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Probably https://preview.redd.it/q1jezaen5o2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96707033a4a7a3260b217bc76bfb53815f9fd1c2


Mahoraga has adapted to the legal system


Ofc, he's white






Holy shit this is hilarious šŸ˜‚




Sukuna's face in the background got me weak šŸ¤£


Bro knows mahoraga has everybody cooked


Mahoraga realised his wife was watching


For the same reason toji got killed by purple but sukuna didn't. Sukuna was aware of purple so he had his guard up for it, and was also not leaving gojo any opportunity to fire it off by putting pressure with mahoraga and agito https://preview.redd.it/h3kqz5jepq2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd0e9779a5b1f1916c4762d258a5a87ce44f664 Gojo was also aware of the world slash from mahoraga after chapter 234, and in chapter 235 he was not giving mahoraga the opportunity to use it (by hitting black flashes on them or putting them at risk with purple). Once mahoraga got killed, gojo was no longer on his guard (because he didn't think sukuna would be able to fire it off) so he got carelessly close to sukuna.


Sukuna is durable more durable than toji tho. Sukuna is the most durable character in the series? edit: Also this is a dangerous narrative floating around. Gojo cannot see dismantles. No jujutsu sorcerer can. Itā€™s a defining trait of sukunaā€™s ct. He audibly notes how maki (HR perception) and adapted mahoraga were the only two able to perceive his ct enough to deflect dodge This ā€œoff guardā€ thing is so silly


Kashimo managed to dodge it. Granted Sukuna gave a warning and he lost an Arm but Kashimo managed to perceive it. And in 235, it is noted that every CT usage had some sort of Spark. If Sukuna can see the Spark, it isn't far off to think that the six eyes too can.


>Granted Sukuna gave a warning You have found ur answer bro. Not to mention the added conditions of sukuna having to point. But he also told kashimo to move before he threw itšŸ˜­ But i donā€™t see much counter argument for this https://preview.redd.it/wzcuh441as2d1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe709d767563ea87579801d7378f8cec7ef839a2 Only two ppl have dodged his slashes and he lists them here? How else would u explain this Gege has had gojo fail to even eye track a dismantle (he has had to look back) not just [once](https://imgur.com/gallery/OEHM5P4), but [TWICE](https://imgur.com/gallery/EX03shz) Honestly Sukunaā€™s comment from the man himself confirms it. Thereā€™s really no argument either way


Second one wasnt a dismantle.


https://preview.redd.it/d8itt4zkly2d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500295722e2b2c580aeda435b5d1f3beaded6394 It was literally the same thing bro


Yuji says he threw a slash just like sukuna. But it isn't sukunas dismantle. https://preview.redd.it/e5a0lg5cgz2d1.jpeg?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364a8e4bf20c6ea3ccab481cefb268525f3c1204 It was an adaptation just like how mahoraga adapted to see dismantle in shibuya. Mahoraga as a second adaptation, learned how to slash the space and cut gojo. That's why Gojo didn't get any spark warning for it because it wasn't a ct attack.


The other sorcerers could also refer to the people after the Gojo fight. Because the Narrator himself has mentioned that despite the efficiency given by the six eyes, it's impossible to hide the Spark. Even without special eyes Sukuna can see the Spark. So the six eyes which can see the soul(he saw both Megumi and Sukuna) can easily see the Spark before the launch. Gojo was shocked at that Dismantle as he didn't expect Sukuna to use it thanks to Limitless. With Maho gojo didn't expect it to land.


Sukuna literally pointed and said ā€œdismantleā€ but W headcanon bro. Letā€™s ignore sukunaā€™s comment igšŸ’€


Yeah let's ignore. Agree to disagree.


> Sukuna is durable more durable than toji tho. Sukuna is the most durable character in the series? You misunderstood my point. Against toji, gojo appeared to just flick his finger and purple was launched. That's because toji wasn't aware of purple to think of dodging it, and gojo also wasn't pressed to not be given the opportunity to launch it. Sukuna knew about purple (he has seen it two times already), so he was on guard for it. That's why gojo wasn't able to just launch purples at sukuna, because sukuna made sure to either have mahoraga and agito not give gojo time to breath, or to activate domain amplification intermittently to halt gojo's ct. That's similar to mahoraga's world slash. Unlike sukuna, mahoraga needs to actively swing his arm for a slash to be launched (and there's probably also a spark). Now that gojo has seen it once, he knows that he cannot allow mahoraga to swing his arm, and if mahoraga does it he knows that he needs to move out of the path. That's the reason why mahoraga didn't launch any more world slashes at gojo in chapter 235


I see. Well said man i understand ur point now thank you for reiterating


Still dont get why he needs to combine red and blue all of a sudden outwardly. When he just flicks it every other time


