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Last week on the evening of June 19 (10pm) I saw a series of 4 trashcans on fire in front of the Children's Hospital about a mile down the same street from this Target. Perhaps it was the same person? (The security guard who rushed across the street with an extinguisher said he had to deal with fires also the week before).


Someone decided to light every single trash can on my block on fire. There was nothing left but puddles of plastic. No one cares at a government level


That happened in my old neighborhood & it didn't get cleaned up for weeks


Unlikely, they all do this. I saw one in downtown last week by the water and power building. Common homeless problem.


Tired of these destructive homeless people. Had to replace a storefront window because some homeless lady randomly decided to smash windows.


“they just need an apartment”


I don't think people realize that we have no services that treat mental illness & addiction for these people. We actually need complete wrap around services including housing that treat the problem and not just the symptoms. They seriously need to audit where all these billions are going. I work in this field and I have little hope that things will get better


Become a whistleblower. No, really. Try to find some sort of graft, get solid evidence, and then post it all around. Just see a lawyer first to make sure you remove things like PII. If you don't want to go that far, really pressure Rick Caruso to push for an audit or try to do one himself. He really wants to get his hands on Graffiti Towers, but if enough people press him on the audit he might not be able to ignore it. He's on Twittter, Instagram, and no doubt others.


You forgot the /s


How would you behave if you lived outside? Slept on the concrete every night? No one has looked you in your eyes for YEARS? How would your mental be? I’m genuinely curious what state you think you’d be in?


I’d want the trash cans to pay for all my shortcomings


It is that kind of behavior that made them chronically homeless in the first place. Burn through friends and family, then behave in ways that lead to being banned by shelters. Chronic homelessness is often a symptom of other problems.


How about millions of dollars poured into projects that you avoid. Organizations put together to help get you off the street, ignored. It’s 70° in the middle of the night and you think lighting fires on the street has any justification…seriously just stop.


Billions, actually.


You’re saying this as though the person doing this is completely in their right mind. Mental illness is often the cause of chronic homelessness. It’s wild to me how often people see a completely mentally ill person do something out of the ordinary and think to themselves “I would *never* do that. Of course you wouldn’t. You’re not mentally ill with no support system probably self medicating to some extent just to get through the day.


I never said anything about this fire. You’re shaking your fist into the ether about something I never said. I was replying to a very specific comment. However Calling people bums and making fun of them for being less fortunate than you does not make you cool


You wrote a whole paragraph about people putting words into your mouth and bringing up irrelevant things when that’s literally all you’ve done. “What would your mental state be if you lived on the street”? The fuck does that have to do with the person you replied to having their property damaged which they then had to replace? And WHO said anything about “being cool”, literally no one in here thinks that. People express frustration at real problems they’ve had and you rush to the defense of the people causing the problems??? What? Being homeless doesn’t indemnify you from personal accountability when you damage other people’s property and cause hardship for others. Who knows what kind of financial state the user you replied to was in when they had to replace the storefront window. What if they couldn’t afford to replace the window and their business closed as a result and they lost *their* home? Stop shifting the blame. God, so tired of homeless apologists that will let them get away with literal murder. I guess the homeless that violently attack and murder people shouldn’t be held accountable either because we just don’t get how hard it is for them to sleep on concrete every night.


Go back and read the comment you replied to…🙄


This has nothing to do with being less fortunate. It’s about poor life choices due to bad judgment from being fucked up all the time on hard drugs. This twat, and others like him, aren’t Jean Valijean—don’t make me bust a gut. 😂😂😂


Maybe nobody looks them in the eyes because a lot of them will threaten you for making eye contact


alternatively, how did a completely normally functioning person get so bad that they couldn’t hold down a job or get housing so bad that they decided they’d rather be homeless in LA than homed in Arizona?




What state? Delaware, no other.


I’d move somewhere I could afford to live.


You work at Home Depot!!?? You are one missed shipment from being roommates with him Buddy


I think I'd be one of the good ones. And I think you're exaggerating about the eyes. I look them in the eyes all the time, and plenty of people are helping them and treat them humanely


If I was a deranged meth addict with untreated mental illness, I’m sure I’d engage in a slough of stupid and destructive behaviors. So?


