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She’s a sad mess. Drinks too much. Threatens to vomit too often. Cries constantly. Makes ZERO sense and then, says it all again. Jimmy is no prize but that poor guy……he needs to just set it down gently and walk away. What a mess.


I honestly pray people give her some grace bc she definitely is very insecure /: and in the public eye? AND being compared to megan fox /: seesh praying for that girl


I think the issue too is Jimmy is so obvious in his dislike of Chelsea and she is trying to believe what he's saying, but really knows inside that he's lying.


This!! She’s doubting her intuition. And I think he is trying to convince her and himself for the cameras.


She definitely seems insecure, and I think the fact that it was so obvious Jimmy wasn’t attracted to her is making her insecurities go off the charts


she doesn’t just COME OFF insecure, she IS incredibly insecure. she is soooooooo stuck in herself and her head, she can’t ever ever ever be present to connect w Jimmy. she constantly says “i’m gonna throw up, im gonna puke” bc she lives in a constant state of anxiety. it’s really sad but she’s responsible for her healing to not project her every fear and anxiety onto others. she craves validation and constant reassurance but offers NONE, yet still complains and even turns the tables on Jimmy when he listens to her and validates. i am having a harder time watching chelsea than i have any other person on this show in a long time. ladies, we don’t have to feel these insecurities!!!!! and we don’t have to seek external validation to resolve and comfort them! it allllllll starts w turning inward and reflecting on our feelings and our part. seeing people put on national television who are so so unwell is getting more and more frustrating to see 😩😩😩😩 can LIB get a residential therapist and psychologist yet????


I’m confused why chelsea is so insecure when she’s been married before. she said she was cheated on a lot which would definitely do it but i have a feeling her ex husband cheated or made her feel insecure in a big way. remember misbehavior is communicating an unmet need and be nice to people


She’s so exhausting. Dude has hung in there way longer than I would have.


My favorite Chelsea moment is in the sixth episode, when she is sitting next to Laura and Jeramy arguing and she says “I’m outta here,” and then just changes angles of how she’s sitting on the couch 😂😂


She seemed to be equally into Jimmy and Trevor. It’s almost like she chose Jimmy because she was in competition with Jessica. She wanted to prove to herself that she’s more lovable than Jessica.


That's what I was thinking to. Jimmy isn't good for either of them. I really loved how Trevor was so sure about her. He didn't contemplate he knew he wanted to be with her. But she went with Jimmy who wasn't sure about anything


It’s a JOB to be with that woman. I am seeing more and more why that first marriage didn’t work…


Same. I’m a man but she sounds so taxing and suffocating to be around. Not to mention I dislike her since she was mocking , commenting on and hand gesturing AD’s body shape loudly. I don’t like her personality as a friend anyway but as a partner she sounds like a nightmare to deal with.


She’s all over the place and not in a good way.


She said she’s been cheated on in the past. I know first hand how much that can damage your self esteem and make you guarded and insecure in follow up relationships. There’s no way she should be in a relationship right now since she clearly needs to work through some of her trauma. It’s possible to do it with a partner, but she’d have to be very truthful with herself first.


Do we actually know shes been cheated on tho? Maybe she was just ultra paranoid and unsure. Seems like no matter what Jimmy says he cant reassure her, and shes convinced he ‘spun’ AD? Thats delusional! Maybe she was delusional in her last relationship too.


That’s fucking hilarious and you could be right. She could absolutely be making that shit up lol. But either way, she has issues she needs to work through


Agreed. She gravitated toward the unsure cool guy and dumped Trevor


I was about to say, if that’s the case this isn’t the right show for her to come on, and she needs to do some healing before she enters into another relationship, let alone a 1 month engagement-to-marriage.


She is 100% insecure. It reeked off of her before they even got to honeymoons. Her insecurity is literally the only reason she chose Jimmy because they weren’t a good romantic match in the pods and Trevor was a much stronger connection for her. BUT she was blinded by insecurity knowing that Jess was competing for the same person and Jess is more conventionally pretty and someone that I would think triggers Chelsea’s insecurity quite a bit. It’s why Chelsea embellished how jealous and angry Jess was supposed to have been in the women’s quarters which we never saw. It’s also why she lied about looking like Megan fox. She knew both of those insinuations would appeal to Jimmy’s shallow side and make him pick her and she would feel vindicated against a pretty girl like Jess. She failed to consider the consequences of all that once the pod phase was over though and now she’s more insecure than she’s ever been because it’s obvious that Jimmy is disappointed. What an absolute mess.


Maybe I'm making something out of nothing, but after watching all the episodes available and revisiting the divorce conversation, I can't help but think she was primed to react the way she did because he mentioned a different date. Could he have reacted better? Sure, and maybe he would have had he had more time between dates. Maybe it would have been different if she hadn't made it this announcement the way she did. With Trevor, it came up in an organic conversation and was the nothing burger it is. But I think she was already upset being reminded that he's dating someone else, especially knowing it is Jessica, who she feels jealous of and I think she had an OTT reaction. That is a stretch, I know, but her level of insecurity and all that went down in E6 just made me look at her differently.


Preach!!! This ⬆️


Yeah she’s super insecure and super emotional. Way too much baggage with her. No way I’d want to be with a girl like that. No chance in hell.


> She comes off VERYYY insecure. The End /s