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Message me 💋


Tiet jeans, show of your beautiful boobs 💖


You could be a 9 if u Lost alot of ur weight


you would be so bad if u lost some weight


Picture 3 & 8 you are looking very attractive.


You're gorgeous exactly the way you are, BUT this is looksmax, so if you were to improve I would focus on transitioning to a more athletic build. Don't starve yourself to lose weight and not exercise. Exercise is way more important. Build that habit, then focus on calories. Be safe and do it healthily if you're interested in doing it. Edit typo*


You are very attractive just the way you are


Lose weight




You are very beautiful the way you are. Ignore the people who don’t think you are beautiful they are the ugly ones.


you don’t need to lose weight. don’t listen to these people, you look like a woman from an ancient painting.


Gym…and eat healthy


Listen I don't know why these f****** are so meanb young but who cares and you have a few extra pounds Anybody that says that that is what you need to do is probably a virgin because they have obviously not been with ! with many women not sloppy at all. It's their loss tho because and I would love to cuddle with you You look very very comfortable to cuddle. I guess they've never heard the song by ] Mix-a-Lot. Enough about your week let's get some nailing some brass taks I give you a 9 out of 10 You're beautiful If you go and lose a lot of weight I'm giving a sex because the weight looks good on you Sol


I think you are very attractive. Very beautiful eyes. Good face structure. Your body looks good too. It would always be better to lose a little bit for long term health but you do still look pretty good.


You'd already max urself just going to the gym and start enting healthy. U got a cute face


Post like these are annoying. You're fat, you know you're fat. Eat better and work out. Nothing will make a bigger difference.


More sport, less food, and believe me, you have excellent facial features


Sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way. Just saying that I thought she was smoking hot but since she might be a lesbian that she wouldn't be interested in me


Lose weight


Stop getting on reddit and asking people who you are never gonna meet to judge you. Ask your friends and family. Family will always say dont change, but they will make suggestions. REAL friends will be honest and say what they think needs improvement. You're attractivness is subjective to who is looking at you. Look in the mirror and decide on what YOU think would make you look better, then work on that. Just because 1 person says you need to lose weight, wear more makeup, etc just means that there is another person somewhere will say there is nothing wrong with you. Good luck!


This! ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


I think you know what you have to do




Tbh lose weight. No matter how any emotional person trues to spin it over Wright is unhealthy and unhealthy whether it's Wright or not is unattractive. Keto diet not only is amazing for weight loss but even more amazingly it is amazing at curing depression, uplifting the soul, creating dopamine and everything. It cures so many little things to major things like Parkinsons amd diabetes. Do keto You're a badass, -Ţýĺęŕ 🤟✌️👍


Lose weight (respectfully).


Assuming you are lesbian. I am a guy and to me you are smoking hot. I like your size


What does her being a lesbien or not have anything to do with anything?


Get a hormone panel done, check for rosacea, eat an antiinflammatory diet


Your face has beauty to it, I'd say go to the gym or do a home workout and watch what you eat. The gym/home workout will help in dropping the body fat and adding definition to your beauty. Food will help drive you to where you want to be looks wise.


Stop eat suger


Go to the gym and lose weight, increase muscle mass. Lose some face fat and try to clear your skin by adopting a good skin care+ work on fashion and hairstyle as well


Stop posting your face


You look stunning fuck what everyone says you're attractive you're doing great


Like I'm genuinely thinking men aren't actually attracted to women like I don't understand them


Obesity generally isn't attractive. She is lucky she holds the weight the way she does and can pull it off. But she's fat.


L take she's hot


This is a sub where people come to get advice to help them look **more** attractive. These people are doing what she asked them to do. The egregious ass-kissing is very flattering, I'm sure. But insulting people for being honest is the real L take here.


I didn't say she wasn't hot, I was simply giving you an explanation as to why people may not find her attractive. She is fat.


Coming from a girl, I think you’re absolutely beautiful. You have beautiful curves, the bluest of eyes, a natural blonde, you also dress your body up very well being midsize like me. But since I’m purely going off appearances, I think if you took your health and heart more seriously your body will match your confidence. Only advice I have is be more aware of your body and what you choose to fuel it. regardless, i think youre hot asf! 😍


Less eating and do exercise.


