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If they work there ask hr if it's ok to have a Nazi symbol displayed on your vehicle while parked on their lot. If not tell em about that car and give em the plate number.


Thanks, this is the kind of response I was hoping for.


Report that shit to HR if they work there. They'll be fired


They definitely do work there, I will definitely report them.


Ain’t gonna mean nothing, the Louisville worldport doesn’t give a fuck about its workers.


Does it care about its workers? No. Does it care about people spreading news that it's a friendly workplace to open neo-nazis? Well, I doubt they'd like the thought of that image, nor would the union.


It doesn’t have to be about workers. It’s about public perception of being tolerant of Nazis.


Then post ot to their social media if they don't care.


Update us when you can! Love seeing assholes get whats coming to them!




Yeah you right 😞 ill settle for Hr i guess tho 😂


I just got someone fired for saying on more than one occasion that theyd like to enter politics and be like "a hitler for the people."


What type of decal is that it doesn't contain a swastika is it like an infantry decal from the german forces I have never seen one of those before. Great spot though and we should smother facism out good on you.


lol. UPS dosent have an “HR” department anymore.


They no longer have an actual hr department. I just learned this earlier this year.


I hate when they pick an obscure one. Fuckin cowards aren't even proud enough to wave that shit loud and proud.


Remember at the RNC I think when the stage was an obscure Nazi symbol and folks said it was a coincidence ? I know not everyone there was in on that … but somebody was for sure


It was CPAC, hard to believe that was 3 years ago: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/01/cpac-stage-nazi-symbol-hyatt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/01/cpac-stage-nazi-symbol-hyatt/)


Non paywall article, for those who might not be aware of this: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN2AT17T/


What was the symbol?


An [othala rune](https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/images/combating-hate/hate-on-display/c/othala-1.jpg)


Thanks, but paywall


It's easy to believe that not all of em immediately recognized it but I can't believe none of them noticed. They always do this plausible deniability bullshit. https://twitter.com/jewishaction/status/1273482511918616578?t=juukc3bt18Ee5xhLGPHloA&s=19 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/88-dollar-baseball-trump-organization-website-white-nationalism-hitler-2020-7%3famp "Oops didn't mean to look like a Nazi my bad" isn't something both sides have to say


Wow … 88. They are pandering to them 100%


Coincidences with this stuff is pretty rare. Intent and then playing stupid is a common occurrence


It’s not even that obscure. Well, the details may be. But black shields, trimmed in white, with a cutaway design, with only one unusual charge in white screams Nazi…


The amount of people who unknowingly have AB symbols tattooed on them is funny af to me


Yeah, a winged odal rune


Where’s aldo raine when you need him


too afraid to get their cat keyed and tires slashed


do not key my cat 😿


People can slash my tires all they want but they better not even think about keying my cat! /j


You can't wave it loud and proud, even people not prone to vandalism will fuck that shit up lol


That’s just the universal symbol for “feel free to key this piece of shit”.


Was going to say it would be a shame if someone let air out of their tire or someone dropped bologna on the hood


Damn! Bologna on the car... That's old school. When I was in high school people would put a pebble in the tire valve cap and screw it back on. It let's the air out slow. I remember at least 1 person who got tires replaced because of this LOL


Haven’t bologona’d a car since I was in my teens. We would cut smiley faces out of them. And leave them on the sheriff’s vehicles


Or put liquid fish fertilizer in the AC vent at the bottom of the windshield.


Pick up some fox urine at Cabelas for a full bouquet


What would dropping bologna on the hood do?


Allegedly it damages clear coat and paint if left on for long enough


Have you ever seen those spots on cars where it looks like peeling sunburnt skin? Could be old, could be a bologna prank




It is a key symbol, so I’m on board with this line of thought!




Just make sure this guy didn’t by the car used and the previous owner was the Nazi


Imagine someone else stuck it on their car to get them fired.


Amen tbh


Hmm...learn something new every day. That's definitely an interesting choice of sticker. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_SS_Panzer_Division_Leibstandarte_SS_Adolf_Hitler


I wasn’t aware until today that this is a Nazi symbol. I didn’t know even what it was, actually.


Same, had no clue.