He can, the whole point is thay sukuna knows the hand motion and the spark so he won't fall for it (either hide in the shadow or make sure gojo canmot perform it). The unlimited purple (outwardly combining them) eas something new, so sukuna didn't know to prevent them until they botj were launched, but that was too late


Wouldnt it be a longer cast time regardless. Like he has Megumis and Yujis memories of Gojo. He legit combines red and blue for purple. So when he sent maha. He shouldve done what he wouldve if gojo just put it up to Mahas chest and fired


By the time sukuna realised it, gojo had already used maximum blue and launched an enchanted red. If gojo wanted to use a normal purple, that time would have been spent on casting, and unlike for unlimited purple, sukuna would have instantly recognized it by the spark https://preview.redd.it/w8iy6mgefx2d1.png?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69cdd8607403beec2e0da277ebafb4e2e04be10a


Spark smark. That shit doesnt exist. Im half joking. On a serios note the 6 eyes atomic scale sight didnt see the spark of wcs or percieve it fast enough 16 year old gojo (anime only) flicked purple on Toji instantly by just combining. Why not on maha


And this goes back to my original comment. Toji wasn't aware of the existence of purple (that's why gojo had an entire monologul about how this has been kept secret even in the gojo clan). Therefore, he didn't recognize the spark, and also wasn't on guard for it. Sukuna is well aware of purple, that's why gojo used a barrier to conceal the 200% purple attack, because otherwise sukuna would have just dodged or released a quick attack to disrupt it. This is most likely also why gojo got hit by both world slashes. For the first time he didn't know that mahoraga can throw slashes, so he only realized that he needs to dodge the attack well after it was launched. After he has seen it, gojo would know from mahoraga's spark or hand movement that he needs to dodge. This is most likely why mahoraga didn't launch any more world slashes between chapter 234 and the end of chapter 235, because gojo had already seen it. When sukuna used it, it was also a "first time". Sukuna's attacks cannot normally bypass infinity, and the spark of his dismantle with an extended target cannot be identical to mahoraga's as mahoraga doesn't have shrine. Combine that with no pointing being needed, and gojo most likely didn't know that he has to dodge it until it was launched. There is no statement that gojo didn't sense sukuna's spark in chapter 235/236.


Thing is at his speed at the time. And seeing him wear the wheel. He shouldve learned from Toji and Kenjaku. DODGE


Im calling bs


[2x gege has drawn gojo failing to even eye track a dismantle, much less dodge it lol](https://imgur.com/a/nNqHQ44) [And here sukuna kindly sums up the only two instances in which someone has been able to see his ct well enough to dodge or deflect it](https://imgur.com/gallery/IDUQzPk)


Again i call bs. If gojo can percieve at an atomic level. He should see invisible slashes. Bc they are still CE


fat misconception from fandom-wide headcanon ab what the six eyes should be able to do. Same eyeballs in his head that couldnā€™t track toji for being too fast And idt sukunaā€™s slashes are made of ce. Theyā€™re just the product of his ct. The sky Uro manipulates doesnā€™t become made of ce. Same w the blood from blood manipulation. Sukunaā€™s slashes are of an unknown make up


Ok Thats due to his no CE. Hes fast and has no CE to use as tracking. Literally stated sourceres track in fight by CE. Which is why Yuji is also hard to fight because hes mostly heavenly restricted but adapted to have CE use by consuming and processing a finger. So with a 100% physical fighter no reinforcements of cursed energy. Is 100% eye tracking. The 6 eyes sees ce in infa red and at an atomic level. So yea invisible means not interacting with visible light spectrum. Unless it has two properties cutting and being invisible to all detection. But since i dont think its literal dark energy. Gege needs to just explain why


they are invisible to the eye. What more explanation do you honestly need. Are we still at the point in society where literally everything has to be spelled out broā€¦ Mind you, Toji still had his worm out, which is made of ce. There is literal dialogue of gojo tryna track the worm but couldnā€™t bc toji was too fast, worm ce and wall The consistency alone shows that no one can see Sukunaā€™s slashes. Literal infinite adaption demon mahoraga had sukuna audibly shocked at being able to see his ct. Maki can sense literally changes in air density and can actually walk on air, so she can detect his slashes But Gojo, no any other actual ce sensing jujutsu sorcerer (in seemingly history given Sukunaā€™s surprise at mahoraga), has been able to see sukunaā€™s slashes. And who cares that the 6e see ce at the atomic lvl. What does that have to do w sukunaā€™s slashes which again are not made of ce. And as for infrared, we have alr established that just bc he can see it doesnā€™t mean he can see it well enough to dodge it or track it, ie toji worm


Track the low ce worm. On a special grade speed. Hmmmmm


And keep in mind you said manipulates the sky not creates sky using CE. Thin ice breaker would be swarming with CE. Or else how do you see any ability that is done through a CT


