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When the grindiness of RPG meets the stinginess of otome šŸ˜” Hopefully this boycott makes an impact (and the changes to diamond income talked about [some time ago](https://reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/comments/1ayyopi/news_and_update/) are actually substantial) because LaDS has so much potential! It'd be a shame if it dies from being so greedy


Agreed, if otome is ever going to break out into the mainstream, it can't keep being so stingy..this certainly isn't the first stingy otome mobile game, almost all of them are, which is why I barely play them at all anymore and mostly stick to PC games. But LaDs was very popular at release, and had a strong start, so I had hoped they might finally break out of that pattern for once.


I just hope LaDs inspires a similar game on consoles šŸ˜… (Tho ironically this isn't the first otome with 3d elements like this. There toraware no palm, but it's Japan only and will probably stay Japan only šŸ˜­)


Sameee. I'm sad that the big shots seem to ignore the female-oriented market. ATLUS recently cut the entire female MC portion out of Persona 3 Reload. We don't have a lot of options when it comes to 3D games. I've been trying to learn Japanese to play the JP otome games but even if we look at their catalog, there's not much variety. Toraware is the *only 3D option even in the JP market*... (Capcom please step up...) I just want a commercial game where I can pay an amount upfront and get the full game that can be played for hoursss straight. I'm not a gacha noob, I do play several gacha games but maaan it gets tiringgg. With all the min-maxing, calculation for resource allocation, always checking the schedule for events, doing dailies everyday for little rewards... I feel like I'm working an extra job and not playing games šŸ’€ The difference is, if it was a real job, at least I'd get paid, but in this case I'm the one paying šŸ’€ That's why I have mixed feelings with LaDs. Infold made a special product, however, it's also riddled with problems due to their greed - which is...to be expected, I guess, considering their track record with the Nikki series. Infold themselves must clearly be aware of it too, that's why they're pushing our limits to see how much they can milk the "hungry" fanbase. And they're doing a pretty good job ~~even while shitting on us~~ because this game's revenue is up there with Genshin on the charts despite being less than 2 months old, damn. Realistically, if another company were to step into the 3D otome market, I think it'd be like this: "You want more games? Alright you'll get it!!" *\*proceeds to make a 3D gacha game that's just as greedy or even greedier than LaDs\** I want console/PC games too but from a business perspective, companies are probably drooling over how much money the gacha market can make.


>I just want a commercial game where I can pay an amount upfront and get the full game that can be played for hoursss straight. I'm not a gacha noob, I do play several gacha games but maaan it gets tiringgg. With all the min-maxing, calculation for resource allocation, always checking the schedule for events, doing dailies everyday for little rewards... I feel like I'm working an extra job and not playing games šŸ’€ The difference is, if it was a real job, at least I'd get paid, but in this case I'm the one paying šŸ’€ They used to have those on the app store all the time. NTT Solmare had them until they realized gacha and P2W made more money. Voltage had pay-per-route. I hated that model, eventually. They would add seasons, and then you would have to pay for those routes too. All to say that I miss when otome games weren't so stingy or based on gacha mechs too.


It wouldn't be so bad if the grinding of the RPG element pays dividends eventually. But after chatting with some whales, it turns out you need your myth pairs and lunar 5-stars hypermaxed/fully ranked up, along with +15 Protocores on everyone to get 36/36 on Senior Hunt, which is impossible for F2P / min-spenders / people who don't pay for resources. So even the RPG element is just a giant bait to get you to whale. I officially conclude this game is Pay-To-Win; skills and tactics cannot compensate for the lack of resources. And end game battle content is just a trap to squeeze more money from players. I'm still going to play it for now cus I want to collect all the myth pairs before I quit, but I'm definitely going to change my status from dolphin to fat lazy tuna, loll.


Wow and I thought I just sucked and didnt know how to build, no wonder theyā€™re so pissed


I'm a small dolphin that spent enough money to have 4/-5 5\* on each of my teams, (no myth pairs though). And I've only gathered 18/36 stars this season (300 out of the available 600 diamond reward). I've seen the disturbing trend of how easy it is to gain stars whenever I acquire a new 5-star, but I did not know the requirements for 36/36 would be so bad. At this point, the combat system is just a giant bait and those diamonds are just a subsidy for whales, because no way regular players can achieve that. (I'm actually getting so mad thinking about it, lolll)


Sorry I need some clarification here. My understanding from your post isā€¦ To consistently get 36/36 in the senior hunter bracket and the 600gem reward every season, you need to max out your solar and lunar cards AND protocores? Thatā€™s pretty wild for the current end game. I understand that the end game in a live service game will always keep shifting but we are literally only in the second month of the gameā€™s lifespan.


That is what I have been told. This topic came up when I was discussing with a whale about the viability of ATK % as a main stat on a delta/pyramid cores. Apparently mega whale meta only uses pure crit core builds or pure weakness builds, ideally two sets. (Calculations are done on +15 scales, loll). My position is that, a good ATK % core could still be viable for us non-whales. He might not be king, but he's still a sweet prince, who am I, a commoner, to turn him down? Anyways, here's the comment link if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/s/VBrG05NoaT Warning: It's a very long read, and some real "let them eat cake" moments, lolll.


Iā€™m only 6/36 right now and only spent on 2 months of aurum pass šŸ’€ I assumed the difficulty in progressing in the senior hunter bracket is meant to stall most players while they work on more stories, lore, mini games, and other aspects of the game that could involve combat. Life must be really boring as a 36/36 whale right now if theyā€™ve already conquered end game šŸ˜µ Given all the money a whale has poured into maxing and clearing the senior hunter bracket, 600gems and two wish tickets every two weeks is a _really paltry prize_. on top of that you get 20 gems just for clearing each stage so thatā€™s 3 chars x 4 stages x 20 gems each clear = 240 gems on top of the 600. Thatā€™s not even enough to make x10 pulls in the wish pool šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m just glad the game doesnā€™t incorporate PVP because once thereā€™s P2W PVP a public leaderboard people will start pouring in tons of money to stay on top.


The trick is to pour everything into your Zayne team until you can clear Round 2. For Round 3 you just need to run around and not get hit, using hunter wand and Dawnbreaker Zayne for healing. Easy 3 medals. Then stop leveling Zayne, and give resources to Xavier and Rafayel. I think F2P and min-spenders can reliable farm 9-12 medals if they build properly. (I outlined more in the guide) Myself at the moment, I whaled enough to get a decent amount of 5*: 4 on Xavier's team, 3 on Zayne's team (1 dupe ranked up), 5 Rafayel, no myth pairs, and I got only 18 medals this season but that gets me half of the diamonds. All 600 "only" takes 33/36, but still not within our reach im afraid. So I'm probably just gonna set my own end game goal at around 24/36 for now. If I stick around for that long, loll. Historically, P2W PVP rarely have happy endings. I guess we shall see.


I donā€™t have any good Zayne cards right now šŸ˜­ I only have the one 5* from the vday event. I have his two 4* pairs though. I only have 1/2 myth cards for Rafayel and Xavier for now. Iā€™m not really in a hurry for now :) going to bide my time and slowly collect my 5*


Pairs are a good start! I recommend prioritize getting 12% oath recovery (one +7 SSR cube/beta core with oath recovery main stat, or two +3 SR, or a rank 1 pair with any oath recovery main stat core). This should be a priority for all teams. Then leveling any good core with ATK % substats. Crit and weakness are good too, but at our current stage, ATK % gives the most value and should be the priority. (Eventually you want to replace ATK % with DEF % if you ever get Zayne's myth pair, but that's a long way off). Also save enough to pick up his blue 5* in May! Happy squeezing the diamonds from this stingy game, lolll.