I tried to search for it through googles little search on the pixel and it brought back absolutely nothing. Thank you for sharing what it is from


I hope Hitler is proud of his little sticker lmao. I truly can't stand these Neo Nazi pussies..


For the shitbags coming in screaming “freedom of speech”: Your freedom of speech protects you from the government. You can’t be arrested for speaking words that are deemed non-threatening. It does NOT protect you from getting fired, being denied service, or catching a full blown ass whipping for being a fucking fascist sympathizer. Edit: I’m seeing a lot of sympathizers in here. That’s a shame. I figured my city was a little more intelligent than that.


Damn . Good eye. Leaned something today.


It doesn't surprise me that the Nazi sympathizers in this thread also don't understand how the 1st amendment works.


Fascist symbol on a car built by union workers while they work a union job as a member of a socialist organization. SMH. What a piece of garbage.


Thank you!! Your words were, almost verbatim, to my thoughts!! I’m a union wife of many years and people such as this just make my blood boil!


One built literally across the street at LAP too.


Just another impotent incel


Unfortunately these motherfuckers do breed. They’re all about breeding so the “white race” doesn’t die out.


Never seen this before. You talking about the top left sticker right?


Yes. Insignia for 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler


Yikes. I must say, I'm surprised at the amount of Nazi sympathizers your post uncovered. I think they're mad you figured out their little symbol


Seems so. Although maybe they should’ve figured out some other way of finding each other but I don’t really think they’re that intelligent.


tHe mAsTeR rAcE


FUCK NAZI’S , allowing any Nazi to exist is a slap in the face of or service people who fought to get rid of them once. Why the country then feels the need to protect ANY of this speech or displays like this is beyond me.


Zero tolerance Nazi policy. That’s what I’d run on.


You might consider accidentally spilling some birdseed all over it. Especially if it’s there every day. It would be really bad if some of the birdseed got into the cracks and crevices so the birds had to work to get it out. Can only imagine the amount of shit on the car other than the sticker that would occur if said previous action were to happen


LOL I haven't heard the bird seed thing in years. That's awesome. An egg and bologna in the hot Kentucky Sun would be a great combo


It would also suck if he dropped some bologna on it.


Ok, you're the second comment I've seen about bologna. What does it do? I'm too lazy to google it. LMAO


After a couple hours in the sun the chemicals in the bologna react and strip the paint. In a nice circle. It looks amazing.


I wish I could pin this comment or edit the original post with this link. It is most definitely a nazi insignia. I wouldn’t have said so if I wasn’t sure. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_SS_Panzer_Division_Leibstandarte_SS_Adolf_Hitler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_SS_Panzer_Division_Leibstandarte_SS_Adolf_Hitler)


Lotta intolerant of intolerance "fallacy" in here. Disappointing, but not unexpected. Fascists don't deserve to live, let alone live comfortably. A just world requires the eradication of bigotry, simple as. Also, the first amendment doesn't protect you from your job or apply when on private property, and I doubt UPS wants to be seen hiring nazis


Learned something today… good eye, my friend! Do you believe a symbol like this is more insidious because of its obscurity or just some POS being a chickenshit about espousing a shitty belief doctrine?




I think it’s funny that a Nazi would drive a Ford Escape. He was in his car. You should have asked him about it.


Henry Ford was a Nazi sympathizer, so they probably think they’re supporting his ideals or some shit 🙄


Built literally across the street at LAP.


Fuck the fash


UPS is a cesspool... these decals, confederate flags, Hawaiian shirts, etc are dime a dozen on property...


Hawaiian shirts? What am I missing with this one? (Asking seriously, I own two and innocuously wear them to my kid’s soccer games when it gets hot 😬)


I refuse to let racist fucks take Hawaiian shirts from us.


Some people just have bad taste and that’s okay!


If by ‘bad taste’ you mean ‘good vibes,’ sure.


The only time this should come into play is if the shirt is being worn with a tactical vest and an AR-15 slung across your shoulders. Hawaiian shirts should be fine on their own.


These assclowns: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boogaloo\_movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boogaloo_movement)


The same assclowns that were protecting people from the cops when the Black Lives Matter protests were happening a few years ago?


There is some overlap. They don’t like the cops because they won’t help them overthrow the government


Whoa, what’s wrong with Hawaiian shirts?!


