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Here's what you would look like if you were black or Chinese




Kinda based for this he was




It's 2:00am. I'm tired


Go to sleep






No top? šŸ˜”


Here's a sneak peek of /r/notopbutok using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/notopbutok/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Umā€¦ pretty self-explanatory](https://i.redd.it/pi9z6ux46pta1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notopbutok/comments/12kpqlv/um_pretty_selfexplanatory/) \#2: [A state of depression](https://i.redd.it/lg8j33zagiya1.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notopbutok/comments/13b1u1n/a_state_of_depression/) \#3: [Double trouble](https://i.redd.it/ujc840idkgwa1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notopbutok/comments/130jt19/double_trouble/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good news, I did before you told me https://i.redd.it/7b0zh03dfc6d1.gif


:) Good morning btw


Thx https://preview.redd.it/fnv0ws06vc6d1.jpeg?width=2003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e419e1a4e29f1f3c4768402b93fbf21bb303b14c


Engineer is credit to team.


Kind of based? That was extremely based.


"or should I use your real name.." bro thinks he's the main antagonist šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/k1mbpkt1db6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43091a22d0bef93eb6c5d0a553d36af75baceca


Bro is not in an anime āŒāŒ https://preview.redd.it/yd1h5d3ljc6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ebee400e7d7e60c4f0319138e2befa395b7e84


Obamna https://preview.redd.it/qtyfs8sdtc6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d163bcfe47b5758dd6e2e8e64f4804cb6b60a33d


SODA!!! ![gif](giphy|Jue8C08v3uCNG|downsized)


That was an absolute fucking powermove by him holy


He's like the only person online that portrayed race in a somewhat respective way and so many people hated him for that šŸ˜­


I think people hated him cause he did it to someone who was dead once.


Wow, how did he come back to life?


black or chinese i think


They also hated one about a baby


The Jocat curse


I don't get why people get so mad about it lmao


He's undefeatable.


Honestly that's impressive editing


What is going on in this post? Also this guy is hella based


I'm glad this was fake šŸ‘


Some ppl take clowns too serious. That says more about you than them; only fools take fools seriously šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


are you black or chinese? *you must choose now.*


I feel like this dialogue would exist in a some kind dark and horror dungeon fantasy indie game during the intro


The two genders


Character customization gone wild! šŸ˜‚ Who thought this was a good idea?


Play as a hydrogen bomb or a coughing baby


Definitely going with the coughing baby for stealth missions.


With all the coughing?


What would you notice first, a coughing baby or a 2m tall black ninja? Said that, he should have the afro hairs. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Tbf, guards seemed to have a hard time noticing men wearing bright white robes covered in weapons so afro-ninja would probably be fine.


so easy to sneak past Japanese people. Also, obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEtIoGQxqQs


Dark skin makes you harder to spot in the darkness though


What stealth missions? You go in, kill them all, no witnesses. Easy stealth.


Me playing hitman


Ubisoft wanted the message to be heard but the high order demanded a samurai game


https://preview.redd.it/dskk07tola6d1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc76905dc1427a53d6299172cfc9e4e5929f452 I dare Ubisoft to add this in.


Iā€™m sure they will but Iā€™ll be more expensive than the game itself. Maybe itā€™s included as a preorder bonus










looks more like crazyā€™s fucking that to me


https://preview.redd.it/y03ah780xd6d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=631b2eeef7101dac86e667cd50db798e5be6934b Visual aid


That is holding crazy in the air and fucking them, that isnā€™t bent over.




I came


i saw


I fucking hate this.


Shoutout to these kangaroos they get my struggle šŸ˜”šŸ•ŠļøšŸ™


I hope you get better. Not about the chest issue, but the other ones you seem to have going on.


