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Always because I’m not a fucking savage.


agreed! entering an affluent Santa Barbara grocery store my wife and I saw an elderly white woman exiting. She then proceeded to just push her empty cart into the general parking lot and parking lot’s intersection while walking away from heading off to her car. Luckily an employee saw it, but wild to see such level of self-entitlement


The key word here is "elderly". Clearly she learned her values in the 1950's. The society has evolved since then.


Always because it's FUN. So satisfying when they click together!!


I'm a savage but I still return my cart.


Savage, but not a degenerate




lol came here to say “yes, I do, you uncivilized animals”


My bare minimum litmus test for being a decent person - people who don't litter, people who don't use personal bluetooth speakers in public areas/nature, and definitely people who put their cart back after they're done shopping.


That's a good one. I'd add: people who will adjust their parking if they're taking up two spaces or on the line.


And people who stand in the aisle to try to get off the plane before their proper turn


Holy shit this is my pet peeve. I enjoy asking the offender "is this your first time on a plane?"




That tracks.


At minimum


those people need to be put in jail


I don't know about that but I definitely won't associate with such scum.


should be a special type of punishment for them. like a mandatory 1 day class on How to Have Manners in Public. 9 hours, with a 1 hour lunch break. quiz at the end to see if they paid attention. pass the quiz? buh bye. don’t get caught again. fail the quiz? you pay a $100 fine.


“Litter in the park, straight to jail.”


Straight to the bad place.


Straight to jail


i’d say it’s closer to 90%.




Add in people who use their turn signals


And the people who respect the signals of other vehicles by readily allowing merging


And those who don't stop inside areas marked "keep clear" near intersections




There’s a special hell for people like this, and they certainly don’t deserve to own a pet.


I definitely agree about littering and carts, but for a bare minimum decent person I'm gonna have to add the obvious "not a rapist/murderer" in there, lol.


Ha well...maybe there are a few more requirements


Yup, not saying they are terrible but definitely not self aware.


I don’t fully agree with the Bluetooth speaker statement when people are deep in nature. On a popular hiking trail, I find it borderline annoying but not as much as littering.


I worked at a grocery store for three years as a teenager, so yes, always.




Same! It was nice to get a break from being inside the store working


Agree. I lived in the hot south and still loved this part of the job❤️


I had friends who worked at McDonalds when I was in college. If there was trash in the parking lot they used to have to go pick it up. When I found out that they'd literally call dibs on who got parking lot cleanup I used to start leaving trash in the parking lot where you could easily see it through the drive-thru window, so the manager would see it and let someone go walk around the parking lot for 20 minutes.


Of course. Always. It's a simple question of civilized behavior. Which of course is sadly lacking in some. :-(


Lacking in most.


Not putting cart back & being cruel to service industry professionals are my two hard passes in dating or friendships!


Always! And I also put items back exactly where I found them if I change my mind about buying prior to checking out. It infuriates me to find lunch meat or ice cream shoved in between cans of soup.


If you don't put the item back, at least hand it to the cashier and they'll have someone restock it. Leaving cold/frozen items on the regular shelf is a pure asshole move, no different than just dumping the food out on the floor.


When I see perishables on random shelves it really makes me question WTH is wrong with some people.


THIS. these cretins need to be shipped off to an island somewhere. they can live together, being rude inconsiderate assh*les to each other.


YES!! The idea that people can somehow be justified in not returning the cart that they used is really reaching.


Absolutely. Besides the fact of finding it infuriating trying to pull into a spot only to find some nunce has left a cart in the way, it’s just the decent thing to do. The idiotic excuse I’ve heard that “it gives the employee something to do and it’s their job” is bs. It’s hard enough for them to prep and push a train of those things back to the storefront without having to wander around and extract them from awkward spots.


People who spend an hour or more at Costco filling their carts to the brim but are unable to push an empty cart another 100ft when they're done with it is pretty perplexing


Always. CartNarc.


CartNarc will change your ways. A good rule of thumb I use is to park close to a cart return. Makes returning it simple and quick


The way.


Heard of these guys, just saw they're based out of Burbank. Thank GOD I've always returned carts regardless, I could have easily been confronted by them.


It’s Sebas from the Woody Show on 98.7


Are they really? I assumed the main guy was from the east coast. Talks like an east coaster


They’re from a radio show called the Woody Show


It’s one dude who works from The Woody Show - morning radio show


Exactly, I'm no lazybones.


Don't want to get on agent Sebastian's bad side.


Yes and I make sure to ride it




If I see someone riding a cart, I know there is at least something we can agree on.


Are there people who don’t ride it to the corral? Monsters.


