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Same thing goes for freeway exits. No exit is worth yours or someone else's life. Take the next one and double back as needed.


Okay I turn now, good luck everybody else




They are roads! They all connect!!


Bad drivers never miss their exit


405 to the 10 interchange is heavy traffic solely because of these people


110 south to the 10 west; so many kamikaze lane crossers.


The people who take the overland exit lane up past where it splits infuriate me. I saw a city vehicle do it 3 weeks ago.


That's not a mistake, that was the plan all along. If you drive at the same time everyday, you'll see the same people pulling the same maneuvers over and over.


210 West - Silver Audi SUV, around 6:30 am. Morning rush hour starting to build, traffic flow going aground 50-55 mph. Silver Audi going around 65-70 tailgating, weaving in and out of lanes. I never wish ill on anyone but I hope this lady gets in a nasty solo accident.


As much as I hate people weaving traffic, I hate seeing people go the posted speed limit or under the speed limit in the number 1 lane. Then you see a 6,000+ truck in every lane. All of these folks need to keep right, and you’ll have less people passing each other for no reason.


Im gonna 20 miles above the speed limit in the number 1 lane on the 60 east fwy, and yet I still get motherfuckers cut around me or honking at me lol. The number 1 is the wild west 


It's a passing lane. If you're not passing and someone is behind you move over so they can pass. I'll move over going 90 if I see someone is approaching, they obviously want to go faster.


They pass me Only to be stuck behind the next car that was 10 feet in front of me lol. Happens all the time. 


This right here. It’s like the people who feel entitled to the right of way to go 30 over can’t look 100 feet in front of them to see that that’s the speed of traffic. They’re mad at a single raindrop in a typhoon lol


I call them butt sniffers cause they get sooo close to my bumper before they decide to overtake me lol.


So either someone ahead is deciding that they're going fast enough while never passing the car on their right and everyone behind is deciding I'll stay here because obviously I can't pass and neither can anyone else. Or more likely there's traffic.


I cannot with these people. They cause so much backlog. Going 25 in a 35. Like ma’am you need to be going like 40-45 here. Then there are those that leave two car spaces as they stop at a red light in a block. So less cars can go through to not block the intersection.


Like the asshole today making a left turn, holding up traffic when the sign clearly says no left turn at this time. I hope the traffic gods punish him with a flat tire.


Yup. And the same types of people do the same move on regular roads without the turning lane. They'll pull up on the right side if there's room, and then hit the gas to cut back in when the light turns green.


People do this on Highland where the right lane goes onto Franklin. They get there and stop, waiting for the green, and block half a mile of cars behind them trying to go right. Because clearly they can't turn right, go up to the next cross street, and turn around.


And it’s always during a bowl event with out-of-state plates. I also hate all of the Ubers that stop right around Highland & Hollywood, blocking 1/3 of the lanes so Mr. Dumbfuck Tourist and his stupid wife can leisurely get out. There’s so many side streets and alleys around there, or the Mel’s parking lot, but no they have to choose one of the busiest intersections in the city to block off. Incenses me every time. It’s even worse when the TMZ busses do it. They should know better.


Out of state plates and around certain areas like Hollywood I tend to give a pass sometimes assuming they are tourists, May even be from different countries and are used to driving on the other side of the road entirely. Not everyone is malicious, sometimes it’s just accidental or not knowing where they are going. I get mad frustrated driving the 217 west at Hollywood & Orange with all the people who will just suddenly slow down or stop to turn right without leaving room for the bus to get through, it happens multiple times a day for me and it’s frustrating but I can’t be mad at them.


There's people that I would not want to meet at a party. Then there's people like you.


If we had any kind of traffic enforcement whatsoever, there would be a whole lot less of this type of BS around the city. People drive like absolute assholes because they get away with it.


I'm originally from London, and we have a lot more cameras, like detecting if cars are stopped in yellow boxes (basically the do not block areas at intersections) and will automatically fine you.


I am from a place with less traffic enforcement and people don't drive nearly as bad as L.A.


that requires admitting one is wrong which is blasphemy in america


Bad drivers never miss their exits


The problem is some people think that if they miss their turn, they will get lost forever and never arrive at their destination.


no bc i once suggested circling back around to sum locals (im the only transplant) and they fr told me that’s not an option in LA (& tbf everytime i was driving alone and planned to circle back it did add like 10-15 mins onto my commute)


Then pay attention and don't fuck up and end up in this wrong lane. 


lol no i mean like go to the next turn/exit if the one you’re tryna turn/exit off of is too congested - like texas that’s a fine option & u can just take the normal streets to like get back to where u wanted to be but in LA u can fr end up like way out of the way if you do that


