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Tight formation people, hold the line.


lol never have I felt such solidarity with fellow Angelenos than at this turn. Go ahead and stay right on my bumper buddy. Exception made for panicked out of state plates that turn their signal on as soon as they realize what’s happening.


Bruh this is me like 90% of the time. I just drove past fucking Tarzana or something to meet a client and I know I have to make a right in .3 mi but it's backed up a whole block on the right lane. I take a gamble after it doesn't move for 5 min and hey out of line... and it paid off... I was unknowingly in an in n out queue. Would have been like 30 min late waiting for that to move. The line goes into the driveway like 5' from my turn. But so many times I gamble wrong. Cars backed up 5 blocks before my on ramp? Swerve around... Oh fuck that was the line. Now I'm a douche and I try to pivot back in.


This is the most LA post


LA: where everyone thinks everyone else is an ass, some are and some seem like it because big city circumstances


I know exactly which in-n-out line you’re talking about. That line gets insanely long sometimes.


Seal the gaps!!!!




 Nuts to butts.


I’m short so it was six pack to two pack.


Play some goddamn defense!!!


hopefully there are no Lakers driving those cars


Reaves just got his ~~ankles~~ axles broken by a driver that swerved left then swerved right


Lmao damn! Wish the Lakers were good again to avoid these jokes.


The only time I don’t mind being tailgated from behind…when it prevents an ass chode like the Mustang here from getting in. Don’t mind it, if that tailgate is done right.


No Room, No Quarter!


Stay on target .... stay on target ....


All in favor of renaming Stadium Way to Jek Porkins Avenue, say aye.




agreed then there is that one person on their phone that misses that the line is moving causing people to be able to get in.


No eye contact!


Yes eye contact. Make it uncomfortable. Assert dominance


But then they shoot


Shoot back.




I do this while waiting in the car line to get into Coachella too NO TAMMY GET IN BACK OF THE FING LINE




Love isn’t always on time


🎶🎵whoa whoa whoa 🎵🎶


Give them nothing, but take from them everything


"HOLD....AS ONE!!!!!"


The fact that this is the top comment makes me so happy. Keep fighting the good fight!


I can’t believe that is my highest ever lol I feel validated lol




Get in before the solid line or keep going buddy!!


If LAPD sent two motorcycle cops 2 hours a couple of times month to stop this nonsense, people would love them.


Seriously. Want to get rid of the negative sentiment people have about LAPD? This would be a start.


Doing the bare minimum for traffic would help their perception a lot. Maybe ticket people for running stop signs or randomly parking in the middle of the street with their blinkers on at the very least?


Oof. The running of stop signs is a bad one. I used to get so pissed and honk or flip them off but it's such a frequent thing that now I stay chill and stop an extra second just to make sure I'm not going to get t-boned. Also as a pedestrian, it's scary AF, I almost got run over the other day crossing Franklin Ave on Seward, which is a 4 way stop but NOOOOOBODY stops.


Almost got hit by some dumbass making a left in a four way stop in a residential ass area that people zoom through multiple 4ways in a row. Talking people walking dogs and kids and old people strolling and these drivers treat it like a test track or something. Or just aren’t paying the fuck attention.


edge disarm wasteful vanish meeting uppity alleged enjoy ludicrous caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I so deeply hate that shit. People are so inconsiderate, especially behind the wheel. Where are the cops?


Yeah, I live in Hollywood and I see them driving around but I'm always wondering what they're all actually doing, idk maybe there's a lot of crime they're dealing with that I'm just not seeing but I get the impression they just sort of cruise around.


101 to 134 Freeway is my biggest pet peeve. Every day I drive there another person goes all the way to the end stops and blocks traffic so they can merge onto the 134. LAPD could have a field day with that


also on the 210 where it splits to colorado and to the underpass. So many options, but not a cop to be seen.


they'd probably meet their quota for the year in 2 days.


Or if they put [lane delineators](https://i.imgur.com/OI2u0dv.jpeg) at the edge of the lane that would solve it too.


Lol they have a ton of cones out on sunset during dodger games and people just drive over them


Geez, people really don't gaf do they? Let's start making them out of metal so they damage your car when you hit them. xD


The police academy is right there, make it the trainees job to do this


Build a wall!