Some of us are 6’3” and feel like we’ll fall to our deaths if we do (maybe I’m just a klutz lol). Had to stop doing so once I was a teenager 😭


I don't always ride it, but I always drift it around tight corners


We are legion


I always put the cart back. It would seem wrong not to. I was once parked at a Trader Joe's when someone parked nearby left her cart next to her space when she was done with it. There was a slight grade in the parking lot, so the cart started rolling out towards my car. I had to block the cart to prevent it from hitting my car. When I pointed out to her that she had almost damaged my car, she gave me a look as if I was the bad guy. It doesn't get more narcissistic than that.


Same thing happened to me with someone else's rolling cart. How is this so common


I was in a Costco parking lot once on a seriously windy day. A guy left his cart next to his car and the wind took it and it was barreling towards another car. I hopped out to go catch it. The dude definitely saw the whole thing and didn't seem phased at all. 


This happens in so many situations here. 😭 When I ask people not to block my driveway, they look at me like I’m the entitled one who’s wrong. Never lived around so many selfish people who treat the rest of us like inconvenient extras in their personal reality show. When I asked someone to move their shopping cart slightly so I could park, they did…then left it immediately behind my car at the Venice Costco 🥲


I return stray carts in the lot that aren’t mine if they’re blocking spots for others to park in.


Doing God's work


Can I send you your cape?


There’s a place in hell for people who don’t. I wouldn’t be mad if we adopted the deposit system some countries have. In Scotland you put a £1 coin in a slot on the cart to unlock it from the other carts and when you return it your coin is ejected back to you.


Aldi does.


Went to the one in burbank yesterday I could have made dollar with the 4 carts not put back


I collect those and put them back. Even though it's not worth much anymore, it takes me back to when I was a kid and finding a quarter was a good day. 


Same in Canada


Same all over Germany. You will almost never see a cart in the parking lot. The only thing that does happen is that a few people (living close to the shop) are stealing carts but it is pretty rare.


“The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them a law and the force that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.” Glenn Danzig


If Danzig actually said that, props to him.


I'd always seen this attributed to a 4chan poster, this is the first time I've ever heard anyone say it was Danzig that said it. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-shopping-cart-theory


Return your fucking cart. It’s quite literally the least you can do. Your kids won’t get kidnapped if they’re locked in the car while you return your cart. Jesus Christ, get real.


Worst excuse ever. Have two under three years old. Load ‘em up, then bring the cart back. Most lots even have convenient cart corrals stationed around the lot so you don’t ever need to walk far.


Like where does she shop that she’s so afraid of being kidnapped. If it’s that scary & dangerous why are you bringing your kids there in the first place? 🙄


And if you don't, maybe your kids SHOULD be kidnapped and abducted to a better role model.


There’s a take!


Of course! It’s like not that difficult to walk it to a cart corral. If someone can’t be bothered to do a very basic thing like that, how lame.


Every single time.


I'm not an animal, so yes.


Yes, free exercise.


Loose shopping carts block parking spaces and can damage vehicles. Returning your shopping cart takes less than a minute and is the right thing to do. If I see people get into their car without returning their shopping cart, I politely ask that they move their shopping cart - people usually respond well to my request.


I do it with 3 kids. We unload the cart, walk to drop it off and walk back together.


Yep. Not loving this trend of weirdo parents posting weird provocative takes on things like they represent the rest of us. My kid comes with me to return the cart because it’s important for her to learn that’s what we do when we’re finished using something that’s shared amongst a group. We put it back so other people can have a turn.


Absolutely this. It's what my parents did with me when I was a kid, and why I know as an adult to return the cart.


Same. I tell my kids that we return the cart because we can and we’re not lazy.


>*Leslie Dobson, a Los Angeles clinical and forensic psychologist,* shared her answer in a video posted in late May on TikTok and Instagram that had generated more than 11.9 million views as of Friday and a litany of backlash. >“I’m not returning my shopping cart, and you can judge me all you want. I’m not getting my groceries into the car, getting my children into the car and then leaving them in the car to go return the cart. *So if you’re going to give me a dirty look, f— off,*” Dobson said using an expletive. This doesn't exactly disprove my theory that psychology largely appeals to those who are trying to figure out what is wrong with themselves. Many of them never figure it out.


Always the most special souls reproducing 🙃


I think you'd be morally justified in strapping her to a cart and pushing it into the ocean.


It’s so simple, I don’t understand why people are just so lazy and want to make other peoples life’s harder. I’m convinced most people that leave carts by their car are just thinking “it’s not my job”


Always. Also, I support Mr. Cart Narc.






I’m currently temporarily disabled and using a cane because I got hit by a car, and I’ve managed to return the shopping cart. It’s not hard to do, and I definitely would judge someone for not returning the cart.