That is incredibly bleak. I don't mind grinding and patiently collecting your resources, that's majority of the time spent in gacha gaming anyway. But locking up the end content only for whales? That it's not even easily accessible for people who spend for the monthly pass, you just really have to cough up large amounts of money to min-max your resources that can clear end game. I spend to support the games that I like, but the money-hungry tactics of the devs is putting me off to spend anything for this game. If they keep this up, I doubt LaDS can retain the impressive numbers of their active player base especially if there is no new content outside of the event banners until July.


Totally agree, I don't mind if whaling lets people rush to clear the content as long as regular players can get there eventually. But it's another story entirely if F2P and regular-spending players can't even clear the game at all (only mega whales can). I already dropped $300 on this game, so this is a real slap in the face. They're not going to get any more whaling out of this fish, lolll.


Senior hunt is honestly so annoying. I've been pretending that it doesn't exist, just like with the oracle event, because it's pissing me off to think about it. I wouldn't even call it end game, because 1) gacha games don't have an end, they get service terminated, and 2) we're right at the beginning of the game, and these challenges are time-limited. This is whales-only content. Who knows if they're going to up the requirements when f2p get closer to having their cards maxed out.


Ok, this is where I find the game super deceptive. From my estimation, clearing Round 1 and 2 (and 3 for Zayne) is very doable for F2P players so long as they have lat least two 5* per team. So that's an extra 140 diamonds in first time clear. Getting 9-12 medals is also doable so long as you farm and level up some decent protocores. (Saving up to get three 5* per team also helps). So that's another 150-200 diamonds of income. Now, the fun part. To beat Round 3, my Rafayel team had to have five 5*, average level 60, with decent protocores. Even then, it was only a clear, no stars. So right now, most of Round 3 is set for dolphins (perhaps achievable by F2P in 1-2 year time), but Round 4 is completely a game for the mega whales. (Like no way a F2P is having a maxed ranked team of 5* unless they're gonna play for two decades, but if they don't pay for SSR awaken hearts then.... loll). Like power creep I understand, but the gacha I played before only required you to whale for the newest cards to keep up, or be very skilled strategically and mechanically, or just be patient. This game? It makes you whale for MULTIPLE cards AND pay money for resources. Literally P2W PVE. Like hon, no. I'll be damned before I support a trend where we have to pay money to beat up literal bots. Lmaoo


Lol I ignore the Hunt too. I only did the lowest one and already was like nah this is not the content for me. It's like how I forget abyss in genshin and forgotten hall refresh stages (forgot the name) in HSR. Like I am not a meta gamer and keep myself in mid game for long cause am not about to sweat playing a game I enjoy. I also like to casual collect my resources. So the fact that the grind is already hitting me hard on this game and it's only what 2-3 months is insane to me. I hate that am already in the rinse and repeat part of the game šŸ™„šŸ˜Ŗ Like I have hit the wall already without even maxing out any card and it's exhausting and boring. Like genshin took me about 1-2 years to hit that wall to max stuff for AR 35 (again this is cause I casual grind). Star rail was Abit faster to level 40 I believe to max everyone I had. But at least with this games ranking up unlocked more content in the sense of resources farming. Tho I have burnout from this games currently with the amount of games and accounts I play now. It's still nice to pop in for events and story updates. However LaDs I don't feel any sense of progression it's like I am just farming for nothing. Hate that I'm already feel like šŸ˜‘šŸ˜’


Yeah, I want this game to succeed too. Thereā€™s a lot I think theyā€™re doing right such as having a customizable MC with a variety of skin tones and using the same MC in the cut scenes. The combat is a lot of fun and Iā€™ve been having fun in this community. So I hope they address this. Itā€™d be great if this game succeeds and leads to similar games being created.


I like collecting plushies/decorating the desk areas, hate replaying kitty cards so i just dip out all my attempts for the meowco's and intimacy points from said kitty badges, i don't like how i can't even get past Juinor rank in Hunter Contest yet, and texting the LI's are nice. I want more otome aspects of the game other than through the 5 star memories/4 star dialog chats. (Which totally need MC's voice in them..) I think it would be nice to have a trading system to give your dupe plushies and badges to other players (Perhaps on your friend list only) as it's useless to have more than one of the rarer plushes. You'd also be able to obtain plushies/badges from players too. If we can't have a global chat system with players in your server then the trading system is as close as we'll get to interacting with other players. Your friend list just sits there idly you know. Stamina is all you can really get out of other players.


An exchange system for extra plushies would at least make them feel a bit more useful. ;-;


They need to give us more events that are actually events. This game was advertised as an otome game with combat. Why aren't they incorporating the combat system into events??


Fr, weird how combat is what sets this apart from other otome and yet we haven't gotten an event that utilizes it šŸ¤”


Like I don't think it's even that hard to make a combat system with a story added in šŸ˜… like hell, I'd take a combat stage with lore if their past, or something lmao


bcs I am sure that 90% of players just auto play the battles, I would have been better with a more difficult version of kitty cards for the battles


Oh god I hate kitty cards. I would rather autobattle an event than play a stupid chibi tapping mini game (valentine event). They're making $50 million I'm sure they can find a way to make more engaging events. If not this game is gonna get stale.


Lmao the duality of players shown in two comments šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It's hard for them to make events that satisfy everyone...but yep, I agree they should just try harder. Their "creativity" with the past events doesn't even seem like they're trying. If they do make a battle event, I hope it'll be balanced so it doesn't turn into an extra grind fest or impossible to beat unless we have good cards. But considering how many people have been complaining about their clunky battle mechanisms, I don't have much confidence... (Good god, they should really fix the battle features)


They just give out steamy cards with no story and same-ish interactionsĀ 


I actually really enjoy Kitty Cards although I wish the game wasnā€™t so slow. There needs to be an option to skip through dialogue.


Omg absolutely. Itā€™s gotten to the point where I just exit the match immediately since you get a reward regardless. It really drags. I wish we could skip the dialogue too


me too, i hated the tapping event xd but i love my old game cards jaja


They litterally utilized the same cash grab oracle of stars event for 4 star cards twice now. If they host another i'm going to shake my head. Once is fine, but twice? That's just cash grabby. Get creative LAD this is a combat styled Otome game. Though, if those kind of events are not newbie friendly/unable to complete with Lv 60+ cards i bet everyone will flip out.


How do you auto play?? I get tired of grinding the battles.


Don't use autoplay, in harder battles youre more likely to lose


I wanna use it for the grindy battles like bounty hunt and deepspace trials.


When you go into any battle, look in the top right corner and there is a little toggle that says "auto/manual". Press that and the battle will switch to auto mode allowing the computer to fight for you. Auto mode is the only way I was even able to beat Ch 8 Wanderer after so many attempts. https://preview.redd.it/uwp2a1uvqbnc1.jpeg?width=2420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72f6bd90dc733669460902b5556c2f20d71d176 Of course, I had to level up my memories higher to level 50 than the recommended 45 level in order for auto mode to beat it, but another player told me that's the only way to win.


I hate the combat. Itā€™s either stupidly easy to the point you can just auto-battle or impossible to complete due to characters not being strong enough. So much for actual skill factoring into things..


Honestly seeing how often the events are, I don't feel any motivation to pull for them. But it's good to know that the whales are upset too, maybe that will actually force some changes.


what's a whaler exactly?


a whale is someone whoā€™s willing to spend lots of money on the game!