CLOSE THE GAPS!! Don’t give in!


good thing that most drivers are distracted when it's time to move and heeeeere I come, swooping in to the front, lol




"If you're too distracted to drive, you shouldn't be driving," or something.


They’re on their phones thinking the line won’t move for a half hour. Better check my Facebook/Instagram while the line *slowly* moves forward until you reach the light signal.


It's actually faster to stay in the left lane, go all the way down, trun left and bust a quick u turn and get in front of the line. Fucking masterful move.


This is actually not a pro tip. I got a (deserved) ticket for doing this.


…why? What’s illegal about taking a different route? What could the ticket possibly have been for?


At that particular stretch, it’s a double yellow line and there’s also a big sign that says “No U-Turns” I was trying to be sneaky, it was a dick move, karma got me. However, I will say that the line would go a lot faster if the signage was clearer that you only have to stop if you’re turning left - if you’re making the right, just keep going!!!


Please do NOT do the u turn. There are at least 4 signs saying no u turn. You can either go to the end of the street and u turn properly or go left and follow that through Solano canyon to the 5 or Broadway.


The fastest is just going all the way to the front and jamming yourself in front of that tight turn pissing off every single person around you. Extra points if you start honking your horn if the person won't let you cut them off.


Magneto Bumpers Technique people. Don't turn your gaze toward them, and start honking if they try to shoehorn you!


Had a tesla driver try to pull this shit I am like “dog this is a 25 year old 4Runner vs your $80,000 battery. I’m driving off if you hit me, no matter how much you honk.”


When I look at an aggressive cutter I check to see if his car is a lot nicer than mine and call his bullshit. "Go ahead. Ram me. It'll be your fault and you going to spend more money getting a paint job than I care to do with my car"


“It’s just a lease 🤷🏻‍♂️” There are people driving around with this mentality where they don’t care about damage to their car.


Don’t they have to fix it before returning the lease?


Yes. And most of the time they are sticklers about it. When I turned in a lease once, there was a minuscule hairline crack in the taillight that I never would have noticed. They were going to charge retail price for the replacement, but I went out and found the part myself.


Pretty sure ya do lol


I have absolutely no clue. I’ve only returned a lease once and i returned it in the condition I got it. But it’s a thing I’ve heard people say.


The cheaper car always wins the game of Car chicken


My 24 year old minivan is literally a weapon in LA traffic.


however, a shitty life pro tip is to cut in front of a tesla because the safety programming will force their car to slam on the brakes allowing you to squeeze right on in


Go on. This actually sounds hilarious and petty enough for me to try


(results may vary)


I once did that in my dented, rusty, 12 year old Mazda hatchback to some dude in a monster raised shiny chromed truck. I was like “be my guest, bro.”


LMAOOOOOO this is so funny did they do it???


Hahah - dude backed off and was big mad. There was a merge of two highways and we were supposed to be zippering in stop and go. I was 100% in the right, and he didn't want to let me in, and I just angled my little mazda and stayed the course. It was when I lived in Massachusetts, I was like SHRUG that's how it works. I've had a long day at work and a proper zipper merge is going to be my triumph!!! people get so dumb in their cars, myself included.


Yeah but I've had the opposite result happen in LA. A Tony Soprano looking gentleman in a 5 series BMW didn't want to let me in my old Honda CR-V zipper in on Bundy one time. I hollered over to him "are you fucking kidding me?" as he continues by. Next car lets me in. We're now sitting at the light, me behind him, and he casually gets out, walks up to my car, and punched my driver's window with all his might and started screaming incoherently, trying to get my door open, etc. Got his license plate and happened by a cop a few minutes later and gave him the "roll down your window" motion, he cracked it and I told him what happened and he said "road rage isn't a crime". People suck and LAPD sucks. But we already knew both of these facts, stay safe out there.


People do not know how to zipper merge here. Like why! It is intuitive!


In all seriousness, if you continue driving forward when drivers cut in like this, who is liable for the crash?


There would be a lot of factors involved, but one universal one is that anyone who hits another car or pedestrian when they could've avoided it is at fault. There is no amount of illegal shit that anyone can do that gives you license to choose to hit them.