Got it.   I will use the right lane if the other two are slower , only if I KNOW there is a quicker way to get to where I'm going on surface  streets or the off ramp connects directly  to the next on ramp.  If I KNOW it will be way out of my way or I don't Know the area I pay attention to the road markings. So i dont fuck up,  as in, end up in a lane that is exit only.  Traffic and the people that cause it to worsen is just life. It is possible to get so worried and worked up about other drivers. To the point of they can try so hard not to let the other person. "get away with".   In my reality every day we will UNKNOWINGLY do the same actions that we dislike when done to us,  to someone else.  You just don't realize when it happens because you don't know other peoples experience. It is a cycle of unhealthy negativities.... fr


It’s not just an inconvenience. They create a traffic pattern that isn’t normal, not only causing congestion, but causing a dangerous situation for other drivers and pedestrians around. So many of the near accidents I see are from people who try to “correct” their mistake by driving like a moron and being where they’re not supposed to be. Then other people want to be “nice” to idiots, stopping traffic that shouldn’t be stopped, and allow them to do their stupid maneuver, compounding the danger.


I thought this was metaphor for life at first.


Good morning, fellow philosopher! ✌🏻


W. Channel Dr. to PCH N. someone tries to cut around, realizes right lane is Chautaqua only and then sits there trying to merge back in for the 4 minute light cycle. EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Going around the block is underrated


Good drivers sometimes miss their exits, bad drivers never miss theirs.


Here’s the thing about driving etiquette complaints on Reddit: the person who needs to see this never will. And everyone who replies is actually the best most savvy defensive perfect driver on the road, constantly fighting away absolute morons




This is LA. Half the population are narcissists 😂


that's a conservative estimate


This applies to more than just traffic. 


Yes I have noticed that when I immigrated to the US 25 years ago. I call it straight line thinking. You have to go in a certain direction and draw a straight line in your head and you have to follow that line. That mind can not correct until the line is gone. I have no problem to notice I am wrong, curse a storm, try to merge but fail and curse more then surrender and make a few turns and try again. I am never slowing or stopping traffic flow. It really sucks when you are forced to take the wrong. Highway or forced to enter a highway. It just sucks to have to take the next exit but it’s my fault soooo. 🤷‍♂️


Ill admit I block and blast people mercilessly for this, same for shoulder and suicide lane passers and tailgaters.


Why did I think this was going to be a politics post 😂


I thought it was a metaphorical take on life.


same, arrived expecting enlightenment :/


Please baby Jesus. This so much. Take responsibility for your mistake and don't inflict it on people behind you.


This shit infuriates me. I grew up and learned to drive in Hawaii, Oahu in particular. Oahu’s transit network heavily relies on one-way highways that go *through* the mountain ranges. If you make a wrong turn or hit the wrong exit - you CANNOT just “turn around”. And this sort of behavior is NEVER a thing in Hawaii. LA is basically one big fuckin grid and these fuckin clowns can’t take the extra 90 seconds to self correct using the next goddamn turn and instead have to endanger themselves and those around them because the rules don’t apply to them clearly. Fuckin idiots.


If only it were a mistake usually. There are MULTIPLE places on my commute to where these “last minute mergers” are just flat, deliberate, asshole line cutters. And they do it at every intersection.


I’ve noticed a dramatic rise in the amount of cars that just stop in the middle of the road for no reason lately as well. It’s preposterous.


This happened to me today on Moorpark. Trying to turn onto Vineland. Asshole just waits in the right turn only lane, while the arrow is green, waiting to get into the straight lane. I had to lay down my horn. You don’t get to block the flow of traffic because you made a mistake.




Fairfax northbound just off the 10 exit. The right lane becomes right turn only onto Venice and everyone and their stepmother is coming to a complete stop to get over into the straight lane.




They either do it on purpose, or they believe the places they have to go are far more important than the places you have to go. Or both.


Yeah I just bite the bullet. Much safer and more comfortable for me


I mean no offense and all, but I’m in a Tesla and am more important than you, so just hit the brakes and let me in. /s


people are selfish. LA drivers are unaware and selfish as well. nice thought but this will never happen


Those ppl are the absolute fucking worst


“Whilst?” Speak American, please.


My mom just sent me this post bc I say this all the time.


People miss the on ramp from Lincoln to the 90 all the time, then sit in the travel lane trying to make a left. There is literally another light half a block up, clearly visible, at which you can make a U-Turn. I've taken to sitting behind them and blaring my horn until they get embarrassed and move. Asshole v. Asshole behavior. I'm just so done with these post-pandemic drivers.


LoL this ain't happening...if everyone need to wait so be it is the common way here...