As a previous Worldport Supervisor (and absolutely not a fucking Nazi) I just wanted to comment that for my ramp specifically, we did Hawaiian Shirt Fridays to fundraise for one of our admins with cancer and for morale during irreg summer season (when everyone buys their grills and new swing sets.) Now in saying that, Worldport is fucking gigantic and I can guarantee that there’s one asshole wearing Hawaiian shirts for that Boogaloo shit, but if you go to Stooges after a UPS shift and see a dozen 18-24 year old sups in Hawaiian shirts, it’s probably because a Building Manager guilt tripped them into it.


It’s the boogaloo boys, and the fact that they stole Hawaiian shirts is upsetting. I always wanted to wear one on the beach and now it feels weird Edit: I realized I replied to the wrong comment. Oh well


These unoriginal F!ck$ coopt everything


Right - I used to be into Norse mythology too and I don’t even want to go near it now lol It all feels tainted




Wearing a Hawaiian shirt at a beach is fine. Wearing one at a protest is not.


Unless you just came from the beach.


There’s a guy who dresses in all black and walks around the Highlands (I’ve seen him at Bardstown Kroger twice, too) wearing all sorts of Nazi clothing. Nazi tattoos, too. He’s an average-height white male (very descriptive, I know). My wife is usually stuck between furious and terrified. When I see him, I don’t even know what to do or think. There’s an actual neo-Nazi walking around the highlands (between Bardstown and Trevilian).


Sounds like someone needs an ass-whoopin'. Nazi punks fuck off.


Honestly I’m a 6’1” white dude and I’d probably be terrified if I saw him.


Yeah. I’m a 5’10” white dude who isn’t small, but also not looking to get into a fight with someone who would willingly display Nazi symbols in their everyday life.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Sorry Nazi's, but yes your employer can discriminate against you for those beliefs. Sucks to suck.


You’re allowed to say the word nazi on the internet.


Good to know!


[Buy one of these.](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/automotive-rv-and-marine/tire-maintenance/tire-repair-products/8023903?store=00084&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtqLJF1EX6E2Dpli3DJa0YctNzQQ&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt_6uGae5A1Ht0ZvgLcJh_hfcYxwPZ2Cm2Fgg3bfftZGH-owI4muZ_BoCpu8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Remove their valve stem. Makes the tire go flat and won’t take air without putting a new valve stem in. Doesn’t actually damage the tire, just a big inconvenience.


Neat trick! Definitely WILL NOT do that for possible legal repercussions but would be a shame if someone did do that.


I imagine messing with someone's car is a great way to get shot. Especially if it is far right individuals cars you like to mess with.




Gonna go to prison or get shot over a tank division sticker because it hurts your feelings.


It’s an SS unit. Not just any normal panzer division lol. Literally hitlers personal guard


"Ohhh fascinating. Anyways, 25 to life." -The Judge


I’m not shocked to see idiots acting like this is ok, but I am shocked at the amount of those idiots present.


Lmao yeah was a bit shocking to me as well


Imma go for the extreme example, but all the apologists would 180 if this were like, one of those pedo symbols. Straight from "muh free speech" to... Well, probably straight up murder. inb4 "that's different" Also happy to see people who actually know the first amendment doesn't mean anything in regards to private entities.