Yes. Changing lanes into a car which is already in that lane even if you signal your turn and intention to turn, so long as the car that the merging vehicle hits maintains consistent speed. Now if you speed up into their bumper I don’t think so but if they pit maneuver themselves that’s just their choice.


probably shared fault unless there's good proof otherwise.


Them, make sure you have a dashcam...


The good news for the cutters is that someone in the line will be looking at their phone instead of the road, so there WILL be a gap.


"If you no longer go for a gap which exists you are no longer a racing driver" Ayrton Senna


Frustrates me endlessly. Angelenos weakest soldier!


It’s always the people in the fancier cars thinking they’ll be stuck at that exact same spot for a half hour. So they whip out the phones and then act ShockedPikachu.gif when Mustang cuts in. Beaters meanwhile DGAF and play all-zone in not letting chodes in.


Shit phone behavior crosses all socioeconomic and political lines. Some people are just addicts.




Yes, hold the line. Their lack of planning or distaste for waiting in the same line we all are is not our problem.


I thought it was an out of state license plate at first. Unfortunately, some people are too kind, though. Assholes like that always get their way eventually.


Ya just make a left and then a u-turn like the rest of us civilized psychopaths.


You are speaking waaay too loud




Omg stop telling our secrets




Delete this before everyone else sees 😭


This is the way!


If these people don’t face consequences they’ll never learn.


I can guarantee these types of people will never learn even with consequences.


Fuck this entire intersection at Academy and Stadium. If there was ever a case for installing a roundabout in Los Angeles, it’s right here. The current setup is confusing (some stop signs, some yield signs, lots of congestion), and encourages very bad behavior like in OP photo.  Once again, fuck this intersection. Turn it into a roundabout and watch the traffic flow


Yeah, this and the giant 6-way multilane intersection in Beverly Hills are screaming for them.


I hate that BH intersection too, what a monstrosity of engineering


That intersection deserves a proper roundabout. But it’s BH, so I’m sure they think it’s ugly and for poor people.


They could put a fancy statue in the middle or something, smh.


Yeah it's easy to blame the drivers but this is a planning issue.


I’d say the problem in OP photo is 85% planning problem, 15% asshole driver problem.  Sometimes drivers are caught off guard by lanes that just end, but there are definitely daily commuters that cut in line every chance they get. We all have some agency, even in horrible highway design conditions 


This is my biggest driving pet peeve. Like just wait in line! If we had to, you should too!


It's like this on the i10 exit going north on The 110 too. Bunch of main characters thinking they're more important than everyone else and that they shouldn't have to wait in line 🖕


I struggle with this one, when is it too late to merge in? I know it’s too damn late once the lane lines are solid, but when is it not being a douche? 1/2 mile out is okay? 1 mile? Just curious


Idk, but after the lane lines are solid, it’s definitely being a douche. If you merge so late that you have to stop traffic in the lane you’re in, it’s being a douche.


Oh I agree for sure. Maybe I misphrased my original comment


If it was an honest mistake and you're trying to get in mid line it's not so bad. But when you merge in last second right at the exit to bypass the entire line is when it brings my piss to a boil. Have a little shame


I mean, have you never realized at the last moment you were in the wrong lane?


Yea sure when making a left or something and I didn’t realize my intersection was coming up. If you’re going to an event with 40,000 other people and you start to see a line forming, that’s your line.


*Hmm. That line can’t possibly be for me, I’m special.*


I’ve never loved a post more


Yeah, no way I hate that! Wait your turn


Also, there isn’t a stop sign!


If I could upvote this a million times I would


to be fair it feels like there should be


At the top OR the bottom. JUST FUCKING GO!


The Yield was taken down, so I think its ah all way stop technically. Otherwise people turning left would never be able to go.


Oh my god thank you!!! I say this to my car every day!!!


I am normally a very calm driver. I'll sit in traffic listening to podcasts forever and chill, its not a big deal, I've dealt with it since I learned to drive, but there is something about people cutting into this specific line to turn. There is no way you've taken this route before and don't know EXACTLY what you're doing. Watching multiple cards nudge their way in, further exacerbating the already egregious line for this turn made my blood boil. I'm very glad I don't have to regularly take this route anymore.


