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I hope there was a good middle school student with a gun to save everyone.


Maybe they were the good one and they didn’t find the bad one?


I mean when ya think about it, what are the odds of a kid bringing a gun to school? Super low. So by bringing a gun yourself, the odds of 2 kids having a gun that day has to be super duper low. We making our own luck out here boys.


If a kid brings a gun to school they should be expelled immediately & indefinitely. This is fucking ridiculous. 


And the source of the gun, should it be located, go to prison for an extended stay.




So if the kid steals a gun, it's the owner's fault? Interesting


Indeed it is. Lock your shit up it be held criminally liable.


What if the 13 year old steals it from a neighbor's house. You are going to hold the neighbor fully accountable? In that case, we will all be held accountable if anyone breaks into our homes and steals our guns? What if we had them in a safe and they broke into the safe?


Abso-fucking-loutely. Your weapon = your responsibility at all times. If you lose control of it you should be held responsible for any crimes it is used in. You can throw out any straw man argument you'd like - but if your gun is stolen you are not a victim, you are an irresponsible gun owner.


That’s wild you’re blaming the owner of the gun instead of the parents of the little shit that stole the firearm in the first place. The responsibility should be on the parent’s head instead of the neighbor who has physical issues who can’t make it to their safe to save their life. Force the parents to do their job.


It isn't wild. Control your weapon or be held accountable for the results of its use.


Here’s a weird idea, how about parents be parents and control their kids? Don’t shift blame on gun owners.


This is the dumbest take ever. Criminals are going to get your gun one way or another


The unfortunate thing in this day and age JCPS has closed a lot of their schools for children that have behavioral problems. They put them in regular schools, schools for special needs on the opposite side of the school keeping them both separate, or those students can go to non-profit schools like Mighty Oaks Academy, get their GED if they're in HS, or homeschool if possible. There isn't a military school or anything like that here.


They need to bring back schools for kids with behavioral needs. I want these kids to get the help they need but the other students & staff shouldn’t have to suffer. 


They had Jefferson County and one more back in 80s and 90s for this. If a kid went there you knew they were trouble


Back when actions had consequences in JCPS. 


Do you remember the name of the other one? I think it was all boys, correctional school




I can speak from lived experience those schools didn't help they just hurt more.


Maybe kids with severe behavioral issues need to be in virtual school then. 


Do you want to actually help these kids heal and grow into functioning members of society or just isolate them so you don't have to see them or hear about them?


I want school staff & other students to be safe. If a child becomes a danger to others then something needs to change. I’m sorry you had a negative experience but if you were placed in a alternative school there was a reason. 


Liberty still exist. It was moved to what used to be Gilmore Elementary for some reason.


They still have them.


The principal literally sent a letter home to parents asking them to "remind" their children not to bring guns to school.


Well, it is Kentucky.


Well, we are talking about Louisville here.




Probably got 1 day suspension.


A trip to the office, a snack, and a drink. 


Probably what you said plus a day off


One word - "PARENTS"! Three words - "Hold Them Accountable"


It’s been 15 years and my daughter got suspended for a week for telling a student that she was going to knock another girls teeth out. I got called to the school and was sitting in the principal’s office FUMING! Like we never had any violence in the family and my daughter did what??? Oh was she lucky I didn’t knock her teeth out when we got out of there! That week she was suspended she was allowed to get her homework done and sent in to class but man did she pay. She went to a farm and did physical labor mucking stalls and painting fences until 9 at night. Never another peep from that kid!


"Never any violence" / "she lucky I didn't knock out her teeth" Babe it's 15 years too late but maybe you were in fact the problem


They don’t want to hear that though🤷🏽


>Like we never had any violence in the family and my daughter did what??? >Oh was she lucky I didn’t knock her teeth out when we got out of there! Something doesn't add up here....


I would never think of hurting any of my kids but in the moment I was so irate. I was embarrassed but most importantly I never wanted my kids to ever think it is ok to make threats on someone else. So I said she was lucky she didn’t have her teeth bashed in. In no way would I have found that appropriate. We all have an adrenaline reaction that differentiate us from humans or animals. I chose human. Watch Dateline or 20/20 and you will find out there are horrible people (parents included).


Now. THIS is a good parent. Kudos to you


Just because someone said something doesn’t mean they going to do it




Good for you and hope she remembers all that mucking for a very long time. Holding kids accountable is so much needed.


My friend works in JCPS administration and said this literally happens once a day. It’s insane.


Yeah it doesn't. But cool story bro


But it actually does tho.


JCPS is a shit show


*"Alexander also stressed to parents to remind their children not to bring guns to any JCPS property or school bus."* Really?


At least the NRA will cease to exist knowing its mission is now complete.


It would be interesting to see what the course of punishment is here. Around 2008 I was in 8th grade in a medium sized Texas city and a kid in our class was caught with a gun in his locker. They had a pretty public arrest as they walked him out near the open cafeteria around lunch time and he was eventually given 6 months in juvie followed by 2 years of alternative school. Everyone had forgot about him and he just popped up near the end of 10th grade. Fast forward and the dude is now a broadway actor. Moral of the story is I hope this kid gets the help he needs with the appropriate punishment


Interesting story. Most people on here seem to believe that disciplining someone ruins their entire life. I can’t understand the mentality. Sometimes you need the discipline to get your life turned around.


