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Ooo bringing the Rams to South korea, I like that


Assuming the break out is due to geography, wonder how the Rams pretty much got all of Asia's main markets plus Australia and NZ while the whiners got stuck with the UK lol


UK Ram, here. Unfortunately there’s loads of Niner fans over here. American Football first started getting tv coverage here in the 80s, so the teams that were good then (Niners, Dolphins, Bears, Giants, Cowboys) have huge followings here. We’re getting more fans these days (I’ve been a fan since the John Robinson years), but at the UK games we still get dwarfed, unfortunately.


not just that but korenke owning arsenal shoots down any possibility of having Rams at Tottenham


direful narrow imagine marvelous towering ancient uppity safe stupendous oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rooney Family - I guess there are northern irish roots? Art Rooney was the U.S. ambassador to Ireland. Plus Ireland is not the U.K., but Northern Ireland is.


paltry smile toy deserted hospital cheerful towering insurance stupendous salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So I’m making an educated guess here. Lots of groups immigrated to the U.S. at different points in time. One clearly identified group that we have labeled here in the U.S. is “Scotch-Irish” which I know as ethnically Scottish people who immigrated from what is now Northern Ireland mostly. You probably have a better understanding of why there were a large or clear group of Scottish origin people in Ireland at the time of the 1700s than I do in Northern Ireland in particular. But many of them immigrated to mostly Appalachia, which stretches from central Pennsylvania all the way down to the Upper South (Georgia, Carolinas, Tennessee). I know this because my dads side of the family was Scotch-Irish, having immigrated from Belfast in the late 1700s just after US independence and ended up in Central Pennsylvania, about an hour east of Pittsburgh. Central PA is where a lot of these people ended up more and this area is very clearly in Steelers market of influence. So this is on behalf of the Steelers trying to make connections between their existing fanbase and where they came from. To the U.S. which is by far and large a country of immigrants, many Americans wear their origin as a point of pride regardless of how distant that connection is, and the Steelers I think are playing into that here hoping to make that connection. And it’s not unique to the Steelers. Minnesota named their entire team after the region’s mostly Scandinavian roots at the time and going by the Vikings. And if you look at the NFL graphic here, this is almost the same logic being used by the other NFL teams. Like the Saints targeting France because Louisiana was once a French colony, and many Louisianans wear being Cajun/Creole as a point of pride even though Louisiana hasn’t been part of France and many of them have been detached from France close to 200 years now. I don’t know if the original countries care or learn about where their emigrants end up here in the U.S. but we certainly do hence why not all the teams market in all parts of the world and target key areas instead. Though some of this is also probably for economical reasons too beyond that, like the Browns picking Nigeria


We need our UK rams fan contingent to outgrow the 9ers. Blue and yellow flares


Might have something to do with ohtani, imagine buying up gear that has "LA" On it and seeing a different logo on it with "LA" In a different style (Dodgers and Rams) and buying it cause now you root for LA due to ohtani


That but also Torrance and SoCal as a whole has the largest Japanese American population (Why you leave us though Toyota).


Teams specifically request the countries they want to operate in.


The Rams could piggyback off of the popularity of the Dodgers in Japan/South Korea. The LA symbol markets itself. Are the Chargers not part of this program?


Yeah considering the whole piggy backing off another sport, I'd imagined china would've gotten the niners with how popular the warriors are among the Chinese/Chinese American diaspora and bay area demographics or what not. The warriors routinely put out Chinese jerseys like almost every year lol


The lakers were HUGE in China during Kobe’s days, I didn’t realize they lost market there.


We still have the market when the NBA did preseason games in China we were always sent.


Yeah I've wanted the Rams to possible do a Lunar New Year jersey but the problem is it would look too much like a Niners jersey.


Well maybe the Chargers couldn't find a place of their own...they could just join us in our areas.


As an asian American, I greatly approve of this


Nigeria getting the Browns and Ghana getting the Eagles feels so strange lol.


What does this mean in general (also for the rams more specifically)


From what I gather these teams get exclusive rights in the region to promote themselves on TV, digital, etc etc garnering fans in that region. Essentially instead of the NFL as a whole entering the market and local fans having to pick a team out of 32 and each team vying for the largest share fans in the market, they get one to essentially attach themselves as the "home" team.


Idk. Is it tv rights?


Puka = Asia Pacific Esteban “Steve” Avila = Mexico NFL marketing thinking real hard about these decisions.


Rams should hit up India 🇮🇳


We could carve a niche there for sure


Can’t even fathom why we not in UK and GER too


Yeah we need a European market really bad. Maybe Sweden (dunno really but probably because we have a ton of Swedes here)


Funny enough, we have a decent amount of ENG and FRA expats here.




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Rams going literally everywhere but where I'm from. 🥲


What does this mean?


From what I gather these teams get exclusive rights in the region to promote themselves on TV, digital, etc etc garnering fans in that region. Essentially instead of the NFL as a whole entering the market and local fans having to pick a team out of 32 and each team vying for the largest share fans in the market, they get one to essentially attach themselves as the "home" team




So you make us go to Brazil week 1 and then decide, “nah, let’s promote a rebuilding patriots squad” Real A+ marketing stuff there. You’ve got a bunch of potential new fans going to a game, and you’re not gonna promote the team they just formed a personal connection with by seeing them earlier in the year?? Edit: I realize now this is not r/nfl … my bad, fuck the whiners


Lmao us getting all of Asia to ourselves is wild, then only splitting ocenia with Philly.


German RAM here, would love to see you over here!


I need the Rams in Germany


The cowboys might be americas team, but we are the worlds team.


The Bills didn’t get Canada rights? Wild.


They already market there and don't need exclusive rights a good chunk of their fans are from Ontario (not the one here in California).


Are all these locations locked in? Is during the season, or are they exhibition matches?


Australia, New Zealand, and Japan wow


Not surprised we got Japan and South Korea Every LA team aside from us has at least one Japanese player, but we did play at the Tokyo Dome in the 80s. Korea also makes sense but surprised the Falcons and Steelers didn't get it even though they have or had Korean players before.


As a big fan of Japanese culture, I would love love LOVE the Rams to become the official team of Japan. A game in Japan would be 🔥.


The Rams have had Australia for a couple years now I think, but I still have never seen them try to do any promotion here at all lol


"I have the power of God AND anime on my side"


I can get down with AUS, NZ, MX, JP and SK. Fuck Chyna though.