Well a lot of those nazis touch kids... so they'll probably behave the same


Just to provide some context as someone who’s familiar with the reenactment community through friends, there’s a large WW2 group who portrays the 1st SS Panzer Division. I *believe* they’re based out of Kentucky. It is possible this is one of the members of that reenactment group. One of my best friends was a member of an American reenactment group that portrayed the US 29th Infantry Division. He did this for years, and they routinely have private ’tactical’ meets were they basically mock skirmish against opposing German reenactment groups on private property. I tagged along for one these big tactical meets that was actually held on a National Guard base in Kentucky. One of the main opposing German reenactment groups that showed up was the 1st SS Panzer, the unit whose divisional insignia was that key on a shield. Well, as an outsider whose also a hardcore history buff, it was super weird seeing these guys walking around in full uniform and equipment like they just came out of a time machine. It was actually a big kick shooting at them in the woods, completely cutoff from our technology, like being in a time warp. The hardcore members of the unit, like in all reenactment units, live and breath this stuff, but of course to choose to portray one of the most Nazi units in the Wehrmacht and wear the uniform is.. well, that’s definitely not something I would do. Of course, as my buddy put it, without these German groups to fight against, this would just be a boring weekend camping trip! On the whole, polite group of guys, even though our two groups didn’t socialize too much. It was an interesting weekend to say the least. The National Guard soldiers were really interested in all of this going on on their base as well. Of course, the German groups have all the cool looking gear, camouflage, and weapons, so they got most of the attention from the guardsmen. Honestly, the big takeaway was how much drama was involved in that hobby between members and their respective groups, it just sounded like a headache. I decided to just stick to paintball! As a side note, the 1st SS Panzer Division is one of the most famous, or infamous, German units of WW2. Tons of books on either that unit specific, or the battles they fought in. It’s not super obscure knowledge to know of them, or recognize their insignia. Even casual history buffs have probably watched shows on the History Channel that talked about them. However, I think the guys in these reenactment units can sometimes go too far down the rabbit hole, and I could definitely see one of those 1st SS guys slapping a unit sticker on his vehicle and think nothing of it. Or.. of course.. the guy could actually be a Nazi. Who knows.


Yeah gonna come out and say, with how often SS division insignias and iconography are actually used by existing neo-nazis, any re-enactor who slaps them on their car is either stupid or absolutely looking for trouble to play victim over. Because it's a symbol that can very well end in someone getting shivved


Most assuredly, putting the sticker on your vehicle is absolutely idiotic, no matter what the reasoning is.


The 1st SS Panzer Division emblem.


  This best thing about this post, it shows how quick people will jump to a conclusion without knowing any of the facts. If the OP would have took a moment and asked about the decal. They would have found out the owner of the vehicle is a living historian and not a neo-nazi.     Now we have a thread full of threats, possibly legal troubles for the OP. Maybe even job issues for both the OP and the gentleman who owns the vehicle. All because people are quick to be a "hero" on the internet and jump to conclusions.


I just saw one of these on a car outside a restaurant in Middletown. Had no clue what it meant. Thanks for the info.


I have contacted the OP and advised him that this post is both dangerous for me as the owner and slander and that the person is a reenactor, not a Nazi in any form. I've also explained that I will take legal action if this post is not removed as this tells personal information and makes a false claim about who I am.


Why is that car not on fire?


In due time…


just out of curiousity, why did you censor the word Nazi?


Just to make sure the post wasn’t taken down.


Idk what the rules are or what can get my post removed so I played it safe


I'm not familiar with that symbol. What is it, and how is it associated with nazis?


Not sure what exactly they’re trying to symbolize with the key, but this is the insignia of an SS unit [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_SS_Panzer_Division_Leibstandarte_SS_Adolf_Hitler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_SS_Panzer_Division_Leibstandarte_SS_Adolf_Hitler)


Oh, man. Yeah, that's an issue.


I’ve seen a lot of ss symbol stickers on cars here. It’s like they’re not trying to hide it


That’s begging for a cinder block.


I swear, it never fails. People with the weirdest takes or defending the sticker almost *always* are commenting on NSFW posts. Usually with spelling errors. It's like a weird Venn diagram. I mean, that's fine if that's what they want to do, but I think people who do that are just a little "off." There is *nothing* wrong with porn, but talking to the posters like they're going to be impressed and come to your house is just... well, sad.


Of course it's Kentucky. I moved to Louisville a couple of years ago. And I was so happy to find that people there are incredible. It was a breath air. But I also quickly learned that these types of people are also there. It breaks my heart.




Just a sea of nitwits who feel it necessary to defend Nazis by inaccurately citing the 1A.


As I look through the comments encouraging property damage and getting someone fired, I have to ask why some/most/ of you wouldn't act the same way over a hammer and sickle sticker?


Dude is a fellow reenactor, he has been told about the post and advised to remove the sticker.


Park uncomfortably close to their driver door


We got a link to an image of the actual insignia? Cant find it.


For anybody wondering that was/is the symbol for the LSSAH which were Hitlers personal bodyguards, guard detail at his offices and homes.


Looks like a job for the “Honk if you love cock” bumper sticker to cover it up


I love our freedom of speech and expression, it allows morons like this to show the world just how ignorant they are. No need to guess or assume, they lay it right out there.


