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oh no… anyway


A lot of folks in my life have recently gotten COVID.


New strain going around. It’s a shitty one.


I wonder if that's what my 2 year old got. He had a fever that went to 104.2F. Scared the shit out of us.


Holy shit! I am so sorry. That was dangerously high! I hope little man is past it


2 days of motrin and tylenol. Then like 3 days of tylenol. It was a nasty fever.


Spent 4 years dipping and dodging and I caught it this year. Thank god for plaxovid


It’s my fourth time getting it. The worse was the OG strain that I got while working quarantine facilities. That was a totally different beast.


Thats the thing with a novel infection. Your body has to build a defense from scratch. After the first or a vaccine your body has some tools to work with.


It’s both building immunity but also COVID has become less deadlier, which viruses tend to do overtime.


I can't wait until it stops getting less deadlier and becomes less deadliest




Worse is used to compare two things, as in “The pain in my foot is worse today than yesterday,” or “The sequel to the book was worse than the debut.” Worst compares a group of things, such as “He is the worst runner on the team,”


I got it the day after Christmas and got told paxlovid is just for people with pre-existing conditions. Maybe it's a YMMV type of thing?


Yah know the doctor had no issues prescribing it to me when I asked.


I used to help run a Covid test site w/ test to treat. We often denied majority of people the prescription since they either had a mild case or low risk for hospitalization (even with pre existing conditions like asthma or diabetes). Most people don’t need to take it but there also isn’t any major harm if one does, it obviously varies case by case. Paxlovid has a lot of drug interactions and can impair the kidneys, so more of a concern for older adults and polypharmacy patients. Some people state they feel much better after the first dose, which could also be placebo. All and all, it depends on who is prescribing it. It’s been out long enough now that PCPs feel comfortable giving it vs when it was first released.


Same, I’m on day 2 of Paxlovid treatment. Also, pointing out the vaccines are also working. My asthmatic ass would be doing a lot worse if it weren’t for the vaccine


Do you have the mettalic aftertaste? Cuz it is giving me all kinds of gross rn.


I found that if you submerge the pills in greek yogurt and swallow a spoonful whole, the aftertaste is a lot more manageable.


That’s an incredibly specific solution lol i love it




I lived on hard candy when I took paxlovid, it really helped with the aftertaste.


This. It wasn't the pill touching my mouth that caused the bitter taste. It comes from within. I would peak 1 hr in and last for about 5 hours. Before I knew it it was time for the next dose. Awful but so worth it!!


Yes, it’s a sour taste… cough drops seem to help a bit with that


Wow!, beat my record! Took me 3 years to finally get it.


Got it last summer. Paxlovid. Took 14 days to finally get over it.


Yeah when I finally got it, it really sucked. Felt very spacey. Glad you are on the mend


The fever from this thing was the worst fever I ever had because it combined itself aches. Paxlovid toook it down in 5 days only for it to rebound for another week.


I just got it for the first time. It honestly wasn’t that bad, but the Paxlovid fucked me up real good. It gave me muscle cramps and intense restless leg syndrome. I could not sleep for days, it felt like I was going crazy. I stopped the Paxlovid and the symptoms went away about the same time the metallic taste did.


I just got it last week. The new strain gives you bumps, nausea, vomiting, and aversion to water (you can not drink water without vomiting). It was fucking awful.


COVID be picking up rabies symptoms now 😭


Why does covid always have to be mystery flavored?


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Reluctantly, the bullshit that tried to kill you will also get stronger.


Because it affects your neurons… I hate covid.


Shit I probably had a mild case a few weeks back.


It sucks. Sore throat that only lasted about a day and a half, I have had headaches for 3 days now, fever, at one point got so cold (on one of our warmest days) that I was wrapped in 2 heavy blankets and still shivering..then woke up burning up and sweating. Extreme nausea (no throw-up thank gawd). I thought I was getting better last night, I drank a bottle of powerade and ate toast for dinner last night (most I have eaten in days) felt better. Then my nose stuffed up. I am somehow stuffed up, and have a runny nose at the same time. Feels like a head cold now. My head is killing me. No coughing (except for an occasional tickle in the throat) and today I can't taste food :(


This sequence is exactly what I experienced the first go around. Stay hydrated.