You look good


Lose a person in weight. Then come back for reevaluation.


Like Johnny Lawrence says stop eating a box of Twinkie’s everyday


You already know the answer


Lose a couple pounds and move out of California. Just don’t come to AZ please.


stop eating to much and date a mexican 👌


Stop eating so damn much


That is incredibly rude, wtf?


Well that's how you motivate someone, bullying works more than being polite


Not a dam thing


Lose weight get proactive


Your very pretty




Stop commenting. You keep seeing them because you comment.


I can't help it, they ask stupid questions


They do but you won't stop seeing them until you stop interacting with the posts lmao


Lose 20 lbs


Start fasting for a week straight


Have more self confidence


Lose a significant amount of weight


Get rid of the face piercings, lose weight look up Dr Anthony Chaffee on YouTube for no bs real health and tons of split squats. You're really cute but the way.


Lose the backpack of a stomach


Go ahead. Post yourself then.


Only if you beg…


You couldn’t have said this in a nicer way? Like really?


My fault og, are you big too?


You know she’s huge


Lmfao just tryna be helpful ya know what I’m sayin


I love someone posts unflattering pictures of themselves here in a thread callled LooksMaxing ADVICE and people get butthurt with responses




Is there a reason you’re so hateful? Just out of curiosity. I see from your bio you’re racist, sexist, and apparently also don’t like overweight people. Who hurt you? ❤️


lil bro think they changing the world


Trying to cancel them now? Stfu. I'm sure she's been called names before and she seems to be doing alright.


Cancel… them… LOL bye


Wouldn't be the first time I've seen an attempt over some bullshit...


Ever heard of an internet troll ?


They are being soft asf but bro that bio is crazy 💀


you already know what you need to do to lose weight. don’t starve yourself, just keep track of what you eat and get down to 20-25% BF


eat more fruits and veggies and no processed foods and seed oils. use a low ph korean face wash, snail mucin, a fermented rice toner, and rice milk moisturizer. work out 4 times a day


omg I mean a week 😭




Get a stationary bike, put it in front of the TV. Set the bike on the least tension that doesn't allow pedal spin. You don't want to build muscle on the legs. Then as you get use to the bike you can up the tension,but only enough to keep the pedals from spinning freely. Now watch your programs and pedal. You can do an hour show without batting an eye. Diet wise stay away from the carbs. Protein protein. Nothing crazy. After a month of watching tv jump on the scale.


Start a high protein, low carb diet today, start exercising today, and stop asking the internet


Gym would help, but it's more about diet. Switch to strict Keto and be in a caloric deficit for 6 weeks and you'll be amazed.


So everyone is already saying it but yes, you need to go to the gym and lose some weight. On the plus side, you have a beautiful face and your body type, when toned up, is gonna be a killer! You have natural beauty already so there’s truly not much of anything you need to do other than be more active and/or make physically healthier choices. I won’t sugar coat that it’s gonna be like a 6month process but you’re also super young and it’ll happen faster than you think. Stay consistent and you’ll not only feel more confident, you’ll be a total knockout! Good luck!


Lose like 25-35 pounds you’re pretty enough it doesn’t have to be all the way but do that and your set imo


25lbs is a lot from 175 to 150 but she needs about 80. She's EASILY over 200.


Lose face fat. Respectfully I think you would look even better not saying you need to tho you are already pretty


You need to be in this black guy arms 😋


love that


Black men: ooo she thick 😮‍💨 White men: ewwww she’s thick 🥴


Lose an absolute shit load of weight


Don't do anything your absolutely beautiful


Don't asked people, to your beautiful. 💖 people are mean.


Lemme glaze your face


He couldn't even if he wanted to lol


Lose weight. Eat better.


You are already a 20 out of 10


20 tons


Chill out simp


Exercise, but with that being said, would.


You're beautiful just the way you are.


Diet and exercise.