Can you imagine? GodDAMN šŸ†




If they did they probably wouldnā€™t have pouches


i didn't want to see this today thanks


Shit I didnā€™t even notice Yasuke was black, I thought he was just darker-skinned Asian. Female samurai were rare, but historically attested (usually under their husbandā€™s discretion and only if they were barren, but still.) In feudal Japan, fighting to the bitter end in castle siege scenarios was more common than in Europe, and as a result most noblewomen were trained in some form of weapon, often a naginata. In olden times when population was power, it was almost always preferable to keep women at home and having as many children as possible, but if a woman couldnā€™t bear children or all the men are dead and the castle was on fire, they were just another pointy stick to throw into the meat grinder. Mothers forming phalanxes to protect their children from marauders was just more common in a culture that despised surrendering, but except in a few cases of dedicated blitzkrieg-style civilizations (visigoths come to mind) women taking up arms meant that shit had somehow hit the fan.


Naoe is an iga ninja from what I can tell, now, some ninja can indeed hold samurai ranks tho


wassup my iga




That's fucked up man, you shouldn't have said that, he's a samurai not a ninja


How can you know that much about feudal Japan and not know the story of yasuke the black samourai?


Iā€™ll give a less politically-charged response: Yasuke was a single person, who while having a neat story did not seem to have had a tremendous historical impact. The OP appears to be talking aboot the cultural characteristics of the whole of Japanese society, which is important for Japanese feudal history Itā€™s like if there was a person who was super knowledgeable aboot the Normandy invasion during WW2, knows all aboot the military/political side of things and the significance of the campaign, and then being incredulous that they donā€™t know who Mad Jack Churchill was. Like yeah he appears in a lot of popular history but he wonā€™t come up much in say, an academic text


This is an answer I will gladly accept formulated like that, even if I disagree with the conclusion. I think the reach of Sasuke story is very much downplayed here with how much it was reused in moderne pop culture (afro samourai, the last samourai, the Netflix show,...)


These two cool main characters make me want to get that game, it honestly really interests


Well, neither would anyone who was not near a lord in Japan, the most mentioned Japanese samurai in Japanese history were top retainers and advisers who were generals and officers, Sasuke was a grunt, you won't find many mentions of those in Japanese text, it makes perfect sense in a assassin's creed context. You wouldn't make George Washington the main character in an assassin creed now would you? Why do all the chuds expect that now.


Samurai were, by definition, non-grunts. Even lower ranking samurai were of a higher social class than the vast majority of the population.


Do you mean Yasuke?


Yasuke was a real person and historians of the university of Tokyo saying that according to all the the sources and information that he was intact a Samurai. And if you think Japanese historians are woke in the Western sense, do I have some news for you


There were many instances of women warriors in Europe, but far less-so once the Dark Ages began. For the various Celtic tribes, we had people such as Boudicca, Medb, AƬfe, and ScƠthach that come to mind. How could women like these be fighting of their own prerogative if women weren't allowed to fight? I just can't accept that this is unique to any one culture. You train the women to fight too because during battle your opponent does not care if you are a man or a woman. They only care if you're standing or not. You defend your tribe or lose it entirely. Besides, as a woman myself, I prefer a bloody end to the alternative in these situations, and I think I'm not alone in that regard. Further reading: https://www.academia.edu/download/63941601/Women_in_Antiquity__Real_Women_Across_the_Ancient_World__PDFDrive.com__120200716-99471-hd5fhi.pdf#page=1045


It just gave me a 404 error on that link


As I mentioned barbarian tribes almost always used women to fight. Thatā€™s part of the ā€œloot and pillageā€ lifestyle. By ā€œdark agesā€ I think you mean from the high Middle Ages to the start of the golden age of piracy. The dark ages were the shitshow after rome collapsed and the visigoths I mentioned were busy tearing the auxillias new assholes. I suppose the Middle Ages were dark ages if you were a woman given that cloture was a thing, medicine and thus obstetric care had regressed significantly and the absolute best position a woman could possibly hope to hold outside of a nunnery or marriage to someone richer was ā€œguildmaster of the tailorā€™s guild.ā€ The late Middle Ages and early modern period were the patriarchyā€™s absolute height of power. Before that shit was different. Women were just people, and people really werenā€™t worth a whole lot in and of themselves. The Iron Age wasnā€™t woke, but it sure was different. There was a time fighting women were the norm, when everyone fought and starved and bled together, but our cultural memory doesnā€™t stretch back that far.


