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Update: Nézsa had the full Black Swan set Still think they didn't deserve to die for that, so screw you Punishing Bird


Oh yeah the Black Swan set and Punishing Bird don’t mix well, I think the weapon reflects damage and Punishing Bird doesn’t take lightly to it.


Dusk Ordeals are not achievable from where you are.


Wdym? They are in fact starting with day 21, where OP is at


I more mean they seem vastly underprepared. Dusk Ordeals, Green in particular in my experience need a lot of prep time and high level employees.


that mostly depends on the emount of grind though as in its theoretically possible to have all departments full of level 5 employese at this point in the game, you would just need a lot of time to grind out stats. not to mention that by day 21 there are probobly like a couple waws and mayby an aleph, so you would have some emploeyes geared up for it. While yes its hard without having a lot of proper gear, its not impossible. Green will be hard, but for example Amber Dusk would be pretty easy, altought a bit slow.


Queen Bee is really bad until you either get a prudence 5 employee or get execution bullets, and yeah black swan js not usable


My honest opinion? Hit a memory repo and reroll Queen bee. It ain't worth it.


I remember when I got queen bee I had to memory repo. One of the worst abnormalities in the game


I had the same experience with queen bee, it's a fucking mutated disaster that turns your facility into a beehive with minimal tolerance for work, the way i handle her is to just hire a 5-5-5-1 nugget to exclusively work with her and farm her weapon, memrepo, and repeat (she appeared at mem imprint day)


Black swan weapon reflects damage, PB considers it an attack, so it punishes