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I believe Meira and Oskar are the best fit in every way. I think Lukas and Catja would’ve been a good-looking couple. I just don’t think him and Karolina go well together.


Oskar and Amanda would be such a good pairing


100% agree


Yessss except I’d put Catja with Ramasus


Is kriss-ily the female Izzy to ramasus the male Stacy?


In what way?


She’s not super great with money a bit frivolous and scattered but seemingly all about the love. Super attracted to R but doesn’t seem open to criticism, and involved in the drama of other peoples’ dynamics


I think Emilia and Oskar and Amanda and Christofer work better so swap those two. Especially since Amanda apparently has a boundless tolerance for creeps, and Christofer is for sure red flags, but less disgusting than Sergio. (Seemingly, hopefully)


Boundless tolerance for creeps 😭🤣🤣🤣 Idk why but this made me really chuckle haha


With the exception of Meira and Johan I 100% aggree. Unfortunately I think Johan would have been an even worse fit for Meira than Oskar. Oskar is actually doing amazing with her heritage, culture and family. The only thing Meira has a problem with is him being talkative (which wouldn't be such a big problem if she were able to comnunicate propably) as well as him having a different cultural background, which Johan also has.


She also said he wasn't good looking, to Catja, no?


Meira doesn’t want to get married at all. I don’t know why she’s there probably to promote her belly dance stuff, seen all the performances she’s done on air. While poor Oskar filmed . I dislike her , she thinks she’s above everyone else .


I like Meira and I think she does like Oskar too, but I agree it's very odd that she goes to LIB SWEDEN and is so against having ended up with a Swede lol. It's like what on earth did she expect.


Was thinking the same thing. She expected the show would magically deliver a guy whose background matched hers?


Exactly. She said she only ever dated men from her culture, and she can’t see herself with a swede.. but goes on LIB Sweden AND picks a swede . Make it make sense 😂


Wow, you are really reading into this. I honestly think they'll get married.


Lol u were right


Am I the only person weirded out of Christopher? He’s like the definition of “the nice guy” but nice meaning he constantly expects things because he is just “so nice”. Found him to be a bit love-bomby


No, Catya’s reaction to him seem natural to me. Nobody wants to be gushed over nonstop and then complained to because the gushing didn’t make you gush back. Yuck.


I think he suffers from Nice Guy Syndrome. It’s a real thing. That’s why he’s so confused about what women want. Someone send him the book. I heard it’s life changing for men.


> the book What book?


No More Mr. Nice Guy! by Glover


Thank you.


When he said something like „the bad guys always win“ I rolled my eyes SO hard. I feel like Emilia would be way too smart and mature for his nonsense.


It’s giving incel fer sure


Oh yeah he’s fucked up !! I could tell from when his mother told Catya “leave the skeleton in the closet don’t open it” … like what ?! You could see he was desperate to be loved and accepted, and he just turned into a doormat for Katya, would adapt to any opinion she had on anything , didn’t have boundaries . It is not healthy do to that, and it’s clear as day when he lashed out at Catya “ I do everything that you want, and it’s not enough, what do women want then ?!” .. like what ?! She’s not a woman, she’s Catya. He was not being genuine, he was playing the part of who he thought women want, the perfect man. Of course Catya found that disingenuous .


I don't know, I feel like he is just a Hippie? I've meet quite a few Hippies who genuinely are like that. Usually they are with other Hippie women who are just as chronically positive as them so it's not as weird as here. But I do think he couldn't read the room at all and it was painfully cringy to hear him talk about how lucky they are as a couple while watching his fiancees face lol


Yeah I thought it’s a bit too much too. I feel like he would like to have the love received that he gives out.  Since they’ve come out of the pods she’s been quite cold towards him though. Must be tough for someone who obviously needs love expressed more openly. I wonder if it would be different if she physically fancied him.




Yes totally agree with all of these!


Poor Sergio 🥺


I'm sure he dedicate his new found freedom to his babymomma


Yessss, except Karoliina and Lucas. I think the chick Kristofer was with might LOOK nice with Lucas.


Maybe if Karolina got a makeover. 


From what season is this? I don’t recognize anyone




Thank you! I was so lost lol I’ll have to check it out and see how the Swedes do blind love


No no no. You see, Oskar is mine. 😈


Am I crazy for liking Amanda with Sergio??? They really grew on me and their giddy energy is so cutie idk




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They definitely have a playfulness with each other, but it reminds me more of that one coworker who you get along with really well, like a sibling






☺️☺️ I do appreciate your response. It is refreshing. We are all a little crazy, and I’m glad of it. But stay away from men like Sergio lol


I’m confused- aren’t Krisse-ly and Rasmus already a couple??


