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Definitely an upgrade compared to that atrocity from last year.


Yeah, but did this one take $200k to "design"? I mean, sure it provides shade for a lot less money. But did all the community stakeholders get an equitable chance to chime in on this "Just put a board on top of it" design?


Erewhon's petitioning for an environmental review already


Of course. The Karen Bass way. It’s all about “all the stakeholders input”.


Perhaps, but were they designed with a gender equity lens and for marginalized communities of color like La Sombrita was? Maybe they should have worked with more consultants and advocacy groups.


very curious how much this design costs compared to that nonsense. It's almost certainly less


Nice, as long as being in the bus shelter doesn't mean the bus passes you by! I've had that happen far more often if I'm in one than if I'm next to the sign. (I'm in a wheelchair, which might have something to do with it.)


I'm not sure why we can't have a button and light on the bus stop that you press when want the bus to stop for you. It's what we have inside the bus. And for stops with multiple bus lines you could have multiple lights, so that every bus doesn't have to stop because they see 1 person waiting there, who turns out to be waiting for a different bus. If you want the 66 line and not the 4, then you hit the button for 66, and the 4 driver doesn't have to stop. I mean, elevators figured this out what, 100 years ago? They don't stop on every floor just in case you might want to get out there, or someone there might be waiting to get on. You just tell it which floor you want it to stop at.


At the bus stop by my place, people stand behind the shelter because the sun is always shining directly at the uncovered part.


[behind the paywall](https://archive.ph/mfd7j)


Looks like they made the seats uneven elevation to prevent a vagrants taking it over. 


They’ll sleep upside on an escalator this won’t bother them


Did this one take half a milly to design? Los Sombritos?


South Resedaaaa


Overall? Nice design. But I hope we aren't paying for the installation & upkeep of those video billboards.


They are maintained by the ad agency.


Sarcasm or not, Ad agencies don't maintain ad space, they just make the ads to go on ad space. Media companies maintain ad space.


Agency may be the wrong term. LA contracted with Vector to put up and maintain these shelters. And their maintenance is paid for by the revenue they get from ads.


Phew. Good.


Oh we are don't worry. Also the light pollution and ad cycle frequency are well above the recommended safe levels 


The design looks too masculine. It doesn't make public transportation more friendly to women. Also, it doesn't promote LADOT's gender equity action plan to address the needs of women who rely on public transit. They should ask the consultant to redesign it. How come there were only two women in the picture? They should install La Sombrita all over LA county. Because It is the best design.




looks like the perfect place for the homeless to take over.


I never understand Americans demonization of homeless people. Their a reflection of the systemic issues facing almost all Americans.


Because when you are directly dealing with the most negative fallout from those systematic issues, namely mentally ill drug addicts blowing meth smoke in your face at the bus stop leaving litter and biohazard everywhere and knowing they can do absolutely anything they want with zero consequences or enforcement, you to begin to stop caring about how and why and just caring about having a safe clean public space to walk in. We are tired.




Homeless has nothing to do with it. Public spaces are for the public to use. The public is not a single individual trying to hog the whole space for themselves. The bus stop is for people waiting to ride the bus. It is not for people to sleep in. It is not for people to sell t-shirts and celebrity home maps out of. It is not for people to use as a toilet. It is not a place for people to dump used motor oil. And so on. Just because something is a public space doesn't make it a free-for-all.


you would not understand until you have to raise a child in this city knowing there are drug addicts and crazy ppl walking right outside your home. If I am a single adult with no kids, no problem. I can just ignore them or defend myself and go on with my day. When you have kids its a different story.


This [scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uto-gcRdL84) from Liar, Liar nails it. (If you don't know the movie, the premise is that Jim Carrey's character, a lawyer, can't lie for 24 hours.)


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Bet somehow the budget is $25 million per new shelter.