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This is awesome. I'm definitely going to use this for my campaign. I'm running Stormwreck Isle/orrery/LMoP/shattered obelisk/vecna


I just finished up lost mines of phandalin and am moving to shattered obelisk and we are doing vecna after that too! It ended up tying very good to the homebrew I added to the adventure before knowing vecna was coming out.


How did everything turn out so far?? I haven't gotten to read Vecna just yet or Shattered Obelisk. I have time because my players are far from finished with orrery and LMoP


It went well… took about 17 sessions, 1 of which was the one shot nest of the eldritch eye (vecna tie in) and I also introduced dragon of icespire peak. I made the rock seeker brothers, sildar and Iarno albrek into the leaders of an adventure guild in neverwinter. Then followed the book for the most part, everyone gets captured but Iarno escaped because he teamed up with a dragon which brought in icespire peak. The players saved Sildar and he tasked them to build the second location of the guild in phandalin. So bringing in icespire peak really helped give them job board missions. Iarno in my homebrew is was already working toward becoming a lich and I had already decided to work in lolth to the spiders back story when eve of ruin was announced. Now the first area being in neverwinter is a piece of cake, the players are already friends with the lord protector. So before chapter 7 of shattered obelisk I’m gonna have him call them to neverwinter for that quest… and since a big portion of the last chapters takes place in the underdark, I’m gonna have the dungeon from chapter 2 be happened upon before the players even finish shattered obelisk. My last idea to help tie it all together is when the wizards cast their wish spell, instead of bringing the players to the sanctum (or whatever its called), I’m gonna bring the sanctum to the players guild. Basically keeping the same base of operations but expanding it with the sanctum. Lolth has already been trying to recruit one of my players and another has a secret mission to become a lich as well. Possibly the final battle will be 5 players v 1 player and vecna. Lots of really fun plans on the future.


any chance you got a orrey pdf? I just found about Orrey few hours ago and thus made this list. But it was just a small snippit of info about Orrey. I'd like to read the campaign! Curious if there are more people from phandalin or Leilon in it!


I have the book. So technically I'm allowed to use 5etools as an add-on for the book.


This is fantastic, thank you! I’m still in the middle of LMoP, but have begun to sprinkle in pieces of SO. Now I can have a more streamlined list when attempting to do that. Thank you so much


What is Volo’s Wake?


"In Volo's Wake" is a 6 mini adventures that takes place in Sword Coast, Around Phandalin area. Meant for lvl 1-6 but they are all small stand alone adventures.


You made Nilsa younger but I hope you are aware 16 is still considered an adult in Faerûn. So if you don't want adult content you gotta work harder😈 Also why is Mars female? 🤯(will add my homebrew stuff down)  Since you added Orrery of the wanderer some people like Halia gets removed.  Depending on the first gsme even Droop could be a native (not impossible) as Shattered Obelisk even includes Orc residents. (An Elven Baker seriously?)  When party encounters That's corpse it is no more easily recognizable but still dead for shorter than 15 days same for Tharden Rockseeker, players might have used Gentle Repose on them both, and keep them under care(refresh each 10 day not really necessary in That's case but still). They can in the midst of Shattered Obelisk raise Tharden, that is if they manage to reach 13 by the end of adventure even ressurect Thel(they might as well find a cleric which can if they can't cast the spell themselves but it would cost a lot I guess) NwN modules: It is safe to assume Icehammer Clan gets into contact with Phandalin due to close proximity and might cause certain npcs from both sides to relocate. Ironfist Stronghold is within the Sword Mountains so it is again safe to assume one of these clans might as well lay claim to dwarven ruins or axeholm.  My Phandalin version has around 120ish people and with prospectors and miners and their families who occasionally stay in town it is around 200ish. The ages become increased by about 5 in Acquisition content (except where they erred like in Pip's case)  There are miners in Mountain Toe, The prospectors from Dwarven Ruins, other prospectors with some shambling mound quest. All these people do not always stay on mountains infested with Snow Goblins, Trolls, Orcs and even Frost Giants.  Keeping all Redbrands or most of them is possible. Unless townsfolk want their execution. Dendrar family might want that actually but a player in my game took Nilsa as his wife and they did manage to ressurect her father to see her wedding. In the same game almost all Redbrands were serving their sentence as some sorta forced labor, after which they became guards under the command of a player(later by Sildar) financed by Lord's Alliance with a miniscule salary(though a little higher than a Waterdhavian Trusty).  In Shieldmeet every year Phandalin population increased to around 300-500 for 3-4 days. Where representatives from Icehammer Clan, Ironfist Clan, Leilon, Gnomengarde, Ieirithymbul, Vilnask, Crossergate(Crosskeep), Highcliff, survivors of Grimhollow(who are rebuilding their village), New Sharandar (usually only a few people, accompanied by Emerald Enclave officials who have now authority over Neverwinter Woods after Neverember released his authority over Woods in favor of EE, in final act of Honor amongst thieves) etc came together to discuss the reestablished Phandelver pact and ore shares of nearby authorities and civilian shareholders, and other pressing issues. It was expected for Phandalin's population to reach a thousand before the end of 15th century as many trade costers were showing interest in investing in the area. Like Sa'Sani... 