I can confirm. I’m on my third round of Covid (I swear I still mask up at 85% of places!) and this time I had new symptoms like vomiting.


Unless it's an N95, the mask may not be protecting you too much. That's not to say that masks don't work - they do, and I wore one for a couple years during 2020 and 2021, but it's mainly to catch *your* respiratory droplets from flying everywhere. If you go somewhere where no one else is masked up, you essentially need an air tight seal on your mask to prevent from inhaling COVID.


The idea is just cover your face if you feel unwell or you care about spreading something.  Regardless of the N95.  Cover your face and be considerate.  Don't cough out loud and sneeze out loud.  My manager comes in even after being sick with whatever and don't cover his face.  


I’m So sorry to hear it gyatttt damn


That will happen when [repeated infections](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-risky-are-repeat-covid-infections-what-we-know-so-far/) can [interfere with your immune system.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-immune-havoc-of-covid-19/)


It sucks SO hard. My college kid is home for the summer and went to a concert. He had what seemed like a cold for a few days. I didn't think anything of it. Now my husband and I are absolutely dying. We both took the test last night and it instantly lit up with 2 red lines. I am going on day 3 of a headache. And that is the least of my symptoms...


is this for vaccinated or not?


They’re all shitty tbh


I’m getting over it now. Not even remotely bad.


It hit my work hard, including myself. Hit me way harder than it did in 2021.


It coincides with our return to office twice a week as opposed to twice a month. We get notifications when people report being sick with covid and there are many more notifications now.


My girl got it two weeks ago and she lost all taste, stuffy nose, and mast headache. Luckily no one else got it.


Husband and I have been locked down since Monday with it, though we got back from a trip that day so we caught it elsewhere. It’s fine. Just low energy and a lot of coughing.


I caught it or something adjacent to it (tested negative twice but there's a high chance of a false negative) from a trip up to the Bay Area last weekend and I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I am pretty sick of having to spend an hour hacking up a lung before being allowed to go to sleep every night though... that part is hell.


Can you edit in the coughs into your comment? I have a limited imagination. Thanks.


And all the hidden damage it does to organs and whatnot.


Yep, my gf and I got it about two months ago and personally speaking it was worse than when I got it in 2021. My gf knows 8+ people that caught it during Pride month gatherings too.


Yup, my wife and I got Covid for the first time last week. It hasn’t been awful but I lost my smell today and that kinda sucks.


59 comments and like 4 of them are from people who read the article.


You found 4?? I must have missed a couple comments somewhere.


There's an article...?


What does "read" mean?


As soon as I saw the headline I knew it would be some shit taken totally out of context.


Yeah seems like people kinda fell for the purposefully clickbaity headline like OP wanted?


Happy cake day 🍰


Thank you 🥲


Happy cake day🍰


Why a ban? What’s so bad of wearing a mask when you’re sick? Doesn’t have to be covid, other countries wear masks when sick and that’s a good way not to spread it


Easy way to look tougher on crime without pissing many off 


I only wear one when riding Metro. And I think it's helped.


I also only wear one on the metro. Partly for health but mainly to block the smell of shit/piss. 


That too.


you need vaporub if you want to really deal with that stuff, thats what doctors put inside their masks when dealing with shit that would make even them queasy


She wants to ban protesters wearing masks. It's a way to try and suppress people's first amendment rights without directly making protest illegal.


And regardless of your views on this all you should know that while Bass is focused on trying to suppress protest they continue to not build housing and not fix the major problems our city faces so that way when you do finally get sick of it and protest and you happen to wear a mask because its thousands of people outside they can arrest you and fuck up your life.


so was banning ku klux klan members from wearing masks while they terrorize minoriteis a way to try and suppress people's first amendment rights? Engaging in terrorism and infringing upon the rights of other citizens is what breaks the first amendment. You radical leftists are sick. Get help


I hope you're eaten alive by a horse.


I wish you health and safety


Get in the horse.


You do understand that the wearing of masks isn't what makes the Klan problematic right? Since we can already go after them for the actual crimes they commit, we don't need to strip even more rights from the people. It's interesting how far you had to reach for an example to justify making the worlds biggest police state even more dystopian though. Why does the right hate the idea of freedom so completely?