Samurai is a title... not some rando wielding katana.


Several years after Yasuke it was outlawed for common folk to have a Katana and it became the sign of a Samurai. During the time where Yasuke was in Japan it was indeed just a title and you didn't even need a Katana to be Samurai.


If only there was a way for you to look up Yasuke the black samurai ...


Thanks for the history lesson, quite interesting man


put Bushido Brown and Afro Samurai to be a playable characters or riot šŸ˜ 


that would actually be funny and playable.


Something something Ubisoft have the opportunity to do the funniest thing rn


Here's your main character if they were black or chinese


mfs when the samurai is black: https://preview.redd.it/n16fdb8ot96d1.png?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e948d8fe41ac958c7a28d3d293b6744bc0f0bf7e (They forgot that the franchise has characters dive off buildings and somehow survives by landing in hay)


literally in Odyssey you can jump off the TOP OF THE PARTHENON and land in flower petals or something and live.


And thatā€™s not even the tallest thing you can jump off in that game


My peanits


This is the correct spelling


You can jump off literally anything in Odyssey and survive. Your guy just rolls to break the fall šŸ’€ it's hilarious




Surviving any jump is a late game perk though


In AC2 the "gods" literally talk though the historical character to talk to the modern character, while actually talking to you, the player.


You play as a demigod in Odyssey


i dont hate that hes black i hate it that they made his battle theme hip hop


>made his battle theme hip hop Are you fucking serious šŸ’€


Thing is, Yasuke was a real person so I don't get their anger


They hate minorities.


People were asking for a Japanese dude main as a main character are the Japanese not considered minorities?


You got a Japanese dudette, so what's the problem?


And women.


I mean, I'd expect Japanese main characters in a game set in, y'know, Japan.


I'm sorry that the main characters are - a Japanese ninja - an actual Samurai who literally lived in the setting of the gameĀ  how will you every recover from this šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­


MFS when the game set in Japan uses an extremely popular historical figure in Japan (he's black)


Honestly, I agree that it's quite cool, but I get it It's the first time the main character is a cool historical figure, and not the side characters, normally the main character is just An unknown person


>but I get it It's the first time the main character is a cool historical figure, Yeah that's not the reason these people are upset.


You get what?




dude you're eating ubisoft bait with this shit


Dudes actually histor


Yasuke is a real guy


He's clearly in a video game idiot. You can tell by the UI.


No imbecile havenā€™t you heard? Real life graphics are getting better, they almost look like video games now. I should know, I took this picture.


Oh sorry


Thank you and Youā€™re welcome ā˜ŗļø


Your photography skills are very impressive. You must be very proud.




Don't think there's evidence he died


What will he think of this game??


Someone ring this guy to see what he thinks


Why are people complaining about him ? He looks badass af


Hell, we had this same situation with assassins creed 3 where you play a hulking Native American beating British people to death and literally killing general Cornwallis but apparently a fictional version of an actual historical figure is too much.


That was so based I hate Br*tish ā€œpeopleā€


Fr unironically one of the best games in the series imo


5 people unironically reported this comment


I think the combined demographics of weebs and gamers results in people not caring about history unless it's japanese.


Funniest part was when all the losers started speaking on behalf of the Japanese like "this is disrespectful, he isn't a *real* samurai (not true), he should've been Japanese, he is a white (black?) savior" etc, and all of Japanese social media was just like "holy shit Yasuke's so cool"


lmao, the EXACT same shit happened to Ghost of Tsushima back when it released.


> Why are people complaining about him ? You know why.


It's just people over reacting to the premise, are the people who outrage over this racist, maybe. is this being played up for a game that will definitely be mid on launch, yep. Ps. Yeah he does look cool.


cuz theyā€™re losers


Fr he looks sick and the choice makes sense. Thereā€™s no other person in Japan at the time who could fit as an absolute monster of a man whoā€™s at least 6 inches taller than everyone else on the island. Thatā€™s just fuckin cool and I will hear no other argument.