That part I understand, but how did the word whale become associated with it?


I think because whales are so large(and they spent a large amount of money)! Someone who spends like 10 dollars here and there is a goldfish (I think?) It's cute imo >probably wrong


Iā€™d rather be a goldfish atp lmao


i thought it was dolphin haha šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Dolphins also spends a lot just not as much as a whaler


Whales/whaling is a casino term, they referenced Moby Dick wherein a person would go for high stakes or big risks to obtain something rare. Itā€™s been adapted into gacha since itā€™s basically virtual gambling lol


It's all a big fishing analogy. When devs release a free to play game like this they're hoping the players will chose to buy things in game - since that's the only way they get paid for their work - so it's like casting a line and hoping you catch some fish to take home. If you cast a fishing line and reel in a whale you've well and truly hit the jackpot, so this refers to hooking a player who dumps huge amounts of money on your game. There's other "tiers" like dolphins are regular spenders, but not as high as whales, down to goldfish and minnow who buy barely anything and probably won't so much as break even on the cost of bait.


The people in that group have to have spent $50,000 on the game and send in video proof of 2000 pulls. Just the massive scale of money spent is what makes them a whale. A whale is the biggest animal on the planet. Those spenders are the biggest in the game.


There's a term sometimes used around that's even bigger than whales in other games. They're called Leviathans. They max out everything. So if were used here, a whale gets 1 copy of all cards, leviathans gets 3 more to rank up their cards, etc.




You get some stamina and it unlocks content but yeah...


Thatā€™s just an illusion of a reward smh.. Just more stamina I can use in the battles I donā€™t even participate in. Either everything is so easy I can just auto-battle or on the other side itā€™s physically impossible to clear a stage without getting billions of EXP to level your cards :/


Lol when the triple banner dropped I wasn't surprised. Popped by Weibo and read the reactions, CN players are absolutely pissed about it, can't say I blame them thošŸ¤· People at the start were saying how generous this game was in the first month, but as a regular gacha player, I knew the free currency would drop off so quickly, and look where we are now lol, events barely give diamonds and banners are rapid firing out, not to mention banner timings are so short. I do have faith that CN players can make a diff, because if it's anyone who can do something about it? It's them. They're the extremely vocal whale players who won't be afraid to challenge this BS. Hopefully they make changes ASAP otherwise this game will only go downhill.


I was just upset that I didn't get to read the final chapter of Raf's bday event lol, they actually gave us less than 24 hours to read it, I was super busy yesterday (the only option would have been to play through it on a super crowded bus which I'm way too shy to do lol) so thought I would get to it today, but the whole event is gone now šŸ˜‚ Guess I made him a cake but never found out how we actually celebrated ...


https://youtu.be/aFdJyktjhbo Someone uploaded it on YouTube. Here you go!


Thank you!! I ALSO missed the last part, so really happy with the link.


Iā€™m mad I didnā€™t get to sing. Iā€™m an actual singer lol


Same. I came back the shit was GONE. I had a cake Baking too from last night and didnā€™t get to collect the awardsā€¦.fcked up lmao


Rightttt idk if it was only me but it felt like this event went by superrrrrr quick it was kinda annoying me


Agreed, I do feel like nothing is happening in game. Everyday is just log in, complete dailies, magnet pull, spend stamina, quit. I don't mind the quick banner rotation, but making them all limited is CRAZYYYYYY. LIKE WITH THE AMOUNT OF GEMS THEY GIVE OUT, THAT'S CRAZYYYYYYYYYY. They really are making money out of fomo. But tbh, the biggest problem with the game is probably oracle of stars 'event' šŸ¤¢ God, just get rid of it entirely or rework it, there has got to be better ways. I love the voices you get and all but damn, does it really have to be THAT big of a scam? The rates are garbage, and with the constantly rotating limited banner and the lack of gems, thatssss crazzzyyyyyy. Also the amount of materials you need to level a card, whattt????? šŸ˜§šŸ˜§šŸ˜§šŸ˜§ Ain't no way???? Why is brother eating so many rocks, that is not healthy. Brother I can't afford to grind these rocks daily šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ please eat less rocks (I also have a bone to pick with how slow kitty cards are sometimes but that's a different story, I wish we could speed up the card animation)


ikr i hate the oracle of stars like every time it looks like it's gonna stop at a card... NOPE. 10 useless dice for you lmfaooo not the rocks


Cuz I had the gems to spend, I went ahead & did the 10 times pull for Oracle of Stars a couple times and through that, actually ended up getting enough dice to just "buy" Rafayel's card. Afterwards, I didn't spend anymore gems but just pulled using the free pull every two days. It FINALLY landed on a card and just guess which one it landed on? šŸ¤” Firey Undercurrents, aka Rafayel's card! The one I had already bought myself from spending and pulling so many times! šŸ˜” I had never understood what other players meant by OOS being a scam cuz I had honestly forgotten that part of the game even existed until this most recent event but I get it now!


nooooooo thats SO rubbish D:


Ah, the infamous Oracle of Scam


Oracle of Stars is truly awful lmao, itā€™s always for a 4 star card too, itā€™s not worth it. I mean just think about it, for 500 more gems I can guarantee a 4 star card in the regular card pull of 10.


They spend too much of their resources on weekly banners and the scam Oracle rather than giving us substantial events and contentā€¦ they need to chill out with the greed before it starts to hurt their profits, I barely log in anymore because the game just isnā€™t fun now.


50k is an insaneeeeeee amount. if ppl are spending that much and now boycotting then the devs basically HAVE to listen otherwise byebye money.


I was wondering if itā€™s 50,000 USD or RMB. 50,000 RMB is about 7000 USD


yeh i hope it's RMB bc that's still an insane amount but USD that's just... HOW


Yeah 50,000RMB with 2000 pulls sounds a little more likely. They canā€™t possibly only admit the top 1% of whales to their group lol. The group would only have 1% of the 1% lol. 50,000 USD is likeā€¦what I make in a year šŸ’€


lol itā€™s possibleā€¦ in MLQC birthday events, top 3 rankers sometimes spend up to 100k gems. I forgot how much exactly that is in USD but I remember saying itā€™s worth a years worth of college in the USā€¦


being a fuerdai is something else šŸ’€


The fact that I'm almost on par with a Chinese whale is hilarious. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I hate that for me. I'll stand in solidarity. I've spent a lot and play 30 minutes a day. Simply not enough content the the amount I've paid. They have a point.


I agree with this. I spent so much and the return on it is so minimal!


You don't have to spend a lot of money to realize it's shit, everytime they have events or login events the rewards are very very cheap, even the monthly subs, and also the redeem codes, they're very very cheap. I spent a lot of money until the end of rafayel's feris wheel card, and i realized just how you need to rely heavily on your wallet to have what you want. Not to mention the farming system and just how bizzare hard it is. No thanks, I'll continue spending my money for HSR and enstars šŸ«”


This is me basically. I spend on HSR and Genshin and even some on R1999 but absolutely zero desire to spend on this game.. I wanted to during the first week but when I realized how fast events went with no breathers, instead of FOMO, I just felt like it's okay to let go. I won't get it anyway. And since then, I've been very casual with LnD, even letting my energy cap sometimes.