Lose weight, otherwise you're gorgeous.


This sub is about “looks” and from the looks of it you’re carrying what some would consider some extra weight. Personally I like to date people who I can take on a hike, work in the garden, or run around downtown, without worrying if they can physically handle that level of activity. I have the suspicion that you don’t move half as much as you should. Start by taking a 20 min walk everyday. Lessen your intake of dessert coffee drinks. Talk to your Dr if your health is suffering from your weight. Hard to know everything about someone based on their looks, but that’s my judge a book by its cover first impression.


Curtain bangs


Take a better picture??


Eat less, move more.


Am I only one tired of these stupid “question” posts about how to look better? Everyone knows they’re just fishing for compliments. Ridiculous. Childish.


this one has nothing to compliment tho🤷🏽‍♂️


Buy Coach Greg’s Cook Book 🫣 Edit: Ok I initially said that as a joke but in all seriousness, his cookbook changed my life. It helped me get my diet in check even though I was able to eat as much as I wanted.


Probably lose some weight. DO NOT confuse your appearance with your value. Two separate things.


I wouldn’t listen to anyone telling you to loose weight unless it truly fits your lifestyle goals. From one thick gal to another (Even if we’re very different types of people) your body/ weight is not an issue and for every person who thinks you need to loose weight there’s an equal number of people who think your body is the DREAM body on a girl. Additionally, you already dress in a way that really suits your body. I think your hair is gorgeous and if you styles it up a little more it could really draw attention to your facial features, jawline, and collarbones. Id say shaping up your eyebrows and maybe dying them just slightly darker would really help to carve out your facial features and draw even more attention to your eyes creating a much more attention grabbing look. I already give you a 8.5/10. I think confidence to show off what you’ve already got is the best glow up you could have


Body/weight is an issue. It’s the leading cause of heart disease, diabetes, etc. shows mental illness too, like lack of discipline and disregard for physical activity and healthy habits. unless you want to be with another unhealthy meat vehicle who is addicted to food, I suggest losing weight


I agree being overweight can be unhealthy, but if loosing weight isn’t done as a sustainable a lifestyle change then it could instead lead to an eating disorder which also causes massive amounts of health issues. I think if your goal is to feel prettier, then finding sustainable workouts can be a great option however just telling someone to loose weight does nothing but further hurt the self esteem. Obesity is one of the biggest health concerns talked about right now. Im positive everyone knows the impact of being overweight but not everyone has access to healthy food, not everyone’s health allows for healthy weightloss, and not everyone has the time or energy to workout especially if they have any of the other contributing factors. You must be very lucky, or very out of touch, to think loosing weight is as easy as just “Being disciplined”. Unless of course you’re just suggesting she not eat, in which case you’re just promoting an eating disorder. Considering your phrasing, it sounds like you already have an unhealthy relationship with food and should not be giving advice on weightloss. Good luck.


8.5💀 she sub 5 bro tf


Lol how can you say weight is not an issue…she is only 19…eating whatever you want gets a lot harder from here. While I agree her body type is thicker and she has a very cute face, diet and exercise can definitely improve not only looks, but self esteem issues as well as help a lot down the line when she’s older. Get in the habit of eating healthy and exercising now, your future self will thank you!


The weight isn't an issue IF you are alright with dating someone else of equal proportion. If not, then your bodyweight should be _in proportion_ to what you find attractive in a mate.


Fitness is a great way to feel prettier, but just suggesting someone loose weight won’t necessarily be beneficial for a large variety of reasons. I can also promise you that her body size will not prevent her from finding guys (or girls) of any and all sizes. I know from experience.😘I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe you can only date someone the exact same size as you, or that your body size equals your value in a relationship. I hope you’re able to find confidence someday.


I am a woman who used to be quite large. I am married with kids now. I used to have entitlement issues that I deserved more than the standards I held myself to. Thanks for the invalidation though.




