankfully. Can be difficult though.


Hell no. But I would rather be broke or work two jobs than have roommates again.


Ish. I can get by but it's tight.


Yes! I wouldn’t live alone if I wasn’t


I would be but i like to travel and tend to overspend on it.


I'm comfortable. I make $34/hr and my rent is 700


Very comfortable now that she isn’t spending everything I make.


I have enough - not a vast amount but enough and better than supporting someone else. Just me and my furry felines


I am much better off. My ex bled me dry.


I'm financially comfortable living on my own. I am retired and only live on a government pension and I rent. I have a little part-time job to get extra money and I'm doing just great. I don't own a car as buses are free here for seniors and it's not a big city, very easy to get around everywhere. I love it. I also got lucky, I got a great landlady and she has a beautiful little suite in her basement which I rent and in return for cheap rent I babysit her dog when she needs it. I am a dog person and I used to own dogs and I love them so it is not a problem for me. All utilities are free even internet, I have a fireplace and the laundry room is right outside my door. I also have my own storage closet outside my door. Everything I need.


Lord no. I need a helper with God's help. Some way I do this. Only nice thing is peace. Maybe I need to find my new companion to help some. Lord, if you show me the way.


yeah i'm good


Yes… but barely!! I was lucky and got a condo when they were a good price. Work from home, don’t drive much. So it works 🧡


I cherish peace with all my heart.


I’m not financially comfortable but I’m much more comfortable in every other way living with just my cat. 🐈


Yes. I’m lucky to make a pretty good salary for my profession, and my rent for the HCOL area I live is quite reasonable. I don’t have any debt and don’t have any kids. Wish I could buy a little place where I live but my mortgage would double what my rent is, which is unreasonable for me. For now I’m just putting money into a HYSA and investing so I can buy a little place somewhere else someday.


HAHAHAHA. im married and STILL live with another roommate because otherwise we would both make barely enough to survive and not be able to save a dime. both sets of parents constantly harass us about it, we just have to say "hey, its either live with a roommate, or move to a different state. which do you prefer"


Yes , my life is sweet I also work with the American English Institute and host students from Japan , China ,Korea and France


I am but I’m older so I’ve had time to save and earn more.


Yea my house is paid for


No, I live hand to mouth. But it’s better than living with someone you hate.


Yep, I’ve got lots of savings. I still go out and spend time with friends and buy what I want but I don’t buy a lot of stuff outside of groceries and gas. I typically only eat out with friends so I avoid the fast food expense. I enjoy some edibles and maybe have a bottle of vodka that lasts a few weeks. You just gotta always pay yourself first and don’t touch it. I got into the habitat as a youth because my folks said if I wanted a car that was a junker but still ran, I had to put half my paychecks into savings and pay my insurance with what was left. I’d say that there’s probably at least a dollar still in there from 1996.


I’ve been alone for the better part of 10 years. Have never struggled financially until this February when I woke up paralyzed and all the money I saved and had put up vanished. Have made less than 1k from work since then and the medical bills are 100k+ as well. Idk how ppl do the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. Money has never been important to me bc I’ve had avenues to get it. Now, I don’t have those avenues and I’m stressed out of my mind. 


I'm on a tight budget, but independence is worth it for me.


It was a struggle early on in my career but I luckily made a few good decisions. I'm in great shape now and hope to retire from f/t work next year.


Yes. I currenlty save about 40% of my income. I owned a 3BR/2BA home and downsized to a 1BR/1BA apartment. I was doing fine in the house too, but I just wanted to simplify my life. I like renting. It's easier. As a single person I don't need much. I'd rather spend my money traveling than on maintaining a big house.


I would be but my credit score makes it so I can’t find one


Not even close to being financially comfortable. But I live ALONE! Worth it to me. 


Just got comfortable this year. It’s a relief for sure.


Kind of? I own my house, but had a very small, small small down payment so my mortgage is still high. I make decent money, but all the bills and house projects and things that break are all on me. So after everything, I’m OK, but I don’t have huge amounts of disposable income. Although I do realize that I am probably doing better than many and I definitely don’t take that for granted.


I make enough where I'm financially comfortable, but I'm isolated enough that I'm not socially comfortable. I see other human beings maybe twice a week.


Depends on your definition of financially comfortable.


I’ve always done what I had to do to live alone. I’ve been uncomfortable financially and currently pretty comfortable. No matter what, it’s always been worth it.






Yes, aaaand no. Almost 4yrs divorced from a loving DINK marriage that was really great. We just... grew apart, I guess. Anyways... The DINK life is fucking AMAZING, with the right person. We were the right person for each other more than 15 years... near the end, I discovered just how different our comfort levels with debt and being "paycheck to paycheck" are, after she moved out. I bought her groceries the first few months, hoping it would help. I had less than $10k in debt at the time, now less than $5k. I don't finance new things. Full stop. I'll gladly use credit to take a trip, if I can pay it off in a year or less. Before the ink was dry, I was getting collectors calls, looking for her. I didn't know that, since before we met, her idea of "financial solvency" was, "I have enough credit to buy the stuff."... I'm not "rich", I want to be retired, but still work part time, so that I have peace of mind. I can't imagine how stressful it is for her, every time her phone rings, she's not a dishonest or dumb person, just buys stuff to scratch an itch I don't understand. I'm grateful I don't have to be responsible for that, even if I have less "stuff", relatively, now.




No my partner is the only reason my head is above water


Yeah - pretty much But I still feel like I could use and benefit from more money of course But don’t we all? 🤔


Yes I paid cash for my car at a good price and rent is only 1/4 of my take home pay. The key is to keep fixed expenses (rent, car payment, insurance, phone bill, internet) low. I put money away in a brokerage and high yield savings account every pay check too. I could be paying more for my student loans but I’d rather pay the minimum and invest.


I lived alone making less than $40k in my 20s. It was always a struggle. At times, I went to the grocery store with $4 in my account and would spend $3.50 on food. I wouldn’t do it again. It was terribly stressful. I should have had a roommate. The times I did have a roommate, I usually had a great experience but I was raised with 3 siblings and no communications skills so I was pretty scared of trying to find a roommate and then get along with them.


HA! No. Maybe if I had more self discipline and better spending habits I would


alone and never going back


Yes, I'm good.


Comfortable? Not even close. Ok? ...mostly


Very .


Not so much comfortable but manageable so sleeping with a night light on but not all the lights on or all the lights off.


Yes. I wasn’t for a long time but decided to have zero social life and less savings and vacations etc in order to have my castle of zen living alone. But now I had an amazingly awesome job that pays well. First time in my life I’m very comfortable


Yes. I have peace, a good job, a puppy, and my bills only account for 50% of my paycheck. I autopay most of em, too, as well as autopay my savings, so all the money that hits my checking account is play money. Life is great.


comfy. it's easy to pay my bills and save money every month. I got lucky and bought my house 10 years ago when prices were more reasonable.


More than financially comfortable.


I am good. I make great money but I can't do anything stupid. Such as buy something I should not. I have bills and I have to eat. People don't realize that a lot of us spend a ton of money on fast food. I don't.


Financially, yes. Logistically not so much. I travel a lot for work and I had a pipe burst while I was gone for three weeks, so now I have a tenant in one of the bedrooms to watch over the house and the rescue kittens in my absence.