I honestly don't even care about banners at this point because like... Idk, what's the point? The only versions of the guys I'm missing is their myth forms, and the myth cards are a) on the permanent banner and b) will just show up sometime without my intervention. I'm not afraid to spend money on gacha games I enjoy, but LND doesn't seem like it's worth paying money for. Like, what am I even getting? The cosmetics you can buy with money for the MC are like whatever and locked to specific characters anyway, the bounties give you a pittance for what you actually need to level up your cards so spending on energy feels worthless, and getting a limited card almost feels like you'd have to dump a hefty hunk of change to guarantee it because you never get a rest period to save up for the next banner. Can there at least be more to do on a regular basis? All 3 LIs are constantly asking if I want to do one thing or the other with them, and I can't say yes to any of them. It'd be nice to be able to visit different parts of Linkon city, at least; I'm not asking for a fully modeled lay out or anything, I'm talking more about something like Persona 3: FES or Project Sekai: Colorful Stage where you click on interaction points on pre-rendered images to go places. I get that this is a big ask, but like, Idk, I should be able to visit Rafayel in his studio, Zayne at Akso Hospital, or Xavier in his apartment myself. I want to be able to have a repeatable thing where I visit the beach with Rafayel, or fight Zayne for sweets, or hang out with Xavier without being on a mission.


The only cards that matter ARE the LI's myth forms of which i only own the Zayne set (Which i leveled up to Lv 60 for the free dims/myth story) because these are 5 star pair cards and these deal more damage/give buffs in battle compared to regular 5 stars. Sure a full deck of regular 5 stars is nice, but when you add a myth pair in there you can become a tank.


I'm so jealous I love Zayne so much


I need one more for the Xavier pair i feel you. Xavier is my favorite so i was kinda sad when Zayne ended up being my first full myth pair.


I wonā€™t consider myself a whale (more like a dolphin) but honestly, I agree. I just got my friend into the game and I feel bad because this game is truly unsustainable. As someone with a bit of a spending habit and who has whaled on other gacha before, it is insane how back to back and SHORT everything thing is. There is truly no breather unless youā€™re fortunate to pull the correct card early, and even then thatā€™s not a lot of time to save afterwards with how short the banners are As much as I love Zayne (especially cause this new card is EXACTLY what I want), I cannot in good faith keep spending on a game that basically punishes its players


> it is insane how back to back and SHORT everything thing is Yes! Sometimes I'll be finishing up a card/story moment and it will just... end? Like someone will say something I'm sure is about to be followed up on but then it fades to black and the scene is over. What is with that? It's very odd and makes me feel like there should be more or that it was poorly planned.


The pacing and directing for some cards/scenes is truly reprehensible. Like theyā€™re purposefully stopping and edging us right where youā€™d want it to continue And again, for how much money theyā€™ve made and the perceived detail theyā€™ve put in the game, itā€™s really disappointing. Iā€™d rather have longer events with more satisfying ends or even have fewer updates in between if stuff was more fleshed out Beginning game or not, itā€™s. Disappointing


No seriously what the f is up with that? They stop exactly at the best part andā€¦ thatā€™s just itā€¦after we spend so much resources and time to get these cards/memories so freaking greedy


Perhaps it's to keep their age rating in the game? This is supposedly suitable for people 13+....


WhatšŸ’€and they over here showing them in towels basically naked in that outfitšŸ˜­and all the suggestive things they sayā€¦ itā€™s like they want the player base to stay open to minors but make sure adults stay so they can still make money from themā€¦trust me Iā€™m not asking For a fully nsfw scene but maybe at least a kiss or hugšŸ˜­


I think they should just go all in and up the age rating and give us nsfw since it's not like minors are big spenders anyway (or at least they shouldn't be)


Yea I honestly feel like they are trying to keep the game safe for kids but it hinders us from really being able to immerse in REAL romance things are just so choppy to me, we should be able to spend more time with the boys, kitty cards and letting them stand in that lobby just isnā€™t enough anymore šŸ˜­


This exactly šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Finally, the whalers are speaking out! Even the whalers don't think it is sustainable especially when the limited banners go back to back per week discounting the 3 cards banners which is at most 2 weeks. This game have been released for over 2 months tops! 6 banners in counting and 2 oracle events is too much. They don't give us room to breathe in this game. There's barely any main story right now and most of the side stories got locked into the gacha gimmick.Even the chances to get dupes should you win the cards scale pretty low. Is already bad enough for every 70 pulls won't even guarantee you that limited edition cards. And I can't imagine the introduction of Sylus would balance out the gacha rates.


I didn't realise it's already been 6, damn and in only 2 months?!?! Insanity. The chaos that Sylus would bring if he gets introduced soon when the situation is like this.


I completely agree. I really love this game, but once you get at a certain point, there's nothing to do. Or at least, playthroughs stagnate drastically. But even if there's not much to do, the banners are so overwhelming since they come and go so fast. I'm already compiling all my thoughts and suggestions for when we get another survey. They're going to get a very detailed list. Though I hope they fix things even without the survey, since people are already expressing their frustrations.


agreed , since weā€™re waiting for the story to be continued the game feels so boring and repetitive


I think you can submit suggestions in the customer service option in the game. What if they never do another survey xD


I want this to happen: https://preview.redd.it/etd7zofsb5nc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a134ec0fa4a2837600904688cd2e2721a04e4d5


As well as this https://preview.redd.it/6xeu3zptb5nc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1579cc1794939274e008c0dc35a0606903225447 (Can only attach 1 pic per comment)


The problem is, there are no free pulls to make up for the lack of events that are supposed to give free diamonds. And oracle event is not an event, its a cash grab for freaking 4 stars. All the free pulls at the beginning amount to nothing since most of them were for the basic banner. Also, you need too much materials to advance cards for the amount of stamina you can get daily as a f2p


Iā€™ve spent around $320 since starting the game. I canā€™t even imagine spending $50K šŸ’€ I hope they are successful!


I think they meant 50k chinese yuans not dollars


I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t even think about the conversion rate šŸ™ˆ 7 grand is still a lot but that makes more sense (just because the game hasnā€™t been out that long)


hope this helps us as f2p šŸ˜­


It will. Ultimately they're asking for f2p benefits too. F2P players make games popular, whales keep games running.


Good. I also decided to not spend any more money in the game. I understand and see that the company has put a lot of love in the game, but the gacha is far too much imo. 50/50 with rotating limited banners every 1-2 week is insane. Especially with how little gems we could get. They should make it at least 3 weeks with long timed gate events so that they can retain players. Also imo they should only make limited cards on Birthdays, Summer, Winter, & Valentines. Other cards should go to the card pool after their rate-up.


Only asking for one free pull on regular banner once a week? The CN players are being much more merciful to the devs than usual lol.


This is a translation error, and the Chinese original meaning is more pulls not one.


Yup, clearly a translation error because the game already gives one free pull on standard banner a week (1 Empyrean Wish reward from completing the Weekly tasks), so it doesn't make sense for them to be asking for the same thing.


It does get pretty crazy with banner rotations especially. I understand they are in it to make money like any gacha game, but there does have to be a balance. No guarantee crossing over, the very short banner runs (I think two weeks for the single banners and 3-4 for multiple LI banners at least wouldā€™ve been okay and theyā€™d still make a lot of money), how few gems we make, donā€™t get me started on the oracle event haha. I can wait on the story, Iā€™ve waited for months for story chapters before, but if it just feels like wallet use simulator on the cards every week or so things will become unfun very fast The drop rates for farming are ridiculous, I mean Iā€™ve played games with sparse rates and been fine but it just gets so bad with higher level cards (or even low level cards) I donā€™t mind the events happening often, but having cards for every single one that are all 5 star is too much. Iā€™m not even f2p and even with the benefits of buying some packs and the pass, and focusing solely on Zayne, I do still feel overwhelmed. There is a middle ground where the company can still make absolute bank but the playerbase isnā€™t burnt out and sad. (The thing about top up bonus though is I felt like a lot of the games were moving away from that after china had been considering banning something like that to combat gacha addiction. They certainly didnā€™t pass anything, more like felt it out and got a lot of backlash, but I did feel like games were being more wary about it).