I think OP likes them as a couple so left them together.


Okay got it- I saw “new couples” in the title, I thought it meant different from what we have now. Thanks!


I love how Sergio and Catja just disappear - both my least favs




She gives Amber Heard vibes


I kept thinking Catja looks so much like Katy Perry but personality-wise she reminded me of someone else, but I couldn't put my finger on who. I think you nailed it though - Amber Heard.


She’s the most milquetoast person I’ve ever seen cast on a tv show


They say opposites attract


My thoughts exactly on better couples 👏🏼👏🏼


Agree with Amanda and Oskar.. would have been a great match..


I think Meira is more attracted to Oscar so it would’ve been an issue with Johan. I also think she would’ve found flaws with Johan too because she’s there for fame 🤣


Why do you think this what have I missed


I think she’s there for fame too. It’s obvious so I don’t know how the producers didn’t sniff it out. Maybe I’m dumb and they do know.


you’re onto something. I genuinely do think this would’ve been better than the original😭




No just no


Sergio and his own hand <3




I actually love Oskar & Meira. I think they are a great match!


Please elaborate. She barely seems into him and when she IS into him, it comes off she’s mentally trying to be into him for sake of her family and the film crew being there. It does not come off genuine AT ALL.


And he didn’t take perfect video of her dancing for Instagram.




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Please delete the spoiler! 🙈🙈🙈 why o why did I read this comment!




You def need to use the spoiler tag if you’re going to share spoilers of episodes that aren’t even released yet…




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you and me both! These are perfect but they just cant see.. especially Amanda, she cannot see! ugh I noticed who you left out, too, good job :)


I back all of those except for Oskar and Amanda. I think Oskar and Isabel (?) were a better match. I feel like Amanda enjoys a challenge, golden retriever energy is not her thing.


Interesting observation and in a way I do get that. The angel was attracted to the uh. Opposite but I feel like Oskar would have been lively enough for her.


Don’t understand the Karolina hype. I didn’t see much substance to their convos. I mean editing will do that too but he had deeper convos with Emilia and when she saw Lucas was gonna lock her down, she said let me lead with something sexual to change his mind.


Seems like it would've been a quick relationship if he would've chosen her. He's better off staying single if he was gonna be so superficial in the end.


I think it’s a language barrier thing. I’m sure Karolina is a lovely and deep person in real life but I think it was difficult for her to express herself in Swedish, her second language.


for me its cultural, i wrote that already in the sub - i am polish and huge amount of polish women (also those of polish descent) if not majority is basing their attractiveness and personalities on being sexy. Somehow our society teaches us that our value as a woman is based on the fact if we can attract a guy and guys want sexy girls. So conversations are mostly sexual, compliments are mostly sexual and style (revealing clothes, high heels, heavy makeup etc) too. I was not surprised at all at those conversations because this is normal to me, no depht at all just „i need sex i will give you sex i am wearing sexy underwear” kind of convo


That makes sense but it’s sad. I would love to see her with a softer and more confident look. She so doesn’t need the mini skirt, thigh high boots, platinum hair and glitter.


That’s very interesting, thank you for adding this perspective.


I’ve noticed that with a lot of Eastern European women but I also think the environment you grow up in influences it a lot.  Half of my family is Eastern European (mainly Polish from my father’s side). I adapted to the rather unsexy casual look of my birth country (which is also my mums). I enjoy dressing up though but struggle with being objectified by men. I also don’t like compliments about the way I look because what happens when I grow old and floppy, am I being less desirable then?


What makes you think it's her second language? Edit: Never mind, I mixed up the names


Emelia and Christopher would work. I liked Meira and Johan at first not anymore. Amanda is too good for any of these guys but I agree she and Oskar would make a good match.


These are exactly right 🤌🏼


![gif](giphy|3ohhwIqvzoZI2O4o9O) Forget love is blind. You can run the new show married from headshots and names


Married at first sight


Jupp we have that show in Germany 😅 maybe you can find it somewhere online "Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick"


Yeah but mafs looks at goals and comparability, values, etc. The new show would just make sure people look and sound llle a good fit.


Interesting matches! I would have loved watching Meira and Jonathan, Emilia and Christopher, and Karo and Lucas. These would have been super fun.


I agree.