How about when you tell people not to drive slow in the passing lane and they just go on about "the speed limit" when the law explicitly says the legal speed limit is that speed which 85% of traffic are traveling. Given the normal speed of traffic is closer to 75 mph, the passing lane is meant for those going faster than 75 and trying to get around traffic. Then they get mad when you pass them from the right because you got tired of being a caboose in their stupid slow train. Yeah man, LA doesn't have great drivers. Nice drivers, yes. They'll let you in. You just drive around them and just loudly exclaim to yourself that they're fucking idiots. Also, I'm Armenian and learned to drive in Glendale, and visited Yerevan where I realized they have no traffic laws. I'm immune to seeing bad drivers. It's all white noise at this point. Edit: To all the bad drivers downvoting me: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/ > **Types of Lanes** > *Passing Lanes* > On a multilane road, the passing lane (far left lane) is the lane closest to the center divider and is used to pass other vehicles. Go argue with the DMV. I passed my driver's test on the first try--both times, including the second time in 2018 when they made me retake it for some reason to renew my driver's license.


Nowhere in the page or section linked does it say "go faster than the speed limit". You may be confused by [this page on Caltrans's website](https://dot.ca.gov/programs/safety-programs/setting-speed-limits) which details that, "Speed limits are established by an E&TS" partially using the 85th percentile rule. You are not a Cal Trans Engineering and Traffic surveys team. The speed limit does not change according to the flow of traffic. Nobody is going to argue with the DMV when it's you who is spreading misinformation. That said, it seems clear that enforcement of the speed limit is very inconsistent. Most drivers will follow the flow of traffic, which seems to be the safest way to proceed, and regularly exceeds the posted speed limit by 10-20mph. If you want to argue that its unsafe to be driving 65mph in the passing lane, when the flow of traffic in all but the far right lane is 75mph+ I'd agree with you. edit: Please point me to where it says "the speed limit increases with the flow of traffic" anywhere in our drivers handbook or state laws. If such a statue/guideline exists formally, I'd really like to see it.


> the law explicitly says the legal speed limit is that speed which 85% of traffic are traveling No, the California Vehicle Code says speed limits of 55, 65, or 70 MPH are *maximum* speed limits, which are unlawful to exceed, regardless of the speed of other traffic. (See section [22348](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22348.), subdivision (a); section [22349](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22349.); and section [22356](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22356.).) In addition to these maximum speed limits, there are also the *basic speed law* (section [22352](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22350.)) and *prima facie* speed limits (section [22351](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22351.)). The 85th-percentile rule you mentioned (section [22358.6](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22358.6.)) applies only to the setting of prima facie speed limits; it doesn’t excuse a violation of the basic speed law or a maximum speed limit.


The law is the law is the law. You cannot apply some laws and not others. If those laws must be followed, the passing lane law must be followed. You aren’t arbiter of law application and cannot therefore justify blocking the passing lane just because you’re upset people are speeding. And you are not CHP. You want to police the freeways, go apply. But your job is not to tell other people how to drive, nor does it allow you to park in a lane expressly labeled by law as a passing lane. “I only follow laws that I like.” Cool, where do you draw the line?


The speed limit is the limit. It’s not a suggestion or a recommendation. At no time and in no lane are you legally allowed to exceed it. I’m not saying this is how it actually plays out in real life, but this is the law.


Take it up with the DMV. I posted the law in my original comment. I'm not arguing with you. The law is the law. And I'm a lawyer. You cannot police the freeway. That's the CHP's job.


We have 4, 5, 6 lane freeways - the left lane is not a passing lane, it is just another lane. If someone is going 75 in the left lane, that is not slow; you don't need to "get around traffic". You ARE traffic, maintain the flow with everyone else, rather than creating a hazard.


https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/ You need to go back to driving school. > **Types of Lanes** > *Passing Lanes* > On a multilane road, the passing lane (far left lane) is the lane closest to the center divider and is used to pass other vehicles. Like I said: > Then they get mad when you pass them from the right because you got tired of being a caboose in their stupid slow train.


Nope. Our freeways run at capacity. The left lane is just another lane.


Again, false. Capacity is rush hour, not ordinary speeds. You’re being purposely obtuse. It’s the law. Follow the law.


Follow the law? You mean "55", in the left lane? Really? It's the law, right?


Passing lane, dude. Passing on the left. Stop being purposely obtuse.


It is not a passing lane if the freeway is at capacity; you can't "pass" anyone. Grow up.


Bud, the freeway is at capacity for a few hours a day. I have countless videos of me driving 75 mph with the speed of traffic. You gonna go stop all them, too? Grow up yourself, dude.


I am typically going 75 in the left lane. If that doesn't work for you, stay home.




hey why can't the person who fucked up do that instead of the 10 cars behind them lol. they can drive an extra block instead of causing gridlock. anyways, found the person who does this lol.


Found the shitty inconsiderate human being