Banning masks during protests.


I always wear a mask when riding my bike. Look up Los Angeles Air Quality Index, it's always been in the unhealthy range, literally always, since they invented the scale. Not a single day in decades. Not even when the roads were mostly empty during the pandemic. It was still "warning, unhealthy". Came close to green a couple times but then tear gas and fireworks brought it right back to the unhealthy range.


outside is honestly a whole lot better than a lot of indoor air quality tbh so you are fucked either way


Oh for sure in commercial spaces. I can't even stand the chemicals in office buildings. But I live somewhere between DTLA and Vernon and there's literally heavy metals like gallium and arsenic in the air due to the local gallium-arsenide manufacturers in Vernon, in addition to the lingering smog from the ports and freeways that gets stuck from the Eastern mountain range. And would it kill the city to plant proper trees that filter the air and don't ruin the sidewalk? Incompetent corrupt assholes, all of them.


somewhere between dtla and vernon is indeed a pretty rough patch of air. port smog is especially bad when you are close to it. like driving down the 110 into wilmington you can usually see the brown haze pretty clearly and it stinks up the car if you forget to turn on the recirculator. idk why everyone who lives in wilmington hasn't just left; not like its dramatically cheaper rent than parts of longbeach or wherever else around those parts that isn't so blade runner.


It would kill the city/state council to plant some trees because they can't just steal that money and it's a long term maintenance cost. Unfortunately "environmental racism/classism" is a word i learned in class about how property values affect city development and poor cities have less tress, shades, shrubs and greenery as compared to wealthy cities. The issue becomes double fold as poor cities are built on oil wells, near freeways and smog/pollution factories. So poor people are double fucked, triple fucked. Living in food deserts, on poor quality land, with poor quality air, poor quality working conditions.... and no trees and few parks. So poor kids get nothing but shitty schools, shitty free lunch, no trees at their school and ACROSS the street, across city lines... there is a wealthy city with everything and some privilege. All within a 10 mile radius of Los Angeles. This is comparing Culver City, Manhattan Beach to for example Ladera Heights.... Inglewood, Westchester.


what kind of mask are you wearing to protect you from those things?


It’s a purposefully misleading headline. The proposed “mask ban” has nothing to do with COVID.


Easy way for criminals to hide their identity when shoplifting in groups.


Gonna be honest I don’t see how it’s constitutional to ban certain articles of clothing in a public place.


I can wear whatever the fuck I want, even if I'm protesting. This is still America, for a little while, at least.


Make sure and vote


Ah one of the famed badasses of valley village


Yeah we have about five months left


This is such a non story lol


That’s dumb. Let people have the choice to wear a mask or not.


This. I always look at mask protesters sideways. If they’re not mandated for you, let people do what they want.


All people should be able to protest, that is why organizers require them: so even chronically ill and disabled people can exercise their right without concern of infection.


Trash bait headline. She’s considering banning people covering their faces at these protests so they can’t anonymously commit crimes. Nothing to do with covid masks


How can it not have something to do with COVID? You can't just ban masks in certain situations and pretend that COVID cannot exist there.


Likelihood of getting Covid outdoors is extremely slim. There are videos from the UCLA protests where they literally tell everyone to put their mask on because someone is filming.


Always mask up at protests and turn your phone off. It will be used against you otherwise. Even if you aren't doing anything wrong.


Unless you can remove the battery from your phone, you shouldn't bring it at all. First time I saw that related tip was at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. And these days who can? When was the last time anyone had a phone you could swap out the battery? More and more are turning to the flip phone models of yesteryear. More and more it sounds like a good idea to me.


Still absolutely possible. Especially at night. This virus is a fucker.


Being in large groups increases the chances though. It’s like going to an outdoor concert.


So, the protestors are being intelligent. Weird.


They’re not wearing masks because they’re afraid of Covid. Not afraid to assault and harass Jews, but afraid of getting Covid. Yeah, okay


I find this argument uncomfortably dishonest. There is no earnest confusion as to why those masks are being used at protests.