Guy think he’s in a Tesla or something???


Or in a BMW. Or a Prius.


In South-Central, a Charger or Infinity. Or a used, beaten Altima paid with 79.99% APR, public assistance money, and a CVT system about to fail.


How about "no matter where you are, never let those people in." Discourage the behavior. Stay alert as long as the merge lane takes. Your tiktoks can wait till you've exited/merged/whatever.


If you’re on a crowded freeway and there’s a line for the off ramp, but the next freeway has no traffic, then I wonder if cutting in front of someone who leaves a big gap at the front right when the speed picks up (and therefore doesn’t take the off ramp in time when it’s their turn) actually removes a car from the roads sooner and reduces the overall traffic, with no penalty to anyone else.


Oh, sure. I've got no problem with doing it when there are assholes leaving huge gaps (and there are always...), it's the gap-leavers that are the problem. They enable the line jumpers and make even the normal people question whether everyone is paying attention (they're not).


Hold.....hold the line!!


If you do this, FUCK YOU.


We just experienced line cutters like that in MX. Like, everyone was SO close to each others bumpers... and they still tried cutting in until some hippie lady got out of her car and started yelling at them. Then the cops came, scolded the cutters and made them go to the back of the 30min line. It was hilarious. We held the line and felt kinship.


I used to get worked up about this exact turn, so frustrating. The sad truth is that the people cutting at the front will always be let in eventually, usually after about 5 cars. I don’t know what the solution is, other than having a long row of traffic barrier poles installed, which will never happen.


They should have installed those poles a long time ago! These people make traffic worse.


My fantasy is that the poles go up, then the assholes have to take the left turn and do an illegal u-turn to come at the intersection from the other angle. Then they get pulled over for the illegal u-turn. It would be great training for the police academy around the corner. But I’ll keep dreaming…


Those people are what we call Certified Douchebags!


I have a feeling they were let in.


Man I detest these guys. I’m almost get into accidents because I’m tailgating hard so these foos don’t cut in.


Meh. It depends. Sometimes drivers don't realize they're supposed to merge early. That Mustang seems to be asking to merge with a lot of room left not at the last second. And technically, EVERYONE should do what the Mustang is doing so that two lanes are used that way and they use the "zipper" method. [Traffic would decrease if the zipper method were socially accepted.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/10/business/road-rage-zipper-merging.html)


side note, this is still an awesome drive with such great scenery.


It is a beautiful drive with the exception of 81-92 dodger home games a year


Drives me crazy when I’ve successfully blocked someone from cutting me off, only for the mf in front of me to let them in 😤 team work makes the dream work people!!


Wait for the ding but on the phone and get on there


I won’t but the guy in front of me definitely will :/


So strange how people don't cut when their physically standing in a line but once you're in a car it's somewhat acceptable?


I feel this so hard, especially on laurel canyon crossing mullholland at rush hour!


I have the same comment about everyone merging from the 10 east to the 405 S. Get in line like everyone else.


Same at 605 South to 10 West in the morning commute.


I’ve driven there before. That right is a YIELD and the next intersection DOESN’T HAVE A STOP SIGN. Come on y’all.


My most proud hold the line moment was the time I forced someone to take the 110S instead of 110N off the 101E through downtown. They tried their hardest to squeeze in but in the end they found themselves on a 15 minute 5pm detour and I had a good laugh the rest of the way home.


I don’t mind if they fall in behind me, as long as they ask the people already behind me if it’s ok. In other words, GET FUKD




The truth people will never see until they try it for themselves. 90% of people are taking years off their lives raising their blood pressure over losing 5 seconds of their day. I drive way too much to be mad all the time. There's always gonna be assholes, the only thing you can change is your reaction.


Manchester Blvd. going to the 405 N onramp after any event at SoFi or the Forum also. Fuck all those people who try to cut in front of everyone in the right lane.


How about not using Stadium Way/Elysian Park as a cut through to wherever they're going? Drivers go so fast and dangerously down that road, still driving like on the freeway that they just got off of. Makes it so dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Where are they going anyway, on non-Dodger game days, that makes going through the park better than going down the 2 or 110?