In jjk, u imbue ur ct w ce, and the product manifests Reggieā€™s products are not made of ce. The receipts are not made of ce. He manifests a car using ce, but the car itself is a car. Like the 10s shikigami are not made of ce, otherwise they would be oneshot by rce and unable to even use rce like mahoraga and round deer can Uro imbues her innate technique w ce and gains the ability to manipulate the literal sky. Gojo imbues limitless w ce and divides a finale space bw him and everyone else infinitely. He doesnā€™t create a wall of ce bw him and everyone else, itā€™s literal infinite space Thereā€™s also many more examples. The blood from blood manipulation is blood, not ce. The gravity from anti gravity is not made from ce lol. Uraumeā€™s ice is literal ice


Huh...... so normies can see it


Because Sukuna wanted to be the one to use the World Slash on Gojo https://preview.redd.it/u5lp7qmzrq2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a66bdab4ab5d2646c7fb62062846f92c0b2d9d9


I agree, he treated his fight with Gojo as a fun challenge to stretch his Jujitsu skills


I think mahoraga was trying to land space cleaves but Gojo was weaving and stuff


It takes alot of energy to perform it. It's said that Sukuna needs to store a lot of CE to execute it.


Sukuna said that it is just really hard to do, no one said anything about world dismantle consuming lots of CE ? Or Iā€™m missing something


idk i mightve just made that up https://preview.redd.it/wkjumdnxkp2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=488792da66769eebaf4a53ac0b0c1da19ace9f1c


100% factual Sukuna certified lore explanation šŸ—暟—暟—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„āš”āš” https://preview.redd.it/81z7nmhsjq2d1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ebac5e4c52dc4577c74d82b598d39890346439


Understandable https://preview.redd.it/10vzi467lp2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d2283d0622f31899e00a58716dc496288aa7ae


Sukuna still has Yuta levels of CE, and he's fought for more chapters than he did against Gojo.


"plot" the only right answer there is.


His CE output was piss poor the entire time so it kinda make sense that his CE pool is still quite high. Also his CE efficiency is second to six eye, that help as well


Uj for a min, isnā€™t it odd that he has pretty much no flaws as a sorcerer? He has two arms and mouths, making him able to make chants and hand signs unobstructed; he has the highest cursed energy pool, higher than someone who is stated to have a near infinite pool like yuta; a cursed technique that stores other techniques probably without the drawback that causes; C&D, probably the most busted technique, which is versatile enough to do pretty much anything; RCT so strong that he has to turn it off intentionally otherwise it will just stay on; and an efficiency only second to gods own binding vow in the six eyes, which reduces CE usage to near zero while maintaining the same output. There is so fucking much about sukuna that seems designed rather than being its own thing. He has to be some living embodiment of binding vows or something. Either gege quite literally gary sued his main antagonist, or he is cooking up something interesting.


>Uj for a min, isnā€™t it odd that he has pretty much no flaws as a sorcerer? He has two arms and mouths, making him able to make chants and hand signs unobstructed; he has the highest cursed energy pool, higher than someone who is stated to have a near infinite pool like yuta Mf is King of Cursesā„¢ so those are pretty understandable >a cursed technique that stores other techniques probably without the drawback that causes Uh no, it's just a theory ? Also it was not mentioned anywhere in the manga ? Or am I missing something ? All we know is that Sukuna has 2 techniques C&D and Kamino, that's all >RCT so strong that he has to turn it off intentionally otherwise it will just stay on No ? Where did you get that from ? Are you sure that you did not mix up infos about Gojo sex eyes ? >and an efficiency only second to gods own binding vow in the six eyes, which reduces CE usage to near zero while maintaining the same output. Second to six eys does not mean near zero, only six eye does that. For example, if gojo CE usage is 0.1, sukuna is 10 while everyone else is 1000 or something >There is so fucking much about sukuna that seems designed rather than being its own thing. He has to be some living embodiment of binding vows or something. Either gege quite literally gary sued his main antagonist, or he is cooking up something interesting. I really hope for an infos dump chapter about Sukuna and heain era. *Hopefully*, homohomo will cook up something nice for us


Nah it is a theory on his tekkers, but its the only one i can imagine making sense; a storage shine for storing techniques, that is also in line with a cooking shrine considering the cooking and eating motifs along with the whole divinity thing he has going on. I didnā€™t say his efficiency was that of the six eyes, only that its second only to what the six eyes can do. If you want my theory, the binding vow man has literally created so many vows that he had pretty much nothing but absolute power. Absolute power at the sacrifice of everything else in his life, stuff he never valued much anyway. Fits in line with his talk in shib about burning everything down without thought to reach the same level as gojo.