So how did you know what it was? That's not common knowledge. But yes that key symbol was on the tanks of the 1st SS Panzer Division LSSAH. He may not be a Nazi though because US armored troops had it on their tanks in Nam and Desert Storm. I was a tank driver, lol, so I know what it was. Alot of Armored troops use the runes or symbolism. I thought liberals liked it now because of Ukraine, they use a lot of that symbolism too in the Ukrainian army.


You can just spell out Nazi man


You don’t have to censor Nazi.


Could be a reenactor. Not saying they are, but could be. https://www.lssah.net


Thanks. Had no idea what that decal was.


I bought an old toolbox from a UPS aircraft mechanic from worldport that unbeknownst to me until getting it home had nazi stickers on it, was very strange


Id ask him if he knows what it is and give him a chance to remove it first, i wouldnt have known unless it was on here tbh lol could be me riding around thinking its random and harmless


What is the symbol like what does it actually mean? If I were to buy a car that had that sticker on it I wouldn't be in a rush to take it off because I have no clue what it means and it seems innocent enough


Surely that person knew what it was before plastering it on their car. That’s crazy. And good on you for seeing that. I would have never known.


Is the sticker on the outside of the car or the inside? Big difference, if it’s on the inside, obviously the owner or someone in the family placed it there, if it’s on the outside, someone else could have just thrown it on there as a prank. I could put a sticker on 90% of my neighbors cars right now and they would never notice. Half the world is checked out.


I wish I could post that gif of Scarface from Half Baked turning around with the WTF look.


150,000 Americans died fighting that bastard. Anyone who calls themselves Nazi’s in any form is a traitor in my eyes.


Now is this actually a Nazi symbol or a symbol a bunch of people call a Nazi symbol?




Just because I like to look at all aspects... What if the person driving it is borrowing it from a friend or family member? What if they are unaware of what it is and just thought it looked "cool". Until you have all facts ruining someone's life is pretty sh**ty. Get your facts first.. could be a single mom or dad who borrowed a cousins car..smh this is why I hate cancel culture.. ever hear of never judge a book by it's cover? Or even better... Thou shall not judge lest ye be judged (paraphrasing)..like I said get your facts first little crusader


I got to hear how this turns out. The USMC Scout Snipers did appropriate the SS logo as their own. This could be the same kind of deal. Like, I said. I wanna hear what happens.




That sticker is the insignia of 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


and do what to him?


1st SS Panzer Division upon researching it. Yikes


No excuse for this. Either this person's a moron who doesn't research what they put on their car or they're a Nazi sympathizer. Fuck em


They honestly might not know what it means but yes it was originally for Hitler's bodyguard then became the 1st panzer armored division during WW2


I thought that was a Harry Potter thing


Well just shows they're not good at their job, cuz I say you, he dead.


1st SS Panzer division....interesting & way fucked


For those who don’t recognize the insignia, it’s the Insignia of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte (Adolf Hitler’s personal bodyguard unit) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_SS_Panzer_Division_Leibstandarte_SS_Adolf_Hitler


I would never have known.


When I worked there years ago some guy in my area honestly thought it was smart to get a nazi SS tattoo on his arm where the whole world could see it. They walked him out and we never saw him again. Not sure why he felt so fuckin bold but good riddance.


Eh. I hate it. But it's his right.


As it's everyone else's right to say "fuck a Nazi."


Damn, I thought it was just the key from the old school Zelda


I doubt the person using the car is unaware of the symbol. They may feign ignorance. I fear they are not a minority, given our current leadership mess


Unfortunately it’s not illegal to be an asshole. I don’t think UPS HR could do anything about this.


They absolutely could demand the removal of this sticker while on their private property. They have every legal right to do so. And I’m sure there are morality clauses in UPS contracts. It might be a lot of internal paper work but they have every legal right to terminate over this




I've never seen that symbol before. That is a Nazi symbol?


It's the unit symbol for the 1ST SS-LAH. Used today as the symbol of a reenacting unit that portrays them in WW2 reenactments to show how hard the allied troops, especially the American troops, had to fight in order to win the war. If you look at the bottom portion I believe it's been changed from the originals by the reenactors to distinguish it a bit.


They were the worst of the worst. Damn people that hate that much, now and from then.