I might have missed their ages if it was written in the books. Been awhile I read LMoP since I've added so much content over the decade. as far as the people - I ignored timeline. Since Orrey is 5 years later and Danley was like 1374 DR. Few of the names were already LONG dead. but still wanted to stake who lived in Phandalin. Neverwinter Night the book, online game or the mmo game? "In Shieldmeet" - huh? source or is this the outcome in your campaign doing the restablishment of Phandelver Pact?


It is the my homebrew content, I mean the reestabliahment part.  Nilsa and Nars' ages are given in Redbrand Hideout(Tresendar Manor) of the LMoP book.  Orrey is five years later from LMoP. LMoP takes place in1491 DR. And Orrery at 1496 DR. ( https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/147089/on-what-date-do-the-events-of-the-lost-mine-of-phandelver-adventure-happen#:~:text=The%20adventure%20is%20set%20in,LMoP%20occurs%20in%201491%20DR. )  Neverwinter Night games, with games I mean I even use AOL content from last century, to book in 2011 and more recent franchises. Ofc, I skip any content conflicting with anything written as lore in 5e. And otherwise use it if it makes sense. It wad halfly an outcome of a previous adventure. And is the foundation of my next


ahh gotcha. Ugh the year / dates drove me crazy when I first started. Originally LMoP was 1481 but Ed Greenwood later stated it was meant to be 1491. That was an annoying time trying to figure out the dates when building my homebrew Sword Coast. My homebrew version of the Sword Coast is 1496, Every official 5e book has either happened already or is currently happening (Descent / SKT / Prince) except for Rise of Tiamat since that is part of my campaign. Nilsa and Nars were changed to teenagers to fit a story I had of the Dendrar family and needed them to be teenagers, so I'd lost their original age info. Yeah I never gone that far deep, like actual book material or paid enough attention in NWN games to keep track of it. Back then, kid me didn't care for lore, just pew pew pew. lol


Anyway have fun 😅


So you take 15-16 year old people as teenagers... 😅 Girl above 15 were most often married until a century ago even in Europe. And were considered young adults. If you go further back in history women aged 15 often had a child. I know quite a lot of girls aged 15-16 in this day and aged who are mothers.  I have researched the time extensively, currently common consensus about LMoP is 1491DR as Ed stated, previous assumptions were based on vague information about Mt. Hotenow's explosion date. Descent is 1492, most other adventures are set in 1488-1492 except Acquisition Inc. Content which jumped to 1496DR. But AI content and officials state that they embrace a marvel model which is multiple different storylines and chronological orders. That mentality is currently favored by new gen players but old gen players like me react really badly as we are trying to regulate the canon so it becomes a consistent game setting. Still, no need to stick to it fanatically in a game. It is something that will happen naturally as you play the game and get immersed in lore and story(provided that there is a consistent canon).  I don't really pay attention to pc games too, as I don't play them, though I do get quite good ideas from their content, and due to licensing their content is often considered canon like novels when they do not conflict with the latest system. 


Besides the resignations, are all of these directly from the module, or are some of them creations of homebrew?


All from modules. anything inside the ( ) isn't from the module but my added info.


Thanks this is great!


I'm starting to realize my DM butchered all these NPC names.


Shattered Obelisk doesn’t have Elom as the bartender it has the coolest name of the whole list and you are missing it? Wheel-of-Fortune


YOU ARE CORRECT - I had to change it for my campaign. Forgot!


I may comb through this for my own purposes!!! I’m building a Kingmaker /townbuilder style campaign based around the “Southern Neverwinter” region. Even outside of 5e the lore of the region has 2-3 potential Great Wyrm level threats.


You magnificent bastard