"wallet use simulator" šŸ˜‚ it really has become the game of opening up your wallet, not much gameplay involved other than that. It's very exciting I'm sure, but I don't need a game for that, I can play that "game" each time I need to pay my bills


>The drop rates for farming are ridiculous, I mean Iā€™ve played games with sparse rates and been fine but it just gets so bad with higher level cards (or even low level cards I think it says a lot that after unlocking higher lvl mat stages i was struggling not with the high rarity materials, but the low level ones. I dont know exactly what maths they're using to cap the material grinding rates vs the way they scale but something is super off with it.Ā 


Definitely, itā€™s a couple hundred for the biggest ones and then a thousand plus for the tiny ones so Iā€™m always lacking the smallest ones or middle sized ones over and over again while retaining mass quantities of the big ones šŸ˜ž Itā€™s annoying farming for the tiny ones when they should be copious by now


It just doesnt make sense scaling wise, usually in a game like this the easiest most abundant part of the upgrade system shouldn't require so many of them you have to over farm for the supposedly most frequent and low level materials. Like even in other joseimuke styled games ive found it easier to mat farm (we are ignoring tears of themises punishing skill system in this tho >~>;)Ā  Like, i hate to compare games like this to arknights bc its a different type of game for a different type of audience, but in that game the low, mid, high, super high and combo super duper high mats all have different amounts mixed into their upgrade tiers. Ā As you get past the very basic leveling & upgrading , you will no longer require the low level materials (which aren't infrequent, but certainly not dropped enough to require them in every single stage of upgrading) , instead its mostly mid & high, and so on up the upgrade system.Ā  They expect you to have more of the mid-high materials and focus farm for higher level ones based on whatever you want out of upgrading specific units.Ā  Theres a crafting system even to account for mid to high being way way more abundant so folks can trade up the chain in exchange for the games equivalent of gold.Ā  I really am kind of baffled by l&ds's take on it right now. Its gotten to the point where ive been using that one not great lotto spin event free pull currency just to buy the low lvl tier selector boxes bc of how terrible farming for them is.Ā 


Hopefully they succeed. It seems like only a minority isn't liking to spend $1k per week. Most people are okay with the game so far and mostly complain about the lack of new story chapters, for instance. But I think the translation might be off, 1 free pull for week is nonsense is kinda dumb tbh. Better ways to get pulls and longer lasting limited banners are the right way to go. But imo the whole game is terrible rn, there's nothing to do and I can't get any satisfaction if I don't pay, and I won't pay for them, I'm not even renewing my Aurum pass nor my promise when this one finishes. Terrible decision to make limited banners last for 1 week and the banners with 3 cards last for 2 weeks (with an underwhelming event to accompany it). Any decent gacha out there has 2 weeks to a month as the regular limited banner period, with a week or two added if it's a big event (like the ones with 3 cards in LaD). And that Oracle of Stars is a terrible "event" as well. Whale bait and too expensive for lackluster 4* cards. Edit: But like, nonstopping events are okay imo, every gacha has those. The problem imo is the short duration and the lack of content. I'm talking event as in the Valentine's day one and Rafayel's birthday, those are the only events we've got, paid stuff isn't event nor content.


SISTER YOU ARE SPEAKING FACTSSSS KEEP COOKING CAUSE YOU ARE SERVING šŸ—£ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ But true tho, what makes them think that 1-2 week is enough for 60-70 pulls when they barely give any gems out? And like you said, the events are so incredibly lackluster and repetitive. The Rafayel birthday one is barely even an event no? You click something, wait 30 minutes. Yaayyyyy you win!!!! I'd be nice if they had different mini games for each day or something. MAYBE THEY SHOULD UTILIZE THE COMBAT SYSTEM FOR AN EVENT, LIKE HELLO???!!??!?!??? Edit: I wrote Marius instead of Rafayel


True, they really haven't used the combat in any event rip... I mean, I like minigames a lot more in games but I want them to be nice like Genshin, not the whack-a-mole minigame we got on Valentine', and mentioning Genshin again, I also appreciate that once every month or so they have a combat-focused event and it's not only minigames. And the stories should focus more on lore. I mean, sure, they want to keep the main storyline in the main chapters, but any gacha has side lore in events. I don't think I'll be willing to keep playing if it's only fluffy events with minute-long stories. I want like, some major festival that used to happen in Philos for a Xavier-focused event, or a Lemurian festivity for Rafayel, or an icy kingdom Saturnalia from the time Zayne's kingdom was still populated.


Fellow Tot player? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ Marius TASTE


Even if they're a small group of players, if they're spending that much they have to make up the main or at least a big chunk of the company's income so surely they'd have to listen


theyā€™re also the ā€œinfluencersā€ who will hopefully introduce the game to their similarly rich friends if they like it.


I hope so, but I'm kinda cautious because the game got like, 70m dollars last month. A big group of whales is needed in order for the devs to listen to anything. I know Shining Nikki and Love Nikki players could never make Paper Games change anything in those greediness pits.


This is the main reason why I stopped paying love Nikki and skipped on shining Nikki and I threw a lot of money their way when I did play.


I don't think I've ever played a gacha game before this where events and banners are only a week long. I'll come late to an event and only have about a week left and be bummed that I won't be able to get all the rewards because I missed the event lmfao


At first, I was apprehended when I saw the post since I was excited about the new event lol. However, once I read the post, I couldn't agree more. I'm not a whaler, but I've spent as much as my budget allowed on the game. These people spend thousands on the game, so I can only understand their frustration. Back-to-back events are indeed exhausting. And I would prefer they release main stories or stories that add to the plot or characters' background than these dates. I don't know if it's just me, but it starts to bother me that in these date cards with LIs, they are still hiding their past from the MC. Rather than having to console myself that it's a different timeline/universe, I want to see the story progress to a point where they're completely open with each other. I would be much happier spending money on that than the dates. I also agree they need a reward/loyalty system. I've been pondering on this thought exactly a few days ago. I understand the resources they need to make the game and we all need to make money. However, the way LND is running events without any incremental rewards for spenders makes it like they are bleeding us dry, without any incentive for being loyal customers. Honestly, even going to a coffee shop has a better reward system than the game. Lastly, I agree the RPG system has a huge potential. Yet, it's such a waste to only use it as bait for players to get more 5-star cards and level-up materials.


well if the rich players are boycotting we might hopefully see some results. not like in genshin where mostly f2p players were "boycotting".


I enjoy the game and am willing to spend some money on it. But I still agree the limited banner duration is way too short right now. Solo banners should last at least 2 weeks..and the triple banners should last even longer, 3 weeks or maybe even a month. Either that, or they should add more ways to farm diamonds. Preferably more repeatable combat stages or events. Along with that, daily stamina should be increased a little more. Everything else about the game, the story, combat, gameplay, characters, artwork, I like a lot.