Do you have this same level of sympathy for other addicts, like drunk drivers?


If people treat me badly, I can do anything I want with no consequences. And you should support me. Anarchy!


Did you try throwing some money at her and giving a free place to live?/s






There’s a difference between a “bum” and someone who has no place to stay.  A bum refuses to work.  It’s a term from the depression.  See also: Tramp and hobo. It is disingenuous and harmful to call the dude couch surfing until he can get a deposit together and the drug addicted time bombwho destroys our society  same thing. 


Isn’t it like 70 degrees at night these days?  


I remember when people were saying they were just trying to stay warm, lol


What did Kamala say once? They’re just stealing a loaf of bread to feed their family.


I believe she was watching Aladdin when she said that…


🎶Riff raff… street rat…🎶


I think Aladdin was an apple or pomegranate or something, it was Jean Valjean who stole a loaf of bread


; ) [https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/777/812/47d.png](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/777/812/47d.png)


I have seen this several times now. It can't be the same person but I have seen that 3 times downtown. Just set a trashcan on fire and walk away. They don't even run as if its the most normal thing to do. Saw that in Venice at night too.


I frequently see “Rubbish Fire” on the Citizen app.


Citizen makes you paranoid. I had to delete it. If I hear a ton of sirens and helicopters then I reinstall it since it takes a minute but other than that it’s off my phone.


I have all the notifications turned off, so I just look at it occasionally. It definitely makes you feel like things are more of a mess than they actually are.


That’s the way to go. I don’t have that self control. When I am bored I go through my apps like Reddit, Instagram, rarely Facebook and when I had Citizen I looked at that. You feel like you are surrounded by crime. And I did not even live downtown yet back then. Now in Downtown I would get a better lock and stare at it and never leave my apartment. (Exaggerated to make a point of course)


Enraging. Get these assholes off the the street. Jail or institution I don’t care.


I’m all for having an area wherever they could build some cheap, sufficient houses on cheaper land. They could choose that or jail/institution but there’s always opposition saying that would violate their rights. It’s simply unacceptable to just allow this, if they’re just down and out they can find resources and get back on their feet. If not then they shouldn’t be allowed to be a menace wherever they please.


BuT wE nEeD to BuiLD more housing.... And the places they want to do that are the most expensive places in LA instead of places like Palmdale, Lancaster, or Carson. We could do that there for a fraction of the cost of building in the city. But for some reason, people in LA love spending shit tons of money on big huge ideas with little to no results. See the $24 billion spent on the homeless


I suggested that before and was accused of suggesting a holocaust. You don’t have a right to live in LA. You dont even have a right or really a need to live in CA period. Moving homeless people to somewhere else and providing them with necessities is not a genocide or holocaust, it’s a sensible solution. I get the homeless need help but why should other citizens be disregarded when they’re also affected by this crisis?


Shanty towns need to make a come back




What does this even mean?


These people that are doing this are not just mental, but they just love destruction. They need to be locked up.


Put this person in an institution. Threat to themselves and others.


We needa beat their asses when we see this shit.


"bums dont start fires this is probably an insurance scam by a greedy land lord"


don’t forget capitalism! surely it was the invisible hand that lit this bum’s fire.




Don’t even want him in the city to be quite honest


I suggested requiring them to be moved to an area where they can have their needs met wherever real estate is cheaper instead of just enabling them to do their bullshit in the actual city and was accused of basically suggesting a holocaust.


That's the preprogrammed response from local leaders that insist there's nothing we can do to help someone dying in the street.


Why? Lmao


The amount of potentially crazy neighbors that I could have at any given time wouldn’t make a difference. So yea I’ll take him as a neighbor. 🤷‍♂️🤣


Ship them to Belize idgaf anymore


Sounds about right.




A lot are vets. Look at the Melrose trash house: the neighbors got that done because they were careful not to demonize the homeowner. Sincere or not, that's the way to do it. Those like you & Kobylt never have any luck because you treat the homeless like they were Hutus and this was 1994.