I go through that way everyday and shit makes my blood boil everytime they try to cut in.


Man, I hate these line cutters. That’s half the reason the damn line up takes so long is all the a holes who slime their way in and can’t fall in like most decent folks. Infuriating.




I’ve had people get soooooo mad and flick me off for not letting them in and I gotta tell ya that shit is the reason I keep living


you are all my people !!!! i will take a dent in my car before i let one of these assholes worm their line-cutting asses in.


THANK YOU, I never do.


I feel this rage every day on the 101/405 interchange


Story time! One time there was a guy on this exact road trying to get in and the Camry in front of me didn't let him in as he was trying to get in front of him. The other car I think was a Kia Forte but not sure, kept trying to squeeze in and got really close to the Camry. Anyways, the Camry didn't let him and the Forte drove off further. 


Same with the airport…. I didn’t wait in this dumb ass line for 2.5 hours for some bubble tinted busted up silver Nissan Altima to cut me off at the last second where departing/arriving separates. You can go alllll the way around again 💃




i mean... not everyone knows every lane in LA. I have lived here my entire life and have no idea what you guys are talking about. I could very easily be this person. Besides, you are causing yourself more stress, by trying to make sure they cant get in, than just letting them in.


And the bastards that leave their parked cars way after the posted times, further fucking up traffic.


There should be a barricade.


Whoever designs these turns, and does not put physical barriers to prevent douches, you need to sit in the back of that line and watch everyone cut in front of you. We have something similar at north Major Deegan expressway to the George Washington Bridge. The road divides from a quarter mile ahead of the turn, but there is no barrier, so everyone cuts in front!


10000000000000000000000% Fuck those assholes


I've read the room and realize that this comment will likely get downvoted to hell, but here goes anyway 😂..... I get it. It's bad form. But, I've been in this position before - all of a sudden noticing that I had to be over in the other lane - and I can't remember being more grateful to anyone than to the person who let me cut in line so I didn't miss my turnoff. I'm not an asshole (I swear! lol) but mistakes happen. Yes, I know I could have/should have just kept going and found a place to turn around and try again. But I was late, lost, and anxious. Not at my best. So, to the folks who have been kind enough to let me in front of them in situations like this.....THANK YOU! I know how it looked, I know I was in the wrong, and I know you probably pissed off a lot of people behind you, but, oh my goodness, THANK YOU!! 😊


I've def spaced and forgotten to get in the right lane here before haha. We're all human, shit happens. Sometimes it's obvious people are zipping ahead to cut tho and that's annoying.


This is literally me at a clogged freeway exit and a BMW tries to ram their ass in at the very front because they feel like they shouldn't wait.


But he’s special


As a NY transplant: I’ll NEVER let them pull this.


While driving - don't use your phone, OP.


These entitled a holes infuriate me.






[Sometimes other people's time is actually more valuable than yours.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/)




Oh god, the worst! Also the 101 to 405 exchange- rate eff them!




I cant wait until AI is driving all the cars so this shit doesnt happen. People prove time and time again they cant handle the freedom of unrestricted car use.  


Yeah, fuck people like this. Part of being a good driver is fucking over bad drivers whenever possible, safely.


I always let people in. Does that make me a bad person? Willing to change my ways.


there's a time and place and in the above example it's not the time.


If you were standing in a long line with hundreds of people behind you, and you let someone cut in front of you, is that a good act? Maybe you’re not the bad guy, but you are allowing someone to do something that holds the line up for everyone behind you. Why would it be different in a car? Obviously don’t get into like a fight or something, but we live in a society and waiting your turn in line is part of that. Allowing others in front may be a nice gesture on your part, but it’s what’s creating traffic for everyone behind you.


Yours is the only comment I’ve downvoted


I thought about it but it was an honest question. Hope a lesson was learned.


You’re not a bad person you just have poor judgment lol jk man you’re good 👍🏽


Bad person? No. Weak person? Yes. You're not letting them in to be kind you're letting them in because you're afraid of confrontation.


That’s fair but be honest sometimes a driver who’s not from the area doesn’t realize there’s a 2 mile line up. It’s happened to me before, you can’t always make assumptions. The cars that try to sneak in right at the actual gate though, are likely scammers!