I get the aspect that you cannot get every card unless you pay, pay and pay thousands. I wonā€™t try to get every cardsā€¦ butā€¦ give more diamonds events, pace the events more; I come here for dates actually, being otome game player, I feel the dates are so lazy. It consists of poking and no plot, even everyone favorite Your Fragrance left me so disappointed. I want dates with substance (like Unforgettable Adventure date), where you explore the boys inner world. But they rush events so fast, developers donā€™t even have time to write a decent date, Valentine date, Firework Vows, Medical Rescue dates all have minimal plot and storyline


I had the aurum pass at the beginning so I didn't experience the lack of gems but now... without it and with these events giving barely anything, it nearly feels like my gem amount is frozen, like it barely gives anything. And with how fast cards are coming out, it's insane. I've even lately been questioning if this game is worth it in the long run because it seriously feels demotivating. I recently stopped playing another otome gacha game because of this


Some delulus thought these people complained only because they wanted freebies all the time. Nope, they're big spenders and they also not happy with it. So, I stan with them. Most players want a break. We aware it is not a free game.


As former Love Nikki/Shining Nikki player I expected it to happen


As a OG LN/SN continues player I saw it coming when the game first drop. Only 8 chapters out and no new ones to be seen until the summer ( itā€™s fucking winter) yeah, no. Also no free gachas and the pulls are worse than either Nikki games. And the leveling up system is complete ass.


Theyā€™re pushing out these limited cash grab events week after week, making itā€™s hard to catch a breath, even if you want to collect memories of just 1 ml, however, the new main story is yet to be seen. Yea I heard itā€™s somewhere in June/July, I forgot, but the fact theyā€™re pumping out these cash grabs while taking their sweet time with the story isnā€™t sitting right with me.


Well, I hope this works out because the game is honestly very stingy. It's not like we want to get every card in the universe, but even picking and choosing is hard in this game due to how scarce everything is. Lack of resources, lack of diamonds, lack of...anything to do in general. But...the skeptic in me feels it's hard to gauge how many "whales" are actually joining this. I've also seen people already fawning over the new cards. Infold *knows* Zayne is popular and they literally just laid a thirst trap with that car scene. 1 and 6 also sounds terrible imo. I guess if people are spending **a lot** then having such a system is good for them, however, *LaDs was not made with it in mind*, so to implement something like that, Infold will probably lock more things behind a paywall for different VIP levels. The game already screams "pay2play" as it is. Low-spenders and f2p can get fcked really badly. I just hope this won't turn out like Genshin where it's a literal circus over there, with people yelling quit on the internet but the game keeps topping revenue charts šŸ™ƒ LaDs has also been making a lot of money (it ranks very high in the charts) so I wonder if their profits will actually take a hit. Only time will tell.


1 isn't too bad and is something they used to do for their other game. You would get rewards for reaching certain spending goal posts it starts small like $10 and up so over time low spenders could achieve them too. But 6 should apply to everyone. Customer service isn't helpful and I've seen too many complaints from people who didn't get their questions answered about guarantees or their game crashing. So I really hope this boycott makes a change too.


>posts it starts small like $10 and up so over time low spenders could achieve them too. As long as it doesn't take away something from the base game, I think that would be nice. God knows I need those N crystal boxes


Honestly, the only things that I'm mad about this game is not be able to have the ability to save up diamonds for a good event and the amount of diamonds it takes a full 10 wishes for the cards that we want, I mean, I get that it's a gotcha, and it's totally random, but the amount of times I actually get the card that I want it's already a slim chance as it is. Another thing I don't appreciate, is how it's so hard to level up my characters in order to perceive the next level or to even finish the battle, I have to rank up my cards and I have to rank up their memories and it's so hard, sometimes because some of the days they're not even open like hunter core and etc.. And honestly, for our working girlies (me including )who work jobs and work really hard, we also feel so bad and spending a lot of money on this game and still not get the things that we are hoping to get, and I can't imagine for the girlies and boys who play this game, who don't work, and can't afford to buy more diamonds I feel for you cause it's not fair, it takes forever for us to get diamonds. It takes forever for us to win battles because we have to keep ranking up our stamina in the bounty Hunter stages. (Don't get me started on the bounty hunting stages, by the way, it is almost impossible for me to keep going and keep ranking up when there's not enough bottles to fill my cards) Sorry if this was a very long comment I'm just putting my thoughts out.


the game started off so well, iā€™m still gonna draw the characters n stuff bc i like the designs n such. what really peeves me is that now that there isnā€™t anymore chapters to complete so far and the memories are getting boring. gonna be honest, ever since that one memory of xavier where you had to pin him down, i havenā€™t been able to get any good pulls and itā€™s just the same memories every single galaxy explorer or wish. the oracle of stars or whatever is such bs too. iā€™ve NEVER gotten anything more than just 10 dice thingies. and the amount of DIAMONDS you need to get wish cards?! no matter how much you save. you can save a million diamonds and it wont be enough for event memoriesā€¦


I'm not gunna lie, I've spent maybe $3-400 on this game. And I decided not to spend another cent on it anymore until something is done. It's become so mundane now. Log in, battles, log out. The events are SO SHORT that Rafs birthday one felt like if you blinked it was gone. I'm glad there's a boycott, especially from the richest players who've contributed the most financially. That should get some notice from LaDS. Fingers crossed.


I hope it works because as of now the company just sees us players as cash cows šŸ˜­ its getting overwhelming with these back to back limited banners which only last like one week. So even if I save itā€˜s not enough bc there are not even any events to get gems. In Genshin Iā€˜m at least able to get gems by exploring, doing events and each banner lasts a little bit more than 2 weeks.


Lmao as someone who got ignored by the support because of an event bug (even after I paid a bit), I just quit.. Hope u guys get something better in the future though


I got downvoted so hard for saying this is how it would turn out months ago. Lmao. I havent played in weeks and im glad i havent spent more than 5 bucks.


Well, that's to be expected. The developers are very stingy from the very beginning. Ā  Ā These promotional codes for 200 red diamonds for the most important holidays (Chinese holidays, March 8) are simply ridiculous and smack of mockery. In a letter of apology for servicing the server, they give the same amount of diamonds, or even more... Ā  Ā And this shameful event is the Oracle of the Stars... One spin - 100 red diamonds, seriously? Wait a day or two to get your free spin, seriously? Boring 4 star cards, even without an animated date... They are useless in a game where there are always banners with 5 star cards... Yes, those red diamonds are better spent on knocking out a 5 star card. And these meager ā€œconsolationā€ awards... I always only get 10 points, itā€™s ridiculous. And then wait a day or two to get 10 points again and be even more disappointed. I play not out of interest, but out of boredom, since in the game itself there is nothing to do except the tedious collection of daily rewards. Ā  Ā The developers still rely only on fan service. They've already played the naked torso card; this won't impress anyone anymore. Especially when in the game store you can buy a skin with this naked torso for a guy and look at him 24/7. Well, kisses have already come into use, which in otome games are usually added after years of the gameā€™s existence. What's next given the game's teen rating? The developers are already going over the edge for money with this blatant fan service. It is simply impossible to show more within the framework of this rating, otherwise censorship and restrictions will begin. It seems to me that the developers will soon simply hit the fanservice ceiling and they will have nothing to surprise the players, which is why most players will simply leave. The developers initially chose the wrong promotion strategy, where at the very beginning of the game they put what needs to be put closer to the end in order to maintain the intrigue and interest of the players... Ā  Ā Perhaps after receiving level 100 affection there will be no further development. Just like cards will stop developing after ascending. You simply level one guy up to the max, collect all his cards, and then move on to the next one. Thatā€™s why we already know almost all of the guysā€™ backstories and postcards with kisses with them have already begun, although the game is only a couple of months old. Apparently, they will soon be completely replaced by other guys. I hope I'm wrong and these three guys will always be with us... Ā  Ā Honestly, this is looking more and more like some kind of scam, where the creators want to make more money from fan service, without thinking about the future and development of the game, and close it quickly. Since the developers are doing literally everything to make players quit the game and lose interest at the very start. This is the first time I've seen this...