You forgot catja and Sergio 🤣 🤣


LMAO now way in hell she would be attracted to him


Once he started screaming, lying, dominating, and dangling carrots, she would ☠️


Maybe but I think she still needs the physical attraction


I was thinking Catja and Lucas, and Sergio and a good therapist 🫠


How about a crossover and it’s Sergio and Irina. Neither are there for the right reasons but Sergio must win her over because he’s Sergio.


She would get the ick from Sergio like she did her original partner


Karolina and Lucas - i feel that they will click so well. they are both talkers and will not want oh-those-precious-silence-moments. And i think they will both understand that to enjoy comfortable silence required a stable podium first and how do people achieve that? by talking !!! Chris and Emilia - oh girlllllll chris will treat anyone he love so well. He absorb people negative energy and put a positive spin on it. and Emilia deserve to be loved by someone who is sure about her. Meria and Johan - nope , it will not work out. you know why? Because Meira by default can and will pick up on flaws and use that as a weapon to block her own mind. even with johan, there will be this "cultural" differences she is scared of. she is those kind who can find faults in anything. if she is a boss, she will 100% be a micromanger.


Meira and Johan didn't work because of *him*. It literally already happened and he didn't choose her. Nobody with self-respect is going to put up with a wishy washy guy.


Christofer would treat Emilia so well❤️❤️❤️❤️


Emilia and Christofer 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


Honestly I don’t think Emilia or Karolina work with Lucas


No way he would go for her goth groupie look.  He seems like he’d want someone classy who could network at a work event and blend in with well to do friends on a couples winery tour. Her look comes off as desperate for male attention and somewhat immature. I think she’s completely gorgeous and would love to see her let go of the costume.


This 100%


Spot on!


Oskar & Amanda 🫶


They definitely share a sweetness about them


They would make a great couple. Both are so adorable 🥰


Yes. Definitely


I agree and want to offer Amanda and Cristofer.


I feel like she acts like she could be his mom though


These are great matchups and not just because of personality THEY ARE VISUALLY MATCHED. This experiment has proven pretty conclusively time and time again across numerous cultures that if you are not attracted to your partner your relationship isn’t gonna work.


When do we get to stop calling LIB an “experiment” like it has some kind of scientific validity or importance, and start calling it what it is…an entertainment show. A fancier version of 90 day fiancé.


Oscars family is very artsy and his mom seems very hippie dippie and likes theaters. They don't seem like religious folks. I don't think would get along with Amanda who's upbringing seems more uptight and religious. I think you're matching this pair based on looks


I’m matching couples not necessarily based on their family. How many in-laws hang out on a daily basis? But either way I think their parents would still get along. It’s ok if one is more reserved than the other. Also Oskar and Amanda both seem pretty organized and particular. Both seem kind and have a “good upbringing”. I think they are a great match.


Sounds like you’re a colorist, and blaming it on positive vibes only. Oof


I think it's more Amanda's deal-breaker is religion. She made it clear she wanted Sergio to discuss that with her father. I'm not sure why you didn't pick up on that or dismissed the importance to Amanda. Oskar is not religious as are most Swedes and as his family upbringing seems. It's kot about in laws hanging out but it seems very clear Amanda has a type and why she is single in Sweden and matched with the self identified Christian Catholic Sergio who is not a Swede. Statistically most of the other Swedish candidates are not religious either.


Exactly. Well said. It is my understanding from watching the show and some intuition she’s really struggled with finding someone (as an atheist in America I totally get it - just on the flip side) and can imagine it would be hard. Her dad is very religious of course as a pastor and the family is also quite tight knit. I imagine she will want to spend time with in laws if they are amenable. She seems very family oriented.


Emilia and Kristoffer, definitely


Really want those two to hook up so bad


I don’t think Meira would like Johan more than Oskar. After seeing Johan she was more committed to Oskar I think she didn’t find him attractive. Also Christopher and Emilia wouldn’t work, the reason why Christopher was so nice to Catja was because he found her very attractive and thought she was too good for him. I think he was having more of a physical attraction to her than personality. I think he wouldn’t be attracted to Emilia But I agree with the rest


I also think Emilia likes her guy so much cause of his very curated looks. I think maybe she wouldn’t find christofer very attractive tbh he seems a bit more alternative in his style and she seems to want that perfect picture life


You are right !


If Chris met Emilia first I still think he would have loved her. He doesn’t seem like the type that is solely attracted to looks but to personality and the heart.


I don’t think so, because he was very much into Catja’s look and kept talking about her looks. I also find his reaction about the “nice guy” thing weird at the end.