Well, they did ask the parents to remind their kids to not bring guns to school. What an absolute fucking joke


The article actually says “In the letter, Alexander also stressed to parents to remind their children not to bring guns to any JCPS property or school bus.” Is this a joke? Are middle school kids going around at home carrying guns?


“Middle school student brings gun to school-“ HOLY SHIT “… at Lassiter Middle School” There it is


Sure, but this isn't contained to schools like Lassiter. A kid brought a gun to Stopher a few years ago. If memory serves, the principal opted not to suspend or expel them, either. As others have said...JCPS is a shit show at the fuck factory.


Oh I know, this shit can happen anywhere. My comment was very facetious, but in all seriousness as a newish father who will have to consider school options for my daughter in a few years, seeing things like this about my local school system isn’t exactly inspiring


As soon as I realized which school, I went "yeah that sounds like something that would happen in the neighborhood I grew up in".


The sad part is Lassiter is actually one of the better middle schools in that end of town now. Farnsley is okay but the rest are absolutely horrible!!!


Guns are found in JCPS schools every single day. Talk to your legislators and vote.


“In the letter, Alexander also stressed to parents to remind their children not to bring guns to any JCPS property or school bus” Don’t forget kids, guns only after school! I


This is the 2nd time I heard about this! I went to this middle school not long ago and the first time they found out that some kid had brought a gun to school, they had to send a letter to families to remind them “do not bring any weapons” maybe they should’ve been more concerned about their security instead.


I can’t say I’m surprised. My daughter went to Lassiter. The facility itself isn’t bad. 🫤


Pretty soon school will be online indefinitely.


I just had a baby and am already trying to figure out wtf I’m gonna do when he’s school aged. Ugh. Why can’t this country and state get its sh1t together with this kind of BS


metal detectors in middle school is wild


I grew up and lived in Jefferson County most of my life and with that being said nothing has changed, guns at school has always been bad and the only real difference is Bloods and Crips aren't that big of a thing anymore that's when the gun violence was really bad in schools. So I just don't understand why they're making a big deal about it now. LOL


I knew the school just from the photo. Was not surprised.


If all the other students had guns there would be no problem. s


Lol, what do they expect? You get a country where guns significantly outnumber people, and many of them are gonna wind up in kids' hands


Kids with guns go to Minors Daniels school which is an alternative school. Second time Lassiter had a kid bring a gun. If you vote for a Republican, the blood from school shooters is on your hands. This has gone on too many years for anyone to think this doesn’t need to change. Republicans are trading their safety and that of their kids so gun companies can sell more guns. How dumb are people not to get this. The whole gun culture is just a narrative folks have been taught to believe. Guns are for the military, police and if you hunt. Owners should be required to register their guns, lock them up and have training. Im not sure anyone needs a handgun. They must also pass a medical, to insure they are not mentally ill. I have hunted for most of my life and would be happy to abide with these rules. If I couldn’t I’d be happy to quit hunting if it meant I could live in a safer world.


And how are you gonna keep criminals from getting them?


One step at a time these guns will slowly fade away. Confiscate them when found, gun buyback programs etc…. It will take a long time. We have created quite the stockpile. Don’t tell me it can’t be done.


Meanwhile my stepson is now getting searched daily if he brings a backpack to school because some kids merely said he threatened to bring a gun to school.


Wtf, your response to him making that threat is a problem. These threats have been ignored and students have followed through with the threat. Curious, any guns in his house or any house the kid goes to.


I cannot confirm if he did or did not actually make those threats, he's pretty adamant he did not and the kids in question have a habit of getting him in trouble, but he also has a history of making dumb decisions and immediately denying he did it, however, my guns are locked behind a door only I have a key to and which goes with me everywhere. And I'm more pointing out that a *secondhand account* of a possible threat has been taken more seriously than a student *actually showing up to school with a gun*. I ripped my stepson a new asshole when I found out about the accusation simply because I can't take chances with ambiguity.




How many middle schoolers are in a well regulated militia?


Do all these alleged gangs I keep hearing Louisville has, count?




You sound like you need to get help. Find it before you find a gun.




You sound like you're gonna tell me not to come to school tomorrow. You need your guns taken from you tbh.




Who said I'm an expert? I've seen someone get shot in the fucking head because of a "well regulated militia". Hope to God you never have to go through that, although if you do, it will change your opinion on a fucking dime. Have the day you deserve.




Cool, go fuck yourself.


Missing the /S..........I HOPE!


bot account, too much of a pussy to post on even their main reddit account LMAO


It’s one thing to not get irony, but the knee-jerk downvotes are something else.


Let the man enjoy his downvotes for being an edgelord. Cause we all know that school shootings are such a untapped resource for middle age boy humor.


It’s not making fun of school shootings. It’s making fun of dopes who think the 2A is absolute.


It a troll account trying to be edgy. Period.