The Hutus were the ones doing the genocide


So, on this thread I got 7 upvotes for telling someone how to do something, and 3 downvotes for pointing out some sheg calling vets and others who have financial/mental problems "bums", and for getting my reference wrong. Strange subset of L.A. on this sub.


Clearly society is at fault for not giving this person a free house


I work in sawtelle and on my walk for lunch this week I saw at least 3 plastic trash cans that were completely melted. Guess someone went around lighting them on fire. There was just piles of black melted plastic on the sidewalk


Shake and bake batch labs. That plastic fuses with the crank for a little extra psychosis!


Lower rent definitely would house this guy out.......


Definitely give this guy a house


Your flair makes me unsure if you’re being sarcastic or not.


They just runing loose everywhere


Somebody, quick! Give that poor man a free place to live for as long as he wants it!


He gotta get in line like the rest of us….


For sure what these guys need is a 165 million dollar tax paid luxury sky rise downtown … can go with his Jordan’s !


Maybe send this to the police? It’s a matter of time until this guys starts lighting buildings on fire and kills people


Paintball gun 🔫


Ah, good ol’ dumpster fire. Classic


Quick! Write him a check and give him a tiny home!!!


And so many on the Left think these people will act “normal” and be productive, functioning members of society if they had a place to live 😅😂


So what’s the solution? Exterminate them?


Who said that? Force them into treatment.


What treatment? I work in this field and there are actually very little programs that treat mental illness or addiciton for these people. I'm not against forcing people into treatment but these programs hardly exist. We really need to audit where these billions are going.. it's the blatant corruption going on thats exasperating this issue.


Some of these people are beyond treatment and need to be permanently institutionalized. At least until we understand better how to treat wide scale meth/drug induced psychosis


I don't disagree with you but we don't have the institutions or any programs like this. It's crazy making


It would be cheaper than locking them up with no services and wasting more taxpayers money


Ok good call let’s start rounding them up and killing them problem solved




will i am from black eyed peas that you when cops come he be runnin runnin runnin runnin


Wonder how many people in this thread even live in LA.


they SOUND like they live in LA


There's no rules in LA. Why not?


Cookin’ that ghetto chicken straight up! Throw in some tayters n canned veggies from tha food panty. Man, you talkin’ good…


Shut ur ass up


Give this man a hotel room!


I swear to god this subreddit is like 40% people bitching about homeless people committing property crimes. We live in one of the most beautiful, interesting places on the planet, and this is what y’all spend your time talking about?


You’re so out of touch


Never seen a trash can fire before?


They were institutionalized. Reagan let them out, then didn’t fund the outpatient facilities. Was Reagan a leftist? And you can’t treat people who refuse treatment. That’s a standard premise in addiction treatment. There is no ONE solution to the homeless issue. And of course there is corruption when free govt money is involved. This is not a new problem, neither is the outrage.


Haha, I haven't seen "bum" in awhile. I don't hate it, but I do think times have changed past that.


Thats what you picked up?


Lol, yea. I see fires lit middle of the day, both near my house and my work. I see break ins, drug use, public defecation. I've seen it all since I was 5 and my dad started a business near skid row after the LA riots in 1992. So the fire being lit in a trash can at 4am? Not surprising. In terms of this post, I'm more amused at the word "Bum". I heard it a bunch when I was a kid but haven't heard it in probably 10 years or more. Homeless fire? Saw that last week.


Bum is still big back east esp in the Northeast up around Jersey & NYC.


Oh, interesting. As a linguist, language diversity in the U.S. is endlessly fascinating.


yall complain about this but also complain about trying to provide state housing and healthcare to people living on the street? You think this dude is just going to wake up one day and say i'm gonna go get a job at starbucks and live in a 1992 honda until i can finally get first and last month together for that lease i want. Dudes entire life is in that backpack and you think he's gonna be a chill dude?


At sunset this morning, huh?


Sunset blvd


Give him a time out and a cookie,that's liberal punishment, no repercussions for breaking the law.this is what soft on crime looks like.


Simple solution: Call 911/the fire department and report what you have witnessed. This post and the comments are clear indications of the red propaganda starting up before the election. Knock it off, důŋðęr-heads. We're not falling for it.