I know right? The gameplay actually looked badass never thought modern AC could cook


If you were a Japanese male, you might be disappointed your only chance to be represented in an AC game was taken away.


But the other main character is Japanese


Not a male, though. I don't have any problem with it. But since we got a male and a female English in Syndicate, Greek in Odyssey and Norwegian in Valhalla people might've expected a male and a female Japanese.


Pilgrim is the funniest person on twitter atm


It took me a while...*Play as a guy in full armor or play as a woman in.. a tunic*, yeah, ok, but the stealth charakter always looks squishy in every game, no? But "oh noes, a black samurai"? It's that debate? Again? Didn't we all agree there's plenty evidence for real black samurai in history like two weeks ago?


Yeah, this whole debacle pisses me off, because we have a bunch of these bigots hiding behind the plausible deniability of ā€œhistorical accuracyā€ or ā€œlack of authentic Japanese representationā€ when they were NEVER this outspoken about other AC games, or other games in general. People tilting about ā€œYasuke wasnā€™t a samuraiā€ when basically every Japanese historian agrees he was, or ā€œBut Japanese men arenā€™t represented! What if you were a Japanese guy who wanted to play someone like you?ā€ Like there arenā€™t a number of video games where you play as a Japanese guy. Worse, they say this as if they werenā€™t the same tools who tell women or black or queer people to relate to straight, white male characters when they so much as dare to get a single character in a straight, white, male dominated space. Plus, Japanese people freaking love Yasuke, the foreigner who earned a place beside one of the most influential figures in their history; heā€™s a literal living (not anymore, but he was) legend. Itā€™s a blatant double standard, but when you point that out, all of a sudden, somehow, YOU are racist or sexist or whatever, but against them. Itā€™s only when a black guy shows up that they get this mad about oftentimes nonexistent ā€œDEI initiativesā€; itā€™s only when a woman mc isnā€™t softer than a pillow that they scream about ā€œangry SJWs!ā€; itā€™s only when a gay character gets attention that they rally behind ā€œend Wokeness!ā€ And every time they get proven wrong, they immediately pivot to ā€œOh, this game is a conservative masterpiece!ā€ Or ā€œItā€™s not satire, itā€™s the truth!ā€ And itā€™s almost disheartening, or it would be, if I didnā€™t want to turn that into motivation to make my own games. I canā€™t imagine just living like this, though. You canā€™t live quietly any longer, but you canā€™t speak up or youā€™ll be trampled by a wave of idiots who canā€™t empathize with anyone but themselves. If you do it wrong, itā€™s more ammunition for them (ā€œGo woke, go broke!ā€), and if you do it right, itā€™s still the same thing, just under cries of ā€œbeing replacedā€ or ā€œshoving it down our throats.ā€ Thankfully, there is still one winning move, which is to keep trying. Continue pointing out that they are wrong, and maybe someday, theyā€™ll be but a footnote in the annals of history.


But this looks like a good idea. It isn't just gender swap. Guy looks like a brawler and girl is like a ninja.


mfs getting mad at them putting yasuke in the game just go play ghost of tsushima, it's better anyway


Just don't play the game if your racist?!?!? How is this so difficult for people?


It's niggas out there who don't fw yasuke as the protag šŸ¤£




It doesn't feel like genuine representation. It feels like he was shoehorned in to make bank off of people who fw inclusion. It's so many people who could have represented they country, and they pick the one mf who not from there and wasn't even boxing that much. There were so many better candidates who would have told a way more interesting story, who were samurai for longer and had more impact culturally. To ME, it comes off as pandering. But that makes me a coon, ig šŸ¤£


Why can't GG people just be honest and admit theyre racist? Takes way less effort on their part.


What's gg? Guilty gear?




Oh ok that makes sense thanks for the info


Coulda chosen more historically discriminated Burakumin tbh, to shine light on long ethnic conflict that continues to plague Japan til today. It feels like they applied the modern racial dynamic to the past. Or is Burakumin such a taboo to talk about in Japan they are afraid to risk losing the Japanese market...


I donā€™t really know how they applied the modern racial dynamic to the game. Likeā€¦ sure itā€™d be cool if they went with your suggestion, but that doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s the modern racial dynamic.


