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Neurosis typical for these people.


It's too late isreal. We see it. It's easy to see as well. Not to mention how pathetic it is to see pro-genocide bots flooding online spaces with downvotes, insulting the collective intelligence of every nation with an internet connection. It's such a CCP kind of thing to do and is so bloody pathetic, not the greatest role model for the regime either, since Bai lan has been making amazing progress recently. Stop bombing children. At the very least stop pretending you're the good guys while you wear their blood with a smile on your face. - a miffed Redditor who came across this sub by mistake and got downvoted by brigading Zionist cunt boys who belong here even less than me.


Yes, because Hamas wasn't bombing children and stealing their own children's youth by arming them to the teeth with guns and having them patrol the streets. Give me a break.


If somebody gotta tell you Hamas doesn't stand for every palastinian, you're not paying attention at all. Cry some more


~~You're missing the point entirely, Hamas strikes at Israel, nobody even blinks, Israel strikes back, everyone screams genocide. Are you catching my drift?~~


Nobody blinked on after the Hamas attack? More like nobody blinked for 50 years of Israeli land theft, apartheid, and murder and then pretended Oct 7 happened in a vacuum.


After extensive research on the issue, I will no longer comment on this. I've revised my views, and despite the fact that I condemn Hamas, I recognize where the attitude came from.


Absolute G right here. Not trying to be facetious or anything, but I'm so fucking proud of you rn. I've never witnessed a Redditor adjust like that in real time. You got the idea.


Thank you. I was listening to a short podcast on the issue and then went into reading more about it over the past week and I've noticed the same trend happening more often throughout history in different parts of the world, like when the nationalist party of China lost the civil war and fled to Taiwan, and despite being the ethnic minority, somehow still manage to take full control of Taiwan and oppress its native inhabitants. And that's just one of many examples of history repeating itself.


It kinda does just keep happening huh. It's crazy too how fast the mirrage comes crashing down once you glance over the last 200 years of human history. There's always some boogeyman taking the fall for the elites. Props to you


Who is the one settling who's homes with tanks and helicopters. 14,500 dead children... Catch my drift?


Who's hiding in villages using those 14500 children plus other innocents as human shields? Catch my drift?




#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hamas is a guerrilla force operating within a bursting-at-the-seams sardine can of a polity. I have zero desire to defend Hamas or any other war criminal, but the idea that this is some deliberate choice they’ve made and not a physical necessity is simply propaganda.


I'm sure you believe yourself to be immune to propaganda, like as you people are, with your superiority complex.


“You people…?”


That's literally the only thing you took from that.


“A paraplegic dwarf lands a lucky blow on 1980s Arnold Schwarzenegger, nobody even blinks; Arnold responds by kicking the dwarf to death and everybody screams, ‘ffs, stop! he’s a paraplegic dwarf!’”


~~Good, but the ones who started this whole thing were Hamas. Yes, the kids have nothing to do with it, but their parents are indoctrinated to support Hamas.~~


The dwarf is the one who started attacking Arnold. Does that justify beating the dwarf to death?


~~Attacking and killing are two entirely distinct things. Hamas was killing people in Israel, so Israel responded in kind, it's called a war. Are Ukrainians justified for killing Russian soldiers? Yes, they fucking started it.~~


It’s “attacking” in the analogy because Arnold and the dwarf are stand-ins for nation-states, not people, and Israel wasn’t destroyed on Oct. 7th. Ukrainians are justified. Hamas were not (though it betrays some real ignorance on your part to say they started it). We agree on this much. What we disagree on is the morality of collective punishment.


~~How did Hamas not start this? The fact that you think it not so, betrays some real ignorance.~~ >collective punishment ~~Funny way of spelling collateral damage.~~




Of course they are bozo, can you read


At what ?!


Israel is winning? …is that a joke? The military operation in Gaza is the epitome of “winning the battle, losing the war.” I’m an American who has deliberately avoided taking a stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, until this war. The Hamas attack was among the most barbaric and medieval in modern history, sure. But what Israel has done in response has turned me against them for the rest of my life. I will not vote for pro-Israel politicians. I will not support pro-Israeli causes. Netanyahu has radicalized me, and millions around the world. I will never support Israel after this war, and that is directly Netanyahu’s fault.




Lmao ok. You think Israel is winning 🤣