>Nah it is a theory on his tekkers, but its the only one i can imagine making sense; a storage shine for storing techniques, that is also in line with a cooking shrine considering the cooking and eating motifs along with the whole divinity thing he has going on. I like that theory as well, it fits with Sukuna character >I didnā€™t say his efficiency was that of the six eyes, only that its second only to what the six eyes can do. Misread it, sr about that >If you want my theory, the binding vow man has literally created so many vows that he had pretty much nothing but absolute power. Absolute power at the sacrifice of everything else in his life, stuff he never valued much anyway. Fits in line with his talk in shib about burning everything down without thought to reach the same level as gojo. To me, his ability to binding vow left and right is because he is insanely good at jujutsu. Same like Kenjaku but people rarely talk about him. But your theory is pretty good


> a cursed residue that stores other techniques probably without the drawback that causes Who? Sukuna??


That means he has used more ce than yuta has . Mind you yuta has the 2nd most CE levels in the manga


nah Yuta canā€™t manage his reserves well, thats why heā€™s was constantly oozing cursed energy (vs yuji)


What does that got to do with what i said


Am saying Sukuna didnā€™t use more CE than Yuta has, Yuta just burns through his reserves too quickly


Sukuna was stated to have more than 2 times of yutas ce . He was down to yutas ce level which means he lost more ce than yutas entire amount of ce . Reading comphresion or blind agenda pushing ?


Oh nah i just forgot and thought he was down to Yuta level of CE reserve originally https://preview.redd.it/gde1a5x0hr2d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0278f00bd211bcc94fdcbb10ccebd82744d91c


Yuta was stated to have very sloppy CE usable, meanwhile Sukuna has completely mastered jujutsu


When you're Geges golden boy you get a lot of extra bullshit hax for no good reason.


Reading comprehension devil Originally, Sukuna just needs to hold the hand sign and he can fire WCS like he fires normal Dismantles. And if it actually took windup, even if Gojo cant see CT spark, sex eyes can see CE flowing, so storing it up would give away Sukuna performing WCS Kusakabe, the giy who can actually see CT sparking, was japped by Dismantles, WCS is just a dismantle with extended target. . And this is Mahoraga, he's not even firing Shrine slashes to being with, he just made his sword's CE attack a projectile Mahoraga has no requirements to fire WCS. He adapted to canceling Neutral Infinity without making contact.


why would i make mahoraga keep doing the slashes, when i can learn how to do them, especially when i know that i might lose the 10 shadows/mahoraga at any given point.


He already did


i am not sure what do you mean by that comment so here is a lovely cat pic https://preview.redd.it/865r5qra8u2d1.gif?width=408&format=png8&s=2568060289b4c95ed376792ead367ffe6cb96215


https://i.redd.it/kpn5fvhhau2d1.gif From the first time maha showed him the blueprint. It was just a factor of him shooting for a stylistic finish. As both him and maha would be able to. So he doesnt actualmy need Maha to not kill him


i think at the point gojo was wary of mahoraga hence the atomic purple to completely delete maho, but he didn't expect sukuna to master strong cleave as well, thus he was caught off gaurd.


Ngl him not expecting something fishy. Even the Sakuna wore the wheel himself is dumb


Welp he had to get rid of makora before sukuna use it, but bro was late.


It just feels anto climatic on purpose


The other way around is worse, sukuna being nothing after 200 chapter buildup, we don't get to see our wuji or todo, and the entire plot of depend on hojo will keep going, gojo didn't lose due to being incompetent or weak, but rather sukuna won because he got the right power up in the right moment (which he have been working for since chapter 1).


Yea but every instance we get. The six eues fails


Look at the face gojo makes, itā€™s both shock and ā€œTry that again and Iā€™ll drill you your very own asshole motherfuckerā€




She mommy


As a fellow minor, you gotta stop now before you become an adult, cuz then you Finna be a pedo!


Sheā€™s been 16 for several years, technically sheā€™d be the groomer


Prolly cuz gojo wouldn't be hit next time


Megumiā€™s Bum genes kicked in




Because then Gojo wouldn't be able to fight back and use that purple, Sukuna would have Mahoraga and probably Agito, he would also have his reset body and the cast would have no chance.


Plot armor


Gege wanted Gojo to look cool before he died Mahoraga could have just cut his head here


Because Mahoraga doing it is less effective than hitting Gojo with World Cleave. Also Gojo was only caught off guard with it once. Any more attacks that are telegraphed, he'll be able to avoid. Also going for kill shots with Mahoraga is a guaranteed way to get Mahoraga killed with Purple. Sukuna doesnt want that. The sole reason he hijacked Megumi's body is to use Mahoraga.


Either it wastes a lot of CE that Mahoraga doesnā€™t have. Or it simply has cooldown.