My parents always taught me to return cards when I was a kid, because “just because something is easier doesn’t mean it’s right.” That and my dad hated people being lazy for laziness sake. I guess it kind of stuck.


Another litmus test for civilized behavior. If you don't, Cart Narcs will leave a magnet on their vehicle that reads “I don’t return my shopping cart like a jerk.” 


I assume this question is in reference to that lady who started the online debate about returning shopping carts. The fact that she told people who disagree with her that they can “f*ck off” says plenty about her character. I always return my carts.


Unless someone has a physical disability or some emergency arises, they should return their carts. Close the doors you open, return the items you don't want, push chairs back in, etc. These should be basic manners taught from a young age.


I used to work at a grocery store, me and my coworker friends were always glad to get the fuck outside and pick up some carts for a while. Idk why people act like it’s the worst punishment ever. Scanning groceries for hours sucks, stocking for hours sucks. Moving product is heavy. Going outside sometimes is a nice change of pace. I take the cart back sometimes, not all the time.


I once had a supermarket employee tell me he didn’t mind carts not being brought back because when he had to go round them up was the only time he got out from under the watchful eye of the supervisor and could take a smoke break, so I don’t feel so guilty about it. But still I always bring the cart back to the corral at the least


I worked at a grocery store for years and can confirm that this sentiment is common, at least where I worked. I loved getting outside the store for up to an hour at a time.


Yeah this was my job as a teen and I LOVED cart duty. I preferred being outside unsupervised chilling walking around the parking lot vs inside dealing with people and my asshole pervo manager. That said, I still return my cart. Mostly because I'm worried about being judged more than I think the cart corralers will care. I have issues.


Worked at a small town grocery store from 16-18, this was exactly how I felt. The more carts out in the parking lot the better, gave me more time to stroll around outside and enjoy the fresh air. Probably different experience at like a Costco/target/massive grocery store tho


Yep I also collected carts and preferred for people to not return them.


Always because this is a civilized society.


Of course I do! I'm not one of these lunatics who thinks that I'm "creating jobs" by being lazy.


Of course I’m not that much of a piece of shit


People who don’t return their carts are being awwwful quiet here


Do you take a cart from the parking lot? Or do you wait until you get to the cart corral near the front door?


Ngl if I see a cart right by my car I'll take it because it tidies up the lot. This happens way too frequently at the Whole Foods on third and Fairfax. 


I don’t take the cart from the parking lot because I feel that it has been used more recently and has more germs. I want it to bake in the sun for a bit. Im a bit strange


I just give the handles a little spit shine with my sleeve


Of course


Every time I go, I stow a cart when I get there and then stow my cart when I leave. I consider it my good deed of the day. 😏


Yes. Always. Last thing I want is to hit a shopping cart in a parking slot, so I wouldn’t want the same for anyone else.




Always, I’m not a lazy bones. Plus I grew up at my parents grocery store and had to bring carts in all the time


Some people walk 2 miles in Costco just to be too lazy to walk 20 steps to put the cart back


Always. And I saw that video of the woman who tried to defend not returning the cart by blaming her kids. She’s an idiot and her kids are going to have major anxiety issues.




I return my cart 100% of the time, no matter the weather, whether I’m 9 months pregnant and toting a small child or I’m by myself.


I return my cart every time without hesitation.


At Aldi, I offer my cart to an incoming customer.


At Costco, I keep and eye out for people who are almost done unloading and offer to take their cart...


Maybe is just me because I wash/wax my own vehicle, can’t stand when I see a dent. I know it happens but I try to prevent it. As a former retail employee and a vehicle owner, yes I always return the cart. Cars cost a lot. I don’t need some stray cart making dents and I would hope others feel the same. Parents letting their kids get out of the cars on their own do enough damage. And maybe I’m selfish, I don’t want it done to me so I try not to do it to others. Also keeps parking stalls available for others. Karma.


I returned the cart yesterday after shopping w my husband & he called me a goody two shoes.


No because AI can't do that so I'm ensuring the people who work there still have jobs I'm kidding, I still return it but this would be my reason if I didn't one day


Yes I return the cart whenever I’m done shopping. If you’re able to you should, it’s that’s simple, or at least it should be. Stores even have multiple places to return the cart so that way in case you park far away, you don’t have to walk all the way back to the front of the store. I do also understand there’s people dealing with circumstances that either make it difficult or impossible for them to do so, so I’m not going to hold it against them. But the bottom line in my opinion, if you’re able to, just do it.




i like the extra walk. i need the exercise since im not active 


yes. it’s rude not to




Yes, always. I've had my car dinged by rolling unsupervised shopping carts and wouldn't wish it on anyone. From the story in the article....being a prime target for assault while returning a shopping cart is nothing I have ever felt. I'm probably at higher risk while loading up my car as I try to Tetris my groceries into the trunk.