Disabled people are allowed to exist and allowed to protest. Anyone who doesn't want covid is allowed to protest. You cannot ban masks. That is eugenics and a violation of the right to assembly.


If people started showing up with fitted n95s following all the associuated protocils needed to make them work then this argument might carry weight. But people wearing masks while screaming and chanting slogans isnt protecting anything but their identity.


What are you, the protest police?


Protesting is not a crime except in fascist and authoritarian countries, it turns out.


The exception is for a declared public health emergency. They have ended the PH emergency for Covid.


Which was a mistake…


Agreed. But it negates the idea the covid masks aren’t affected.


Nah, she’s proposing banning all masks, including “covid masks” She never said it’s okay to wear a surgical or n95 mask


Right, down voted. Thx.


How is that nothing to do with covid masks? People wear masks at large gatherings- including protests- to avoid covid transmission. Trash comment.


Return to work, banning masks… we learned nothing from Covid


did people forget that there others’ who are immunocompromised, covid isn’t the only illness in the world that can impair you.


Such a dumb and misleading take and headline. The protestors at the synagogue wore masks because they were cowards who didn't want to show their faces. The mayor's suggestion, which probably wouldn't pass legal muster, had nothing to do with the communicability of any disease.




I still see a few people who always wear masks


I do. Never had covid.


Most of the people I work with wear masks to work daily... we deal with a thousand people coming into our work space daily.


And the mask ban wasn't about them, it was for protests. I don't even know how it would have worked tbh


Are you saying people with jobs don’t protest?? This is weird logic.


In the late 2000's I used to picket scientology properties. I remember there being an issue (in NYC, don't recall about LA) about not being able to wear masks in public at the protests due to some law (probably 9/11 related). A bunch of people refused to show up for fear of scientology fair gaming them if they knew their identity. We were a small enough group(<50) that the officers assigned to protest could have shut us down if we didn't comply. I have no idea how they could do that with the size of the crowds at protests these days.


Were these protests part of project chanology?




Saw someone come into the pharmacy today straight up asking where Covid tests and cough medicine was, unmasked. This is the exact time you’d want to be masked. Makes no sense. You’re openly noting you’re sick and/or in contact with someone who’s sick and that you’re not protecting the people who you’re now interacting with in public, further spreading germs. I’m absolutely still masking, as I get sick extremely easily and there’s no reason not to protect myself.


My coworkers and I all mask anytime someone's feeling a bit off/unwell. We do in my carpool as well. I recently had a covid-like mystery illness and I masked for about a week after, just in case. I also mask in the grocery store/crowded shopping spaces. When I get sick, I get extremely sick. A head cold for you is a three week illness with multiple rounds of antibiotics, steroids, inhalers, etc, for me. Masking is one of the very few ways I can protect myself while also living something of a normal life.


Just FYI, a large percentage of covid infections are asymptomatic. Thank you for masking in grocery stores and shopping spaces, but I'd really consider just masking at work all the time, too.


>My coworkers and I all mask anytime someone's feeling a bit off/unwell. This is somewhat unique to my situation but it annoys the hell out of me when people do this in my office, for the love of God just work from home (not an option for everyone I know but it is for us). If I saw someone masked up and/or coughing I wouldn't go in the same room as them and would dial in to the meeting they were in via zoom despite the fact I was sat in the next room. Assuming you have the flexibility if you're feeling unwell don't come into the office masked up, just don't come into the office.


The problem is that you are still contagious for a number of days after initial symptoms, some illnesses up to 2 weeks after. Nobody has that much sick time.


I understand for people who would be required to take sick time. I'm talking specifically about people who have the ability to work from home.


Gotcha. Man, if I had the ability to work from home I would never come into the office, especially if I’m not feeling great.


We don't always have the option to WFH, and sometimes folks aren't sure if they're getting sick or just having allergies, so they'll mask out of caution. WFH is extremely political in my office and my org, so it's not always an option.


I’m immune compromised, awaiting a kidney transplant. I wear a mask and wish others would when they are feeling sick. Going to the grocery store could kill me


I know someone with a lung transplant. She got a cold, it changed into something worse, now it’s rejecting and she needs another transplant. The approval board isn’t yet convinced it’s a good idea to give her another one. 🤷‍♂️


Not what I needed to read, but wishing your friend the best. That’s horrible.