Propaganda? Are you blind? It’s not a political stance, it’s just a fucking problem.


What is your solution?


Just get them off of our streets, institutions for the insane and housing for the sane ones preferably; but anything works at this point, hell put them on a fleet of Greyhounds and send them to Cheyenne if the only other option is to let them camp here.


Homelessness is not something that can be solved by just shipping folks "away" out of sight. There have been unhoused individuals in the past, and there will continue to be unhoused individuals for the foreseeable future. It's worse in other places around the world. The root in midigating this issue is dependent upon trying to tackle the many reasons why homelessness occurs in the first place: finite resources, might vs right, The Haves vs The Have-Nots, lack of opportunities, emotional and psychological trauma/disabilities, chemical dependencies, etc. "Out of sight, out of mind" doesn't solve the reality that there are still unsolved, deep-rooted conditions for which homelessness occurs.


Who said I didn’t do that? That’s precisely what I did. That doesn’t take away from the fact that these people are ruining our city and the city officials are simply shrugging their shoulders. Whatever it is you think you’re not falling for you’ve clearly already fallen very deep off the other end of it and have chosen to wear blinders.


Have you not seen how things are in other parts of the world? Look at India. Look at Brazil. Look at the Philippines. Worse situations elsewhere. Comparatively speaking, this is nothing.


Yes don’t try to solve a problem, just compare to other places on the earth and feel better.


Problem: Fire in a trash can Solution: Call 911 Problem: You hate seeing homeless people. Solution: Go live on a deserted island.


The only solution to solving homelessness is to move away? 😂


If you don't want to see homeless people, your only hope is to move to a deserted island...or outer space. Go get a jump on that


I'll tell the person living in the street not to worry, I'll help him by moving to an island. He'll be so thankful we all helped.


Invite that man into your home. you speak like you run a shelter


Where'd you get that my place is a shelter? Is yours?


Because if you’re so concerned about him you should let this unhoused neighbor into your house.


So you suggest calling 911 and when OP says they did, you just brush off the whole experience because it’s worse in Brazil? What a moronic and unhelpful series of responses.


What is your solution?


What’s your solution? Because letting them live on the streets and do whatever they want isn’t working


You ask that as if you just offered a solution yourself lol.


Advocates that don’t have actual solutions should be required to house homeless people


I asked what your solution is, and you replied with none. The solution is that there is no definitive solution as homelessness is deep rooted in a wide range of individual and interconnected reasons for existing. Examples include finite resources, might vs right, The Haves vs The Have-Nots, lack of opportunities, emotional and psychological trauma/disabilities, chemical dependencies, racism, classism, etc. Homelessness is not something that can be solved by just shipping folks "away" out of sight. There have been unhoused individuals in the past, and there will continue to be unhoused individuals for the foreseeable future. It's worse in other places around the world. "Out of sight, out of mind" doesn't solve the reality that there are still unsolved, deep-rooted conditions for which homelessness occurs.


*I didn't come here to offer solutions.* You can clearly see I commented because I was struck by how meaningless your comments were: First condescendingly telling OP to just call 911 assuming they hadn't already, then telling them to get over it because it's worse in Brazil and the Phillipines. Your comments here have been completely useless and unhelpful.


Ah yes the ol I see propaganda not a problem


[And there it is, the red propaganda in full force. Thanks for outing yourself as expected.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1dpsaxw/anyone_else_never_fail_to_be_impressed_by_theos/lajo8lg/) Don't fall for the banana in the tailpipe folks, it's all just a tactic to sway opinion before the election.


This is why we call this the Ghetto Target


That “bum” is an actual person. Grow the f up.




It’s been in the 60s. In the winter I have empathy but a trash fire for 65 degrees is insane.


It was a joke ...forgot the emoji 😄🤌


I missed the sarcasm! Carry on 😂


They need to start them on fire.


Nobody told you Bum is out of fashion? It's a unhoused person.


I hope this is satire


You remember BUM Equipment?


It's now Unhoused Individual Equipment


Definitely still called a bum


They’re called bums and hobos.


Instead of calling him a bum ask why they are there and help fix the issue…