Yes, I’m not a lazy, inconsiderate slob.


Cart narcs are watching…


yeah dude my mom would be disappointed if i didn't


cart narc!


If you are physically able to return a cart safely, and you don’t, you are the worst.


Yes — extra steps and exercise for me. No problem


Always. The people who leave their carts in empty parking spaces are assholes. And they're everywhere.


Yes I do. Anyone who doesn't should be shot on site, flesh wound of course.


Every one of these replies is yes, which means 99% of people don’t


Yes? Who doesn’t


Hell yes.


100% I lug both children to make sure I always put the cart back.


Lazy people park near the entrance, smart people park near the return cart spot. More convenient.






I always return my cart to the corral. Also I frequently let other people get in line ahead of me if they have just a few items. I usually say something pleasent to the cashier. It's pretty easy to be a nice person.


Always! My cars been hit with too many over the years. One time in The Target parking lot, there were two together and I got a good dent. Was surprised since they’re plastic. There happened to be an employee working in the pick up area and she told me if I ask they’d reimburse me. I wasn’t Karen went in and talked to them, sent an email with the pic, got it fixed only $150 and they paid it! I never would’ve thought to even ask


Yes. I also wash my hands after using bathrooms, cover my coughs and sneezes, and throw away my litter because I wasn’t raised in a barn / we live in a society / I actually care about others




Always. It’s your duty as a citizen in society. Plus I would die if one of those TikTok accounts filmed and humiliated me for not returning it.


What kind of an asshole doesn’t return a shopping cart?


Sometimes when I see someone leaving a cart I return it for them and I stare/glare at them the entire time.




I always look for one to bring in and I always bring one back if I take one to my car.


I don't have to. I work at ralph's.


I walk them to the little receptacles they have in the parking areas. Nothing is more annoying than not being able to get into a spot because a cart is in the way.


Anyone who doesn’t is a degenerate and doesn’t deserve to live in our society.


I do, but I’m also lazy, so I park as close to the cart return as possible to make it easy for myself.


Of course


I occasionally helpfully direct others


Yes. It’s good cart-ma 🤭


I always put my cart in the carol. It takes like 10 seconds.


Every time. People who don’t are lazy self-entitled jerks.


Returning the shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test, imo.


I’ve always wanted to meet the Cart Narc. He’s in LA occasionally! The psychology behind it is so interesting…crazy to think there’s so many inconsiderate and shitty people in our world


You should. Anyone that doesn't is a prick.


I do and I always ask the last person with the cart to put it away. If they are too bothered, I do it myself :)


"Are you a lazy asshole?" FTFY


Get some damn morals for crying out loud some of y’all.


There are two types of people in this world, those who return shopping carts and those who don’t. Do the right thing.


Yes. What kind of monster doesn't return the shopping cart?1(\*sic)


Always. And I’ll grab a few stragglers along the way. I’ll even pick up trash sometimes on the street. I’m a stupid commie liberal.


I do




Always. I find this to be extremely important.


I park right next to a cart returns, to you know, return my cart.


Yes of course I do.


Of course. I was taught to put away my stuff and clean up after myself.


Usually, I will grab a loose cart in the parking lot going into the store, do my shopping and put it in the cart area as I walk out. So there is one less to corral. I carry my groceries from building to car. Something that wasn’t really possible with the thin disposable bags or paper.


Every time.


Yes, because I don't want to end up on some morning talk show skit


It depends, honestly. I’m willing to walk to return the cart and walk back to my car, but I’m only willing to walk so far. There are stores that have spaces where you can return the car to, and they have a few, maybe a couple of them around the parking lot. But some stores only have that space next to the front door. So walking back that far is not something I can do. In those stores I just grab my bags when leaving the store and drop the car in there. I know, it’s probably a bigger effort to carry the bags to the car vs taking the cart and walking it back to the front door, but then other variables like the distance between the car and the front door or the weather are to be considered. In the worst case scenario, if I had too many bags, the store parking lot would not have a cart parking spot close the where I parked and cars could only be returned to the front door, and it was raining… I would not return it. I would maybe do that thing where you lift the front and you park it in the curb or a sidewalk.


Before I had a kid, ALWAYS. After I had a kid, not always. If the cart return area is too far, I’m probably leaving it in the lot somewhere. Although I always, always try to so in a way that won’t damage anyone’s car or make it hard to park or retrieve. This is also why now prioritize parking next to the return area when I go shopping with my toddler. Better for everyone!


People who don't are gonna be too lazy to answer you


Brought to you by the Supermarket Industry, guilt shoppers into doing it so that's one less job.