I find historic discrimination of indigenous people such as Ainu or Burakumin would be a more compelling story about social outcasts in such background. Due to the low contact with the world outside East Asia, the view on Europeans and Africans was closer to curiosity than racism toward other races we see in East Asia today. Hell, could go extra mile with how Joseon potters kidnapped during Imjin Wars never were able to set afoot on their homeland again, shedding light on history's tragedy and spreading awareness about Zainichi, Japaneses of Korean descent who were massacred during Kanto Earthquake of 1923 due to ethnic bias(that they would enact revenge on Japaneses), and are still shunned to a degree. A story about racial stigma of minority groups that is relatable today (though Imjin War is bit later in the story) Being Asian, I find such opportunities to reflect light on culture-specific social dilemmas slipping away in the light of "samurai cool" a little bit missed opportunity.


All of that is interesting and would be kinda cool to see done. Iā€™m not going to sit here and pretend that the obviously cool concept isnā€™t obviously cool. Itā€™s just I donā€™t really see how modern race dynamics are being inserted into the game. Hell, maybe they are, but the game isnā€™t out yet so thereā€™s no way of knowing.


Who knows? May be the protagonist will explore such minorities and share sentiment, rather than the story of just an outsider amongst homogenous "Japaneses." I hope this is the case. That way, the protagonist will serve as a bridge between modern conflict and past conflict to audiences.


This game is still primarily a North American game with North American sensibilities. There the issue of racism and diversity is ā€œhow do we get representation of black people in mediaā€. Not to highlight historical discrimination but to do something with the racial tensions of modern North America. Even though this game is about Japan, it is still American culturally


I thought it was cause everyone wants to play as cool samurai guy smh




its funny seeing people defend the game. regardless of if you like or dislike yasuke him being chosen for the game just oozes them trying to force representation and stir up drama so people buy their dogshit slop again this year.


I'm not a gamer guy, but when I heard about it I just thought "oh it's that black samurai I heard about a while back" Looking in from the outside it seems like they chose a fairly well known person from the past as inspiration and gamers are always looking for a reason to whine


AC 1- Italian dude in the crusades AC 2/Brotherhood/Revelations- Italian dude in italy AC3- Native American in Colonial America AC: Black Flag- English Pirate in Caribbean AC Origins- Egyptian dude in Egypt AC Odyssey- Greek dude in Greece AC Valhalla- Scandinavian Viking in Scandinavia The first mainstream AC game in Asia- "Guys what if we did the one African guy for this Japanese one?" I'm just sayin: It's kinda lame they finally represent Asia for once and then they don't give us a Japanese Samurai lol. Just make a game set in bloody africa already if you want an African protag. (I mean they did, that's Origins. But I mean like yknow, south.)


Did you not see a JAPANESE ninja literally right there? Or do you not consider woman as a real person?




Not that it makes a difference to your point but Edward was Welsh not English.


AC Revelations- Italian dude in 16th century Constantinople




Facts my guy, and nobody wants to hear it


I love how straight to the point your comment is and theyā€™re still dumb about it. How do people see corporations trying to be corporate as hell and still go ā€œWell, you can jump off a building and live soā€¦..ā€ Like that fucking means anything. Itā€™s the same shit as captain marvel. Or black panther. They are just trying to scoop up a couple extra black folks and women to make a few more dollars in theaters or merchandise ā€œThis movie is representing _______ because we careā€ Then they pump and dump it. I guarantee no one gives a shit about this game in a month after it comes out. Itā€™s so goofy to see people go ā€œwell, there was the REAL guy, so itā€™s not like theyā€™re just making it up!ā€ Yā€™all could have just made it a classic samurai game. But you had to stir up shit not for the effort to TEACH people. Literally just for the equivalent of clicks. Remember when BF5 had black SS female officers? Because one of the developers daughters said they can play girls in fortnight. They donā€™t care. They have no grounding in reality. Just profit. Itā€™s all virtue signaling. Just for a few more bucks. But go ahead and try to put Ubisoft on a pedestal. A company known for racism and misogyny in their own workplace. In multiple of their locations in the world. Yeah they totally care about representation.