Eat less


Do you really not know? Lmao


Speaking from the heart here… you need to believe and become confident in your worth. (Not saying you are not) just emphasizing that getting healthy and consequently more attractive starts with taking a dive inside yourself and realizing that you are a beautiful creation. You deserve to be at your best. It will be work in your mind and body, but oh man is it worth it. It’s like the feeling when a cloudy day parts up and a beautiful sunset emerges, but way better. Even if everything in you is screaming to stay stuck in old patterns, just go through the motions for now. Get up and go find a cool route to walk. Little by little each day increase your distance and you will soon become addicted to how good you feel in all aspects. You will gain clarity and health in you body and mind and begin to see the absolute priceless gift of life you have been given. Never give up and do it purely for yourself. You are worth it!


I think you have a lot of potential. Your face is already really attractive. Honestly you just need to lose the weight and you would be a curvy bombshell. You said be brutally honest. 🤷🏻‍♂️ You don’t look to be at a healthy weight and you will feel much better both mentally and physically when you get it off. Hit the gym and hit cardio as hard as you can. Look into improving your diet if you haven’t already. Diet and exercise are both equally as important when trying to lose weight. Also if you consistently go to the gym and make it a habit you will start to enjoy it. I have found that I actually enjoy going to the gym and have gotten to the point where I feel bad if I don’t go at least 3 times a week. I just know that for some people going to the gym can be difficult but once it becomes a habit and you get stronger it is enjoyable.


I think you’re beautiful and you have great legs!


Use some facial moisturizer when you flare up and try to go on as many walks as possible (proven to be far more sustainable than just trying to start running or doing other cardio while maintaining many of the same or similar benefits as cardio in general) and you'll be as attractive as you need to be


Even fat you pretty asf white girls got it easy lmao


Easy, workout. Stop asking for what others like and create a strong body


All of you defending fat beauty should look up how many fat beauty influencers have died. Spoilers, its a health risk and most all of them have. Heres one video keeping track: https://youtu.be/3MVpOBf50jQ?si=gr46eWVxGO648vOl Heres another video: https://youtu.be/XsVqcm4LGh8?si=ltB0s8oMs1nsvIE_ She is on this sub, she is emotionally mature enough to ask for advice ON REDDIT. She doesint need you white knights holding her hand in some attempt to validate yourself. If you actually cared about her longevity and wellbeing youd give good advice for health. Not bullshit. And this is the looks - maxing sub. Not the fair to middling compromise sub. She came here for a reason.


Now give me your downvotes you clowns


No, I’m upvoting you out of spite




Yeah, take that!!


Diet and exercise. You're gorgeous, just very over weight.


Very overweight is a bit dramatic


TLDR: By definition she's obese. So, not a bit dramatic. Well. There's overweight (BMI 25-30), obese (BMI 30-35), and morbidly obese (BMI >35). While I do happen to think BMI tends to be a bullshit metric, those are the defining numbers. Stating she is very overweight was putting it nicely as she's more likely to be categorized as being obese. So it's not being dramatic. I was accurately depicting her estimated BMI; whilst attempting to maintain her dignity with a simultaneous answering of her question.






Don’t even listen to half of these people to be honest, you’re beautiful no matter the shape or size!


lol you people need to go to a new planet


Would if I could


Why do people say this false crap?


False. She's s fat and could better herself by losing weight. She legit asked for opinions, that's the majority opinion, because it's true.


I’m happy for you!


Lose weight. You are already very beautiful.


Lose 200lbs and get a better face.


If you think her face is any issue, then you have very skewed sense of beauty. Argue her weight all you want (I personally prefer my ladies thicker), and I'm not tryna white knight here, but OP is genuinely a beautiful person.


Don't take it personally I'm just a hater. Everyone who posts a picture online is a 0/10. Even me.


I cannot imagine being a grown man and so insecure about myself that I 1. Bully random people on the internet like a freak and 2. Cant post pictures of myself on social media because im so insecure about my inherited genetics. What are you doing with your life? Are you secretly 300lbs sitting behind a computer living in your mother’s basement wondering why you can’t get laid? Who in the fuck spends their free time making fun of people on Reddit? of all places too!! LOOOL be so dead ass


Aww wook at the wittle baby all mad about mean people on the internet.🫵😂


How old are you “metal master” ?