I think you have it absolutely right


Why do you think Christopher wouldn’t find Emilia attractive? Is she ugly or not his type?


On what basis do you make that claim about Christofer? 


I don’t watch this version but why do they all look terrifying?


All couples look disappointed based on the looks, even the one with the dj that split up, he was in love but she rejected him for his looks too. All to shallow, idk maybe it’s their culture. I only see a future for the first couple. (I’m talking about the real couples)


Hindsight is 20/20 lolz


I agree with all of this except Lucas & Karolina. Does anyone else think Sergio & Karolina would have been a good match?


Oooph I think Sergio would bring toxicity to any relationship he’s in, so I can’t knowingly set anyone up with that. But like the other commenter said, it would be entertaining to watch.


Definitely entertaining!


I was thinking Meira and Lucas may be a good pairing. They’re both very passive individuals. They both seem career driven also and may mesh really well.


Lucas would not be attracted to Meira. He clearly has a type.


I agree with this, but I also think Lucas would only be attracted to Catja out of everyone. But they are mismatched on personality.


I think Oskar is better for Meira than Johan.


I agree 💯 percent with your pairings


Nah Emilia deserves better than Christopher


I think they’d be great because Chris isn’t super judgemental. He’s very much a man of the heart so I think they’d pair well


Christopher didn’t know anything about his girl but he was so blinded by her beauty he was spouting non sense compliments every other minute. He is a tool and a jackass


This meme narrative is so weird… his compliments began when they were dating in the pods. Do you guys have no memory? 


And according to Catja, he’s great at physical touch, which is Emilia’s love language!


Karolina was just to cringey to be included


Omg yes agree!! Everything makes sense. Thank you, this brings me joy.




Karolina could stay off the list completely imo


I agree but Lucas didn’t really click with anyone else. So had to give him what he wanted. *shrug


Was Oskar religious?


Nah. Most swedes arent.


You’re one of those people who are good at matchmaking aren’t you?


I’d like to think so! Lol I applied for a matchmaking position in college. Needless to say I didn’t get the job so I fulfill my fantasy through these love shows lol 😝


Where’s the slide of Sergio on his own?


He doesn’t get one, he disqualifies because of his baby mama drama rumor. Lol he’s not a match for anyone.


I heard that you’ve got a baby on the way. Now you have a rumor as well. 🤯


Yea to Emilia and Christopher


I only disagree with meira and oskar, I think they make a lovely couple I don’t think Karolina is a good pick for anyone tbh tho


I agree with the Karolina comment. Just going off the “lustful chemistry”her and Lucas had in the pods.


Lol definitely lustful, which seems like part of her problem…


Amanda and Oskar would be perfect together!


I love these pairings.


Oskar and Amanda would be a perfect fit.


Is it just that photo or does Karolina look 50 years old?


I can see it. I think it’s the heavy makeup. She would look so much like her age with lighter makeup


The bleached out platinum hair is aging too


I agree!


I love this


I can totally see Amanda and Oskar being a good match!!!


They do take a similar approach to closet organization 😂


Omg you’re so right! Almost forgot about that 😂


I was so confused when Meira was saying how good looking Johan was, I don’t see it at all and he looks way older than he is


I think she was trying to be nice. Her actions proved she didn’t find him attractive because after that she was more committed to Oskar and all her doubts went away.


Johan need to commit to the bald, he looks like he basically is anyways. Shave the top and give a clear defined line where ether beard starts.


Johan seems troubled, like he needs a bit of therapy before he dates anyone!


Meira and Johan I’m so sad I never got to see them together.


I don't really see why Meira would be better with Johan than Oskar. The same culture clash she keeps referencing would happen.


Oskar is too clean cut for her, Johan is more her style in my opinion, I mean even their hands in their headshots are the same.


But after Meira met Johan at the engagement party, she was like, eh.. I made the right choice with Oskar. I don't think she was that attracted to Johan.


I think Johan looks less “pretty boy” than Oskar though. I think Meira’s main insecurity is how she doesn’t fit the old money aesthetic/prep school boy look that Oskar has.


Catja and any normal guy would be interesting to see. Maybe lucas


FWIW, Lucas lit up so much when talking to Karolina before and after the blind chats. I really think he's more into her than Emilia.


Totally agree with all of this. I also think Sergio and Catja. LOL.


Nah Sergio doesn’t make the cut. No baby mama drama. It’s giving Bartiste vibes.




She would take one look at him and run.


Christofer and Emilia would be interesting