>Apparently, they will soon be completely replaced by other guys. bruh that would suck baaaaaaaaad


>Apparently, they will soon be completely replaced by other guys.Ā  I don't think so, they seem to only have plans for one (Sylus), maybe two more (Caleb?), and not until July. About 5 love interests is pretty average for an otome/dating sim. Each one is made to fill a niche and satisfy a different demographic. So I doubt they intend to just replace them. As for the fanservice. I can't really imagine players being patient enough to wait years for a kiss scene, these days, honestly. Plus audiences unfortunately have a very low attention span and would leave if there wasn't something new and shiny. But you're right, they are gonna have to slow down the banner pace eventually and start adding more content/mini games/events to hold interest ā€‹over the long term. I really hope they are just pushing them out now to hold interest while they work on more content for the next update.


based. rewards are abysmal, oracle of stars is a blatant scam, back to back events are nice but not with limited banners we canā€™t save for, i hope this gets them to listen and at least be more generous.


Hopefully this boycott works. I haven't played L&DS for like a month due to these reasons from the post.


I haven't spent actual money on the game but they are being stingy with the pulls. Sometimes you get the same 3 star card and one 4 star or 5 star card. I hope the devs are open to suggestions to tweak the game. Spending that much on a video game is ridiculous though


The spending requirement is pretty genius, as they are aware of where it hurts. The reason to begin with why otomes and games that have a semblance of a female playerbase has high turnover but still very high revenue is due to the fact that many either just quit the game/think that their f2p status ā€œboycottingā€ the game would hurt it, while whales just continue to spend without a care in the world (as they are the people that actually line the devā€™s pockets) Since top 1% spenders are organizing to avoid spending, the entirety of the playerbaseā€™s dissatisfaction will most definitely come across clearly on their next internal income report. BUT. I feel that to truly get this point across, pelple shouldnā€™t only stop spending LaDS, but also limit spending on all of papergameā€™s games if they play those. Donā€™t spend less on LaDS, but spend more on the Nikki franchise or LaP.


Man, this is why I really miss the old days of pay per route mobile otome, lol. It's so true, whales the reason most games can get away with that, and why they don't usually care if the rest of the playerbase quit or complain. For that reason, I usually don't even bother giving feedback most of the time. ā€‹ā€‹ Hopefully this will be different, though, seeing how whales are the ones complaining.


I think even extending how long each event lasts is enough, I think 20-22 days per event is a better number TBH. They don't stay long enough.


I really hope since the game is still very new that they will make changes coz the rotation of banners is actually crazy. They def need to make limited banners longer (like 20 days like in most gachas) and make proper guranteed system so it carries over banners. Make proper events so you have smth to do every day. Also either make seperate myth card banner or make them exchangable coz its so hard to collect all pairs after u opened boxes.


I agree I spend money on this game too. Not like 50k level but a lot. I wish there was more breathing time in between events. Itā€™s just spend spend spend. Like calm down developers


50ā€¦ 50k? šŸ«Ø


it's likely in chinese yuan, but it's still around 7K USD


Iā€™ll be legit I actually thought like sea-faring whalers were upset at the game. Like maybe the game had a card that was anti-whaling or something. lol but yeah as a dolphin I support this. Iā€™m already looking to stop putting in any more money


LMFAAAOOO oh my God your comment had me laughing so hard, thank you for cheering me up on this boring Friday afternoon lol


Tbh i stopped playing a long time ago. I just cant with the required resource to level up a memory. Yo girl is getting tired haha


Devs disappoint me only listening to Chinese fanbase. Eng community has been saying this for ages but they only listen when Chinese fanbase outragesā€¦


Usually because the biggest bunch of revenue comes from them (by far and large) and because if the chinese fandom really wants to fudge them over they will get into troubles with the government unlike internationally (unless they have VAs doing stuff they shouldn't which will affect them back home/in china because of it)


Yeah I get that I still think itā€™s blantantly disrespectful to ignore the overseas fanbase as they have been. The discord suggestion channel doesnā€™t even get utilized.. I havenā€™t seen a single suggestion implented in the game. Started off loving this game but now Iā€™m really becoming disinterested.


As an avid gacha player over the years, I'm all for making Papergames be more accountable. Paper has always been somewhat stingy, so I'm glad people are putting their feet to the fire. Some of these are kind of insane asks for a gacha game, though. I hope people realize there ain't no way they're going to allow you to just exchange a dupe card for what you want. Maybe they can raise the drop rate of five star cards (1% is pretty standard, but I'd like to see 2% base. Which is way higher than Genshin, but there are more cards to get here). Limited Cards are standard in Gachas too, they have to get that FOMO from you. Usually games have reruns though. Now Top Up Rewards (which all their other games have), a better F2P experience, Better Resource management, and better events are all really good asks. I'm a dolphin depending on the gacha (I've put about 6k into Genshin since its launch) but I've only thrown around 100$ on this game so far. They make it more user friendly and I'll probably spend more.


Even though I love my boys I was getting tired of doing the daily grind everyday for nothing. The pulls are bad even when you pay and personally I'm just waiting on the story update since the events don't interest me much.I have not opened the game for a long time so I can understand the fans frustration atp. If they don't turn a new leaf on the way they function this game people will leave slowly and that is just sad.


Iā€™m really hoping they listen, but seeing how they ran Shining Nikki before I decided to quitā€¦ I wonā€™t get my hopes up too high.


As a monthly pass player and a Zayne simp I agree to this. Subscribed for monthly pass just because of the lack of (in my case) energy. Spent nearly 1 week just to level 80 and another 1 week to awaken one of my Zayne card (I have chest for ascension so that cut out some days of grind). Now imagine if I don't have monthly pass just to get that free energy everyday, I doubt that I can do that for just 2 weeks. I have some 'artifact' but didn't grind them yet since I'm struggling just to get that levels


I hope this makes a change for the better bc it has become less and less fun to play this game šŸ˜’


I just want them to update the main story LOL


Pulling the same cards piss me off so badly šŸ¤£


Totally understandable ! The same happened with MR Love not too long ago, Paper Game has to stop ā€¦


they should just have the banners like the other gacha systems. 1 new banner per update ( 1 month) sure it would be get boring but that means more time to save. or they could just give us more diamond but that probs wonā€™t happen.


broā€¦..being apart of many mobile games like honkai star rail genshin impact identity v, i almost never agree with whales but like I 100% agree with them this time