Idk somewhere between 5 and 80


I wish you were intelligent enough to answer a simple question. I was wrong to hold onto that slither of hope I had that you were a normal human being


I wish I had an ice cream cone. With spinkles.


Move here...89128😳😘😉


Noooo move to New York ❤️‍🔥


You already know.


You have an absolutely stunning face ... that picture of you in the car is extraordinary. (your face there says your weight was probably a bit down there tho). In that verification photo ... is your weight up there? Verses that pic of your face in the car, even keeping your weight moderately down can be a huge plus. The name of the game is to downplay your physical faults and highlight your physical strengths. In your case this is redirecting people's attention away from your weight. Don't show your legs ... so, avoid wearing skirts or dresses where the hem is above the calf. On the other hand, a long skirt that goes down to the ankle is your friend because it both covers the leg and the long loose flowing nature of the skirt (or dress) helps to balance out your body and gives better transitions. Even when wearing pants, a coverup that smooths the transition between your upper and lower body/butt, helps. This is like the pic of you on the bench ... by covering up you are downplaying the imbalance in your weight. That's a great pic. The downside to covering up can be that, in doing so you also end up covering your other biggest asset ... your boobs. Your chest is also a way to keep peoples eyes above your lower body. Try to dress in a way that "flatters" the bust. This is both by wearing clothes that look good from that perspective ... and also wearing bras that give shape without making your chest look a great deal larger than it is. In particular hair and makeup helps to keep the viewers eye up. Because you have such a beautiful face, your hair and makeup is a big part of being able to keep peoples' eyes up and looking at your greatest asset. In fact, you have a naturally beautiful enough face that you automatically do this (to a degree) even without makeup ... but the hair and makeup will make a huge difference. Another good thing is that you get way more "bang" out of wearing makeup than girls who are not as beautiful do. Finally, you should spend a good amount of time online looking at photos of clothes and outfits of how well dressed and or famous women such as actors, models and other celebrities pull this off ... what clothes and in what combinations work best for them ... formal, casual, beachwear, everything ... and then try to duplicate the one's you particularly like. Famous people often have expensive fashion help in figuring out what looks best and what style and color. Until you get your weight down significantly, the biggest thing you can do is to work with what you've got and how you dress is going to be a big part of that.


I think you look great and definitely find you attractive, but if you wanna maximize, I'd try losing some weight. It would help make your face look smaller because you do kinda have a chubby face. I'd say that's it just off first looks. I like the style and hair, and you look hygienic. I'd just lose some weight but don't feel pressured because of my opinion, but it would help


I most definitely saw you on tinder last night saying you were 24 and from central PA…


Attractive to whom? The guy meant for you will want you how you are. So whom is it you tryin to attract but cant? Fk what other think.... What do YOU feel you should do sis?


Yeah why bother seeking to improve yourself when some losers willing to settle for less!


Thats asinine. No one said she shouldnt make herself better. I said for her to make herself better for herself to be happy with. Not for the attention of others. Pay attention.


Period! Don’t feel pressured by society to be whatever they consider attractive!


Lose the baggie cloths there are guys who like bigger women id take you in a heartbeat darlin




You have potential, just get slim.


Make an onlyfans


Honestly you've got a great face. I'd say (as kindly as possible) just need to lose a bit of weight and you'd be maxed out.


You're very pretty. Just get into better shape. It's doable, and your self-confidence will increase exponentially.


Your face is already not bad . Just don’t be fat and be slim and you’re good to go.


You are beautiful maybe smile a little more I think you're hot 🔥


Get in shape.


Girl to girl i would kill to be this delicious. You know your colors so well and def style yourself well. My reccomendations would be a brow tint and a cool toned plum or maroon eyeliner/mascara to make your eyes pop against the cool toned hair


She’s not even fat, this sub is full of soy boys who take pleasure is bullying


Hardly anyone I’ve seen in this thread is bullying her. It’s mostly constructive criticism which is what this sub is about. Go back to being a beta simp