How is it "forcing representation" when Yasuke actually existed?


If he existed then he should be an NPC, like Da Vinci. That said, IDK why AC still insists on playing as premade characters instead of implementing character creation. Such a dumb decision to lose fans for


Right on lol, the only reason they chose to do something as controversial as this is because they're trying to hide the fact that they're making another mid at best game


Yeah itā€™s blatant pandering to cover up the fact that itā€™s gonna be generic Ubisoft action rpg tm, the people being actually racist are cringe but you should be allowed to call it out


Im just sitting on the sidelines, laughing about the racists running out of plausible deniability for their arguments. Havent bought an AC game since the one setting in london.


I don't give a shit about the game, however, the racism from people who probably weren't ever going to even play or even look at the game in the first place proves why representation like this matters. If that's the reaction to simply a single black person being in a game, then it's absolutely fucking required and fuck all those people. Let those losers cry into the wind. They are the most useless people in the world.


Imagine getting downvoted for this. Some pussy ass racists really cried from a stranger's internet comment lol


I mean, it is r/losercity after all, if you got a loser city, turns out, it's going to be filled with em.


The game is gonna suck. Not because it has a black main character but because it was made by the same company that ā€œaccidentallyā€ had ads show up in the middle of gameplay in a full priced title. Best case scenario he was added in good faith. Worst case heā€™ll be used as a shield to label any legitimate criticism as racists just trying to tear down the game


Gotta say, the giant, hulking man in large, multi-plated armor doesn't look all that stealthy. Where's he supposed to hide? What crowd are you supposed to lose him in? Are his hidden blades just full size swords? Does stealth work by him scaring everybody into acting like they can't see him?


Heā€™s not, The girl is the stealthy one. Heā€™s a brute who runs through doors, breaks enemies weapons and kicks people through shelves. Heā€™ll probably have some level of stealth but I imagine itā€™ll be more of the walk up behind a guard and smash their skull in very loudly to kick off a fight. They are meant to play wildly differently probably for add to replay-ability allowing for completely different approaches to the same missions


unironically I am so happy that Yasuke is finally in a AAA game, heā€™s such a cool character


Bro who downvoted this šŸ’€


Probably someone


Dude looks badass


smash both ngl


Every other assassins creed game: letā€™s make our characters people that are at least somewhat representative and common of the era and place theyā€™re from. Shadows: you know how samurai were overwhelmingly Japanese for incredibly obvious reasons? Well fuck all of them, letā€™s make our samurai the only black samurai ever. If they want an African protagonist, cool, why not set a game that takes place in the kingdoms of Africa so it remains in the same vein as the rest? but if youā€™re making a sort of general period piece and you base your protagonist on a single outlier who is coincidentally black when you have literally never done that before, at a certain point, itā€™s hard to deny virtue signaling, artificial controversy generation, or both.


I donā€™t know a damn thing about this game but what I do know is that the people complaining have never given a shit about ā€œJapanese representationā€ Before a black guy got added.


Naoe looks badass but Yasuke looks yummy mmfmmmfmmfmmg


Not people missing that this is a real guy who was a real samurai in Shogun Japan. EDIT: the ā€œakshully, he was trained as a samurai and was a samurai but only in title, therefore he wasnā€™t a samuraiā€ comments have me rolling. Never change Reddit šŸ™„


Damn she smoll


If the stories are true Yasuke was apparently VERY tall in real life


If I recall he was around 6 foot but the average Japanese man was like 5ā€™4 or maybe even 5ā€™2 so that would make him VERY tall by comparison.


Letā€™s hope they are gay as well


"Its historically innacurate" they say in the series where you fistfight the pope


"Its historically innacurate" they say about a character who is literally a known historical figure.


It's so silly and such a non issue. The series is already full of fantasy nonsense and this isnt even made up. If none of that bothers you but this does... Yeah I just assume you don't like black people. So fucking strange to give a shit about this.


Cant wait to play and enjoy this game Fuck the racists and Incels