Definitely can see why this might be necessary, especially with the game seemingly missing several staples of the more popular for being generous gachas that make things less severe on f2p & spending players. Like even justĀ limited good value deals like selector tickets im sure would go a long way for spenders (i dont personally like vip or cumulative rewards bc i feel like they encourage whaling tbh but can't really argue that this game is probably a black hole once you put money in since it makes everything *so* p2w) since thats what a ton of other titles have.Ā  As for the actual gameplay rewards issue.... Yeah completing each chapter of story rewarding maybe 2-3 pulls is a special level of stingy tbh.Ā  I dont expect every game to be generous enough to reward a pull per stage read or completed but at least like 5 pulls per chapter and consistent rewards upon story completion would've been nice (the chapter rewards stopping at ch4 feels... Super underbaked to me, idk). In addition, you shouldn't have to have 18 maxed high rarity +high rank up cards (which is definitely impossible to lvl by now to lvl 80 f2p rn, right?) to get around 80% of jewel rewards before reset. It really doesn't feel like you could get there with mid to low lvl units bc of the huge stat disparity between cards. (i currently have 1 lvl50 5 with a single dupe fed into it, it has 700 attack, 3-4 are lucky if they get to 500...) in addition to the absolutely terrible drop rates for all items except protocores which is then let down by how stamina expensive they are. (i swear the only stages i have good drops for are the protocore ones)Ā  Plus...yeah dupe rewards are terrible. The blue powder for low rarity rewards doesn't add up to a whole lot and its not super likely to add up to that much extra exp or gold even if you spend it all.Ā  Overall stuff like this although I'd been enjoying the game up til last week (i ended the rewards honey moon phase) is sure to make folks less invested or interested in the game.Ā 


i'm a little goldfish lol (just spending on aurum pass) and even before this, i already plan to stop the aurum after my pass expires because at this point, it's not even worth it. the gems even if you save for a pity won't even guarantee you a card. sometimes you even get a duplicate card for the pity gems you worked hard to save šŸ¤§ also, the battles are getting annoying. i read in the top comment like you need to have all the myth pairs all maxed out, with protocores maxed, and all 5 lunar stars maxed out just to 36/36 the senior hunt? Then the player skills in the battle isn't needed then. And it's impossible for an F2P, or goldfish, or even probably a dolphin to have those end game resources just by grinding, so what's the point? It isn't a battle of skills but a battle of money. And if even whalers are protesting, then it means it's definitely not worth the money. i'll still play the game until i got bored with it, but i won't be giving a cent. i'll be a plankton i guess lol šŸ˜†


as they should tbh. the developers are wayyyyyy too greedy


Iā€™ve never heard people who spend lots of money called ā€œwhalersā€, Iā€™d only heard ā€œwhalesā€so I got really confused thinking that a very niche group (people who hunt whales) were somehow spending enough money on this game to make their boycott serious. I get it now šŸ˜…


Gotta have something to do on the boat! Just kidding haha


Props to them for standing up. I would stand up but they wonā€™t miss my $20. šŸ˜…


I think I spent like $30 weekly lolll


Spending $50K on a game is wild


ainā€™t no way there are people out here throwing the price of a *new car* on a mobile game! At that point, **you are the problem**


A game that just got released too... like there isn't even that much content that warrants wasting that much money on it even with the multiple events we hadĀ 


Like I feel guilty even spending on the $4.99 shit šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Unpopular opinion, but it's not the flex they think it is-


100% agree on this. That oracle event alone was a HUGE scam, with no guarantee of even getting anything besides those dice thingies. We pretty much get no breathing room in between banners to save up and even then the options to get diamonds are rather limited. getting a memory is simply to expensive and time consuming to keep up. i genuinely hope this makes a difference!! so glad the whales are doing this!


$50,000 is CRAZY the game came out like 2 months ago


Banners come and go so fast when I've yet to understand how much limited cards improve my dps. Lol


It would also be good if the guarantee carries over for f2p.


I hope they listen to us and it doesn't end up like obey me (so many events that overlap with each other) it's one of the reasons I HAD to quit obey me the constant events where mentally and resource draining


There's like an event every other week. I get wanting to keep our interest up with new stuff, but with the way this game dev is executing it, it's exhausting. F2P have been yelling for weeks about this sht, and I agree with a lot of their (f2p and CN list) demands, so I'm glad to see whales from CN are on the same page (that's really who game devs wanna listen to)... I won't be renewing my monthly pass nor spending anymore either. ​ Thanks for sharing this!


We gotta bomb the reviews and surveys man Iā€™ve been leaving stuff in the feedback because this shit is ridiculous ā€” like whatā€™s the point of playing if youā€™re basically stuck and level locked for weeks on end


People spent how much???


Thing is I don't find the game not generous *but* rather the lack of events, how quickly there are new banners etc are what I find the main thing. Either they are rolling out banners to have enough cards for reruns or they are just trying to get as much cash xD or a mix of both lol. I just wish there was more to do as well, along with actually giving us more time lol


It's interesting that whales are making such demands because I imagine that someone who spent 50k (USD???) on a game probably isn't bothered by 1 free weekly pull, or by back-to-back events. In reality, if there are no new constant banners, whales will get bored and leave, because they've got nothing more to spend on. In order to milk the whales, the game needs to provide constant opportunities for whales to spend on.


This is very true. There's always people asking when the next limited banner is as soon as the current one ends... Always. But the events could stand to be longer than a week or two tops for each one. It's going too quickly at the moment.


Definitely, at this point I'm just sitting there numbly, watching those one-week banners fly by. I'd like to engage with the game content on some level, like do some gameplay, battling or grinding for those 5 star cards, instead of just watching people pay for them, as I'm watching stories on youtube


Me, A MLQC player watching this unfold: "First time?"


I play other otome phone game and it's not as hard to be free to play. The rewards are just inexistant. I mean when do you spend the regular wish?? And I didn't spent a single diamonds to save them but I only manage to have something like 2000 and it's only because I grind sm to upgrade cards. And even that won't last long as I won'ts have that many to upgrade in few weeks... It remind me the other crazy game where you have to buy diamonds so you chose the "hello" line instead of f*ck off


God must heard my prayers, it is unfair honestly, we have to pay and pay for entertainment when majority of us are depressed people trying to find dopamine in lifeā€¦


it would also be very useful to reset a card lvl to 1 and get back the resources you spend in it! sometimes i get cards i wanna upgrade but can't do it because i lack resources yet i have other cards that i don't use anymore on my team sitting there unused. its pretty annoying tbh


Fun fact, dunno if it's related or not but Reddit is no longer listed in the events section alongside the socials to connect to.


Iā€™m not a whale, more like a dolphin. And I have this to say. When this game first dropped, I was one of the people who praised it as being so generous compared to other gacha games. But that was because we were all starting out, you got gems from everything (leveling up memories, doing all the secret times, anecdotes, memoria, myth, etc). But now that itā€™s been out more than a month, I have this to sayā€¦ The stamina is KILLING THE GAME. We have 100 friends, and only five of said friends can gift stamina? Whatā€™s the point of having a hundred? They should at least let us have 50 stamina from all 100 friends, at least weekly to off set the ridiculous stamina cost. On the topic of stamina, the cost to reward ratio that we get for mats is utterly ridiculous. The items to ascend our cards is too much, the stamina not enough. Even Genshin has better stamina to reward ratio compared to LaDs. That being said, you canā€™t grind for protocores without affecting your stamina allowance for mats. So it becomes a choice between leveling and ascending your cards or farming for protocores. And then the event bannersā€¦ At first, it was funny how they kept dropping banner after banner. But these days, itā€™s just ridiculous. The banner durations are so shortā€”the F2Ps donā€™t have time to grind for gems, and the people who spend actually have to spend just so they donā€™t miss out on their manā€™s cards. And speaking of gemsā€¦ There is absolutely no other way of getting gems when youā€™re at the higher levels, aside from logging in and doing daily agenda. Iā€™m level 72 and itā€™s so hard to grind for gems these days. Unlike Genshin where you can do explorations and they have events that give you primos. I love this game, I really do. But they need to change how they run things or risk losing a lot of players. Hopefully the CN whales can solve this.


https://preview.redd.it/g21ugwgv47nc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f0d73f60d6bfb5061cc65e39da839eb2b0881f1 It works if anyoneā€™s interested just did it