You’ll be okay, kidney’s not as bad as lungs. But yeah, it’s like waiting for a jury to sentence you to death or not.


I sure hope so. Sending your friend good thoughts and wishing an approval for the .


You are not throwing stones or starting fires. You are not vandalizing property. You’re fine to wear one.


Hey! You don’t know my life! Jk


For some reason, I just pictured Bubble Boy trying to raid a Macy's. Someone get Hollywood on the line, Jake Gyllenhaal needs to make a sequel. Bubble Boy 2: Riot Boogaloo


The overwhelming majority of protestors aren’t either. A mask ban at protests effectively limits the right of immunocompromised folks to exercise their constitutional right to protest.


those are already crimes


I don't knock masks, I also like the idea that if you're sick you wear one. I just think the article is trying to force something




Banning masks is banning masks. Where is irrelevant.


the intersection of people who care about social issues enough to protest and care about not infecting other people is bigger than you realize


You mean people with empathy, compassion, who are scientifically literate and aren’t sheep might want to civilly protest? You’re damn right!


I wear a mask on public transit, on planes, and when transmission levels are high (like right now) when I’m shopping.


“No one”? Dude, every time I go out to run errands, I see people wearing masks. Every. Time.


I still wear a mask on public transportation.


I wear a mask indoors and in crowds. Lots of people do. Saying no one does this is a complete and total lie.


I still see masks here and there. I also fly door to door with a mask on.


there’s actually lot of people wearing masks in public still


[By “starting shit” you mean Israeli thugs that almost lynched the Palestine protestors who were protesting an Israeli company with a history of selling illegally obtained land in the West Bank using the synagogue to possibly sell said properties?](https://imgur.com/gallery/gaWhuOg) The most famous Jew in history was Jesus Christ and wasn’t too happy when commerce was being conducted in the temple and committed vandalism to show his disdain.


It's a bit ironic. She was pandering to a certain population with the threat of a mask ban. That was more important to her than People being able to protect their health while protesting.


Dumbass comment


The powers that be work in mysterious ways.


I haven’t prayed this hard since Trump got covid


Hm. I thought I got the new strain because I was bedridden for two weeks but I guess it was a nasty bug or I wasn’t afflicted as heavily as others.


I was in a store this morning and they had a sign at the entrance banning face coverings except for religious reasons. The issue is that criminals are now using the "Covid" excuse to cover their faces while engaging in criminal behavior, like what happened in L.A. with anti-Semitic protesters


The mask ban isn’t for COVID lol. It’s for people hiding their faces while doing bad things.


The IDF don’t have any issues showing their faces when they kill people


I think they even wear masks too sometimes lol


What? Why? Why the hell is this important at all? Especially now. edit: ugh


Read. It has nothing to do with covid masks


The problem is that it would still mean that people would not be able to mask at protests, even if they were masking for health reasons. It also associates masking with criminality, which means people with masks will be more likely to be targeted by police.


Why ban it? Just let people where it if they want. Jesus.


Why are governments banning anything?


I mean… what? Some things absolutely should be banned. Like child pornography. Society would be pretty fucking awful if we didn’t allow some things to be banned, much to the dismay of libertarians.


Were you fine with them requiring things? you ok with them banning other constitutional rights?


Karen got Karma.


The mask ban was an anti-Palestinian-supporter move


Who thinks the anti- Israel protestors are wearing masks because they don't want to catch Covid?




FOR PROTESTERS Ie recent protests in which masked people moved through specific neighborhoods & targeted specific institutions while masked.


What a dissapointment


ok but what does this have to do with gascon


Sick for a week. Started with a cough, sore throat, in bed two days straight then coughed for three weeks! Ended with a sinus infection. Now in week four fml!!


So did my daughter. Why the fu@k would anybody BAN masks? What kind of fascist “show me your papers” bullshit is that??




Did the 6 covid vacs not work for her


*Curbed theme plays*


Ha, stupid ass.


She looks like a very concerned Muppet.


Currently on day 3 of covid. SMH.